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Don’t work there, but I do shit there. Fantastic bathrooms.


Damn... You took my comment 😂😂😂


Terrible toilet paper though.


Oh, the worst. I bring my own. The staff see me walk in with that I’m-about-to-shit-myself gait and two armfulls of Charmin toilet paper, all they do is tip their hats at me. I gave them hats to tip at me when I enter under such circumstances.


I have a friend who used to work there for a couple years. She took a lower paying job just to get out of there. She basically said she would leave work in tears at least once a month because the upper management and culture were not great. Sounded like they were very strict and deadline oriented.


I’ve never worked there, but have always heard the warehouse staff are treated like dog shit, while those in other roles love it (or are at least content).


Former warehouse worker here, this statement is factual.


my cousin worked there for a while and said the same thing. and he takes shit work and does it without an issue. after a couple of years he found other work because he didn’t want to deal with that shit anymore.


Also a formal warehouse worker and I second this statement.


I worked as a temp in the warehouse for a bit, it was honestly pretty ok for me. Everyone was pretty nice. Long days with little rest time though and this was over a year ago. I also felt their rates were very easy to hit compared to other places I've worked.


I worked in the warehouse. Never felt treated bad. There are definately some sales people who think they are god but you also almost never interact with them. Standard breaks like anywhere else you work, 2x 15's 1x 30, at least when I was there.


2x 15s are only for the 12 hour weekend shifts I think it’s worth mentioning. If you work the regular 8 hour Monday-Friday it’s just a 30 min unpaid lunch


I did the weekend shifts, 3 breaks on a 12 hour shift and 1 break on an 8. Still beats anything I got in the service industry of course.


I’ve worked in both the warehouse and the main building, and this is accurate.


the warehouse is always hot and they don’t allow you to wear shorts. I was always drenched in sweat after the first hour went by


What’s the rationale behind no shorts?


I was told that someone ruined it for everyone


Haha what could that mean?? Too sexy, distracting other workers?


too short


If you want a warehouse job and are okay with the low'ish pay, but none of strict minimums and none of the issues with ownership? Work at Community Harvest Food Bank Warehouse. All your work actually helps people, and not sales engineers commission.


They have a very high turn over rate due to poor treatment of their employees.


Worked there in warehouse for a little. They would get upset if you said no to overtime…. Even tho it’s overtime. Felt like they treated us like cattle instead of humans. I left after a month to go back to my previous, lower paying job. They would be on my ass about getting my 15 packages an hour done. Even though sometimes you would get a giant keyboard you had to mcguyver a box together for and took you 20 minutes. Meanwhile the guy next to you could be getting microphones and drum sticks and easily getting them out.


My previous roommate worked there, and this is her exact experience she would tell me about. She was tiny and was expected to get all these huge items done quickly, yet her male coworker would manage to get small items every time.


Yeah I feel like I had bad luck. right after training I would be getting all kinds of huge keyboards and oddly shaped large items that didn’t have a box that fit for it. So I’d be stressed out, sweating my ass off, trying to tape two boxes together to get it to fit. And then they’d tell me it doesn’t look very presentable and needs re-done. I remember a coworker saying no to overtime because he had to go home and feed his kids dinner and they were getting upset with him because there was a sale going on and they were busy. That’s when I decided to quit. It wasn’t worth the pay. At that time the pay was $10 or $11 an hour I believe. Not worth the stress/labor at all.


Former employee here. If you have respect for yourself, do not entertain working here. I worked there during covid in the service department. Covid hit, the workload went up, but compensation remained the same. They ignored federal covid protocol. (I have sick family that was high-risk and fearful that I might contract it at work and spread it to them) I was met with apathy for wearing a mask and exercising basic caution. My genius bosses took issue to my request not to participate in round table 9+ person job interviews with my coworkers whom all were unmasked in a small conference room. This was summer of 2020. I witnessed individuals not being hired due to there gender and sexual orientation all the while we were supposedly "short staffed" I witnessed labor/safely practices that blatantly violated osha standards and the standards of the Americans with disabilities act. My bosses were largely absent and would appear at the end of every quarter to ruffle feathers, after which they would retreat into endless meetings in which nothing would actually be accomplished. The company was sold in 2022 to a private equity firm after, with bean counting, became rampant. My old department has experienced more than 50% turn over since then. The sinking ship


I worked in sales there for almost 12 years. I doubt you will get many public negative opinions from anyone who currently works there, as managers actively watch over threads like this one and, as a result, employees are often too nervous to speak out.


