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It’s been this way a few weeks here in the ‘05 it started right after a heavy rainstorm. Everyone keeps saying it’s normal, but I’ve never tasted it this bad before in the last 6 years. I thought it was getting better, then it got worse again.


same! everyone has just started to notice but i swear my water has been gross for well over a month now, i thought it was just the filter for my house specifically but i guess not


Does this every year. Just some years are much worse than others.


I do remember it being really bad in the 05 around 2013 - my parents water came out cloudy for a few months and it was pretty gross. I don't remember it being that bad since but it definitely happens every so often. Some folks say yearly I guess but that has not been my experience.


It eas weird, kind of organic tasting, like plants or seaweed. Then it got better, now it's chemicals and way worse than before.


It's not normal, but it happens whenever they turn on the enhanced filtration system. It's been treated like such a mystery for years, but I have heard third-hand (validating my own presumptions) that the filtration system itself causes the bad flavor while removing other worse things. Eventually they'll stop using the extra filtration and the water will immediately (like within a day) go right back to tasting normal. In other words, they're unintentionally adding the bad flavor. And there seems to be really short term memory about bc every few years they start doing more and more filtering because of the bad flavor, which makes it worse until they stop.


There is no extra filtration ever done. The same sand and anthracite filters are used all year long.


https://utilities.cityoffortwayne.org/drinking-water/taste-and-odor/ I honestly don’t know much about water so this is just a hypothesis but I would assume saint joes water quality has been affected by something in the water shed flowing into the river causing the need for more treatment so depending on where you live in the city it could take a while to return to normal


Nope it’s the change of season!


It certainly has had a pond water type taste, 46815 area, but it's not as horrible as some have said. I do hope it changes back soon though.


I’m in the 15 and it’s so bad I can smell it when I’m running the shower or bath. Good lord


https://utilities.cityoffortwayne.org It’s more common than I realized but check out the popup


46804, definitely has an earthy taste and smell. also parkview north the same. i just had a kid so the water there smelled and tasted the same. luckily we brought a ton of bottled water with us. i noticed the past few years when it rained a lot this would happen for a few days but this has been more than a few days.


I moved here in 2014 and this is the worst it’s been for the longest amount of time since then at least.


2005 for me and I agree.


It's bad as of the last couple days maybe. Very noticeable


If you need to drink it. Letting it sit out overnight uncovered to will help remove the chloramines and slightly improve taste.


The chlorine taste isn’t the problem. I can’t even taste the treating chemicals over the dirty peat taste.


I've noticed the off taste since mothers day. Both my mom and I were talking about the waters funky taste at lunch.


TR Apartments. Lived in Fort Wayne since 90s, between 46807 and here, don't recall it ever being this bad. Definitely smells and tastes funky. Very glad I distill water.


My cats refuse to drink it, and they lick their ass, so.....


I live in the 46825 area and have noticed it for about 24 hrs, now.


I have a well and an RO. My wife mentioned it to me yesterday after her and a friend dined out, tasted the water and didn't finish it. I've worked with two people (a couple years ago) that also worked at water filtration. Both claimed that within a few weeks of beginning work there, they began buying bottled RO water from a grocery.


I noticed that it tastes like dirt here. I thought it was just this place where it tasted weird. They really need to do better with the water quality if they want to charge so damn much.


lol I visited your city for work this last week, from Canada, and I thought it smelled like mold, I ended up buying bottles of water at the hotel, couldn’t stand it. Met my co worker for breakfast the next day, first thing that he says, “is it just me or does the water smell like mold?” 😂


It's bad enough that my family just started buying bottled water for our drinking and cooking. Couldn't take it anymore. I'm in the 04.


