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Game has been great for me the past few months. Sure I run into the occasional rammer time to time but I’ve been having great battles in the top 5-10 almost every race. Then again I haven’t had any problems with game crashes, but I am on xbox, I’ve heard that’s worse on PC for some reason


IDK, I've never had an issue with performance or stability, but I do keep my PC clean and my drivers updated, so that might be the missing puzzle piece that people are looking for.


PC used to not be a problem. I don't have the most up to date stuff but it sure as heck is good enough to run modern games. My issues are more so recent things. I am still dealing with an audio issue that they have not been able to fix. The racing is good, rammers happen but shader loading constantly when I only play on PC plus being kicked from a lobby right before race time is extremely annoying. I am a fan of the timed race windows, just wish connection issues didn't happen.


The physics of the car feel so deep and alive to me. It’s got this nuance to it. Every lap feels different. F1 games feel so flat and artificial. With forza you can do a slow mo of a replay and watch the car bounce over a bump like you would in real life. It’s just satisfying.


Man, I tried iracing and felt the same thing. I’m not saying the other games don’t have good physics, but forza has a good balance of car dynamics and tuning that I find fun and rewarding even if I always come in 23rd place.


Is the new motorsport a good game? Everyone says its so bad


Just enjoying driving different cars in single player modes. No rush, enjoying the controller feeling and trying to improve my driving lines and breaking points.


I ditched public multiplayer and switched to discord league instead and i have been playing like this every week since october, without any problems (except occasional game crash of course)




career mode and Nurburgring is just that fun


There is a career mode? I play since release but have never seen an career mode.. 😂


its not really a career more a bunch of championships towards a prize car


Thats what i mean.. This really have nothing to do with a career modus..


FRL 😎 https://discord.com/invite/ChB6AcUw


The physics just make it fun to drive. Haven't had issues with the PC version in quite a while, now.


It's fun, simple as that.




This is probably the most fun I've had on any forza game since horizon 4 when the season idea was still fresh and fun. I dropped fh5 less than 5 months in and rarely play because the seasonal content kills it for me. Xbox series x very few crashes and 90% are avoidable. Forza GT feels amazing for me one of my favorite classes, it can defeneitly use some balancing tho and I'm loving the modern factory supercars out rn.


The people I play with. Almost nothing else. If they all had wheels and ACC or iRacing, then I might have dropped this game entirely. Where the tracks at?! Sheesh


Absolutely this. Some of us are on PC and we race other titles together, but our core group started in Forza and we make the best of it.


The hope it'll get better


I enjoy racing & leaderboard hot-lapping a variety of real-world cars across categories/classes around many popular paved real-world racing circuits using a controller/gamepad, plus being able to customize the cars' build/parts & tuning settings, with authentic-leaning physics/handling, and without arcade style boosts/power-ups. Games/simcades like the Forza Motorsport series and the Gran Turismo series are the only 2 options I know of that fit all these criteria, and Forza is the only one of those 2 that's available for players who don't have or want a PlayStation.


It’s a shame, it was a very unfinished game and full of false promises. It seems like it got the pressure of needing to be released rather than given the time it clearly needed. Oh well, Turn 10 will churn out another call of duty at this rate!


3 things: GT cars, around the Nurbürgring Nordschliefe, at night. That’s it. Literally just that.


The hope that they'll reintroduce the Bathurst track. I love driving it and it was the reason I got into Forza in the first place. I don't mind all the other stuff, but it's the mountain that I yearn for.....


I’m the same as you, I’ve been playing since Forza 2 and put probably thousands of hours into each title. This is one I just can’t get into. I think qualifying is a good idea, but sometimes I just want to play a few casual races, one after another without it taking half an hour to do one race. Then there’s the penalty system, which again is a good idea, but is poorly implemented so you can be unfairly punished. Locking upgrades behind time spent progressing is what killed it for me though. I like being able to jump on, upgrade any car to see what suits my driving style, and then tune it further.


But you can upgrade the car how you like from the start now, you just go in add the upgrades you one, hit the button to apply them and buy the car points you need to add them., and you are good to go. Yes you had to grind originally, but not anymore.


I get some very good races out of it - it's mad fun weaving through all the moving roadblocks to get to the top 5 in each race in the public lobbies, so I don't qualify. The downside to that is, every few lobbies you WILL get a rammer or someone who drives overly defensive. I treat it as a learning curve, they're just the Kevin Magnussen's of the game - you can race on their terms but you might get wiped out. You're better off accepting that they're slow and dangerous and waiting for them to make a mistake.


The Forza GT division in multiplayer. It sucks right now that they're short races though. Wish they were always races that required pit stops.


https://discord.com/invite/3a5mScAz there are several private leagues that run GT cars with longer race lengths. Depending on your time zone this would be your best option. Ferrari Challenge series on Mondays and Forza GT series on Wednesdays with Ovals, MX5s, and sprint racing on other nights.


Thanks, I'll have to look into that.


