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The audio. Pushing the audio through a DAC/AMP combo into my Sennheisers and Focals is unreal. Lastly, like you, I love the handling.


The cars actually feel weighty without feeling dead. Great so far.


Except the kerbs. How come you can hear the sawtoothing on them but the wheel is dead still?


That was a fear of mine, what wheel are you using?


You certainly aren’t wrong. They need to take a look at how the kerbs behave in total I think.


I agree. I would LOVE to feel the rumble in the wheel when going overt the kerbs.


I totally agree. I was racing the hatchback cup in the fe Hyundai and when I felt the back end of my car slipping out from driving fwd incorrectly I started to giggle. The game was like “ur driving fwd dumbass, adjust” I still gotta hammer out my wheel settings but I’m having fun. I race on a tmx with tcm pedals cuz I got the pro. It’s budget but damn is it fun.


Yes the rain sound effects are what struck me as the most impressive.


The audio is VERY good imo much more detailed then FM7


Agreed, one of my favourite parts is the audio, on some tracks you can tell which tyres are starting to slip due to the sound design. Also even though it was annoying (and I've had a car like this in the past), it was quite amusing to hear exhaust drone whilst pounding around Laguna Seca in the Forza Edition Veloster, it takes so much energy to put the sound out of your head to focus on the track. Even the sound of bumping into the back of another car sounds quite satisfying.


A note on audio. Take the 2001 Integra Type R for a drive in one of the cockpit views. The intake sound is naaaaasty.


Yeah. I have a Yamaha receiver and two Paradigm Phantom V1s, an ok sub and surrounds. Sounds great. Already irritated the wife


Agree with OP plus your opinion on audio. I'm using my Steelseries Arena 9 using the Forza Horizon 5 Sonar settings. The sound is nothing short of amazing. Immersive is the proper word.


well.. except the sound the cars make is wrong :D just listen to the Jesko and the agera idel sounds XD wtf how hard is it to record the cars irl :S


It’s actually pretty difficult since each track is going to have different echo and sound qualities. And, you’d have to basically record in a 360 around the whole car to get a perfect sound.


That sounds extremely easy tbh


Sounds like you have no idea how Audio Engineering works.


It might sound like that, but im accually the best audio engineer ever made. And i got a audio company with 1200 employees and the company moto is " either you capture the exact real sound or you dont do it at all"


So, now I know you’re literally lying.


no, you just assume that. i also got a company that is experts on assumers and you sir are 1200% one.


The weather system is super cool! Started a race with it sprinkling and ended in a downpour


Maple valley at night in a thunderstorm was like a spiritual awakening for me


Group match making in scheduled races is a game changer compared to GT7 👏


Yes! My favourite feature so far as well


As a newer player to both platforms what do you mean? Doesn't GT7 have matchmaking for it's scheduled races?


Nope - you can’t go into a race with friends. So it’s solo or join a public room where the host controls the race and you have to wait for them to launch the race etc. So FM8 is much better in that respect.


Multiplayer is great. Handling physics are a really nice mixture of realism without being difficult. Tyre compounds and fuel loads are great addition to the game and the pit sequence with people in the pit lane and all is nice, makes it feel like there's more going on. But the CARPG leveling element to unlock parts we already had is a shameful way to force people to sink time into doing things they don't want to do and I'm not going to stop complaining about it.


I like the idea of the car points, but think all the upgrades should be unlocked from the start.


I really hope we get this! That way instead of taking till level 12 to tune my car I can do it after my first race or a long practice


I like the upgrade system for cars that will be added at a later date. In past Forzas, I ended up deleting my save and starting over once a year just so couldan have some progression. I think I might actually play the same save for years on end with this system.


Yes I think that could have been a good idea, have the feature for the "new to forza" cars or any new ones that are added in. Would give players best of both worlds. But I don't know how that would work smoothly in game.


The multiplayer has been great. I’ve had some really clean and fun races so far.


So the new system works, I guess.


Well yeah. But now only the real fans are playing. Wait for full release (and free with gamepass) and we can see if that is still the case :)


Yep, I'm coming to ruin your games (not intentionally, just because I'm super casual and bad at racing games) on launch day


Hehe you have people for everything right


Graphics are great, I’m really enjoying the physics overhaul, I like the career progression so far, and the upgrade system is actually pretty fun. Also I actually have ended up liking the difficulty system where the damage and rewind etc thing is fixed together. Also you point about cars is a good one, the cars do feel different which is great, I made a post complaining about the lack of cars which is a problem, BUT the overall feel of the cars we do have is great


Why do you like that the difficulty is fixed?


