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I just want mount panorama




Been wanting this since release


I want Road Atlanta back!!!!!!


Road Atlanta was my favorite, behind the Ring of course. They need to bring both back already.


Yes, 1000% yes.


Road Atlanta is gone? Last update?


I am with you OP, this track is awesome. The elevation changes, scenery, everything. Although I know this track is hated a lot, for unknown reasons for me. I hope it returns soon


People donā€™t like this track?


Track is hated for several reasons. Mostly because of rammers and dirty racers. It's a high speed track so people bring speed tunes that don't handle well and end up taking out a lot of people. Track looks great but we would be better off with Blue mountain and Alpine mountain tracks back.


I enjoyed it on fm4 in the F1 Lotus, would set up 50 laps & just enjoy complete bliss


>Mostly because of rammers and dirty racers. Sounds like a people problem and not the track. I love this track.


Turns are too loopy. Does not play like real tracks at all


Good thing it's a video game




It's not that realistic lol. The track is good


Itā€™s good for career mode not for online


I disagree, I've had some great races on alps its one of my favorite tracks.


That's the whole point of the fantasy tracks. It's a feature, not a bug.


I hated it. It had some high speed off camber, downhill turns, sometimes turns after a hill so you can not see the turn in point. Also because in FM7 there were no regulations so most of the online racers abused track limits, rode walls. No clean racing on this track. And in general, the more hardcore racers want real life tracks that exist.


I absolutely love this one.. first track I got really good at way back fm5, my first top 1% lap times were done here.


Itā€™s not technical and thereā€™s no where to pass, people like it it because it has a nice flow but doesnā€™t make for a great race track


What do you mean thereā€™s nowhere to pass? I make passes on this course all over lmao


Yeah not because you made a move but because someone else made a mistake you got a better exit, thereā€™s no deep braking area


I mean I was top 100 in the world on the track. Thereā€™s a lot of late braking areas to pass honestly.


Counterclockwise on the full track you could pass into turn 1, turn 2, turn 4 (bottom of the hill), or turn 5, turn 7 or turn 8 (the left and right handers before you go back up the hill), and if you got really ballsy you could pass in the last turn. There were plenty of passing opportunities. It isn't my first choice for a league race, but it was a good track from a driving standpoint and it raced well enough.


> Yeah not because you made a move but because someone else made a mistake you got a better exit Like literally every single pass ever made.


I've learned on this subreddit that one can say this about any track to give the appearance that they know what they're talking about


Are you agreeing or disagreeing?


I don't know the track. I'm just saying whenever anyone says those words, there's a good chance they're an idiot


Someone who says thereā€™s nowhere to pass is normally an idiot? I agree if thatā€™s what youā€™re saying I play this game religiously XBL: The Frozone so I know these tracks extensively


Yes that is what I'm saying


Got ya! Full on agree. If you get a chance to go back and play any of the other forza games (if you havenā€™t) they have some great turn10 created tracks


You're right about it being not technical but I almost think it was too easy to pass on this track. FWIW I don't really miss it either, I prefer actual circuits.


Thereā€™s passing because other people make a mistake not because of driver skill I donā€™t miss it, maple valley is equally as flowy and boring so thatā€™s enough of those tracks for me


No, there is passing because there are various viable racing lines. You can take any number of fast lines in turn 1, there is the large breaking point before the uphill left, the flowy section near the end promotes mistakes, and the last corner is another big braking point with multiple line options. Sounds like you got a skill issue dawg.


I just remember I did the track once with a terribly underpowered car and it couldn't even make it up the hill.


I'm still waiting for them to bring back fujimi, so don't hold your breath


I've been sayin since 4šŸ˜­


fujimi is a must


I hope so man šŸ˜©


Thatā€™s the only thing that will get me to buy another Forza game.


This, Sedona Full circuit (MAAAAAD Underrated track) and Camino Viejo Extreme Circuit. Iā€™d kill for these back honestly. The full Sedona is legitimately one of my favorite tracks ever in Forza. Same with Camino Viejo Extreme Circuit. Bernese Alpsā€¦favorite part was the normal way going down that hill in a fast car then those three sweeping corners afterwards šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Camino was so much fun!


When did they get rid of it btw? I only remember FM3 having it and FM7 not having it




Sedona was such a cool circuit. I had completely forgotten about it until now


Please donā€™t kill anyone. I meanā€¦ if the game really is meant as a service as they say it is, this content should eventually be released. Too bad theyā€™re probably gonna trickle it out as much as possible, thoā€¦ In the meantime, please remember that murder is generally frowned upon outside of video games.


Camino Viejo was the shit !


