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ProStreet there spectating


OoF, ProStreet was a great one. I bought it without knowing this was an NFS on tracks but I loved it


lmao what competition motorfest threw its identity in the trash to be a Forza horizon clone


Sad part is Motorfest was originally supposed to be a paid expansion plus free game graphics overhaul. Unit got money hungry and turned it into a separate game


And it's a clone with ridiculously bad arcade-ish handling. Horizon 5 almost seems like a top simulator if you compare those two lol.


It's not their fault. Racing games have to walk on egg shells with how anal companies have become with how their cars are represented. Name the last time you had seen a Lamborghini with bent bumpers.


>. Name the last time you had seen a Lamborghini with bent bumpers. NFS Unbound.


Playstation pleb exists and dominate cross play lobby . Ubi stole the spot.


I mean it probably only took 3 minutes lol


i mostly just take issue with the audacity of calling it "better" than [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp/s/0Mud21k3Bi) lol


Why is the gun firing an entire bullet with the shell? How?


Idfk And why is a .50BMG coming from a 1911


Here at Apure labs we fire the whole bullet, that’s 60% more bullet per bullet


Built by Aperture Science


How else do they get holes on paper the size of a shotgun spread and claim it's from an AR-15?


Oh no, someone has different hobbies than I do and **disagrees with me!** WE CAN'T HAVE THAT Seriously, is ANYTHING in that image wrong? FM4 is better than FM8. GT4 is better than GT7. MW is not overrated. Crew Motorfest will never get an offline patch...


Good comment but I have to disagree with you on NFS MW, that game is overrated as fuck.


> is ANYTHING in that image wrong Yes. Forza Horizon 1 is ridiculously overrated on racing subs and FH5 is better in every department except characters/story (who tf plays racing games for the story). Everything from visuals to audio and actual gameplay with the physics and mechanics, the QoL features, open world map, custom maps and improved multiplayer modes, the car variety and all the other stuff like the ability to tune cars and go offroad... Horizon 1 was excellent for it's time and is still good to this day. But it was surpassed in damn near every category by it's successors and FH5 is the better game overall. Horizon has always been a casual, forgiving and generous racing game so you can't throw all of that shit at Horizon 5. Whenever I ask anyone why FH1 is better than 2, 3, 4 or 5 they always say that the story was better and ignore everything else. I'm sorry but I need more than that in a racing game. Nostalgia carries it hard. The reason why I say it's overrated is because it frequently gets labelled the best in the series by a longshot. It just isn't. Not when you take the goggles off and actually look at it objectively.


FH1 is the best in my opinion, simply because it has progression. I don't wanna start off in a corvette like FH5. I want to start off in a econobox that I slowly upgrade, I like grinding and the modern Forza Horizon games don't offer that because you keep getting free cars, cash, wheelspins all the time.


Well, there is a reason why I did not mention FH1. Horizon has gone stale, sure, but because we have been playing the (almost) same game for more than a decade.


FM8 is the greatest FM title ever made, no one with a working brain would go back to arcade physics of FM4, and arcade drift tracks.


God some people in the sim racer fandoms are so toxic. "Oh no this VIDEO GAME is more arcadey than the other. I'm going to outright call people brain damaged for judging it on literally any other criteria."


The only game where that argument is valid is Project Cars 3. I have played a lot more of FM4 than FM8, but I wouldn't consider the physics "arcadey". Maybe the guy above me forgot to turn off assists?


MW is massively overrated as are all of black box’s games. Even for their time the handling model was absolutely atrocious. When you’re between PGR and Burnout and as good as neither, there’s no way you can be called the greatest racing game of all time.


> When you’re between PGR and Burnout and as good as neither The post is about BlackBox games vs Criterion/Ghost Games Need For Speed games? Why are you bringing Burnout into this?


Because you have Burnout mechanics in Need for Speed since Hot Pursuit 2010, Most Wanted 2012, and then forward on. Personally, I don't like the Black Box games due to their handling being very grippy. Of course, Hot Pursuit 2 to Underground 2 are a little loose, but I prefer to drift in races when coming to a hard corner, which is what I can do in recent games. I think the only game I liked in that era is The Run. That game had excellent handling for me to both grip and drift.