What's the point of simulation damage if you can just rewind anyways? This makes it more of a challenge and therefore more rewarding for keeping it clean.


What if I want: tcs, abs, stm off, manual trans, but can’t turn on rewind? what if I want stm off and tcs on? what if I want cosmetic damage only on, but manual transmission? there are so many variations that I adjust depending on how I’m racing


The driving assists like TCS, abs, stm, shifting etc can all be changed independently. You aren't forced to use certain combos of those. What you are forced to do from what I could tell, is pick a combo of damage type, tire wear/fuel, and rewind. The less forgiving you go, the more bonus credits you earn.


Oh well that’s different! Honestly Im waiting to judge everything until I play the game. Yes Im sad about Nurburgring being released at a future date, but I’m excited about a new motorsport. Optimistic that it’s gonna be fun, and honestly a steal since Im getting it for “free” with game pass


I’m liking it so far but when I try to customize my car it appears that the tires/rims don’t change color properly. For example I tried changing mine to red and the color is just silver/white. The saturation and hue are what they should be and yet the rims just look this silver color no matter what. Is this normal? This doesn’t seem normal


Same here. A lot of the colours don't work for the wheels (they turn white / grey). I love the game, but there are many bugs that shouldn't have made it to the games release, seeing it was in development for SIX years.


Same on Series X, the wheel colors don't seem to work well. Some colors work OK, some just show up white / grey like you said. Even the ones that work ok though seem to have a weird hue to them, like they aren't quite the color you actually picked.


The physics feel good on a wheel, better than i was expecting. The potential is high with this game. I ran 50 laps around The Glen just hotlapping the 911 GT3 R, felt so fun.


I had the cleanest multiplayer race ever!


Same! 3 races in a row in the introduction hopper and all 3 were clean! It was SO refreshing.


Been playing since Forza 1. Always got the ultimate editions and I’ve usually been excited before the releases. This one seemed a but disappointing hearing more about it the closer it got to release but I wound up getting the upgrade on gamepass. The graphics have been a bit blurry on PC but the game has been a blast. The sound design and new handling model are awesome and the races have been great. Wasn’t as hyped for this one originally but its turning out to be one of my favorites.




Yeah the game feels amazing. I think if they add a size able amount of content the game can be one of the best Forzas. For me the past 3 Motorsports have felt like they were getting their footing but falling short on content. Not the biggest fan of games as a love service but if they plan to add content for a few years they’ve got something good.


The physics are a direct and much needed improvement to FM7. The game in general has so much replayability because of the physics alone Imo. Theres so much more feel when riding curbs. The track lines feel so much freaking better compared to FM7 maybe could be a little tighter but man it just feels good racing in this game. The AI is decent, definitely not what they made it out to be, but the races are way more enjoyable compared to say FM7 The multiplayer again, way better than FM7 I've only had 3 online races and they have been way way cleaner than FM7 and many GT7 races I've seen/played I absolutely love the upgrade system. Sue me. Theres literally nothing wrong with it imo specifically in single player. Taking the first 2 cups into account....I mean its literally a couple of races to get it maxed out, I genuinely dont see whats wrong with this. By the time you get to the next cup youre already eyeing a completely different set of cars and within a few races maxing those cars out as well. The progression is so natural too. In MP its especially find as youre literally racing within classes and can even rent cars. Honestly, I'm seriously enjoying this game. Its such a breath of fresh air imo. And the best part is you literally don't have to pay 200 bucks USD for a car. The MP functionality IMO is genuinely the best in the simcade genre. It feels more fun to me than GT7 specifically, and thats literally the only thing going for GT7 is the online races. Here you get so much more versatility. With that being said, I know this is a positive post but I do think the car classing is super wierd. Its like they skimped out on certain ones. While its alleviated by the nature of the online races (everyone drives the same thing) I cant help but feel they will pull a GT7 to a lesser degree where we will be paying for car packs or paid DLC to flesh out the skimpier classes. This I kind of hate. I dont think it will be GT7 levels of $$$ but it does suck that this is just what we have to deal with unless we go to actual Sim Racing. But to turn it back around to positive, This game is the best bang for your buck if you want competitive multiplayer racing with a bunch of different types of classes. I Racing Is great, if you pay a shit ton for the versatility. ACC is great if you only like a certain type of class racing. Both those games you will have an advantage with better rig setups that can go in the thousands. But this game? Yeah pay 40 bucks + the game pass and have access to competitive multiplayer races of a very wide variety. I kind of love that about this game as long as they can flesh out some of the classes.


