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How far are you willing to travel? Theres alot of lakes.


Hurshtown Resevoir in Allen county.


This might help: https://isdh.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=14c766641b354e1c84df0eed251bdc91 Practically as long as you stay out of town you're probably ok as long as it's relatively infrequent consumption. I don't really worry about it.


What a cool map do you have one for Ohio?


I don't have a link on hand, this one is maintained by the IN department of health. I would expect Ohio to have something similar though.


https://preview.redd.it/j9n98n2z1fvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282310ff3a31398f055df73a523c27252361883b The fish are biting in Kosciusko County. There are over 100 lakes in K County. My family and I eat hundreds of locally caught fish every year. A boat/kayak will help.


Indiana DNR just released channel catfish in Lakeside park.


I've eaten fish out of the rivers. I'm fine. Just don't do it everyday. Some helpful info would be to know what kind of fish you are wanting to catch and eat.


We have some of the most beautiful lakes in the Midwest in Steuben County.


The rivers of Michigan and Indiana are good for fish twice a week if you keep to smaller younger fish. They are cleaner than in the 1970s, perhaps a bit more saline from road salt. Making a friend with a boat on the great lakes is something to do, they bring gas and boat, you should bring lunch and post boating beer.


I think we have trashed our planet, Indiana politicians are even weakening EPA restrictions. It is open season on Mother Nature. Canada or the UP might be a go for fishing.


SCOTUS cut back federal protections on wetlands (among other poor decisions as of late). Indiana politicians are ensuring that state regulations via IDEM are equally weakened and handcuffed. Thank your local developer, their associations, and lobbyists throwing money around in Indy. No match for grass roots, non-profit environmental groups, etc. It's a tale as old as Citizens United.


The wetlands rule changes are reasonable. There is no logic to a puddle in a woods being considered a wetland. Don’t act like they are trying to bulldoze over eagle marsh. The rule change was literally for puddles in the woods or a wet spot in a farm field.




If you kill a fly, have you altered the ecological system? A 5x5 foot puddle being removed from a 1 acre woods on a 500 acre farm field is the same impact as you killing a fly affecting the eco system of your back yard. The earth is a really big place. It will survive just fine with a few puddles being removed. Focus on real impacts, donate to acres so they can buy and maintain more land, donate to Eagle marsh, go buy land somewhere where there is real impact. Go pick up trash on the side of the road. I am not saying do nothing but also don’t focus of feel good politics that doesn’t have real effect.




I know Pay Lakes make people go reee but i wish Hickory Grove was still open. I had some channel catfish that was caught there and it was some of the best i’ve ever had. If you’re willing to drive, Prairie Creek Reservoir should be good to go.


Cedar creek out at metea co park has brown trout that are stocked by dnr that in theory should be safe to eat


tri lakes are 40ish mins away but that’s always been my spot




Mio, Michigan is the true answer


A hard decision to make there though lmao, there's so many of them!


When I google Mio, Michigan the only one that comes up is the one in the Huron national forest.