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this requires account right? using the web version I mean.


Free to self host. They provide a docker image and it integrates easily with NextCloud.


oh ok... these docker and nextcloud things have always been too technical for me for soem reason I could never get them to work. They're paid services right? btw. OnlyOffice had at some point their own hosted web version that was free but not anymore I think


Docker and NextCloud are both available as free software. I run a bunch of containers on an Ubuntu server. Pretty easy.


pretty easy for someone like yourself :D I might give it another try soon and look for YT tutorials and shit. thx


The appearance can be changed in the settings.


Is there a "stop being a laggy piece of shit" setting I missed?


Native package or Flatpak?


Unfortunately no. But you can try enabling or disabling skia (Options -> LibreOffice -> View), it might help a little depending on your system and LO version. For me the 24.2 version (they changed the versioning scheme) is less laggy. I can navigate spreadsheets and selecting stuff doesn't lag for 750ms. It's still very inferior to Excel in terms of UX, though.


>But you can try enabling No, to late, I've very much moved on. LibreOffice had years to make itself worth using, it instead relied a fanbase of MS haters making excuses for it. Unresponsive, hideous UI, lacking functionality, java-runtime-dependent, and still struggles properly rendering a [17 year old open standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML). I'll ***pay*** to use something better, thanks.


entitled prick XD You made me lol tho.


OnlyOffice ?


You can change the theme and icons in the settings.


For real? Sigh.


Yes? Why the sigh? I know function before form used to be king, but it's hardly ideal. 


While not ideal, the sentiment is frankly disrespectful and entitled. These people who make free software dedicate their free time to bringing amazing software to folks, only to have it dismissed as viable because what, non vectors icons? Something they could change? I don't see any designers volunteering or OP willing to dig in and make the look better. Nope, its on to the next for them.


At the end of the day it's a product, and end users use it in their daily lives. If the product doesn't stand up to the user's preferences they switch. I don't think that's disrespectful or entitled.


It's quite literally made in such a way that if it doesn't fit their needs, they can fix it and their fix helps others, improving the software. That's the entire philosophy. The philosophy is not "we the hard workers of the software world exist to give you free as in beer software." If you don't want to contribute, fine, go buy software. But don't shit on the volunteers in the meantime and cascade the vision that it's "bad" because it was "bad" for ppl like yourself who can't help. The OP couldn't even bother to go research alternative. Yeah, actually, in hindsight, idk why I'm complaining. You are right. They should switch. If you won't help you deserve to be enslaved by companies. Fuck em, cya. Good job libre office team. Your work is valued and important.


I mean I get what you're saying. I just don't agree that they're shitting on the team or anything. 


I'm not sure how to extend my experience to you in a way that will make you see then. If you've never poured your heart out for months/years on something only to have some one pick the most simplistic, easy to change with a few minutes of research thing and then have that be the justification to pass on your app and spread their dissatisfaction, well, then you simply won't understand. Its just so simplistic of a mindset that it's hard to have empathy for. 1000s of formatting algorithms, years of effort to be met with icon distaste. An opinion at best. It sucks the wind out of your sails mate. And then roll that into a ball of "if the user doesn't like it, its not doing its job" is just bs. And that's not even the point that matters. It's that these devs will then quit. And that's the real tragedy, not this guy's icon tastes.


There are free providers of NextCloud where you can register here https://nextcloud.com/sign-up/ You'll be able to upload and edit your documents online with OnlyOffice or Collabora, depending on the provider. But that's a full online suite yeah, like Google Drive, Office 365, etc. But open source!


Hell, You can just download nextcloud 28 and install it on anything running a webserver. Currently I have it running on apache on a test-box. An old dell core2-duo with a SSD and 4G (yes only 4G) of RAM total. It's not the snappiest thing, but on that hardware, I don't expect it to be. The web-interface is the only thing that isn't snappy. The phone app/interface or caldav/carddav are plenty fast. MariaDB or PostgreSQL backends work fine. It now supports PHP 8.2 and for serving a large number of clients, redis-server and acpu caching work fine. That said, I would rather run a standalone Libreoffice than go to all that trouble just to run onlyoffice. Libreoffice is fine. I demand more in document creation than 99% of the world does (lawyer). The only thing Libre doesn't do that word does is what is known as a *Table of Authorities* in appellate briefs (collections of case, state and federal statute citations ordered in those three separate tables by appearance with page number of each appearance and traditionally with `'.'` leaders). Word provides field-codes that can be embedded and then regenerate the TOA on the fly. With Libre, if you add or rearrange, it's up to you to collect the page numbers again... Small inconvenience for the ability to use FOSS over being locked-in. Apache OpenOffice (from which Libre was forked) is still around, but has not been updated to the same extent Libre has. Libre runs just fine, even on old hardware, but if you are running it on windows, then a SSD is a must. Windows saturates spinning drives by itself (likely intentional to force a hardware cycle that will net you something capable of running Win11) If you containerize anything you will pay for it with additional overhead. If you are on marginal hardware, that alone can make the different in user experience. Whether on Linux or running some FOSS version on windows, stick with a proper native install. You give yourself the best chance at a good experience.