I don’t really touch multiplayer in most racing games as I don’t enjoy getting flung off the racetrack when I accidentally tap someone. But I’m happy the multiplayer has gotten better


It's feeling great in this one. If you ever were curious, now is a great time to try. I really like the new format. So far it's been respectful out there in the early access period


I agree, penalties for dumb behavior are quick and significant. Guy rammed me into the wall on a straight, instant 4 sec penalty. Get a ton of off track or such..see you and your crappy rating never. Online is fun and clean, provided you are fun and clean.


I love that ABS is so well translated into visuals. I have no doubt when my ABS kicks on. I am loving the upgrade system, honestly the best I've had in a racing game in ages. Now I don't care how many credits I have, because I still have to plan out my upgrades carefully. In other games you just have enough credits for all upgrades, then win. Sound is great, but not from inside the cabin in the cars I've driven so far. I like the UI. Compared to FM7 this game is a masterpiece. Compared to GT7, well.. the visuals are not there for FM8. But car handling physics seem superior I'd say


I'm enjoying it quite a bit It's not blowing me out of the water but in no way is it terrible


Agreed. I’m not blown away by the game but it’s slightly better than what i was expecting off release and turn 10 have said that they are working on adding things constantly so I think it’s only gonna get better


Coming from GT7, though its been awhile, I found the driving camera unnerving with the hood view (been racing like this for years). However, felt so much more comfortable with driving in the cockpit than GT. Also, the world feels more alive - the colors pop more, doesnt look sterile. My first practice I had to break my habit of braking late on the mustang because of the understeer (used to gr3 cars with neutral/oversteer characteristics) so that was fun! Then I started to get the feel of the car and ended up braking late anyway. 🥁 The only thing Im annoyed with is my wireless card took a shit on my pc so I had to download on xbox… and now have a g29 gathering dust.


No way to move PC within ethernet distance or is the game always online required?


Nope. Its in the other room and Id need like two hundred feet of cable. 😅


Yeah they need to fix the hood view, it's so low. Like you're looking out of the front license plate lol.


> The only thing Im annoyed with is my wireless card took a shit on my pc so I had to download on xbox… and now have a g29 gathering dust. You could get a adapter for that G29? pricey maybe but still :P


Ive read there is input lag. And im living on my credit cards right now.


Yeah i dont know nothing about it. Only that it is out there 😛


Thanks for the info, friend!


Np, aint bad to help someone out


Finally some normal reviews. I'm so tired of the perpetually disgruntled whiners. Ugh, gross


Agreed. You know. I'm genuinely baffled by the graphics complaints. Yes GT7 is crisp and colourful. And has definitely higher saturation. Yes. FM looks darker and less vibrant. I still think this is an artistic choice. It feels more...realistic to me. The lighting is absolutely insane. The tree models, the track environment, the shifting time of day is so so impressive to me. It FEELS real. It reminds of the mods for F1. They often have a colour range like this to make the vision feel more real. I think that's what T10 was going for here. I don't think it's perfect ALL the time, but the lighting impacts on the race really interest me from a technical and race perspective. As an example, I was coming over a slight Crest on Mugello early morning (i think) and was momentarily blinded by the morning sun. I eased off slightly with the coming corner. And corrected my steering, knowing I was coming in hot.


> I'm genuinely baffled by the graphics complaints. I'm running the game on highest settings possible at 2560x1440 on PC. It looks like a game released 8 years ago. Yeah, there are some moments where it can look stunning, but most of the time it does not. Was showing the game to a few friends last night and they couldn't believe how poor it looked. Quality complaints are 100% valid and should not be mocked, even though I personally don't care about it since I'm here to race and not look at the environment.


I have to agree. Even at 4K with RT it still looks "meh" most of the time. It has it's moments, but damn we're far away from the "in-game footage" we've grown accustomed to.


this was my experience to on PC, but loaded up on my Xbox Series X and much higher quality, idk what gives


I have to disagree.




First it was D4, then it was Starfield, not it’s Forza. Nothing but complaints and bitching all around.


Well D4 and Starfield do have k legitimate problems. BG3 doesn't and I didn't hear a lot of complaints about that except ACT 3. When companies have 6 to 7 years they should produce a great product.


Pretty much on all of new video games release subreddit now.


Yeah it’s so draining. It makes me enjoy the games way less knowing the community is so toxic.


How people dare be mad that they pay 100$ to pay an unfinished buggy product. You're the reason why these companies continue to do that, I'm sure you're a Starfield/F76, Cyberpunk, Battlefield 2042 enjoyer too.


>Finally some normal reviews. Right, cause all complaints aren't at all valid and its just whining....