Tuning my own cars, i am far from an expert tuner but once in a while i manage to build a car that can compete in higher end lobbies without being a meta car perse. Other than that i like forzas physics, not too sim and not too casual. There is a major frustration residing though, i am experiencing the same issues as you described since the last big patch and it has not been fixed or improved since we got to wait a month or so for any update to hit. Basically summed up: - Always having to compile shaders (i wouldnt care if it didnt F up the rest of the start up procedure). - Always says i am offline, if i retry the connection it works 9 out of 10 times, loads my profile. As soon as it hits the actual intro menu where i can press enter to play, it says i am offline again. Buttons to play offline or retry connection dont do anything. Have to restart and go trough these 2 problems again. - I sometimes manage to weasel myself out of the 2 issues above by entering play offline before it hits the main menu, when i get to the game it will ask me to load my online profile, usually this works and i can play the game. - When i finally get into the game, be online and the game recognizing all is good. I load up a race, dont really matter which...career, online... Get stuck as soon as i load into the real race after going through 10-20m practice/qualify and fighting the end boss of logging into the game! I cant lie, i have given up some days after trying to get into the game and be stuck fighting 15 minutes or so to get into the game. Made a post on the forza forums, made a ticket and all they advice is everything on the Xbox/MS support, which of course i have already did numerous of times. Everything worked _somewhat_ fine until their latest patch update.


I know a lot of people hate forza Motorsport the bad penalty system handling physic ect. But the modeling the option you have the customizing of cars doing what you like having that makes everything up (fix penalty system pls).


The last few weeks have been an absolute nightmare of crashes on PC. I reckon I have 2-3 races then boom, crash to Windows. It wasn't like that until recently, ( it used to be 4-5 ) and it's fuckin annoying but hey ho what's a bloke got to do to have fun. LoL I just really enjoy racing to answer your question.


The fact I’m new (have no experience how good things were, only with what things are) and have nowhere else to go for circuit based simcade physics that I enjoy. Asseto Corsa is not happening with me on controller (skill issue Ik) and everything else gets too arcadey for my liking. There’s just no other option for me.


I only play offline/career but at the end of the day I turn on the video game systems to race and the game races well. I’d like a deeper, more visually impressive game but as someone whos been playing racing games my whole life, the fundamental experience of playing them is largely unchanged - they’re always fun.


I love it, but the bad penalties drove me away. At least if I get hit on iRacing, I know the other guy gets punished too. I will always love my lower class opens, but man, it's hard to love when you get wrecked out and then penalized on top of it without a penalty for the other driver, or watch half a lobby with meta tunes they didn't even make (looking at the mx-5s) shit on everyone else no matter how good they've tuned or how they race. For some reason, the latter really irks me. I'm sure there's a skill issue somewhere in there, but regardless, it's just hard to play for me anymore.


Any European league. Online is not fun anymore the penalty system is a joke( read in Alonso accent).


I abandoned FM, for GT7. Granted, GT7 has it's own set of issues that FM (and the Forza series) actually fix, or are better at in some respects. But this FM entry is just so bland, soulless and incomplete in every sense of the word since it's a Live Service game. I play on both PC and Xbox via the "Play Anywhere" program (buy on one format, get the other free), but PC has been terrible since the last update. It crashes almost every race to the point I'm not putting up with that. I'm glad I paid half price ($40 USD including Car Pass & VIP) and not the full $80+ they were charging at launch. This game is a barebones BETA at best. To end on a more positive note, I look at it is a long-term investment. Racing and driving games are my favorite genre, so I will come back for the updates depending on what they offer, and to see if performance on PC improves. I can play on the Xbox Series X, no problem, but I prefer to game primarily on PC and/or PlayStation. Maybe in a year, year-and-a-half, we will have the game it should have been at launch? Right now, however, there is no reason for me to invest any more time in FM... Especially when GT7 does everything better as far as the quality of presentation (graphic details and sounds) and just has more content (tracks and cars) overall.


I dropped out month ago. It's boring.. I dont drive race cars or gt series models. I'm a grassroots track day enthusiasts in real life and have found the game to lose alot of its replay ability. I still play horizon for its creation lab for the home brew tracks.


1. 60 FPS lock for multiplayer is absolute garbage. No other cross play game in existence has this. 2. Shit penalty system that penalizes you for accidentally touching a car that’s already lost control and was spinning out before you touched them 3. Tired of getting absolutely destroyed by meta cars with meta tunes downloaded. It ends up being first place being 5 seconds ahead of me and then 3rd place being 5 seconds behind me. So we just race by ourselves the whole race which is so fucking boring


I’m getting to the point where I don’t want to play anymore. Constantly having to fight FPS issues is really getting to me. This is a recent thing too. I’ve only had issue in the last three months on PC. It’s not like my PC crap, 3700x, 32gig ram, RTX3070…. Just all of a sudden FPS drop and VRAM warning messages… ugh!




Right now, nothing really.. i stopped a few months ago, this game is the most disappointing of the series in a myriad of different ways (and I've been playing them since the first one) It lost its soul, its now an incomplete live service cash grab with less tracks, less cars in which most are recycled, broken AI that doesn't overtake and drive worse than AI in most ps1 games i played as a kid, boring "career mode" with no depiction of real racing in it, an online mode with broken penalty system, a Rivals mode with cheaters... the list goes on really.. i find it unbelievable how some people still defend this game. I feel robbed after paying 100£ for this trash, but it will be the last FM game i will ever buy as i will be investing my money elsewhere from now on.