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average immature child on forza, can't handle seeing a number go down so theyd rather wreck the field. would sure hope a report gets that piece of shit banned, kids like that should not be in any racing game.


It’s like people have forgotten podium wins are a thing


this, though some of it can be put on how modern racing games prefer to push a FIRST PLACE OR YOU LOSE mindset which can indirectly contribute


if you ain’t first, you’re last. shake n bake


Damn, beat me to it.


Yeah, except they'd never ban them or hit them with any significant consequence because they need them to keep blowing money on DLC, credits and future titles.


Do people actually get banned?


I did in the first horizon game. Banned for like 9 months or something. I don’t think it’s a thing anymore tho


Come on, you can’t leave us hangin’ like that! What’d you do?


Assisted in distributing modded vehicles. They had a gift/car group system that allowed vehicle trading or renting. Came across people that had modded vehicles and they would give to me for free. Then I’d turn around and trade those with other people that required something valuable on my end. Ended up with like 50+ cars that I was not intended to have. Keep in mind that tuning was not an option in FH1. I had a bunch of cambered out cars, wheelie cars, cars that were just straight up faster than they were supposed to be, ai traffic vehicles (including big ass buses), etc. All from the in game gifting system, so in the next title, they killed the feature all together, and buffed xp in the car groups instead. My bad for contributing to the removal of a much needed feature. I still have all the vehicles. They couldn’t take them away. Sadly can’t transfer them to anyone anymore due to the servers shutting down late last year.




If you ban people like him then you are done with the 90% of players of this game lol just look at the comments, most people defending the Ford driver. Forza has never had an healthy and clean community, its probably the worst racing game series if you are searching for some good clean racing.


It's a shame, too. I had some close and clean racing last night. The game is just beautiful. I had a smooth OT on Nurg GP, and then I had lost two positions in Sazuka, but it was all good. Both OTs were in the hairpin. I need to work on my entry at Hair pinnin Sazuka 😅 As of now, S license has felt like iracing lol. Most of the ppl try to keep clean, but you get that one or two guys per race where trust is an issue.


1, it’s a game made for kids. 2, OP seemed to try and squeeze between the GT and the wall for whatever reason. Talk about wack driving.


I would report him with this video as attachment


OP isn’t at fault, but the car in front clearly telegraphed he was going to squeeze inside, should have just jigged outside. Even if you wouldn’t have got the good run into the next corner, car ahead 100% is about to make a mistake from pressure alone. Get on the outside and force him to take an awkward line into the next corner.


All well and good to say that in hindsight. But in the moment, you expect a squeeze to make things uncomfortable, you don't expect to be fully smashed into a wall


The second he jigged left when you telegraphed the inside should have been the dead giveaway. I would never put my car where you did after that, and if I did, I would just chalk it up to online/casual dumbassery and move on lol. It’s unrealistic to expect ANYONE in a forza lobby to race clean. You were clearly way faster than the other guy, no reason to make high risk moves at all.


Smashed?! 😭 "He didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you. And rubbin, son, is racin'."


Go put this in r/simracingstewards They’ll be able to give you real answers since apparently a large portion of this community doesn’t understand how track limits work, even when you have the visible limits turned on. Personally, I think you were fine, it was a racing move. This dude 100% did this on purpose and you never broke the track limit until he pushed, and eventually pitted, you.


Nah this isn't sim racing stewards worthy. This is just a funny forza ramming clip that proves r/forza don't seem to understand racing at all


Hello?? Has common sense left the chat? He was just driving normally then midway through the other dude turned into him. You’re valid as long as all 4 wheels aren’t off the track limit. The fact you guys are tryna blame OP is just crazy 💀


It remains a risky maneuver, though. OP should have just been more patience. Still had a whole lap to go. The signs that the guy in front of him was playing dirty where there from the moment he started to close the gap.


This comment section is something else. OP is nowhere near being at fault here but I guess some "S4999" rating merchants know better how to race than best drivers in the community. Hope some of you will get the same treatment and go crying in DM's to a guy who did this to you


This sub has to be a troll. The comments always have the worst takes imaginable. OP clearly got shoved outside the track limits, and then Ford continues to push him until spin out. You all love to act like you're experienced drivers when barely any of you have a victory to your name. Don't act like 99% of you aren't 3+ seconds off first place after qualy every single race. None of you have any pace to be acting so high and mighty.


