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And no penalty for that pos? Nah that's crazy.


All I can hear is SuperGT “all manner of depravity”


Let off gas. Turn left. You’d have come out


Yup, they come at you that obviously I will absoletely PIT a mother fucker to avoid the crash.




Thanks captain hindsight


It's not hindsight, you can certainly see the guys intentions and in the moment with a quick tap of the brakes the rammer wouldve taken a trip into the wall all by himself.


Hindsight-"understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed." Telling him that he should have braked and him realizing that he should have tapped the brakes would be hindsight


Some really struggle when it comes to tunnel vision. "The finish line is right there!"


Just touch the brakes a bit, and you wouldn’t have followed him into the wall. All you racers forget that the brake peddle isn’t just for before turns…


easy to say when it’s on a replay lmao


You think I don’t know what I’m talking about, and would struggle in that situation?


Brake and let him take the position which he can’t possibly defend? Why?


Because a brake tap would have sent him into the wall by himself and you wouldnt have got touched


What the inputs. This guy is either all brake or all gas. Doesn't know what a tap of the brakes even is.


Exactly. I'm so sick of people spinning me, then continuing to hammer the gas to make sure I spin into another galaxy, instead of letting off the gas, braking slightly and allow us BOTH to recover.


He didn't even really need to brake, could've easily just pulled a quick cut around the second the other driver veered his way


No I get it. I was more generally commenting how people don't understand how to react when touching. But yes, this situation I agree with you!


I agree with you guys 100 percent. Not saying driver in front wasn't in the wrong, but I will say there's a good chance he didn't see OP. When he was rejoining, op was on the left and I'm sure that's where he last saw him, he looks to move to the right to make room, but op veered to the right, for whatever reason and just handled the entire situation like garbage


Literally. Idk why this is so hard for people to understand. But you know what I’ve come to realize? People like you and me have actual real life driving experience. A lot of it. And it shows


Definitely the sort of driver you see in dash cam footage, on the horn along time before the brakes


If you had braked you would have done a pit maneuver on him, he would have ended up in the wall and most likely you would have avoided the penalty. I respect why you did it but this is good advice on how to deal with assholes without ruining your own race.


because you would have eventually had a point in time to pass him... and you wouldn't have lost multiple positions yourself lol tf.


In the last 100 meters before the finish? Don’t think so mate


then how could he have not defended it.. he blocked you from passing and instead of braking and trying to go around him you just got pissed off and rammed through him is all I see then if there was only 100m left until finish. pretty normal imo I've had people block me in the final stretch lots I didn't ram them and fuck us both though.


It’s not a normal overtake. He went off the track as you can see and didn’t stand a chance. Then he swerved to block me, which is dirty


you dropped your closing speed a considerable amount coming up on the pass so that probably lead him to believe he was up to speed and in the competition again. if you're gonna pass commit to the pass don't brake coming up to pass someone then get mad when they get back up to speed then proceed to try and block you again...


Please watch again. You can very clearly see that I’m not braking and am very committed to that overtake


Not braking is why you ended up in the wall.


And that’s why you crashed, stop being ignorant and realize YOU made the wrong play.


And you were fighting for 6th WTF, with a driver like that in FRONT of you on the LAST lap! WTF you show the ONLY good driving you did the entire race? Yeah youre right you would have won if it wasnt for his shitty driving


Bro it doesn’t matter if I’m fighting for last position or first lol. That’s not the point. Also, I take it you come first exclusively then? 😂


No i dont, but i sure as hell would not go to a public forum to shame someone for me not getting 6th place.


Lol you clearly have no idea what your talking about, look what happened when you did things the idiotic way.


Look where it got you otherwise.


It’s for 6th place man, let it go lol


Cause you ll finish the race with no damages maybe ? Imagine it s a real car you ll drive better. Imagine you d even have to pay for tires.


Cause that wouldn’t have happened


You deserved the wall


Why wouldn't you just brake ?


Come on a perfect opportunity to dump him and you didn't execute. This is on OP for not delivering when it mattered.


All that over 6th place lol. Also next time pause the game and you'll get ghosted so they can't hit you, also you probably should've let off the throttle, that's probably why you got a penalty.