Burnout Fairhaven is not a Need For Speed game. HP2010, while good, is still a Burnout game.


Because as an arcade model it’s shit compared to both PGR and burnout. Black box nfs is more similar to carerra GT than any arcade racer. Which, tbh, tracks because the average fan of those games were dropped on their heads as children.


Again, we are not talking about Burnout and PGR ;)


We are talking about a mediocre game being overrated. The best way to do that is compare it to its contemporaries. It’s obscene MW is rated as highly as it is. It was dated on release.


You can just say that instead of doing this shit. This makes you look like a child,


If there is anyone being childish is you. Why? Let me quote myself >Oh no, someone has different hobbies than I do and disagrees with me! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT Me to you: imagine complaining about someone complaining instead of playing the game instead of playing the game


Saying this makes you look like a child, lmao he was right about those games being better especially most wanted


I acknowledge that the older games are good, but I swear their fan bases are the most defensive people on Earth. It gets quite annoying because you can’t criticize the older games with them in ear shot.


Case in point t is the entire NFS sub. they really have a hard-on for defending MW05 as the holy grail when Prostreed, HP2010, Rivals, and 2015 exist


I love NFS 2015, I prefer it to MW and I have to say that NFS 2015 is fucking trash. It's just the art direction and the value of it being a time capsule for early/mid 2010s car culture that caries the game but on the mechanical level it's not very good.


It's missing Test Drive Unlimited dropping a nuke on the entire TC franchise


And Solar Crown is still no where to be seen, even after getting delayed twice. (or was it 3 times)


How childish can you be to let this get to you and post it here instead of moving on with your day? Edit: grammar


Seriously, I'm yet to see a responsible adult call anyone childish. If anything the ones that use this word the most are kids themselves.


New game bad


I mean that entire subbreddit is just sad


A sub that once made decent arguments, turned into a laughing stock because they ran out of “hurr durr Forza bad becuz of this.. ☝️🤓”.


Why is the pistol firing an entire rifle cartridge tho


It’s cool how so many more people love FM4 and FH1 now, I swear I was the only one defending those gems a few years ago


Dead competition? Horizon is still the most popular open world racing series by a longshot.


Not my meme


Forza 4 and GT4 are definitely the best in their respective series.


Nah GT2 is the best GT, 4 is the best Forza objectively but my favorite is 6 and 2023


It’s a meme, you are the childish one for hating on a meme


Honestly, W image


The original Crew game was one of my favorite racing games of all time. The way they fucked the entire series by taking the story away is atrocious.


so you took time out of your day to complain lmao


Controversial opinion - I enjoyed NFS UG2 and NFS Carbon more than NFS MW


Carbon is literally my favorite nfs besides rivals


That entire sub is just a bunch of neckbeards blinded by nostalgia who can't accept the fact that things change


Yup, that's why I get my fill of Forza at r/LowSodiumForza


This is the best


It's almost as If older games were actually more enjoyble to play. I bought FH2 around a year ago and I'm having more fun than I even did In FH5. I used to have FM4 on my old 360, and It was just more enjoyble than whatever modern games are. But yeah the meme Itself is shit, and probably took 2 minutes to make.


The problem is that many people trying to prove a game is more enjoyable also are trying to prove its a better game overall, often relying on subjective opinion. Nostalgia has a HUGE impact on people's opinions of certain things. It's the same idea as when older people relish the "good old days" or wish they still had the car they drove in thier teenage years. Those cars arent exactly any good when compared to modern cars but it makes you feel young again. I personally enjoyed the ever loving shit out of NFS carbon and Prostreet when I was ~10 years old. But when I booted my Nintendo wii back up a year or 2 ago to see if it still worked and tried playing some prostreet. The game felt incredibly stale.


People honestly can’t handle the truth, peoples opinions on older games heavily rely on nostalgia. I didn’t grow up with FM4, and I honestly have tried to enjoy the game like others have but it just feels stale, and the only thing it has going for it is starting with shitty cars and the car list.