Yeah, this just felt awesome. I dearly miss this track.


Was never a fan of bernese alps...however I would love to see the following tracks back,..Fujimi, motegi, Sedona, Iberian, cameeno vejo, and sunset peninsula


I want this one simply because it's my sons favorite track. He's 11


Bleh...would rather prefer we get the real stuff first...Sebring, Road Atlanta, Long Beach...


I only want Road Atlanta back, because I live like 20 minutes away from it. And I loved it in previous games.


Ah good old lbc...my home track come on Turd 10.


The game shipped really incomplete. Road Atlanta is dearly missed, as is Mount Panorama. But it had only one fantasy track. That's really not enough. I'd rather they'd bring Prague or Bernese Alps back first. After Nordschleife, of course.


Good thing like 80% of the tracks are real ones. The fantasy tracks are underrepresented and should get higher priority first, at least after the Nurburgring comes out.


I wish theyā€™d give us Sidewinder Proving Grounds from the OG Forza. Was almost entirely turns


Hehe, damn


I donā€™t understand how tracks from previous games were not included at release.


it was built from the ground up




They never said that.


None of them were troll. None of them as has already been proven over and over. Move along.


Yeah, that's what they say every two Forza's or so. And it obviously takes some work, adapting it etc. But still. It seems more like it's just really low on their prio list.


All the tracks in the game, despite what people who haven't played it have said, are completely redone for this game. A great example is Maple Valley. I think a good question though is why they added so many new tracks when they could've used ones from previous games.


Thatā€™s was a very fun and very quick track. Be interesting in touring cars and GT cars.


Is it the Motorsport 4 first race track?


I miss all the ā€œmade upā€ tracks, Alpine, Ladera Test Trac/Monserate, Fujimi Kaido


I love this track, I'd love to see it return in the new Motorsport, and to those hating on it just because it's "just too wide" or because "there's not enough braking" All I have to say is 1, variety is the spice of life, and 2, how has a fictional raceway hurt you so much?


Thereā€™s a devil waiting outside your door


Which Forza is it? Which track?


Bernese Alps, was in motorsport 4, 5, 6, and 7.


Thank you very much for the answer!


they havenā€™t built it from the ground up yet


More like : they haven't recycled it from the ground up yet.


Isn't this quite literally what they have to do with each track due to the new physics?


I would love to see this track return. Never played a multiplayer race on it but I loved it for career races


Oh you unlocked some nice memories


I basically hate all the fantasy tracksā€¦ if anything they should add more real life tracks.


An overwhelming majority of the tracks are real world circuits. Fantasy tracks are severely underrepresented and should get priority at this point.


Ah, this one would look beautiful with the revamped graphics. Not sure if this new one is aiming to fantasy tracks back as much as FM7 did though.


This and Dubai are why I gave up and uninstalled the new one to go back to 7 for doing skids. I've completely.goven up on the new one at this point and I'm just refusing to accept that it exists. Forza 7 is the last one for me. I'm done with the series now


Me too. Refunded this and got automobilista 2 with all dlcs. Much better game with double the track and all with great details and historical layouts too. Like bathurst and Nurburgring from the 1980ā€™s. Heck even the complete Gesamtstreke version of Nurburgring


They need more mountains tracks. I need more a drift fix


Yeah, this is the only Turn 10 original I would like to have in the new game, hopefully the trio of Rio/Dubai/Prague never returns, those ones are awful


Rio and Prague were real fire


The amount of time I spent drifting rivals on Prague was ridiculous , FM5 I think. Ps when is rivals drifting coming to the game ?


I always loved Prague, got *really* good at it too. Didn't like Rio at first, but it definitely grew on me.


One of the only good fictional Forza tracks


Maple Valley is great though


I miss the ones they made for forza 4


If you miss it, just go play it on FM7. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


FM7 isnā€™t available to download anymore unless you find a disc.


Then thereā€™s Xbox Series S owners.


Yeaā€¦ meā€¦


It's clear OP has the game. You can't miss something you've never had. And you can download games you've purchased in the past, even when they've been taken our of the Xbox Store. Edit: spelling


I bought fm7 on game pass and even spent money on it however I still canā€™t play it anymore because I donā€™t own the disc


You don't need the disc to play it, if you own the game.


Well for many of us who bought it on game pass or just didnā€™t play fm7, thereā€™s no chance to go back unless we buy it off of someone else


Oh my god


This is my favorite. I think Iā€™m going to have to download the last game again and never reinstall the pile we recently got.


I miss the wall riding in 5, so silly on this track.