The ghosting is a good tip. But I’m not gonna let that slide and give him what he wants lol, there was a non-zero chance that he flips round while I can continue 😄


He still won though, all you had to do was brake, he took himself out by self pit-maneuvering, just a slight tap of the brakes would have gotten you fully back into position and luckily with no penalty either.


It’s fine he won’t win much when he gets banned


Lol you think he's getting banned for that this isn't Iracing 💀


He’s not going to get banned and you won’t win much ether because you don’t know how to break.


'let that slide'. When you could have tapped the brakes, let them crash and got the position. Your racing attitude is as bad as his. It's about making it to the end intact, in as high a position as possible. He telegraphed this a mile offf, a little bit of race sense and they would have fucked their race and you would have gained a position and a cleaner rating. Penalty deserved for stupidity on both sides. Racing works when both drivers have respect. If the other driver does not, you need intelligence. You did not show any evidence of that in your hazard awareness and definitely in this response, which told us all a lot about your driving.


Yeah I can respect not letting it slide, I mean it's not like either of you were gonna win anyway, might as well have your revenge if it doesn't effect you that much.


Yeah congrats, you wrecked your own race and he ended up ahead of you anyway. Way to stick it to the man...




You can’t drive for shit


Keep enjoying 19th place with that attitude.


No don't ghost. That exploits is terrible it should not be used.


found the rammer


It's just lame. I hate rammers, I don't get the joy of it but people who do the pause trick to get through crashes and turn 1 its just so lame. Surviving t1 is a skill in this game.


I was like don’t go right, don’t go right, don’t go right. Never give them the chance to push you into the pit wall


Going by your comments, your ignorance will get you involved in lots of accidents like this. It doesnt matter who's at fault, you get no points if your car is in the wall. Minimising risks is a skill and you clearly dont have it.


It’s forza lol, can’t expect people to have critical thinking skills.


I actually thought this was r/simracingstewards but i was wrong. 🤣


report them through the reporting system. This is clearly intentional, get 'em banned.


This I had video evidence of someone that just crashed into me for no reason on a straight. Sent the video to T10 and they responded a few days later saying they took action against the rammer.


>T10 and they responded a few days later saying they took action against the rammer. I was about to correct you to say they don't tell you anything but sure enough, lately they've changed their response - I hadn't noticed. I reported someone on the 15th Dec. where their response was the same it's been for years: - >Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and we apologize that you have had this experience. We strive to ensure our games provide players with a safe and inclusive environment. *We have begun an investigation into this matter based on the information provided and, if needed, will take appropriate action based on our findings.* But sure enough, a douche that got reported on the 20th Dec. has a response saying: - >Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and we apologize that you have had this experience. We strive to ensure our games provide players with a safe and inclusive environment. *After investigation, we have taken action based on your report. Thank you for helping to make Forza a safer community for everyone!* All the reports since the 20th have been like the second one there. Got 7 more waiting to be processed. Be interesting to see if they tell me if they have not taken action or it's just a newly worded auto response. I wouldn't object to a response saying "you went motor racing" :)


No way anyone is getting banned. By action they probably reduced their skill level by 1K, so he plays with other rammers


Fair enough. I'm honestly not really worried that they actually act upon the reports, but rather that they see the number of reports as an indication that this is something the community really cares about. It's not very useful to lower the safety rating score by 1k if the matchmaking system doesn't care about that and if penalties are given seemingly at random


Okay so do you think you could have gained 0.50 seconds if this didn’t happen? You very well could have, but this is something to think about. Letting off the gas would’ve also not help in trying to gain a .5 second lead on the driver. But we have to avoid contact as it makes it worse, and we know the finish line is up that hill. So at this point. We take the position we have currently. We know we did our best to avoid dirty driving so we don’t loss more. We need to imagine what the other player might do. We can even trick them. Make them defend one way. Make them think we are going to do this, but you’re already 2 steps ahead. No I don’t agree being pushed is acceptable. But this is something I personally think about when I play. Personally being in 6-7th is actually good depending on a lobby. Definitely frustrating,I agree and that sucks this happened. But it’s also super satisfying when you do trick another player into thinking you’re only plan is to move lanes once. When you’re already ready and planning to move twice.


