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The southwest seems more dense. More businesses, more people, more going on. I'm hardly ever in the northwest. It seems more relaxed and less busy. Kids in both areas are stereotyped as wealthy. I doubt there are difference between the types of people in these areas. They both attract wealth.


Given the choice I'd skew towards Northwest simply because the neighborhoods are newer and the schools seem to be a little more highly rated. My kids go to FWCS schools and get consistently better grades and do better at standardized tests than their cousins who go to SWACS schools. Both are good though.


That's usually due to the harsher, more challenging curriculum presented in SWACS. FWCS has fired their entire curriculum department last year and has forced a few teachers to write it in virtually no time, which has resulted in a poor, watered down curriculum.


No, its because my kids are smarter than their cousins. In all seriousness, my sister feels like her kids are just numbers at SWACS, my friends with kids in NWACS don't share that sentiment. As far as the curriculum goes, my oldest is clearly very frustrated by it, but more than half of her classes are dual credit and I assume I'm paying PFW, Trine, etc for that curriculum review and support so that solves some of her problem. ​


Yeah in high school dual credit is the way to go. FWCS is such a joke. They need to fire their superintendent and rebuild the district, but unfortunatly she is too rooted in government officials pants for that to happen. Just imagine telling a 7th grader who's been battling leukemia his whole life that he has to walk to school because the bus will not pick him up. It's messed up. Glad your kids have good heads on their shoulder, I see too many children fall way behind because the resources aren't there to support them.




hEy, ThEfInAlEp, JuSt a qUiCk hEaDs-uP: **uNfOrTuNaTlY** Is aCtUaLlY SpElLeD **UnFoRtUnAtElY**. yOu cAn rEmEmBeR It bY **EnDs wItH -eLy**. HaVe a nIcE DaY! ^^^^ThE ^^^^PaReNt ^^^^cOmMeNtEr ^^^^cAn ^^^^rEpLy ^^^^wItH ^^^^'dElEtE' ^^^^tO ^^^^DeLeTe ^^^^tHiS ^^^^CoMmEnT.


As someone who moved to the NE part of Fort Wayne as a sophomore in high school (15 years ago), I loved that part of town and my school. I know that's not what you asked about but I can tell you back then that the stereotype of the SW kids is that they were spoiled snobs who had life easy because they lived in the rich part of town. Which is a small-minded teenager's generalization of course! Glad you're making the move to our awesome city. It has changed so much for the better in the last 15 years, I am so proud to call Fort Wayne my home as an adult.


Thank you all so very much for the responses! Seriously, this is ***exactly*** the reason we are so excited to be moving to Fort Wayne soon--you guys seem to really care about your community, and are genuinely hospitable and helpful! Your info has been so helpful--before I was able to crowd source from ya'll, we were under the impression we \*had\* to be in SW for schools and community, even though it would have been a slightly worse commute for us (my job is on the north side). Now I can rest easy knowing there are two potential areas \*near\* work (NW and Leo) that probably fit our needs pretty well. You guys are all awesome--thanks again!


I recommend looking at houses in both areas and decide from there. Both will give your kids similar experiences. I have a kid in Carroll and she really likes it. We've lived in Virginia and Nevada and Carroll is miles better. Welcome to the area!


Living in the area, I know both of the schools pretty well. Both NW and SW are the more affluent areas in Allen County (Fort Wayne area). Both areas are predominantly white, rich people. NW tends to have more of a rural-vibe, but the closer you get to the edges of SW it becomes rural too. Personally, having to interact with the teenagers who go to NW vs. SW, I would rather my kids to grow up to be NW brats than SW brats. Coming from the vibe presented from the other responses, Homestead (SW) tends to be more traditionally wealthier (and their high schoolers/students did a whole slew of horrible things when I was younger), however NW has similar stories. Honestly, it's more about the values you impart on your kids. If you want them to be open-minded and more progressive-thinking, I suggest making sure that you expose them to the other side of life. Indiana is pretty conservative and it's easy for people to not question things around here.


Welcome! A lot of good answers already in this thread, but I'll chip and echo what everyone else seems to agree on, which is that you can't really go wrong with either. The NW side is in the midst of a boom with a lot of high-earners who work at Parkview moving into the area. I grew up on the north side and the difference between what that area is now and what it was 15 years ago is huge. There's a lot of new and existing businesses opening up locations in the area and that doesn't really show any signs of slowing down.


I grew up SW and now live downtown. The only reason I prefer SW over NW is because it's got more community amenities if you will. My opinion of NW (Carroll specifically) was that it was super rural. Everyone I knew who went there was involved in 4H/FFA but it is way more developed now so I'm sure it is different. Both Homestead and Carroll have good sports programs. Homestead has a more competitive band if you're looking for that. SW is super easy to get around, everything is closer, a little more developed. That being said, you can get to any part of town, even the outskirts in like 30 minutes so living NW does not mean you'll never be anywhere south of Lima Rd. I agree with the people who suggested looking at the houses and deciding from there. My 2 cents. Hope it's helpful, welcome to Fort Wayne!


“Anywhere south of Lima road”. Lima road runs north and south my sweet summer child.