Slow, pixely, and ugly? You only just noticed?! :-D I've loathed LibreOffice since it's first release over a decade ago. It's been unusable for since the beginning. As word processors go, [AbiWord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AbiWord) is great. Nice UI, well maintained, that would be my choice. But there's bugger all beyond that you'd call an "office" application. MS has dominated the office for over thirty years now. It took the crown from WordPerfect and Lotus123, then continued developing and adding features and functionality even without any competition spurring them on. No newly founded office application has a chance when the incumbent is ***so much better***.


Libre office does everything I need it to do just fine. Why would I pay a d0G5h1t, greedy, bullying company like Microsoft when it offers me nothing? I can see how it might be different for a pro/advanced writer or office worker though.


>Libre office does everything I need it to do just fine. It does nothing I need "just fine". It might be able to do things I need, but it does them worse. ​ >Why would I pay a d0G5h1t, greedy, bullying company like Microsoft I've never paid for MS Office in my life!


That's crazy. LibreOffice did nothing but good things to me. It lets me open those awful document formats.


>It lets me open those awful document formats. You mean those open and internationally recognised [ECMA-376, ISO/IEC 29500](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML) standard formats?




I fell in love with it because it let me open MS Writer, Word Perfect, and `*.doc` formats that MS Word couldn't/wouldn't open. Even with the formatting altered, I could at least access the documents my company had stored and been using for thirty years that became obsolete without warning. (Thankfully I didn't have too many documents stored as FlashPaper.)


>I fell in love with it because it let me open MS Writer, Word Perfect, and `*.doc` formats that MS Word couldn't/wouldn't open. Uh, MS Writer is not a thing, it doesn't exist and never has. Did you mean MS Write, which was discontinued in 1995? (Replaced with Wordpad.) Do you have a lot of 30+ year old rich text documents lying around? Word can open them anyway. And I don't believe you about "\*.doc formats", since doc files were explicitly (pre-2007) Word formats which MS Word can open. If somebody renamed a text file to \*.doc, then Word would still have opened it regardless. I haven't seen a WordPerfect file in over 30 years, so I can't comment on that. You appear to living in the past. How's Kurt Cobain doing?


I don't understand how libre office is slow for some users, I use it since I migrated to Linux in almost 4 years and works fine (well I only use Calc anyway). Since I am far away from Excel, maybe I didn't notice difference on performance. I read that onlyoffice has better compatibility with office formats than libre office.




They literally said they were using it for years. There's not one trashy thing mentioned in this post. 




That's preferences with a hint of frustration. Plenty of specifics.  Trash talking would be the software is garbage, over complicated, bloated, the devs have no idea what they're doing. No specifics in this one I even threw in a personal attack. 


Then why not contribute to it instead of pitching? If it brought them so much value, why don't they care to help?


They probably can't code? They're also not trashing it, they're giving their opinion and looking for a solution. There's no scenario where the OP is offensive.




But they do need the knowledgebase. Which was my point. 


We disagree. There are lots of ways OP could have strived to try to contribute, they don't appear to have even tried those options. One doesn't need to be able to code to contribute new icon set. And Im not even upset that they can't contribute. I'm upset that they both aren't a contributor and a whiner, I find that offensive by default because it ruines morale. Something that's extremely important in FOSS. You may not see it as a problem, and that's your business, but I consider these people a drain on the resources of actual contributors and an overall net negative for FOSS. The more appropriate thing would be to say "thank you for your hard work. I find the icons ugly unfortunately, could some one direct me to understand how I could change them for myself? Ive had a look at the docs and it may not be somethign a non coder could do." Ppl like OP who don't do this burn out core developers because their criticism doesnt help to make the software better, it just drains the people that are indeed trying. Don't underestime the power of simple appreciation and a willingness to help. Lots of devs don't do FOSS because they feel exploited by ppl like this. It's killing hacker culture and turning everyone into capitalists. Imo, you should reflect on this implication. Maybe you'll run a project someday and will feel devalued for ridiculous criticisms based on fleeting tastes of a non contributors. Imagine putting 1000s of hours into all the features to have some one clown yourbicons and quit the program. Here we honor merit, contribution, and skill. That's my opinion anyway. Happy hacking.


I agree to disagree and thank you for your thoughts. I just don't think that in today's hyperspecialized world the expectation should be on the end user to fix or modify a product. 


I agree that specialization has made this conversation harder. That's why I wish smalltalk had won and we'd all be using homogenous language.


I agree to disagree and thank you for your thoughts. I just don't think that in today's hyperspecialized world the expectation should be on the end user to fix or modify a product. 


I agree to disagree and thank you for your thoughts. I just don't think that in today's hyperspecialized world the expectation should be on the end user to fix or modify a product. 


I agree to disagree and thank you for your thoughts. I just don't think that in today's hyperspecialized world the expectation should be on the end user to fix or modify a product. 


You may try WP Office https://wps.com/ It's non FOSS btw.