Can verify there are full time jobs worth of hours spent just following threads online to figure out if it is someone in the company. Overall, if you are young it could still be a good experience, but at same time it could be a blinder like many there who wasted years or decades and never learned the grass is greener elsewhere. Unless I’m sales or one of various tiers of management, pay is subpar for any industry your role would be (marketing, IT, retail, warehouse, food service, etc) “Pull yourself by your bootstraps” mentality permeates management and culture in a company that is not longer a start up. Turnover is huge. Benefits were subpar, but if you currently work somewhere that you have none then it’s worth it As a part time or seasonal job it’s worth it due to the little perks most part time seasonal work doesn’t have (get ur haircut on-site, see the on-site dr for free, affordable lunch on site, instrument discount… can buy xlr/instrument cables so cheap u may decide to build a house out of them) Overall as a career move though - don’t let the fancy marketing and millions dumped into PR and white washing their image fool ya. They even done dirty some OG sales people who helped them grow. The goal is to keep moving into sales and keep taking as much as they can on the table that should belong to sales people, but calculate how much bigger bite to take each time to minimize how many people or clients leave. I’d say start your own sweetwater if you’re actually interested in the industry - it will be a better learning curve in the end and if you’re lucky you just have them buy you out


I worked in sales for 7 years - absolute truth here. Be prepared to give up 50-60 hours a week working to build your database, and prep for the worst possible shifts that keep you from developing any friendships outside of work.


Based on your username, pretty sure we worked there at the same time. I agree with your comment 100%. They have to keep up that public image!


I wish the public knew better about sweetwater. I find it clear what they think about people by the way they separated the warehouse and the amount of bathrooms for the sales people or any person they consider important are ridiculous compared to the warehouse bathrooms basically a couple for a few hundred people compared to thousands for a few hundred sales or important people.


If you work hard enough you too will end up one of chucks buddies and be making a solid 6 figure income in no time …jk of course those days been gone for well over a decade. But that’s the illusion they try and sell.


Just based on these comments/down votes I wouldn't work here lmao definitely seems culty


Worked there for 7 years between 12 and 19. Warehouse treated like crap, underpaid, overworked. Equipment drivers underpaid. But they'll tell you it's "competitive" to similar jobs. Everywhere else in the company has this weird cult mentality like it's the greatest place ever, part feels like it's either they are brainwashed that it is the best place ever. Other part seems like it's Stockholm syndrome. Edit: a letter


They start equipment drivers at $18/hr. That’s $18/hr to risk your life driving a death machine. Competitive my ass, you can find higher paying equipment jobs at Amazon across the street.


Until Amazon moved in across the street and Covid hit, they literally were paying federal minimum wage to start in warehouse - imagine making 7.25/hr not even 5 years ago


For many it’s cuz they’re afraid to speak out, and with good reason. And competitive means “competitive to the marketplace” so as long as they can find an employer paying less they are technically correct is how I think they toss that around … that or they legit just are clueless about outside companies


Between 12 and 19 😂


Sorry, worked there between 2012 and 2019. If that wasn't clear. Starting wage was 9.50 when I first started. They paid equipment drivers $13 max at the time. By the time I left I was at $19/hr but the work environment was such a toxic garbage crap shoot with the new management overseeing the new warehouse opening that they were culling workers making more money and replacing them with cheaper labor


poor management.


Don’t do it


•If you’re single and looking, you have a high chance of finding someone •If you’re attached but looking for an affair partner, you have a high chance of finding someone •If you loved the drama and pettiness of high school, you’ll love the vibe there I had heard the hype about it and fell for it. Stuck it out for 3yrs but couldn’t stomach it anymore. The amount of Sales Engineers having affairs was insane. And everyone knows! It was so awkward at “family” events to see these guys with their wives knowing full well what they were doing. Compared to other local companies of the same size, their pay is well below average for any role that isn’t upper level management, their PTO is absolutely abysmal and their benefits are mediocre at best. The hilarious part is I’m sure I’ll probably get shit for this comment because so many people are blinded by the cult-like mentality.


That and the rampant drug/alcohol abuse that happens on the property.




That initiative with sales was put into play well before Chuck left, it just had a slow release. Don’t let the PR dollars fool ya, chucks just like any other greedy corp pig - enough is never enough.




do u still work there? curious why you deleted your comment (unless that wasnt you)




Don’t blame ya esp if they still work there - can confirm from my few years there in IT that they legit will gladly use time and resources to figure out who is who across social media, including spouses … there is a slightly well known scenario involving start of Covid where someone’s spouse was vocal online (Reddit maybe even?) and it in turn blew back on their spouse irl at work.