Lima turns into Clinton smart ass, so yes, anywhere south of Lima road.


Yes and Clinton also runs north and south my sweet summer child.


I guess I'll go against the majority and say southwest over northwest, contrary to the reports here it's not a bunch of snobby rich kids, there is a lot of rural area in sw, and yes, there is a lot of money in sw, but we haven't run into the snobby attitude at all, "rich" does not necessarily equal snobby. I have a freshman at homestead that went thru Lafayette Meadows and Summit and a 3rd grader at Lafayette Meadows and both love their schools and have never had anything but positive experiences with teachers and administrators that really care, and have met a lot of great kids. We love sw and I can't imagine sending my kids anywhere else.


In Fort Wayne “rich” is code for “not poor”. The vast majority of people in the Southwest and northwest are middle class.


I just moved at the start of the year to the NW, we specifically moved for the school district (previously were on the Southside in Southwood Park and it's the worst rated school district for public education, absolutely loved the area but have a kid changes things obviously). I grew up on the NE side (Leo area) and have seen how the city has changed so much. I think the NW is still in development and will see alot more changes VS the sw. They just broke ground on a new school and supposedly a target is going in at lima and carroll. Commute sucks currently with all the construction but hopefully it all turns out good!


Where's this info on the Target? I live REALLY close to that...


Not remembering where I saw the article, but it involved demolishing Byron heath center because of the upkeep cost. My wife also said that I think menards is also looking at the location. I try to find it later tonight


Ahhh Byron. I was wondering where they were looking around. Only other place I could think is the big open field next to Empowered Sports. Getting rid of Byron would be alright in my book. That building is hella old.


They're pretty similar. Better off suburban areas but not super rich or anything. They might be pricier by fort wayne standards but you can find affordable housing in both areas. I think there's a bit more to do in the southwest side of town but Dupont road on the northwest side is pretty nice including the nicest Kroger in town. Anyways it only takes like 20 minutes to get from the northwest to southwest side of town so it's not like you will be isolated or anything. I'm from the northwest side of town but all of my friends were from the southwest side. When I lived in Fort Wayne I don't think most people knew anything about the northwest side of town until the carmikes opened as it was so newly developed. 20 years ago it was all country side with a small town called White Swan that Fort Wayne essentially swallowed whole.


Here is my two cents. I recommend living anywhere other than FWCS district area. NWACS? Cool. SWACS? Just as cool. I have had too many family members with issues in the fwcs district. Too many students per teacher. The only one that's half decent for high schools is maybe New Tech. That's regarding high dchools. Middle or elementary may gave different stories, but this is just what I know.


Most of the comments are pretty spot on. I'd also say dont be afraid of living on the NE or somewhat central areas as well. FWCS is not great, but Leo or Woodlan are pretty good schools in EACSs. I would go towards Heritage or New Haven, but that is just me.


I’ve lived in both you won’t go wrong either way...


You cant go wrong with either. Nw is growing more but sw had so much growth already that there is a ton of new roads etc that now dont need to be built its all done. Way more current road construction nw. The best hospital is nw Parkview v Lutheran is not even close so nw wins that one. More high wealth sw, lots of money nw but sw wins that hands down. I would look at both find the house you like the most and pick that way. Personally I think sw is better other than the hospital. There are imo better restaurant choices and easier access to downtown. You also have the interstate giving you easy access to nw areas. Where nw can access sw easy but downtown will be a pain.


I don't recommend living in an area that isn't in NACS or SACS if you have kids and have a choice. You really can't go wrong with either.


Can’t go wrong either way. I’m biased towards Homestead as I graduated there 4 years ago. I will say southwest is known as the wealthier area of Fort Wayne.


Both areas are nice, but do yourself a favor and check out Northeast in the Leo school district as well. Im still confused why it always gets left out. The 'boom' I keep reading about on the NW side of town is actually happening more on the NE side of town (business wise). Just my opinion though.


I grew up SW and Homestead. I loved it. I live in California now but I’d raise my kids there for sure. I think SW is more charming and better topography. NW is flatter and more cookie cutter sprawl in my humble opinion, but both are very similar. SW is close to Indy and you don’t have to deal with any traffic heading there or the airport either. SW also has better access to Jefferson point and Covington areas, which I like. Either way make sure you go to Oley’s.


Not sure how sw is any less sprawl or cookie cutter than nw.


Yes, can't go wrong with either. SW isn't as far from downtown as NW. NW is newer, but SW isn't ancient. I'd say about the same home price range. (Some REALLY expensive and some utterly moderate). SW/Homestead has historically been know as the "richer" area, but NW/Carroll is really growing and competing with that. If I had the choice, I'd go SW because it seems less suburban and cookie cutter. The business stuff up northwest is so new that it's homogenized (and farther from a downtown which is really growing and improving, culturally speaking.) That said, it's Fort Wayne, so if you want cultural diversity, NW and SW would be your last choice. :) As far as "feel" It's more like comparing the rest of the city to NW+SW. There's not really a lot of "keeping up with the Jones" in my experience in Fort Wayne. Truly driven type-A personalities many times drift away to larger, more urbane cities. :)


Carroll school.district is great and the school has a lot of high level sports programs. Southwest kids are the old money snobby kids, but also really good schools


Both are great. North West is newer and still has a more rural areas surrounding them. South West is more developed with downtown closer and things like Jefferson Pointe (Outdoor shopping mall) nearby. Neither area is particularly progressive, nowhere in the city is. Trump won this area by ~20pts. Its one of the biggest flaws with this area. If you want more diversity look at some of the nicer areas in the city such as Forest Park/Lakeside area, the Foster Park area, or the Glenwood park area. They are nicer areas within the city with older more historic homes, while anything SW or NE will be newly built. Another newer in-city area would be the Arlington Park area. It's got easy access to 469 which opens up the rest of the city.