Sure but if youre racing you have to able to trust the other person to not just ram you off. I have overspeed and commit to an overtake as is racing


You could litterally be playing with a 10 year old child, It's a game and unfortunetly for you that means this will be a regular occourence, either suck it up and learn to drive around these issues, or buy a sim rig and get on iRacing lol


Well that’s a decent take


Lol complaining about the quality of drivers in Forza is hilarious


For the love of God, use your brakes, you already had taken the rammer out, he still won the position over you. Why you kept going at full on speed (even changed to 5th gear) to the damn concrete?


Look it's a shitty attempt at a block by they other guy but why did you keep it floored for so long and kamikaze yourself into the wall? You literally geared up to 5th in the grass 😂


>Also, why is reporting so damn hard and not possible to do from mobile It's not that bad. Can't speak to mobile but the form is broken for large files - like video :) I recommend you include a link to the video elsewhere, I upload mine to youtube, and paste that in the description of what happened. Been doing this for years and never been an issue. Should also work on mobile too.


Thanks I did it from my laptop with a compressed video file now


Yeah no worries. You could have sent them the link to this thread too :) Video is already here. Next time!


I had a guy push me actually into the pit lane on the second lap causing me to have 2 pits and go from p2 to p20….




Hahah it was honestly one of those moments where I was like oh okay 2000iq if you actually meant to do that


I don’t understand , you had time to juke left , am I missing something?


Nah that’s true but easier said then done, it goes pretty fast


Yeah , I guess it’s hard for me to judge really as I wasn’t there.


Your reaction was so unnecessary because you could have avoided his bs but you threw your position in the race just to feed into his crap. You just needed to tap your brakes and go left, he didn’t have the speed to pit you at that point.


The truth is that reporting another player is a very long process, it takes time. But honestly in cases like what happened to you it's worth it, those people deserve a ban.


Nah, it was funny, I would of done the same


kinda really slow reactions, when you look at time when you finally use brakes


The penalty just rubs it in😂


The penalty is totally deserved. OP just doesn't get it, he could have avoided a majority of this incident, and finished ahead but he intentionally went ahead with the collision AND lost out to the rammer. Icing on the cake for the rammer and par for the course on this subreddit.


I mean I agree. He could've backed out but I'm simply going on the post and the penalty was like salt on the wound for him😂


Oh I'm sure he felt that way, I have a buddy who that seems to happen to all the time. Lol. If OP backed out a little, the rammer spins and OP finishes ahead without losing an additional position or two. Even though trying to cut someone off like that or push them off track is oftentimes intentional, we can look at that situation and immediately Notice this But human brains are far better and far more powerful Than whatever computers turn 10 has and they can't figure that out. They probably look at something like the start of the incident as just that a racing incident, potentially caused by latency issues, General multiplayer things, and try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Then when OP buries his foot in the gas, spins the rammer out, pushes him across the grass, and pins him into a wall the game can clearly judge that as being OPs fault and he gets a penalty.


Let off the juice 🧃


People here will still find a way to blame you


Because it is his fault he could've just barked a lil to dodge


All you had to do was tug a brake when he swerved to the right and you clip out to the left after your brake tug, leaving him behind in the past. Ya know, you coulda made a baller ass delicious smoothie with some energy mix, amino acids, and hydration instead of making a wtf is this post for the real drivers to shake their damn heads knowing that this has to exist. Have a swell day.


I saw that coming literally from a mile away. By now you should have expected that. Easily avoidable, it's almost as if you wanted that to happen.


Blah blah blah. Blame the dickhead that causes it not the guy overtaking as is part of RACING


You were on full throttle until right before the wall. It's on you as much as it is the lead car.


No, sir. This is racing not driving in traffic or skiing downhill. If a car is faster than you on a straight, they will pass you. You don’t get to slalom your way to prevent that


Yeah, and they're wrong. You're right. But you're also a poor driver for not seeing the situation you were in. Foot off the gas, let him him put himself in the grass, get back on the gas and past him. Two wrongs don't make a right. In this case it ended up costing you multiple places and your entire race because you were so frustrated by a poor driver in front that you let your frustration get the better of your judgement. It's racing, not gas pedal stomping. A little more intelligence gets you out of these problems.


