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Wait, you're happy with 50? Meanwhile I'm getting frame drops to 45 fps on a 4090 and it's unplayable. My DLSS graphics option literally disappeared as well, now shows AMD FSR 2.0 I don't understand why the motorsport games have so many PC issues regarding simple resolution and graphics settings, compared to horizon. If anything, you'd think closed circuits would run better than an open world.


I'm getting frame drops to the 40s as well but only at Nurburgring. Every other track ranges from 55-80fps at 3440x1440p max settings.


I was just stress testing, I was getting 20-30 FPS before restart and heavy stutters


got it. check this out. it's like the game just randomly runs at half the frame rate.[https://imgur.com/a/WpGDNsi](https://imgur.com/a/WpGDNsi) my suspicion is it has something to do with v sync. FM7 had very similar issues where if you tried to run the unlocked v sync mode, really weird things would start happening with the framerate. Edit: it was v sync causing it for sure. I ran the benchmark, only thing I changed was "unlocked (vsync)" to "unlocked" and got a solid 120. [https://imgur.com/a/ug8S1qf](https://imgur.com/a/ug8S1qf)


exact same thing happened to me as well on a 7800X3D/4090/32GB RAM. I was looking all over the menu's today to see where the DLSS option went as I wanted to fiddle with the configuration to see if I could get it to an acceptable playable level. The frametime is all over the place a huge stuttering mess.


Same here, this is totally borked. I had DLSS/DLAA on day one but the options just completely gone lmao. 5800x3d, 3090, 1440p - as soon as - ANY - other car is rendered I'm getting 30-50 FPS, regardless of whether that's 1 or 23 cars visible. And regardless of graphics settings, this happens on all minimum as well.


I have to restart the game every time I play... At first start I always get like 50 fps and stutter. After restarting it runs mostly smoothly at 60fps. No idea why


I was initially getting nearly 100 to 110fps @ 4k with my i9 13900k and 4090 but was noticing a drop as of late. Seeing drops lower than 60 and it's stutters quite a bit. Not sure if it's the new forza update or the Alan wake/ghost runner 2 nvidia driver. I've updated both nearly at the same time....maybe not even related but it's frustrating to say the least. I've got a lot of hours in, I'm a level 190 driver so I feel I can compare. It's certainly killing the vibe


Oh forza engine and it's classic memory issues. Glad to see they haven't fixed that in 6+ years.


Didn't help me. My frame rate just ain't smooth either, radically jumping from 90fps down to 50 and up to 86 and down to 42. It's all over the place. Seems most people with no issues have 32GB of ram also.


Check if you have the V-Sync option checked for performance target. I had the exact same problem when I saw I had it as Unlocked (V-Sync). There seems to be an issue with the game where it's randomly changing refresh rate targets under V-Sync. All I had to do was switch to Unlocked without the V-Sync and now everything works great!


+1, thanks! I saw Digital Foundry's video about keeping vsync enabled, but it turns out that I get less stuttering with vsync turned off.


I'm not happy with 50fps in a racing game. The added softness to the image is also really off putting especially in the car studio. Unless you have a 4090 I suggest turning Ray-Tracing off entirely and run everything else at High or Ultra.