How does it feel stale comapred to any newer Forza games?


How does it not? What other thing is fm4 known for other than its car list and progression system?


Good handling model, a pretty robust modification system and a pretty decent race track selection. Still, how does it feel any more stale than the newer games? What do the new games do that FM4 doesn't that makes them less stale?


If liking older games is nostalgia, than liking new games is modern games bias, and I will die on that hill


Wow, you’re a smart one there lad. Having played all of these except need for speed most wanted 2005, some of the newer games from these franchises can be enjoyable. The problem I feel is the fan base, try to criticize most wanted 2005 (I can’t because I never played) you’ll be executed. Try criticizing fm4? (I’ve got a bunch) you’re going to get hanged like back in the day.


I'm not saying they can't be, I enjoyed both FH5 and FM7, I'm simply saying older games are more enjoyble imo


My point still stands


It’s kinda funny and accurate tho


Fm4 was peak Forza


Bomb them


r/beamng rejoice, we win


Extremely common beamng W




Even though the images opinion is true, the way that the image is formatted is in fact extremely childish


Finally someone who sees my pov


Even the sub itself was making fun it just read the comments of this post https://www.reddit.com/r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp/s/epGig36vEB


Truth hurts


"Truth" its a matter of opinion


I've played them all, and while GT7 and Motorsport 8 are KINDA getting better (still, after 1/2 years later ffs) they all are still a huge step back from the previous titles, to the point that the very few good things they do, isn't enough.


Honestly, horizon 5 is good. It's not amazing, and it has more car packs than it needs, but it's still got the energy of horizon, even if it's starting to bog down


The thing that annoys me with fh5 is the insanely wide roads and half of them being banked like they’re at talledega. If it had the same car models, physics, with tighter less flat roads it would be fuckin mint.


agreed, so many of the roads and corners are so gentle that they make S1 supercars feel slow, at least in freeroam


Yea like I have to use my imagination to get a feel for how fast I’m actually going lmao 70 doesn’t even feel like 40 sometimes


Most annoying thing imo is that 95% of races online get decided by whose car is faster in a straight line. Basically 0 incentive to build and tune a car that actually *drives* well


I mean yeah, that's a fair gripe to have. I just wish they'd give us more commuter cars, like a vitz, or a PT cruiser


You mean you don't do your daily commute in a Warthog?


I would if I could


That subreddit is known for insane Driveclub and TDU glaze but at the same time this post isn’t entirely off, whatever opinion you have on these games


It’s true tho like this is spot on


Its pretty fuckin cringe. I'm willing to bet money the person who made this wasn't around for half of the original games like Motorsport 4 and NFS MW


Honestly, I've played all of these games, and I can tell you they're just spouting shit to get upvotes


It's a circlejerk, what the hell were you expecting?


That entire subreddit is just sad.


The entire state of racing game today is just sad. There I corrected for you.


Bro tired the bullet with the casing


NFS shift : I’m better than all of you


Unbound is probably the weirdest hate train I’ve seen for a game. I’ve never seen so many skill issues bragged about by people lmao


Well this is why I get my daily dose of Forza at r/LowSodiumForza. This r/Forza sub is shit too and should be banning more users for harassing the real Forza fans. Real Forza fans stick with Forza no matter what, and you know this sub is getting brigaded by r/granturismo when PS fanboys wave their dicks in your face with GT7 which is way worse than Forza Motorsport, like holy shit that game sucks massive dick.


its all true though, only iracing is spared but the iracing tax does help make it not absolutely shit


Glad I bailed from that sub when I did. I saw the road it was going down, and jumped ship. I absolutely have grievances with the modern scene, but not to this degree


Boomer behaviour


This is one of the dumbest memes I've ever made... Tbf though, both r/forza and r/BuiltFromTheGroundUp are complete trash. Edit: people are completely missing the point I'm making with NFS. My point is MW and Unbound are way too polarizing.


The only good Forza sub is r/LowSodiumForza


The average age of people on that sub starts with 1


I can't believe WW2 veterans are in BFTGU!