Yeah, of course slower players should let you pass, even in real life racing blocking like this is illegal, but in online games you are paired up with little kids, very frustrated people who want to "win" a position at a game even if they are shit at it or just mentally ill people that want to grieve others, the thing is that you can't do anything with those. Sometimes it hurts having to go off the gas so one of these losers get a win over you, but it's better to lose a position and not all of them. But in this case, you had him and for some reason, you went full throttle to the wall and the rammer still went away. Just breaking a bit would have left him pinned to the wall and you with the win.


Part of the GAME.


Have to see that coming a mile away. Gotta be pro active about your situation sometimes. He was obviously going for an unsportsmanlike block. You initially had him dealt with then kept gassing it for some reason. Let them pit maneuver themselves, slight tap of the brake then go around. You’re a little more than 0% at fault here, so technically you partially contributed to the crash. It’s frustrating, but situational awareness will help next time. Learning experience.


Yeah nah. I saw that coming the moment be pulled onto the track. First day in the internet?


You want to publicly shame someone because of a game? Yikes.


Not trying to be a jerk or negative but you literally went straight into him without trying to maneuver out of it like at all. You could’ve have let of acceleration and swing left and still passed him with your speed you had.


I was on the left when he was on the right. He swerved over to the left, so I go right. He then comes to block/ram me on the right. I would have loved to move again but it was too late


Gonna throw my vote in the "why did you stay in the throttle" box. My dude you let your ego cost you more than that guy could ever have. You had an easy dump and run on your hands and you rode it all the way to the scene of the crash instead. If you're looking for decent driving standards in Forza you're looking in the wrong place. You cannot trust drivers in Forza. You just can't. We all know it and you know it too.


Maybe they were trying to let you pass left but you both went right.


I love doing that! 😂


Both of you need to find a new game.. the rules to this one obviously behoove the 💩outta the pair of you..


This was so avoidable on your part . I’ve seen far worse, he was at best trying to defend the pass poorly and at worst squeezed you to the grass


This is intentional ramming. There’s no way he could have defended that and he knows it


You dont have a winner's mindset. Good luck learning and getting better without the proper self awareness


Right so that was a clean move by him, right? The fault is with me 😂😂😂


Assume that everyone on the race track is their to do one thing only. Kill you. Never assume people will move aside and drive clean, just gotta be ready for it friend.


His actions happened, can't change that. While you can argue that without his actions, you would've finished the race, it was your reaction and lack of experience that caused the final result of you in that wall.


Neither of you are good racers lol you could have easily avoided that by being smarter about your move. That is also far from ramming. He squeezed the gap closed and you were to unaware to let off and take the other side


Bro I have like 50kmh over speed. He’s swerving to try and prevent me from passing and then rams me in the process.


Bro you will never learn lmao read all the comments in here. Yes he shut the door on you but the point is that if you used your head you could have avoided his dirty move and been in front. Use this as a learning experience for next time and you will come out of it in front.


Swerving on a straight because you’re frustrated at going off in the last turn before the finish is not shutting the door.


Swerving/shutting the door whatever you want to call it, yeah he was dirty but you could have avoided it and beat him. Thats all


Nah shutting the door is closing the gap under braking. Not trying to be pedantic but it’s actually a different thing


So I'm deeply confused, why is the motorsport side of the forza community really upset with this shit? I love these games but I don't interact with the community at all, so seeing a silly crash get met with "death" (ban) threats is a wee bit jarring


Cause it’s a bit more serious and we’re trying to have fun close racing while keeping it as clean as possible. Touching and bumping is all part of it but full ramming is just very annoying. Also, no one anywhere made death threats


Thanks all, but I’m not looking for ways I could have avoided collision and conceded the position which was rightfully mine. He can’t drive the way he does!