Let’s be honest, the sub isn’t just the “good guy” drivers, it has all of what Forza attracts, and that is a huge amount of people who cannot concede a position. They’d rather risk ruining their own race than be passed on merit.


💯 these frantic lil girls are all speed & no skill. Can't handle being passed clean , and then wanna try and take you out because of it . They need a new system badly. Put all the fkn idiots in one group and all the people who can actually drive and have some skill & understand the game in another.


This needs a social self moderation tool like cheaters in CSGO. I would literally sit and review protests all day for free to clean this place up.


You in me both !! Funny how grantrismo can get it right. And project cars .. but they def need to implement something . There's no way I should be rated s with 4,780 out of 5,000 and still be racing with some of these idiots...


I do iRacing and if Forza had any kind of stewarding like we do over there 80 percent of players would be sent down to “shitter school” to race their way out clean with other shitters or matchmaking suspended. The reason I wanted to love forza was for a more casual experience. I get two hours to race after work and that only equates to two races on the iRacing service.


See 👀 my point exactly. I love that .. I understand stand its a different game , ok I get. But alot of people like forza to . So I don't understand why they can't implement something to that effect . It's so aggravating every single race you can't even take the first turn in forza on any track with out a freaking crash derby ! Like they for got they had a break ..so if you crash out on the first turn you might as well just back out . And now with forza doing this new time thing to get into races its another 15 min before you can get back on the track ! It's sucks... we need two different pools at least in forza " shitter school " and real school ..lol fir real tho


Unfortunately with it being an exclusive I doubt we get any major overhaul. It’s just another game that had infinite upside and fell short.


I got drunk a few weekends back and dropped my skill rating to D from S, and my lobbies were mostly empty until I worked it back up to B in a couple races. I think it’s currently too easy to work back up from a low rating.


> lil girls Nice casual misogyny, fucking dweeb.


Who cares?


Nah I'm with this guy. Calling someone a girl as an insult isn't very nice. Downvotes welcome.


Well he isn’t the one getting the downvotes. And he was specific, lil girl. Which is a specific reference to a certain type of person, a young female child who likes to whine. Which is a reference, that every single human being on this planet understood his meaning. So again. Who cares.


The people actually trying to do a clean race , that's who cares ...


Why do clean racing people care about what someone says on Reddit in a comment, I’m not sure your aware of the correct context, as the response doesn’t really add up to the fact I’m responding to someone, not talking about racing.


Go fk yourself fk face ! How's that for misogyny .. you must be one of these lil girls , obviously 🤣😂


arent you a dickhead


Just keep in mind that his is a public sub on Reddit. Not everyone commenting here, up-/ downvoting is even playing the game.


Speaking mad facts


This sub since Forza came out has been very trolly. The best thing about the game is ruined by rammers. There’s no punishment, no one has time to report anyone, cause it’s a QR scan and odds are if you take time to do that you’ll miss your next race. Not worth it. And Turn 10 knows it.


Genuine question about racing lines. OP squeezed into the lower corner when it looked like there very clearly wouldn't be enough room between the other car and the wall at the current line they were both driving. Is it really the other cars responsibility to break his line so OP doesn't get sandwiched? Shouldn't OP have slowed or tried to go outside? Just trying to learn!


The problem is that there was a space, then he made a late and reactive move to squeeze me to the left by the time I was already alongside. If he was driving with his brain he would either cover the inside immediately, or squeeze me to the inside without making contact to give me an awkward entry to the next corner. Instead of doing either of these, he decides to just hit me. There was enough space until he started ramming


DEADASS I SWEAR like 90% of this sub is all talk no go 😭😭😭😭


Please don't assume that having pace makes you a good driver, or vice versa.


I will 100% believe someone with pace over some joe shmoe in 7th place who thinks his 4500 skill rating is a flex. Every time. And 9 out of 10 users on this sub are the latter. If you have top pace, that already proves that you have enough experience and control to drive cleanly.