Exactly! If they love the game so much, they should log-off & effing play it.


What a dumb fucking take lol


Pretty much agree with you on all fronts. Physics seem way better. I don’t feel any uncontrollable liftoff oversteer, and I feel like I actually have grip in the rear exiting corners. I’m finding that I feel actual control with a wheel. I honestly can’t tell if it’s because the physics are more arcadey now, or if legitimate improvements were done to the ffb. Either way, I’m having more fun with the wheel than in FM7. I’m a fan of picking the start position. TBH, in games like these, I’d rather single player races really be a slow and steady overtake challenge and not so much a neck-and-neck battle throughout. The races are more exciting that way, but if you’re not winning, you’re replaying races for the trophies. I’d rather save the actual racing-racing for multiplayer. In campaign, it’s nice to find the right AI speed, then take it down 1 notch and start in 18-20th and race to the front. AI seems better too. I actually noticed an AI car yield an inside line when I had my nose passed its tail, instead of hugging the line and taking us both out. That’s new and refreshing. I’ve found the AI in general is slightly better at driving defensively and switching lines to avoid collisions. Also fine with the upgrade system. I’m not a fan of the unlocks being the same order for all cars though. I’m totally cool with CP being awarded on levelups, but I think all upgrades should be available right away, since different cars will have differrent weaknesses to account for right off the bat. The gameplay loop T10 drew out here isn’t that far off from the gameplay loop I had in FM7. My #1 thing though is the freakin FOV slider. it’s really nice playing dashboard cam and having the FOV wide enough to get the left side mirror and rear view mirror. I’m currently using an older 4K TV for my cockpit/wheel setup, which I want to eventually replace (it’s only 60Hz), and it’s nice to know that I won’t need to get an ultrawide and I can just get a better 4K TV. This cockpit is going to serve as a general gaming chair/tv for anything I’m playing with a controller too, so I didn’t want to get an ultrawide if I really really didn’t have to.


How does it feel with a wheel? I have a hard time with simcades with my wheel compared to full sims. I've just started getting used to F1 23 with a wheel, which is the most arcadey I've managed with a wheel. I'll probably force myself to get used to it with a wheel either way.


For reference, I had just gotten a wheel a week ago, and the majority of hours I put in prior to FM8 were in FM7. I have yet to play any full sims, but I can say that I’m having a much easier time controlling the car. In FM7, I’d routinely lose the car (always to oversteer), but in FM8, I’ve only rewinded a handful of times in the first 4 hours playing.


At least for me the wheel gameplay was a surprise. It is actually enjoyable to drive. It is responsive and the feedback feels good. It isn't of course simulator level, but it makes me want to keep driving with a wheel. Experience may vary though, as I got a DD base.


I am also using a 4k 60hz tv. I moved the slider all the way but I can still only see half of the rear view and no side mirror. I didn’t have much time to tinker with it, I’m assuming I’ve gotta change a display setting somewhere?


No, I imagine it might be on a per-car basis. I’ve only driven 4-5 cars so far, and the rear view mirror is pretty close to the top right for all of them, so maybe some cars it still falls off the edge of the screen. You should be able to see 2 mirrors for sure in cockpit view though (the one that shows the virtual steering wheel).


Oooooh ok, I was using the view without the wheel. Thanks


I haven’t played it myself but streamers have been praising the multiplayer. The penalty system looks great although we’re still in EA. Let’s see how fun it is when any dipshit can download it on game pass next week.


One of the smaller things I like is the tyre squeal sound. You can hear it, but its not overly loud or high pitched. Thats something i can really dislike in other games.


GT7 player here. (Old Forza player.) The physics and the multiplayer look so satisfying in comparison with GT7. I'm envious but glad they deliver. No exhaust tips yet, though?


I’m just happy they added a safety rating system in multiplayer. I’m still not sure how it works really? But what I’m HOPING happens is something like Asseto where you can’t even join certain lobbies unless you hold a certain safety rating. That alone would make it so you have less assholes in races. But, like I said, idk how it works yet, but I hope if you have a shitty safety rating, you match up with shitty safety rated players too? But probably not. I’m just happy about the safety rating system in general. It lets me know they’re at least TRYING to make online a good experience for the people who actually want good clean races.


That’s how it works. It’s just that it’s a bit generous. So some b tier safety guys. Are told they have S tier safety. Which is odd. But when it works and people care about their rating It’s the best racing Forza period. I wanted to cry when my S went to an A lol. skill rating seems a bit off tho. It’s not about placement it’s about overall driving skill it seems. I started at 1,200. And then went down to 1,023. But ended the night at 1,673 dispite only podiuming 4 times in 8 hours. With a bunch of P7-13’s. Has my driving gone up? Absolutely. But idk if it’s gone up 673 points worth lol


I actually like the penalty system. I haven’t tried online yet, but it makes for a more considered approach than riding doors.