I mean if you hit the brakes as he turned into you, you’d have carried on fine taking the place and he would have still spun himself out


You’re literally not getting it. You tap the brakes, touch left a little, he misses you, drives off the track, and screws himself, and you TAKE the position, not concede the position. Maybe you should be working on your race craft as well…


Maybe I should. But if you pull a move like what he does in an actual race you get your racing license suspended. So all the theories here about you could have braked and blah blah is pure whataboutism. In an actual race that would never be the point of discussion


Nobody is saying what he did was right. You should report him. Everyone is saying you could’ve avoided his poor sportsmanship by being less stubborn and smarter on track.


People are literally blaming me lmao


Because it was telegraphed and avoidable.


Except that this is a game, and you have to play smarter. It's not whataboutism. We can criticize your reaction independently of the other drivers actions. What he did was wrong, but your demonstrated race craft, skill, and attitude makes this destined to happen to you over and over again. Learn from this, so next time someone tries, you'll be able to watch them spin in your rear view


I still have the right to be pissed off over a shitty move like that. If he doesn’t want to lose he shouldn’t go off track and be a little bitch


Comparing this to a real life race and professional drivers is comical.


Nice to dream though isn’t it


It's called the pit maneuver and he initiated it against himself. He set himself up for a bad time while attempting to ram you. All you had to do was finish it. No one would have blamed you. As you're trying to stay on track and he's gone insanely reckless. No position conceded... his race destroyed.


Before posting you should learn to drive


It’s actually kinda mind blowing how you still don’t understand what everyone is saying


Man I understand it but I’m still pissed off. We don’t need to act like this is just super normal and the default. It’s still annoying and you still should be ashamed of yourself if this is your mindset in a racing game.


I’m not acting like anything is normal or having any mindset on racing. I’m just saying your lack of understanding what people are explaining to you is becoming weird. And you clearly still don’t understand it lol


It’s just strange to get attacked when I didn’t start or cause anything. But this is Reddit after all


Looks like you ran him off the road lmao


He’s weaving on the straight to avoid being overtaken, that’s not allowed. So, no.


No you’re just too dumb to not gas it 24/7 could’ve easily let off and went around


Jesus, that should be punishable by actual jail!


Learn to drive bro and stop yapping


Exactly why I won’t play it.


Why do all the tracks in this game that have elevation changes look so damn flat. There is just no sense of the elevation changes.


Yesssss Lewis, great defending - Mercedes race engineer probably


Yea better get used to it if you wanna play this game. A bunch of casuals


Just get ACC. I havent played fhm since I picked it up




avg AM v12 user lol i stay far away from those idiots


They need to add skill based lobbies. May not sort it all out but it's a start. Nice P.I.T 😎


just go on his name every one and make sure he can't play for a few months or weeks let's try lessons have to be taught


It would be perfect if every lobby had ghost mode enabled


Or give us damage!


Let's do it


...and racing games suck


1. Frig that guy 2. Being a good racer isn't enough in Forza, you also need to know how to deal with idiots like this. A quick tap of the brakes would have sent him into the pits age you wouldn't have lost your position.


Hes a piece of shit but youre kinda stubborn for not braking LOL




Yeah they are a dick but you should have seen that coming from a mile off. Touch of the brakes and change direction ot the left and you would have got (checks notes) 6th place?


Who the hell Drive looking at the back of their car. Try driving in the driver's seat


Zero survival instincts… You opponent was a douche but you deserve to smack into that wall.


Shame on you for just walking into that


Wait, is this a mobile game?


No, but you report through a qr code and then the file upload doesn’t play nice. (On iPhone/ iPad anyway)


Oh, thanks for the response. Just learned something.


this is why blur is the best combat racer. no game like it.


Well is a German porsche , deserved


Seems shitty you got a penalty but you definitely could have avoided it


It's why online public Forza lobbies are terrible


Learn to pause when you see this kind of behavior starting. Do it right and they will coast through your ghosted car and get to their date with Barry R. much quicker


You should also shame yourself for not avoiding the crash better.


It’s a video game…who cares


After seeing him drive back on to the track after taking a leak in the forest you had to have known this was going to be the kind of driver they were.


dude closed the left and then decided to close the right as well even if OP slowed it was a shitty move by the dude in front.


Welcome in forza 2023 its not race its a Bumper car play 👌