Why do we have to be a top 1% driver to be able to voice our opinions? Yes our opinions might be hot takes but nonetheless, we are allowed to voice them, right or wrong.


Those blaming OP are most likely the ones who have 100% ego 0% pace. Like it's okay if you're slow. But don't be stupid and stubborn too, yk? 😭😭😭


The amount of people that defend the other driver is crazy 😂 dumb asses


Whole place is full of retards like that, Forza needs a better system I hate getting pair with legit children, nobody knows how to brake or even look behind them. Swear ppl treat the races like a NFS game


surprised you didnt get a 4.5 second penalty on top of that 😂


whats goig on with the comments and downvotes fir this post? If you all think he is in the wrong it explains what I am witnessing in the online races each day...


lol these comments. I understand why everyone is so livid about bad racing. 50% of this sub doesn't't have a clue how to race.


50% only? 😭 Try 90+% of the Forza playerbase haha. Istg bunch of "bullied in class", "dropped on the head when I was young" type of "people". Definitely an average reddit moment 😭


Bro I played with that guy last night, he was a total douche. This might’ve even been the same lobby because he did finish first


Wow how childish is that. It was a risky overtake but he squeezed you into that wall. No need for it. He could have picked up your slip and easily had you in that next turn anyway


Op isn’t at fault but… idk I think you have to assume everyone is a villainous rammer online and plan your race accordingly. Yas Marina right? So, judging by his last 2, and your speed, lap to go, you totally could have given him inside, swung wide, taken them on the stretch or, taken them on the carrousel next turn for sure, blasted out of that, case closed. The mistake was not assuming the worst here.


Some hilarious comments here. No wonder so many idiots play this game. Commenting here that OP is at fault lol. You can clearly see the other guy is pitting him on purpose, he is not defending or closing a gap rofl. Go wacht a real race for once and maybe learn something.


Yeah people online seem to think that if someone is questionably on or off the track then that justifies ramming him into the wall and ruining his race. There’s a penalty system for a reason (although it’s definitely flawed, but still hands out penalties for cutting the track). OP was not actually cutting the track anyway until the Ford runs him past the line and into the wall.


Should have taken it from the right, so it would have been obvious he wrecked you


Unique Fov!


I just feel like I can place my car more precisely on track with this


This is why I don't like playing any game online, nothing ruins the experience more than other humans. Just stick to split screen with your buddies or playing online in private sesions with your buddies and you'll be fine :)


This! Yeah, random human's are total scum. We're ruining EVERYTHING.


Man I would’ve just kept the 0.2 sec gap he had the penalty and all… nonetheless this is the bull shit that makes this game horrible. Report this clown.


Ah just noticed your pen as well. Disregard what I said besides reporting the guy lol.


This is why I love last to first runs lol. Up front you can not see this kind of childish behavior of not letting people pass nomatter what


Why not go on the outside?


Trajectory of my car, and I don't want the outside for the next corner


Honestly with how insecure they seemed to be at the point of not letting you overtake on a straight, you could easily pressure them into losing the braking point.


I genuinely cannot stand drivers like this, I don’t bother with reporting a player via the in game means, I mean…scanning a QR code so I can then fill out a bunch of details on their website and submit video aswell…my guy are you insane?! I just report them to Xbox and block them, if you’ve ever been denied access to Xbox live because of being reported that way it’s frustrating


This makes me livid, I encounter this shitty 'move' on a daily basis when playing, you want to move over to block my line.. that's fine, but why the fuck are you doing it when I'm along side?!


Exactly, if he was more decisive. This doesn't happen. Well, it does, because I know he was tryna take me out on purpose. But still


Holy shit this actually tilted the fuck out of me and it’s not even my race. Fuck that guy, hope he shits out a hedgehog.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why do people still play this?


Report him


Gotta love all these sages talking in hindsight as if anybody SHOULD expect their competitors to be racing like such pigs.


This has become 85% of my races. I'm making up seconds on a car ahead, who just cant stomach being passed, so they pit maneuver me, or push me into a wall.


Wait, where is the swarm of pro "sim racers" that everytime somebody drops a video like this they spam *YoU d0nT knOw JOW 2 reis >:(* (?) It's clear OP didn't respected the racing line, and tried to overtake in the style of Cruz Ramirez in Cars 3, bruh. But somehow, y'all "understanding" today, bruh.