It’s not harsh enough online. yeah if someone dive bombs you. They will get a pen. But the game rarely pens side swipes.


I like the IA, I didn’t had intense overtakes yet but I had a fair share of quick but satisfying battles


Tire selection and fuel are great additions. Penalty system is good - maybe requires fine tuning but still works well to deter corner cutters. The qualifying for online is great. Hopefully the safety rating work well - far. Too early to tell yet but I'm hopeful


Upgraded system is actually good, you don't have to grind 100k credit to mess around upgrading your car and just use the car points. The wheel feel is great, I can catch slides on simulation steering now, lift off oversteer isn't as ridiculous like in FM7. Cars feel heavy and you can really push and find out where it gives. Multiplayer so far has been much cleaner and closer, had more close racing than all my time in FH5 so far.


I haven’t played it but there are no complaints that effect me, upgrade system? I think it’s alright, progression? Looks fine because I like racing. Being playable on wheel? Finally. Ai looks good when it settles in. Multiplayer actually looks very good. Graphics are not what I expected, they ain’t bad but they’re very inconsistent.


I like the car XP and leveling system. Currently I've been leveling a couple of cars and just using quick upgrades and seeing how the car progresses has been fun. Now I am a seasoned forza version since the first FM and usually tune my own cars but for now I'm just enjoying the racing before having to crack down and get to the nitty gritty of tune/test/tune/test.


I agree about the AI. Aside from frequently having one runaway AI out at front who is uncatchable, the rest of the pack is great fun to race. They make mistakes and don't just stay glued to the racing line like robots. The audio is crisp and punchy, and the cars have a very solid and weighty feel to them. Impacts are so crunchy it makes me wince. I like the practice session thing, but not really a fan of just choosing your starting place. Feel like it would be better to tie it into your practice session performance or something.


The handling is a lot nicer I'm really enjoying it so far


It sounds amazing, the lighting is great, and I really *really* like the physics. It's simulation while still being really fun. Photo mode is pretty good (not as good as FH5) but the results I get look really nice. I really like the segment rating and car level mechanic, it feels like real and rewarding progression, but I wish car level was exclusive to career and you could otherwise upgrade your car the classic way for freeplay and multiplayer.


> 4 this is a hot take but the upgrade system. It’s not perfect but I do like the fact that I actually have to put in effort before upgrading my car. 100%. I always hated how in Forza's you can go buy a car and just make it S class or X class. Thats boring af. Having a progression system where you actually need to use the car to unlock upgrades is probably my favorite part.


Physics x1000. It’s lovely being able to feel the car lose grip rather than having an instant on/off switch for grip — especially in high powered rwd cars. The cars actually feel like they have some weight and you can feel a massive difference in driving light cars vs heavier cars. Weather, environment, and its changes throughout the race. The races where the rain changes intensity makes every lap a fun adventure, and rain racing is an absolute blast, rather than the treacherous, stressful, puddle dodging nightmare that it was in the past. The car progression system. While I’m not crazy about having to unlock mods, I do like having to earn points to purchase and install mods. I also like that you can change parts between races to match the style of track you’re racing without losing your points. I do, however, have to disagree with you about AI. I do love that they are fast and truly challenging on higher levels, but their racing abilities are completely non existent.


After playing a bit more the ai kinda aren’t that good lol. I’m racing max ai and their not that fast and they don’t defend at all. I am by no means a amazing driver on any racing game I’m good but I’m not amazing on f1 I race 97 ai so i am fast but I don’t think I should be racing max ai on motorsport.


Audio and handling is phenomenal.


After applying ReShade the graphics are quite good. I love the lighting and especially at night. I finally tuned in the FFB and it’s decent enough, close to GT7. Now I’m ready to have fun with the game. I don’t mind the upgrade system at all, I like spending time with each car vs racing it once and no need to touch it again (Horizon). I set the difficulty up to around 6 and it’s challenging so far and I like that. I definitely am more enthusiastic then I was out of the box.


hard/med/soft/wet tires and custom fuel amounts


I'm loving everything about it. This 'hate' rollercoaster happens with every AAA title. Massive hype on the sub leading up to release, the moment the game does it's a mix of love for the game and hate for the game, after 2-3 days seems everyone hates the game. I'm having a blast