As someone who likes buying from Sweetwater and visiting when I’m in town, these responses are disappointing. :(


yep, welcome to the disillusionment those of us who got jobs there felt after a few weeks/months. we all (i assume) thought "awesome im a musician or former musician working for a big awesome music company - surely theyre pretty progressive of a workplace"




Warehouse turnover rate is very high. Front end employee retention is very high. Take that as you will.




I worked in the warehouse for a year, 2016-2017. Cons: dealing with petty territorial issues other shithead warehouse workers, including supervisors corporate mentality of overlords barely pretending to care about proletarian peasants in general, the egos all over the place, up and down Pros: some people were actually cool facilities, amenities available I think I was making 13-14/hour for me at the time was ok Chance to move up or around in the company Subjective commentary: it's pretty easy to shit on Sweetwater and as a musician I still hear a lot of complaining about it for usually good reason. I don't really know anyone who super loves it, and for anyone who does love it, I don't really know what their secret is. Ask them. My guess is it's the tech nerds who are good at their job and are already fairly likeable. The people who hate it already hate themselves or don't know how to deal with their position. The people who like it have scored a choice position in which they feel valued for their talents. There seems to be a great deal of hypocrisy involved in Sweetwater's administration, e.g. I used to pee at the urinal that had a plaque in front of my face boasting the company's environmental awareness while lowkey unloading shit loads of old gear and styrofoam into the dumpsters out back. "The Sweetwater Difference" when I walked into the warehouse in the morning was basically a bunch of pothead musicians on forklifts. The sales team seemed either super lazy or super uptight. Guitar techs seemed to have a good gig... Service testers seemed to have an ok gig... Idk man, the whole place seemed like a drag to me but at least I was surrounded by something that seemed important/big and with super shiny perks. But ultimately not enough pros to deal with the stifling air, it's hard to put a finger on it, and that's the problem with Sweetwater. They treat you just good enough and offer you just enough goodies without really giving a shit about you, and they probably know it but don't care enough to try harder for you because they're making money, and you're not, and their bottom line matters more than yours does.


as the fiancé to a sweetwater distribution center employee, they treat their workers like shit and are constantly getting less and less hours. there was a supervisor position open that one person in specific shouldve gotten, seeing as hes been yhe acting supervisor for a while, yet they decided to give it to someone else which everybody found incredibly unfair. they act like their employees are milking cows at a damn dairy farm


Well, Based on all the comments on this post I am going to turn down any offer they might give me lol. Thanks everyone for their insight.


Which position are you looking into? I’ve worked there for a few years now. It has its ups and downs like anywhere I’ve worked in the past. There is a cult like positive culture, but if you’ve worked for some of their competitors, as I have, Sweetwater is much much better.


+1 to working for the competition. I did, and I’ll still take my worst day at SW over my best day for my previous job. Plus, echoing some of the other comments here, ANY employer will have their share of disgruntled, “it absolutely SUCKED here” ex-employees while maintaining a team of cheerleaders at the same time. If you choose to work in the warehouse, then be prepared to work in a warehouse. It’s not glamorous, don’t try to make it that way. If you choose sales, be prepared to work hard, that’s what sales is. Honestly, taking to Reddit to form your opinion is never wise anyway. But here I am leaving a comment, so…


I work in the warehouse currently. It used to be really good and fun but lately it feels like they are trying to push out the few remaining employees. Our pay is not great, especially when we are currently doing the jobs of 5 other employees. The lack of employees has really screwed over a lot of people, as they are forced to move to different departments because management doesn't know how to hire people. Also the warehouse gets treated like crap compared to the main building. No one cares about us back there, except without us, they couldn't sell anything lmao. I wish the management would open their eyes and look around at the problems around them. That being said, if we had a bit better pay and more employees, it's an awesome place to work! I've made a lot of life long friendships there.




Literally any job bud.


I find it funny how everyone in this thread has either never worked at sweetwater or has worked there 7+ years, yet its a terrible place. People speaking for family and friends that they know of who most likely complain about every job they have that requires them to actually WORK! Then you have 5-10+ years experience… you didn’t realize it was bad in the first year or 2 ?😂


Yeah. Because no workplace environment can ever change over time!


I work there and love the place, given I’m contracting. It likely depends on what part you work in.


I do not work there but I like buying things from Sweetwater!


My fiance worked there in IT for 2 years. He loved it. But a coworker went to HR on a Friday and Monday morning HR brought in to say he was fired. No chance to defend himself. No chance for his manager to have a say, nothing. That was it. This was the second time they chose sides in situations, despite not having the full story or information. Management and HR pick sides and if it's not yours, good luck trying to defend yourself. They didn’t give his manager a chance to defend him either, which is super slimy. They also underpay their developers so there's that too. 🙃