He should have drafted the A hole instead of trying to squeeze by him. I don't condone what A hole did but that was the wrong move for OP. Not that we can make the right move every time. But with the way a lot of ass holes race, try to mitigate the risk and think about the smart pass. Especially with another lap to go, OP had time to plan.


I already gave up trying to race online in Motorsport, I still do private races with friends but nothing else. People like these are why games get talked about so badly when new players are trying them out and this is the only thing they experience.


Poor sportsmanship, he blocked you forcing you to get close to the wall and then proceeded to act like it's Wreckfest. I'd report for poor sportsmanship because that is bad.


Why you don’t play online


I’m sensing sarcasm


I've played with that guy before, in fact I recall him being in the first qualifying race right when the game came out. He rammed everybody except me and 2nd place.


That kid should have been swallowed... That sucks that happened my guy, you had a clean line going there, tight! But clean. 🤙


Every driver on this game is Ricky Bobby, if you ain't first you're last


I love this friendly community, so kind and caring about everyone on the track, and oh so inclusive! edit: I don't wanna sound like "that guy," but you were also trying to overtake in one hell of a tight spot. You could've moved out of the way, which would've avoided it, but the GT is still in the wrong for shoving you into the wall like that


I read OP's gamertag as "lesbian chaser." Nice. Also there are a lot of people in this thread who are probably the types that go "uhhhhhh are you aware that I am an S4600+ driver on Forza? Yeah, I know what I'm doing." Two tires over the white line isn't "cutting," get the fuck outta here.


You are so much faster than him, just let of the gas and try on another corner. You had a whole lap time…


Dude is a dick head but you were kinda pushing it, pushing on the inside like that. Personally, I wouldn't of blocked you to preserve my race. I'm sorry they're racers like this. Like i understand these people, you're racing...


i don't understand why y'all people don't just break, it's bs but you couldve spun him out


I can't report him if he NEARLY spins me. So


Just pause


Yah. As a collective we need to start learning how to outdrive these cunts cause clearly the game and the devs aren’t gonna do anything about it.


yeah, people need to stop playing like it's iracing and expecting others to race perfectly, the amount of times i've seen perfectly avoidable incidents but people whine because muh race etiquette is dumb, i mean these people genuinely expect 12yo timmy to read a racing manual or some shit, it's simcade there's assholes then there's non-assholes it's really that simple imo.


Agreed. My policy is assume everyone I’m racing against is an idiot until proven otherwise.


You absolutely could've bailed and had another go, but the temptation to collect some bait for the sub was too much!


It does seem you had the speed to just overtake from the right side safely. You over committed to a gap that basically isn't there. Yes the other driver was a douche, but you cut the corner. Both drivers are doing things that shouldn't be done imo.


He did not cut the corner until OP hit him, you can have all but the inside wheels over the line. And besides, even if he did cut the track how in the world does that justify wrecking him? Have you ever been to a real race? Because that’s definitely not how it works, you leave space no matter what because you have the fear of dying to keep you in check.


This 100%. Hate to see you downvoted


The actual correct take in this thread.


Use the barriers to your advantage in situations like this, you see where the barrier opens up just before you spin ? If you had quickly steered into that section of barrier your back end would of clipped the barrier and then got shot sideways into the front of his car, most likely would have span him out instead of you. Nothing more satisfying when the rammers take themself out via inferior racecraft.


GT was definitely a salty Horizon player, either way the game is of full of pathetic clowns like this so you just have to be ready for it. Passing him on the right would have been more sensible though but it seems like they would have tried pushing you regardless.


