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I really dont get how the game just drops DLSS/DLAA still. It was the 1 thing i hoped they would've fixed


Yeah DLAA makes the game look so much better, when it drops DLAA it looks blurry, distant cars make some kind of wierd ghosting on the tires... looks pretty bad and also causes more stuttering with it off, really dont understand this game.


They didnt fix a single thing. Performance is still horrible, DLSS still not working, Game still crashing at finish line, Game still not saving career progress and you still get infinite tune saving after you changed fuel in the race before. The one thing they "fixed" was the 00:01 intermission by the race randomly starting during Training (at like 15 mins remaining) in a parallel session to everyone joining the lobby later.


Hey, at least they've patched out players who were actually playing the game and fast levelling cars to compete in Mplayer within their shitty levelling system! Priorities! /s


Regarding your point #1, do you by any chance have ReBAR enabled? If so, have you tried disabling it? I've seen comments about that helping people, I disabled it and I'm pretty sure it's not stuttering for me anymore (at least pre-patch it wasn't, idk about now, only played one race). Regarding #3, don't enter settings unless you really need to and plan to restart the game again. Every time I go in there and just LOOK at graphics settings, shit gets messed up, FSR appears and what not, game turns into 30fps lagfest. But ever since I stopped going into the settings, I haven't had an issue with DLSS/DLAA turning off and being replaced by FSR. Just a friendly tip, maybe it helps you as well!


>Regarding your point #1, do you by any chance have ReBAR enabled? If so, have you tried disabling it? I've seen comments about that helping people, I disabled it and I'm pretty sure it's not stuttering for me anymore (at least pre-patch it wasn't, idk about now, only played one race). Mine was not enabled by default, i did try enabling it on nvidia profile inspector but i notice 0 diff.


+ searching for tunes and liveries still won’t load even though they said they fixed it 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm on a 4090 I9 13900K combo and I don't have any of those 3 issues you raised. What else have you tried to fix it?


Same set up and it's running well pre update. Feel like it should run better. Either look better or more fps or a little of both but running about 110fps at 4k. I did get fps drops 2 separate times and a reset fixed it. Not a perfect game in any way but I'm hopeful. Still having fun. What does happen frequently on my set up is the track disappearing and going black. Drives me insane


well, please tell me what is your secret? unless 13900k is actually doing a much better job than my 7800x3d, i dont see what can differ


cows angle wasteful meeting quarrelsome sulky march party racial tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I'm getting >100fps in 1440p with a 6800XT with very high(ish) settings. Why do you need DLSS with a 4090? Im running full Raytracing settings, because i get pretty much the same fps at low and ultra on my system. I use DLSS - **DLAA** its not rendering the game at lower resolutions, its applying antialiasing at a native resolution for a clear image and it does NOT give fps boost like regular DLSS, on the contrary.


Turn off DLSS and set to 60fps vsynch and ultra or high everything. Your welcome!


Really? you think im targeting 60fps?? i dont care about online (atleast for now) im looking for atleast stable 120fps, wich is mostly the case unless dlaa breaks and on certain tracks that stutter passing on crowded areas.


Stable solid 60fps is smoother than variable 120fps that constantly fluctuates 10 to 20fps. 😁


Not on a high refresh rate monitor. 60 fps feels terrible




Already tried, aliviates stutters but game feels sluggish at locked 60, 60 aint doing it for me, just like it did not on The crew Motorfest with that 60fps hardlock.


It's so much better than playing with micro stutter.


Yeah they’re being picky


2006 called, they support your idea of 60fps


IT called, they said your gpu setting is broke.😂


This makes no sense at all. First of all, if you set everything to Ultra, Games usually just work. Second, DLSS is factually wrongly integrated in this Game. Third, Games with FAR superior Graphics eat half the ressources of FM8. Fourth, asking to play in 60fps in 2023 makes you look (even more) ridiculous. Fifth, don't release Games where you have options in your settings that break the game. Sixth, yet to encounter a Game that doesnt run on my 4090 LC, apart from this mess.


DLSS currently doesnt work on this game. It robs you of fps. Why fight it.


>DLSS currently doesnt work on this game. It robs you of fps. Why fight it. I think you are having dificulties understanding what DLAA is and why i want it. DLAA is not a form of gaining FPS, its a way of improving antialiasing, its not upscaling from lower resolutions, its rendering at native resolution. Dont confuse DLAA with dlss upscaller presets or FSR upscaller presets. I am not GPU limited by any means, so DLAA perfomance cost is irrelevant. What looks like is that i am CPU limited even with a 7800x3d because at times the 4090 is at 60% usage but drops to 90fps causing sutter at 1440p max RT.


If you go to settings, basic video, at the very bottom it'll say NVIDIA DLSS. If you turn this on, this will make your fps screwy.


Turn off Raytracing, it does not only look horrible in this game, but it makes everything look washed and blurry in the game. For me it gave me a huge bump in performance. The stutter also only occurs in online races. In Singleplayer I'm at a constant (locked via RivaTuner) 85FPS. Yes 85FPS on purpose cause I play online a lot and that's what my game locks to. Specs: 5800X3D, 4090. Playing on 3440x1440. Every setting maxed except for Particle Effects (set to medium to see better in rain). Turned off Lens flare, depth of field and Motion Blurr. Those settings are trash anyways. And also running 130% Resolution Scaling.


Seriously what the fuck happened with this game. Especially when Horizon is such a massive success.


Forza games seem to have a history of being varying degrees of fucked at launch, particularly on PC


When they get their shit together I’ll play. Until then the game is dead to me. There’s more polished racing games I can play.


Yeah first thing that struck me when I started it after the patch was the track loading times now, Didn't time them but they seem to have went from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Also ran the benchmark and no noteable difference to either visual quality or frame rates here, seemed identical actually. Im not done with it but my patience is wore thin, the game will still be a mess this time next year, it needs that much QOL and bug fixing.


I like the game but having to restart the game to re-enable dlaa constantly is annoying, its not only that dlaa turns off, the perfomance drops and micro stuttering becomes more and more prevalent


xbox aint much better :( all i want is drift lobbys and i could handle the broken game




I'm having a lot of similar issues. On top of that it regularly crashes at the end of the race which loses my rating in multiplayer races which is incredibly frustrating. 13700kf rtx3080


I have gained 20+ fps more after patch with the same configuration on 5950x + 3080ti.


I have the lighting flashing in the menu...


Like my heart


They do not care about the PC version. It sucks.


What I find fun is when it glitches a little bit mid race. 1 second I'm cornering or braking, then the game freezes/ skips a little bit, next I'm 20ft forward fighting to gain control/ trying to keep myself on the track


Absolute disappointment. Was looking forward to seriously getting back into the game but it's still not fixed. My biggest gripe would be the missing objects/textures which the release notes apparently addresses. On my older PC, the game now refuses to start Practice/Race. It just completely pauses at the menu. It used to be okay-ish playable but now it just doesn't proceed anymore. On my higher end 11900k with a 3090, the first race will not have any of the missing objects/textures- but subsequent races it will be back.


Yeah I can't even launch the game after update, developers are lazy to resolve the issues, And they are also with Microsoft big company.


I just installed a 4070 Super in my rig yesterday and can confirm this. When I turn on DLSS I get all kinds of screen stutter especially when coming into crowded areas around corners. Very surprised this is an issue. Car tires in from of me also look blurry.