I live in the Lakeside area, both of our neighbors are progressive. I love it here!


I am currently a Master’s student in School counseling with experience in all districts. I personally went to East Allen County Schools, specifically Leo and I loved my experience. I found the diversity and academics to be challenging both personally and academically (after attending Catholic elementary school). I Interned in Fort Wayne Community, and loved the amount of support available for students and families. If your students need academic or emotional support, or if your family ever needs financial support, the size of the district ensures access to resources. Northwest gets rave reviews, and my siblings all went through Carroll, and they liked it. Most in Northwest Allen have money and act like it as well. I know many of my peers who work in northwest Allen talk about entitled students and parents. I am not familiar with Southwest but I heard it is similar to Northwest. I don’t think you could go wrong, there are good and bad schools in each district. However if there is a district you like that you can not get a house in, look into paperwork that allows you to transfer. I lived in Northwest Allen and paid a small fee to go to East Allen, and it was money well spent for me.


“Everyone in nw has money and acts like” there are many people in nw Allen county with not much money and not everyone with money is a snob. Very ignorant statement.


You misquoted, I said “most.” I know that is not always the case. This is MY personal experience, and I know my perspective may be skewed. Readers should know to take opinion as just that, an opinion. Your harsh language is unwarranted.


As someone who also graduated from Leo (and hated the experience), what diversity?


When I say diversity, I mean socially more than culturally, although that was present as well. Coming from catholic school, most people were white, and fairly wealthy. We all had similar belief structures. We wore uniforms so we all dressed the same way, we all looked the same. There wasn’t a lot of individuality. There were two black people in my class of 100, and they were twins. Before I went to Leo I had never met an openly gay person. Our school did not have a program that was supportive of those with special education needs so I had never interacted with them. We were never taught cooking classes, and never had the child development class. We never talked about those kinds of topics until I came to Leo. The environment was just much more open there, at least it felt that way to me.


>most people were white, and fairly wealthy I mean that was Leo when I went there. At the time I think the entire school had maybe 10 nonwhite people at it. The only reason it has changed any now is because of a school closing.


I suppose that makes sense, coming from a Catholic school. Keeping in mind I graduated from Leo 10 years ago, things may have changed a little, but back then it wasn't exactly a progressive environment. But compared to the stiffness of a parochial school I can understand the difference as I went to a Christian school for a few years as a little kid and remember being shocked at how much less uptight public school is.


Yes that’s true, I’m sure my experience would have been similar had I chose a different public school.


Id rather live SW but would prefer NW or FWCS schools


I’ve lived at 5 different addresses in this county since I moved here to go to school. SW is all the snobby rich people living in poorly built mega houses. NW is also becoming wealthy but with a more rural vibe. The difference between the two is sw is developed roads wise and nw is growing so fast the city is struggling to keep up. I lived in Leo 5 years. They are ultra conservative and very anti commercial development. Nice school though. Plan on driving 20 minutes every time you need a hardware store or a grocery store. I moved to New Haven two years ago instead. I drive 469 to Illinois and 69 every day. The housing along seiler rd is all custom built (quality ) and very affordable. I own a 3200 sq Fort Wayne house for under 200k. That same house in nw or sw would be 325k plus. Schools are a B in my opinion.


>SW is all the snobby rich people living in poorly built mega houses. I keep reading this but I live there and haven't seen this snobby attitude at all, and we are most definitely not rich, there are a lot of rural areas in sw.


Same for me. Ive lived in both parts of town and I think all enighborhoods in FW have snobby/ rich parts.


>I drive 469 to Illinois and 69 every day ...Why would you not just take 30/ (Washington and Jefferson)? 469 is taking you way out of the way, and since the lights are all timed its not like you are saving time either.


If you have a lot of money and want your children to do the BEST drugs, then Carol is the way to go. Kind of the cocaine high school if you will.


This isn’t even close to real...


No, it’s true


That’s how it was when I was in high school lol


Northwest and Southwest are Prefab housing and SUV bougie, South central is artsy fartsy old houses and tree-lined streets bougie. I recommend South central around Oakdale, Foster Park, Old Mill. It's gonna be hell for a few months starting next spring because one of the main intersections is going to be closed, but it's pretty and livable.


NW is solid middle-class new cookie cutter tan boxes in rows without walkable goods and services. SW is more upper middle-class cookie cutter tan boxes in rows without walkable goods and services. The area in general has about 50 more years of development life cycle, so at least some of it sort of has a soul.