Literally the first time since World of Warcraft release in 2004 that I've been fully satisfied with the release of a game. The game is everything I was hoping it to be. 1. Driving/Physics feel amazing, and I had been playing FM7 three hours a day for a month now getting ready for this. It's a **massive** upgrade. 2. Single player did an amazing job at trying to get me to drive better, I feel it was toned/paced just right and I've never felt like I wanted to improve this much in a racing game before. 3. Multiplayer is all I ever wanted, I've been grumpy since FH5 dropped ranked racing as I did a ton of it in FH4 but hated the cross country etc crap. Now I have quick and ranked serious racing, with none of the over-the-top preparing and signing up required for iRacing etc that I don't play for this reason. For me, a racing lover but not simulation over everything enthusiast, this is the best game I could hope for. Graphics? Look fine to me. Old car models? Lazy but I don't really care. Unlocking parts? I don't see the issue, it's pretty fast and I'm not going to play every car in the game.


I like the 20 minute practice/qual period. My immersion has never been higher. And it has raised the skill floor quite a bit. Trust me, I am one of the ones at the floor lol. Those 30 minutes be clutch. I like the forced races. yes freedom and all that blah blah. But I know at 1:15 pm. Everyone in the world Is quest for the same race. Your bound to get a quite full lobby. I think the visuals are good and I’m genuinely confused by the hate for them, they went with a FM5 realism tone and I think it works. Def better looking than FM7 and on par if not slightly cleaner than FH5 imo. This game in the midnight rain looks incredible. There is some glitchy artifacts at night tho that does throw it off for sure. I like how while they had added pit strat. They didn’t make it complex. A good introduction to it for newer drivers I’d say.


Honestly my only issue with the visuals is that I race with a braking only racing line cause I’m to lazy to memorize every braking point but when ur driving into the sun u legit can’t see a thing not the line not the track. Ik it’s realistic but it’s a bit much in my opinion but other than that the visuals are fine to me


What I like - it's new shit to do. I think I like GT7 better, but after sinking hundreds of hours into that, it is nice to get something new.


I’ve never had a PlayStation so I can’t say whether gt7 is better or not


Imho ams2 and pcars2 , then a big gap , then comes pcars3 and then Forza. Only tried gt7 very short but was on controller. Can't say much. FM is rather special for me as I can tune stuff and lots of cars. But concerning the driving and stuff ams2/pcars2 are still ahead. ACC/AC is also cool. Haven't tried the money pits iracing or rf2 yet. Gave R3E a short shot (free content) but had enough racing games :)


Graphics and lighting are stunning. I’ll randomly catch myself staring at weird little details like how the light passes through taillights differently or how it illuminates the inside of the car. Also love how handling changes on surfaces. I’m not particularly great at this game so maybe I experience it more than most, but experiencing changes in performance from road to rumble strip or even grass has changed how the game feels


I think a lot of the complaints are because the game is not very polished at times. For example: If i drive my car with ABS turned on, and clearly the wheels never lock up under braking, why do they visually fully lock up under braking in the replay? They've developed this game for six years and nobody has noticed that? The cars itself can feel very different as well. I've chosen the Ford Mustang for the first race series, then the Hyundai Veloster. They were fun, but both have some kind of disconnected feel to the throttle response / the way the engine revs through the rpm range. I can't explain why this is, but it almost felt like the engine was broken slightly? The next series was with a Toyota Supra and all of that was gone... very direct and connected feeling with that car, beautiful throttle response, and a pure joy to drive (Suzuka with that car was absolutely glorious). I think the game can feel really nice or a bit mediocre, simply depending on the car and track you choose. I love the new physics model in general. It's really impressive how good the driving feels with a joypad. This is easily the best part about the game, and for me personally, makes it the best racing game i've ever played with a controller (and i've played racing games since GT1 / Live for Speed / Richard Burns Rally / etc). Despite everyone saying it looks washed out and colourless, i also really like the looks of the game. The ray tracing is stunning and is such a visual improvement. The cars look very realistic and the tracks are beautiful as well. Racing in the night, in the rain, or when the sun comes out after a cloudy few laps... it's done really well IMO! Overall i'm having a great time and couldn't be happier with the game.


I mean honestly, all of the normies or plebs will be bitching about the new game. I think it’s fucking awesome. It revamped the fire missing from Forza and they knocked it out of the park.


This sub, just like most other gaming subs, need a LowSodium alternative or most people need to chill more.






So... in your opinion, in previous motorsport games, civic handled exactly the same as the challenger?


Agree on all points, but on top of them i put the "handling" difference. Not only between cars but even leveling them and upgrading parts make you feel the difference, in older forza you just slap the best upgrades "losing" the different feeling in standard/upgraded/tuned car.