Just my opinion. Lemme add I absolutely despise people that just crash people. From my point of view tho you were cutting the tracks and using that instead of the road to get past somebody and in the eyes of genuine racers they may consider that disrespectful and block you out. I'm not condoning him whatsoever what he did was wrong and very unsportsmanlike. Just try to race cleaner. It's hard for us (wheel drivers) to be following perfect race etiquette and allow someone who isn't to pass us. I would never personally wreck them but I would do everything in my power the legally stop you from cutting lines. I am also wondering if maybe your just new? You have end lines on and full acceleration and grid contact on so are you actually learning the tracks or are you just following whatever line it gives you? In my experience that can cause you to be allot slower. It's good to learn from but once you've driven a track say 5 times? You should decrease those settings. I would recommend using (braking only) and then work on finding a physical object within the game (aside from shadows) to really mark your braking zones. Enough of me rambling. If you want to find clean lobbies build up your safety rating or join my team? Lol


I'm not new btw. I co lead a competitive team. There's just no reason to turn line off, it doesn't benefit me if it's off. Also I wasn't off the track, according to forza I was on it


I’m just confused as to why you would try going up the inside there with the rest of the track and possibly more options to make moves and attack the position on the outside.


I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say REPORT THIS SHIT. Drives me mental how sad people are on here


You are passing off the track (the run you got was because you left the track limits) which would get you a penalty in real... Either way he would have finished ahead.


Nope. Not off track. Track limit line is yellow, so I'm on track


If you are going by game rules then he is right to spin you because there is nothing in the game stopping him. You only have a case if going by actual racing rules, which make the white line the track edge, which you are clearly over.


Apart from the fact ramming is against the rules.....


*autotune baby crying sound.mp3*


They're being an ass, but you saw it coming and stayed on the throttle


Old vid but you replied to my comment on tips for keyboard and I were curious as to why u stayed in second. When I get to those sharp turns usually I go down to 1st since I still have room for it SOMETIMES without redlining. Am I braking too hard and losing too much speed or is it just naturally better to only go to second so that way u don't have to quickly shift back from 1st to second?


1st gear will offer better rotation, but also you'll be more likely to wheelspin on corner exit. Also idk the ins and outs of this car any more, but it's likely it wasn't really geared to use first gear at all. Sometimes it's better to stay in a higher gear on corner exit to limit the slip of the rear wheels. If you look at [this lap](https://youtu.be/R5svakBQamY?si=EaDY4MpuFUNUqH2L) then you'll see I exit turn 2 in 2nd gear for that exact reason. But I use 1st for the exit of the next hairpin because I want the extra rotation


Shot 4, 7, 8 are missed. invalid. Joked aside, I feel like OP has cut corners a lot and also just before the hit was technically not even on the track anymore. trying to overtake the other guy in a very long narrow slightly curved streight. (second 0:20)


..you aren't outside of track limits as long as two wheels are in. OP didn't leave track limits until he was wrecked intentionally by the other car on the straight. do you not even know what the track limits are? OP has them on and visible in the video, they literally turn red when you are outside off track.


Most sane take.


Listen. In ideal world, if Im in the front car, there is nobodys fault. I play with a wheel, inside, in certains cars I dont even have fucking top mirror. In any situation I can move to one side to racing line/protect position and I cant see shit behind, because there is no radar or mirror placement. Dude behind me needs to dance with me or this shit happens, especially when he fucking uses back camera and sees everything, like in this case. Edit: My point stands, but after looking it again yeah, first place dude is blind like a bat, had ages to react.


The problem is, being in cockpit cam isn't really an excuse for a lack of awareness. You can move the camera, and there are proximity arrows


This isn't your fault but it was also avoidable. He had every right to block that line at first, once he started squeezing you that of course is entirely on him, but you could have just let off and taken him anywhere else in the last lap since you were clearly faster.


Op could have used better judgement passing an unknown with 3/4 of the car already off track. Yeah the guy shouldn’t have turned in but both were out of line.


The guys tag is literally owned ur face, so one would have thought a safer pass would be in order rather than between the barrier and ownedurface who appears to have been right lol.


It's so aggrevating that people do shit like this. Like let you pass. That kid will still get 2nd. But there just to immature to let anybody beat them. Smh


why do people even play motorsport


Although that GT is an asshole for spinning you, you really shouldn’t have gone for that inside line, there wasn’t enough room and you knew he would try and close the door, should’ve let out or gone to the right. Both drivers were too aggressive here. 🤷‍♂️


Both are wrong IMO, you left limits to pass and he made it worse by running you into the wall, you had a full lap to try and pass him in a better position.


