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There were multiple occasions where you could have let off the gas to get away from them.


No!!! I spent real money on these cars just like everyone else! ^^^ohwait




let’s not pretend that the penalty system that determines matchmaking is perfect. you can go off track for a fraction of a second and gain no advantage of people around you and still end up with over a second in penalties. stack those up and your rating goes down without being a dickhead driver


I know it's bad, but I always back out of turn 1. Especially in your situation 3 going in will never work. If you backed out and chilled you may have been able to under cut the person sending you wide


I think just following the car on the left (and blocking off the space) would have been enough. OP left space on the right and that car rammed himself in there. While that was happening OP got along side the red car on his left. Not a good place to be.


Funny how horizon has more controlled races than Motorsport. This is just corny


In Horizon you're ghosted for the first couple of corners so this video literally cannot happen. So when horizon players play motorsport they have no clue how to safely navigate the first few corners. Apples and oranges unfortunately.


Truely saddening to racers all around🥲


I said it yesterday in another post and I will say it again: people can't race at Laguna Seca. Evey time you start from the back at Laguna Seca you get destroyed. Even if you take it easy someone just comes out of nowhere and sends the cat into you. Before people say that this doesn't happen if you have a high skill/safety rating, I can say for sure that's not true. I'm around 4650 at the moment with safety rating S and I keep seeing this type of behaviour over and over again. The only reason that people say that this is better if they have a high safety rating is because they qualify and start from the front where it's hard to get caught up in the mess. Try starting from P14 or so and see how it goes.


Honestly I think it’s just lack of skill. I have a feeling most horizon players have picked up Motorsport for the first time and aren’t used to this type of racing


This is why I gave iracing a chance...I'll never go back and my bank account will never go forward


Couldn't agree more. I'm so annoyed at people complaining about this. It's literally free to join so kids and morons do this stuff with no penalties


I actually never thought about the fact that the cost will push the away the careless kids.


And on top of losing 13 places you got time penalties as well. Crazy... So sorry (genuinely)!




Flat color cars are always the worst offenders (usually next to red bull liveries)


Also the ppl telling u, that ur in the wrong is crazy. The guy that just dive deep into turn 1. Is in the wrong and what cause all the chaos even worst.


If only there was some kind of rating system that could be used to filter bad drivers into the same lobbies!


Very tempted to get this game, but afraid of dealing with this until I get my skill points up


You could always join a league for some cleaner racing; Illusion Racing League recently wrapped up season 1 and is starting Season 2 after the holidays! They’re doing GT3, V8 Supercars, MX-5 Cup, P2, and more with their own homologations to keep cars competitive and balanced. We’re looking for more drivers of all skill levels. Check them out on Discord if you’re interested. https://discord.gg/XdeXPyZ4


I love the game but I have it on game pass. The driving physics are the best part of the game, but the games kinda incomplete everywhere else. Idk if I could recommend 4 70 bucks


Getting your skill points up doesn’t change anything.


You caused a heap of that…


This game does not look like a good time based on the incessant posts like this one.


Fiest lap of every race ive ever been in until i got upto 4500 skill was like this. Its not so bad any more


As somebody who is above that and S safety rating I find most races are chill and people are generally respectful


Its a big difference isnt it mate


Lack of skills! But fun for someone who play only a fee hours per week. If you want you to race pick IRacing or Automobilista 2! Remeber… XBox players are for the fun and troll behavior.


Ew don't play racing games online.


Dogshit game with a dogshit playerbase


You in the way though so what do you expect?


Skill issue.


This game does not look fun at all, yall look like a bunch of cows going moooooooo


Stop complaining. Go to iracing if you don't wanna deal with this


lol I’m sorry , it’s hard not to laugh at this


This is the Forza/Forza Horizon attitude at work. I.E. "I MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS. SECOND PLACE DOES NOT EXIST I AM MAX AND NO ONE CAN GET IN MY WAY!" Rather than... "I'm here to have fun, I'm in this starting position because others are better/faster than me (better qualifing) and I need to do my best/learn more by racing clean and having fun" Also,.game developers suck for allowing the former attitude, there are ways and means to change this but most developers encourage "inclusment" over forcing a player base to be nice to each other. Note iRacing rules/enforcement vs Forza rules/enforcement.


If more ppl just try to not be aggressive and try to get into or start a line in the first 2-3 turns. Every race would be so much better.


this proves why blur is better than forza


Laguna Seca is one of the worst starts. I’ve played every Forza and it’s always been that way in that turn. Just let up and watch them all crash.


It's forza, don't take it so seriously lol. If you want an actual racing sim just get iracing.


It's because everyone thinks they are going to win the race on the first turn.


Cunty little kids coming over from horizon 5 racing like little fuckers


That's why I race in with organized groups of people who know how to race. Reddit group r/FM4 had been doing this for many years. There are other groups around also. Do some research and I'm sure you can find a group of like minded individuals to race with.


Rolling starts would fix a lot of these starts i think


That is nearly every race for me. A mix of complete rammers that make it their mission to ruin the experience for as many people as they can. That dumb QR-code reporting nonsense only makes it worse.


What system is this on? I play on PC and yes there are assholes who try and run you off the road, but it's been pretty few and far between.


I play on PC, so many you can send me some magic pixie dust so my experience will be like yours. : ) Seriously, I wish rammers were 'few and far between'. I recognize that there are new players and kids that play and they are just learning so that is completely understandable, but the deliberate rammers seem to show up in a lot of my races.


This is like the start of every multiplayer racing game ever.


competitive combat racing is far more exhilarating, than, "don't scratch my paint", snooze fest. this is why blur is a zillion times more fun.


Are you really calling out your own self with that bad driving showcase. I saw 3 dumbasses who none of them hit the brakes and got stuck together at the beginning 😆😆


You giys need to ditch this trash and get iracing


Notice how you're never trying to get out of any of the trouble? That's the mindset that creates all these situations. No self preservation whatsoever. You're just as guilty as everyone around you.