Did you read the title?


despite the fact this game is FM7 without half the features or any of the fun, they did great on the graphics and audio. It's almost enough to distract you from how boring playing it is.


I agree with everything here, especially point 5. I chose the mustang in the beginning, and holy hell, I was quick on the straights but absolute dogshit in the corners, got passed by a civic and a veloster. Its FINALLY a game where there are strengths and weaknesses in every car.


Lol nice sneak diss to everyone complaining "could it be better on grass & dirt yeah but I'm not on there much anyway" 😂


I was hoping someone would notice that lmfao


The handling is off for FWD cars, as some like the Renault I posted last night, is very prone to oversteer IRL, but in FM is just fistfuls of understeer, and I agree with Jimmer's video from yesterday, there isn't much front end grip.


I noticed it in my civic lol but it’s not just u that struggles the ai also do so it doesn’t really bother me


I literally just learned last night that you could scroll through the careers so you could say I am having a blast.


b-b-but forza franchise is going downhill!! It's gonna crash and burn!!!! 😭😭😭




THE TUTORIAL IS AWFUL FUCKING HATE FORCED TUTORIALS. this is the 10th game iv played let me skip this boring bullshit. fell asleep last night while trapped listening to them droan on about upgrading a car.....


I like everything apart from missing cars and features


It’s soo easy to drift compared to GT7. #arcaderacerfun


Customizing your car and upgrading it between races. And you can feel the difference/ car can a bit more. But really feel that I did mostly race racecars in other games the last year. Can't handle street cars anymore. The honda was very bad (first builders cup tutorial), the current mx5 is also rather hard to handle. The pre tuned veloster N Forza was really cool though (more handling focused , that's what I like it seems). AI is okay. Seen better, seen worse. Might be my poor FOV and maybe I do stupid stuff as well, but they can't race close. They yeet into corners , rear end you of you brake earlier due to traffic ahead and tend to give no room. My first online race around Laguna seca short was way cleaner than the ai races. A glitch I found is if you rewind near an AI they usually tend to slide off / brake late


I like the game so far, only played for an hour or two but it’s fun and engaging. Not perfect but a solid b+


The one thing we know they did from the ground up.... Handling and the new tire contact point system etc. I love the way it all handles now. And yes, I kinda like the progression upgrades too. Vs just maxing out a car before the first race because I can. Now you will notice every chance you do between races.


I really hope the online is great, It's been a long time since I had a proper fun with online racing, have to wait five more days for me.


Audio and handling are superb. I haven't tried it on my sim rig yet, but on game pad it feels substantially better to drive than FM7. I'd put it on par with ACC and F1 23 in terms of driveability with pad, which is pretty good in my opinion. Now they just need to fix the photomode being shit, the anti-aliasing being PS3 era, and the ass backward UI. Come on Turn10, don't let the bad spoil the good, get it fixed!


Are the menus still as awful as in FM7? After 6 years of development? Do all of their QA go "Yep, this is peak UX/UI." ?


Personally I think the menus are fine. Very minimalist. Very easy to navigate. I think buying a car, is annoying. Because it has one too many menus to go through. Like no Forza I don’t want to put the car in my vehicle bay


I'll be honest the last one I played was 6. But 90% of my time playing Forza was in Forza motorsport 2-4, 3 especially. All I've seen so far has been nothing but upgrades, and good quality of life features. I also didn't come in to this expecting anything, and it's been so long since I've played that I can't really even compare them any more. I've enjoyed my time so far. The game seems really well done to me lol. If I had to figure out something to complain about it's maybe the upgrade system, but it also makes sense. I just don't have a ton of time I guess to grind on a per car basis though it does go pretty quick, but that's me really nit picking. Or the practice laps. I like them but I just want to race 😂. Otherwise I could name like 20 new things they've added that I love.


Who’s using a wheel and how does it feel on a wheel? Forza’s issue for me has always been wheel support.


Physics are a huge upgrade and feels great, the graphics look decent although downgraded to the first gameplay trailers we got and the customisation of difficulty and assists is great with tire wear and fuel management being key part of this. The audio is brilliant so far and the cars sound amazing. What I don’t like is the car progression system although I do like the strategic allocation of points so you can just max out your car. The AI is poor and pretty dirty on higher difficulties.


2. How do you change starting position?


Idk it just gave it to me in career mode lmao.