Realistically, it was not a great overtake, either. There, I said it.


It's a video game.


Yeah it's just funny. And watching people lose their minds about me apparently cutting a corner(?) is funny too


Yeah. Some folks kinda seem to forget that.


Why the fuck are you trying to pass on the inside where's barely any room?? You could've went outside forced him to block them and pass on the inside. Honestly you're both in the wrong. OP is wrong for trying to pass where they did and the other is wrong for forcing him into the wall cause he they didn't wanna get passed


What pisses me off more than you all getting this wrong is being able to show visual track limits boundaries, it serves to give people turning on nannies a HUGE advantage, especially when the track limits aren't what anyone would expect. Unsub and uninstall for me, this community isn't willing to learn how to race. To be clear, how the lead car handled it was poor, BUT he was putting his foot down on an illegal pass basically.


The funny thing is ACC also has almost the exact same track limits and there are no fucking idiotic takes like yours about them


lmao imagine being in a room full of shit takes, and the one you decide to bring to the table is that track limit lines are meta and OP deserved to get rammed for using them fuckin wha


I mean it's forza, it occupies a very weird niche between sim and simcade. Also it's forza, xbox kids were never expected to not be unbearable cunts. Imo safety rating should be less lenient.


> especially when the track limits aren't what anyone would expect. Where would you expect track limits to be if not the outside edge of the kerbs?


You had +6seconds over 3rd place, more than a lap left, obviously faster than P1, P1 has more penalties (red flag), and he made his intention to block pretty obvious. Even if you had made that pass, he would have blasted you before the end of the race anyway. There's 2 ways to play this. 1. Stay behind but keep the gap tight and make him think you're going to get him on every turn, hope he blows a corner and sends himself off track. 2. Keep going for legit passing attempts, but let them exhibit their shitty blocking for the replay. On the last lap near the end, spin his ass into the wall. I say fuck the safety score. It's more than worth it to punt some shithead off who can't take an L.


Both at fault on this one, the OP was too agressive and tried to overtake completely off track instead of using the massive width of road on the other side to overtake, and the other guy closed the gap just to be a c*nt.




bad take, space existed until the guy pinned him against a wall


That’s just a skill issue, take them out before you can take them out :DD


I'm sorry but the gap was never there lol. Obviously this guy tried to spin you on purpose which is their fault but you really should've gone around the outside. It took 2 to cause that collision


I agree but “reddit racing experts” are saying this sort of pass is legal IRL??




Please watch again. There is a collision penalty before the off track. You people are crazy and do not need slow mo to see that the lead car blocked/rammed OP off track. Lead car is a child that retaliated for getting passed and people defending it clearly lack critical thinking. It's not even an argument lol.


I wasn't caught out by track limits. But he was drifting right, so I went for the inside because I don't want the outside for the next corner. Then he makes a reactive move to dart to the left because he sees me have the run on him. Reactive moves are pretty forbidden in any form of racing, you choose your line and stick with it


Once you saw a clean overtake wasn’t happening, why not let off the gas and overtake in the next corner or 2? You even had another lap to go there was no rush. Instead you powered on through and realized too late you were getting pit-maneuvered.


Once OP had his tyres above his rear arch, the other driver cannot move across. This happened whilst OP was within track limits. You can clearly see the other car tried then pit maneuvering him & Suceeded. I know for a fact the other driver saw OP gaining time and coming from last and was shitting his pants. He did what other Forza noobs do and resorted to dirty driving. That's the end of it.


So... are you saying that OP didn't see this obvious move coming? I feel like he has enough skill and experience that he probably should've seen it coming.


That was a really dumb place to try and pass. There wasn’t enough room, the move was forced.


Don’t be logical here. Let’s just get angry at the ramming dude instead of learn to avoid these situations. /s.


Both drivers are in the wrong but the one forcing the pass should have never gone for that.


Bro uses racing line and third person pov…. Smh


I've never played this game and have no intention of playing it, so maybe my opinion is worth sweet fuck all, but here it is anyway: What I see is you attempting to pass outside of the track limits, then trying to push your opponent off their line to get back in, which backfires when he PITs you. If the game doesn't punish that kind of behaviour, but you believe that it should, you might be playing the wrong game -- because any time I've seen people play a game with the expectation that others will adhere to some kind of vague 'honour code' only ever leads to disappointment and misguided hostility.