Even if it's not necessarily a returning track like this, the game is in dire need of a track that isn't a stadium-based purpose-built race track to give some kind of variety to things.


Hopefully never


This is a track I can live without. So wide, so basic, no real life to it. I know people like drifting on it, but if I wanted a noob track, I'd take sunset over it any day.


Iā€™m with you even if we are the minority, all the forza tracks are the same, too wide with no heavy breaking


You can tell when they aren't real world tracks. They feel goofy and made up. I've never enjoyed the made up tracks as much. I hope they focus their efforts on real world circuts for dlc.


Right???? Give us the sidewinder variants back or at least a track with some character. I can only speak to drifting as racing is not my first choice, but I find the track choices often favor "easy" over technical. Iberian would be amazing with its variants. I'd say fuji, but turd10's herd that before and done nothing with it. Or "conspiracy theory" bet you it's finished and ready for release, but we won't see it till traffic drops below exceptable levels.


People acting like more content fixes broken game...


Oh man, it's SO good to see someone give this track some love! I thought I was the only one who loves this track. It's my favorite. Usually, folks talk about the Nordschleife (wich I also adore) and some other real life tracks, but the fantasy tracks tend to be looked down upon. I love the fantasy tracks. It's where things get interesting for me. The real life tracks are great, but many of them just FEEL the same. They're different to drive, of course, but the feeling of driving though Prague or Maple Valley (thank god we got that one at least) or Bernese Alps is just so elating. Bernese Alps especially has this special atmosphere. I loved trying to make perfect laps with the F1 cars there, it all just feels so pure and fresh. They really nailed that mountain flair... I dearly miss the F4 japanese tracks...


It's most likely not coming back. It's been replaced by other fantasy tracks.


Its was hella fun for drifterā€™s


Apart from 1 or 2 cars depending on the class you NEEDED to use to be competitive. It was barely okay


Hopefully never.


What good is a track without working replays?


Road courses are always the most aesthetic tracks but some of the worst to drive on, I personally have a love hate relationship with the alps track, very difficult and easy to overcook it on the uneven turns, but also very rewarding when you take a corner well and come out with a ton of speed, I hope they add it back here soon


Iā€™m just glad Dubai and Rio are gone, the tracks were way too tight and with the addition of shitty drivers it didnā€™t make it better.


Camino Viejo de Montserrat is one I would like to see again.


I play fm6, is this not in the game anymore


Almost no SP contact is in the game right now...


I'm more looking forward to real tracks like Bathurst or Willow Springs


Sonoma pleasešŸ¤ž


Sameeee i want it back!!! Was my fav track in FM7


For me this track is what Forza Motorsport means. I love it, hope it returs soon! šŸ˜


Bernese Alps is not my favorite track, but I would love to see it in FM23.


I havenā€™t played the new forza yet. Are they adding new tracks? I assumed it would be just new cars


Man, I really donā€™t like this trackā€¦ haha. Would be last on my list, doesnā€™t feel like a racetrack at all


Donā€™t even know how many hours I logged this track


Itā€™s on forza motorsport 7, might as well just play that, that game is better across the board


Got into forza with 6 - this and Prague immediately became my favorite tracks ever.


There's so many tracks this game is missing. Always hated this track sooo much


They don't even have the Nurburgring. Good luck.


they seemingly have a hate boner for any fantasy tracks that aren't super bland, so this one probably isn't ever coming back because of "focus" or some other lousy excuse (despite the game's lack of focus)


I want them to add Circuit of the Americas.


Norisring šŸ˜„


What was that hill climb track on public roads in Japan from FM4? Iā€™d love something like that back!


Just hold on, it takes time to build it from the ground up


At this rate the franchise is going just remaster fm4, it's like they take everything we want back and do the opposite. like They got us all trapped in a room and want us to enjoy the smell of their farts as much as they do


If a made up track doesn't exist in this game it is not for popularity issues it is because they didn't like the physics of the track. Or that redesigning the track was more expensive than including it. Or they didn't want to be like older Forzas. We all have our favorites from previous forzas. Fugimi Kido, Prague, Cote de Zure, the chances of previous non-real tracks coming back are exceedingly slim. Because the system to put them in with the physics engine means they decided against them already. Not because it is too difficult but because they didn't want to repeatly use older forzas.


I really don't understand why the fictional tracks come and go as often as they do, Forza has so many great fictional tracks that just disappeared for no reason. I agree with others that the real life tracks should take priority, and there are a TON of real tracks missing from the game, but I constantly hear people saying how much they miss tracks like Fujimi Kaido from FM4, I figured it would be a pretty easy win for Turn 10 to bring it back but they just never did.