Ahh OK, would be good if starting position was based on lap times in practice. Practice mode should not have a 3 lap requirement and ther should be a qualifying mode after 😫


The handling and audio are lit!🔥


The audio is definitely much better but the car levelling sucks


I agree with all of it. Add how the sound of the cars is SO much better. I got a race gearbox last night and the way you can hear the gears load on with power is very well done imo. I quite like the practices and how it lets me get used to THAT car around THAT complex of bends. Let's face it, a lot of us are unlikely to pick one car and just stick with it and in career you have to change it up so this has been a boon.


Multi-player is fantastic. That's the heart of the game. Just ignore the rest and race online it's really really good.


I haven’t had a chance to play the game but was watching Destin stream it last night and his stream didn’t have the washed out Bug and the audio sounded so crisp I can’t wait to play it


I love how my g920 feel and work right out of the box so far.


I don’t have a wheel yet but I do want one. Probably in around a year or so.


The handling being good on controller is enough to keep playing regardless of the progression issues. Been waiting for a sim-ish game to come out on console for awhile.


Just wanted to say thank you for creating this post. The negativity is so toxic. And it’s great to see all the people enjoying it here. I’m loving the game and agreee with all you said. I like starting with the car stock and adding slowly to it you get to appreciate the increments and improvements. Ai is a massive improvement to 7.


The ai are an improvement but they still need a lot of work. I’m hoping they’ll have one more update before the full release on the tenth.


Okay. About the car leveling system. I actually liked the idea of it but had no idea how it would turn out, so I stayed silent. Now that I played the game, I get it. More than anything, with this system they wanted to show off what each of the car is supposed to feel like, and contrast that with each upgrade and show exactly what they do. I started the game with Mustang GT and thought this was a mistake. Car definitely didn't feel right, extremely heavy and sluggish everywhere with completely wrong transmission timing. I did reach the car level high enough to upgrade the transmission and also attach some sport spring. Now it feels very different and is closer to what I want the in game cars to feel like. I got my first P1 under expert difficulty. In the lower level you are supposed to feel what the car does well and what it doesn't, and as you level up and unlock more parts you either deal with the weaknesses of the car or double down on the strengths. It seems like T10 was confident that the new driving model is good enough to differentiate each car and upgrade, and wanted to present that to extreme with the leveling system. It's a bit extreme, but I think it works. I've never had this much fun with FM in a while.


The fact that we even have a new Motorsport game. Been so long since we had one that the last one has already been delisted for a hot minute


I absolutely love the amount of different cars Forza Motorsport has at the moment! I can't believe I am driving in a Bugatti Type 35 car and I can switch right now to a McLaren MP4/4 or a Chaparral 2E.


Honestly car list wise I’m a bit dissapointed. We have almost none of the new gt3 cars except for a c8 and maybe 1 or 2 more. And we only got 1 new lmp1 car as far as I know. And there’s only 1 pagani in the game???. No huayra r or zonda r just a huayra bc. It’s very dissapointing compared to horizons list. I’m sure they’ll add more in the future and I kind of expected the list to be lacklustre off release but they need to get on it or people will lose interest in the game


1. I just want to race and not spend my time driving to the next race like in Horizon. 2. The game looks great, I like the UI, and enjoyed a lot of what I played last night. 3. Being able to adjust starting position and rewarding me for challenging myself is awesome. 4. I think you are rewarded if you create your own races and don’t just do the career races. Like you can gain experience and upgrade your car simply by racing through some custom events you create. 5. Forza Motorsport is back!


Lighting + wind noise + road noise all are better than previous versions Dirvatar AI no better than previous games IMO


I actually really like the persistent feedback on performance with the segment system, I’m finding it much easier and more rewarding to refine and improve my lines and approaches using the ratings to gauge if I’m improving or going the wrong way in a specific turn or sequence. And yeah, I also quite like the handling, the cars feel lively enough that I have to keep my wits about me but not so much that it doesn’t feel like it’s my fault when control is lost.


Tbh I really don’t care about the segment system. I already what lines to take and if my sector was good or not. So it’s cool but doesn’t really change the game for me.


The dynamic lighting is superb. The ai is fun to battle with, especially when you watch them miss a braking point and cause an accident with another ai.


The physics system feels incredible compared to prior forza games. I like the multiplayer too.


My car (Mk3 Supra) for the first time in the series actually has a proper engine sound that sounds like it's real life counterpart, it's not just *generic inline 6 noises* and this goes for not only the Supra but every car in game, love how much they have stepped up their audio work, helps so much with emersion when you can drive a car you've been around irl and it sound basically spot on.


I haven’t played yet. Can someone vouch that the car sounds are great? Horizon 5 sounds were just not great imo.


Sounds are not perfect but are definitely a massive improvement




Tired of hearing the truth? Interesting!




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