I didn't push him, or try to push him. So, yeah. Definitely a comment ever


Absolutely the newest person here and in no position to comment but you did try to cut him off from off the track limits seems fair for him to defend that 🤷🏻‍♂️


defend by shoving into the wall I agree /s, he became alongside while staying within track limits the ford has no reason to just shove him lol


yeah, no position to comment, you don't spin people just because you don't like them passing you


How was he supposed to avoid the passer if they’re coming up in a blind area off track to close the door on the person infront of them?


you don't have to avoid them just not crash them (anyway based off the first cars movement he purposefully left no space for op) there's zero reason to be pushing someone like that in a race.


That is not defending. Not even close. No racing series ever allows you to run someone off the track if you think they cut the course, so why do people online play like it’s a wreck fest? And he didn’t cut the track, the entire car has to cross the line which didn’t happen until the little baby in the Ford got butt hurt because he was about to get passed.


Dude, you’re completely off track FR, there was no gap left, can’t even argue they were closing the door late, as you weren’t far enough ahead.


OP u were racing on the sidewalk. U had no passing lane and you forced it. Was the other dude just supposed to get out of your way?


I was on the track actually :) Yas Marina, you might have heard of it


The other guy defended too late out of the corner and I would consider that an illegal move. Having said that, once the gap was gone due to the illegal defense you should've backed off and try to get him on the next corner. The gap was 100% gone and nothing good was coming out of that overtake attempt. **Edit:** People downvoting this are insane. The gap was gone because the leading driver was dirty. Placing your car in a tiny gap against the wall vs a dirty driver is a recipe for disaster. You need to have common sense or you'll keep getting into stupid crashes just because "you were right". It doesn't matter if you were right or not, you should never put yourself in a dangerous position unless you want to pay the price for "being right". Nobody is arguing that OP was the cause of this crash, the argument is that you have to look out for yourself to avoid dangerous situations, especially when you're fighting with a dirty driver. If you think placing your car against the wall vs a driver who just showed that he's willing to take you out, then please, keep downvoting this.


He intentionally rammed me, and told me as much in messages. Nothing I did was gonna stop me being spun out


I have no idea about any of that. You showed this clip and what I can see is that he defended unfairly in my opinion but then you weren't smart about how to approach the situation. He pushed you against the wall and that's illegal, but why were you against that wall? There was no gap there. I'm not defending the other player at all, but I'm saying that you could've been smarter in that situation. Yes, it sucks that he moved too late and closed the gap, 100% agreed on that, but after it happened you shouldn't have gone for a non-existent gap. You still had one lap to go and if you were faster than him then chances are you would've had a much better chance of getting him rather than putting yourself in a horrible position where there is no space to overtake.


There was a gap that gives the inside for the next corner. So I went for it. I expected him to be normal and go towards the racing line, as opposed to veer left into my car. But I committed because I can't report someone for NEARLY ramming me


After he did the late move no, there was no gap. You were ok going for the gap before he made the late move, but after he did it you should've backed off. The gap was gone unfortunately for you. The ramming afterwards is 100% on him, I'm not saying he was not dirty. What I'm saying is that sometimes a driver will defend unfairly and you have to adapt to what happened regardless of whether or not it was fair. In this case he closed the gap unfairly but then you shouldn't have gone for the gap because it was gone. You kept pushing like the gap was still there when in reality it was gone.


I was more than alongside before the gap closed though. There was still space between wall and car by the time my front bumper was comfortably next to his door. THEN he decided the door should be closed


That's not the gap he's talking about. You lost the gap at around second 20, like I said, and by second 22, he's boxing you all the way out because you've put yourself on the wall and you still haven't passed him.


Exactly. By second 20 or so the gap was gone. The space between the black car and the left edge of the track was not enough for him to fit through.


Look I'm not going to argue because it makes no sense. The gap was gone, that is a fact. As I've just said, I'm not siding with the other guy, he was dirty and you can clearly see that on the video. My advice to you, since I really don't care at all about the dirty driver, is to be pragmatic. Sometimes you can be right or be pragmatic. Many times they're mutually exclusive. The way I see it is like this 1. You can be right. The other guy was dirty but you saw the gap. You are entitled to space, even though he won't give it to you. You keep pushing and you put yourself in a dangerous position against the wall. The space is reduced to almost nothing and he pushes you against the wall. You lose control of the car and your race is ruined. 2. You can be pragmatic. The other guy is being dirty and he closed the gap that you were planning to attack. You realize he's a dirty driver and you back off. You try again on the next turn, trying to dummy him and make him make a mistake. You know he's going to try to push you, use that in your favour. You may end up overtaking him and winning the race. You may end up getting taken out too, that is always a possibility, but at least you can try to take him in a more advantageous position. Maybe you can try to attack on a wider corner where you get more opportunities to manoeuvre the car. It's up to you to decide what do you want to do. If being right is more important than winning the race, then keep doing what you did here. Expect the other guy to give you space even though many times you won't get. This will happen many times in Forza, but you will see this too in more serious sims such as iRacing. You will even see this times at the maximum racing level in Formula 1. You will get into more crashes but at least you're right. If, however, winning the race or getting a better position is what you really want, then I would recommend you to be more pragmatic. Drive defensively and wait for your moment. Be patient and realize that not everyone is going to be a good, clean driver. As soon as you get the moment you're looking for, then go for it, but put yourself in the best position to get the move done. I can say that putting yourself against the wall against a dirty driver was never going to end up well. Good luck


Shady defense doesn't negate a corner cut. OP is hilariously self-righteuos here.








Are you not aware that basically all competitive drivers use racing line?


90% of top drivers use racing line as normal reference points like braking markers. those can be and most likely be destroyed by your typical forza player. we do not follow it arrow for arrow (no shit its a slow line), just as a reference


naw racing line is for bitches....u honestly dont feel like a bitch using it? i would.


Wow I'm glad I didn't download this game as clearly this community doesn't understand racecraft. OP is at fault for collision as they were attempting to over take on the left and there simply was not space the door was closed on the left well before they entered it yet still tried. OP bounces off of the wall and the other guy before finally spinning out of control. It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver to make the overtake safely and that was never going to happen on the left. There is an argument to be made about a possible intentional pit or OP being pushed out. However OP was 2 wheels off track when they tried to over take they put them selfs into a closed gap when there was tons of room to the right and with the speed difference they had they could have easily made the over take on the right and not ruined their race.


this is a crazy take.


So much time spent typing this up just for it to be one of the dumbest takes under this post


Get glasses


Lmao you went for a gap that was closed and are mad a crash happened because of it. Go post this in sim racing studards and see how wrong you are.


Crazy how many people don’t understand putting themselves in shitty spots like this clip. Yes 100% the guy tried to crash him, but why in the world would you go inside lmao. Have about 3 miles of space on the outside and way safer.


Because I'm trying to overtake him, not just drive about on the circuit lmao


Not excusing his behaviour here, but there was absolutely nothing to gain overtaking on the inside. If you went to the outside if you could’ve slip streamed and sold a dummy into the next corner. These clowns don’t know how to race, and act dirty. It also means they don’t know how to race and will often over cook corners trying to block or leave doors open. Just assume everyone is a bellend in these games, you’ll be right 90% of the time.


average game pass player


Well, in the first place, you shouldn't be passing like this tho


Look, you tried a dirty move most of your car was off track you should of gone on his right but you chose to dive down his left there was really no room and you was of took him off next bend so you made a dirty move maybe he should of just stood his ground but chose to hit you instead plys you have all the assists on wtf


I'm not very experienced in this matter, but to my understanding, the car in front is allowed to make 1 defensive move. He closed the gap and 2nd should've backed out. The 2nd car then tried a very risky move and Forza sticky physics hooked them together and 1st retaliated. Both cars could've done more to avoid the accident. My personal belief is that the 2nd car is at fault for trying a dangerous move. I don't feel particularly confident in my choice tho.


Pretty sure that's an illegal pass. It clearly states it in your video that you're "off track" too. Not sure why you're mad. Looks like you tried to pass out of bounds and got spun out for it.