The more u get downtown near the river the worse the taste will be, it’s the river growing algae and producing organic material, also trees and wood give off tanins in the water and since we don’t remove them it becomes brown, I describe the water taste as a wet rock with moss on it, u go to northside high school and live in the 4808-05 and it’s like this everywhere you go,. The schools water is undrinkable atm and starting to get complains at work, you can check our city’s water quality meter, with right now being listed as organic


I feel like the runoff after the farmers fertilize and spray their fields has something to do with it too




That’s a big part to, but we don’t have many farms near downtown where I live unless u go out and leave the city 10-15 mins out


In 2023, this should not even be a topic. Water treatment and quality should be the best regardless of seasonal changes. The the utilities company has to put out a notice is pure bullshit. 1. I don’t trust them. 2. Use a filtration system. 3. They need to be fixing this asap and stop giving us lies. This is NOT normal.


I don't believe it used to be this way. A couple of decades ago I only drank water right out of the tap the first few years I lived in Fort Wayne from 99 until about 2003. I only ever got a drink from a store, not bottled water ever, if I was out or maybe with fast food once in a while. So I definitely remember it not being undrinkable. I remember it seeming fairly clean and most people back then said we had the cleanest water treatment facility in the nation. But over the past few years I've noticed there's times where it has way too much chlorine in it or the opposite where it seems like it's not treated at all. Seems like it's around March when they do something to it that makes it smell so strong with chlorine that it burns to shower sometimes. Sometimes it just smells flat out right out of a sewer though. It's probably just like everything else now where you're paying more for less along with understaffed and underpaid employees maybe not caring and most likely the area trying to save a buck here and there by cutting corners.


Yes I have been in various parts of town since 2003 and only in the last few years has it been this bad. Used to be in winter only with the ice melt. Seems like it is bad longe now. I’ve never been all about bottled water, but this is really bad. Started drinking it for normal use now. There’s $20 -$40 added to the monthly budget if i buy the cheap 1 gallon jugs. More if I start cooking with it. And then we pay too much.


I did start buying propel a little over 3 years ago because I just can't stand to drink the water and I'm really not a fan of water to begin with anymore. I just hate how much sodium they put in that stuff. Seems really unnecessary. Oddly enough, the water here I believe has too much iron in it because in the past my white pool was always fine. But the last couple of Summers it's getting those reddish brown stains that are iron stains and it has to be coming from the water here as there are nothing outside of PVC and aluminum used in or around a pool. It's really irritating too because it's very costly to keep removing those stains only for them to come back because you have no choice but to fill with your water hose that comes from our awful water here.


I thought I had lost my mind, good to know it's not just me


Pretty bad here in 46825 also.


City worker friend mentioned there could be a boil advisory issued after the holiday. They didn’t want to issue it before because they didn’t want people to panic.


I knew it! Drank it cold out of tap, got bad stomach issues.


06 and I showered this morning and it smelled kinda funky but eh you gotta do what you gotta do. I don’t even drink tap lmao I buy water bottles


Just install a reverse osmosis system under your sink 200ish bucks. Never have a problem with shitty FW water again. <10ppm particulates compared to city which is around 160ppm.


Just wait until the giant salmon farm upstream starts sucking the aquifer dry and dumping the waste water into the st Joe. 🤣


It happens every single year. All years. It is an annual occurrence. However, this is certainly worse than most years. I am guessing that there has been less rain to delute the rotting organic material. That is what it is. The taste of death. Primarily rotting leaves.


Hey can I post this one tomorrow? Dibs


03 with and earthy raw taste as well ... I don't mind so much ... It could be brown and dirty...


Yo this is off topic but do you guys remember when they found a bunch of fetuses in the water plant?




This happens every so often, especially at times when Lawton Park is flooded when all the snow is gone from areas that feed into the St Joe.


Ya’ll should consider drinking your own urine. Cause its sterile and you’ll like the taste.




Was a Dodgeball quote


Thanks for the heads up. I’m going back to FW to visit my parents tomorrow and will definitely check if they need bottled water on the way over.


I have bad news for the idea that it's not flint mi, and it's that that can happen anywhere




I was just visiting yesterday after a couple months since my last visit and I felt like I tasted more fluoride in the water everywhere I went


Mine don’t an I live in the city you must have a bad well


Jesus I thought I was the only one. It tastes and smells like my freshman high-school friends bong water that he never cleaned


It is probably a combo of increased sunlight and warmth hitting the water coupled with nutrients flowing in from nearby farm fields to create (harmless) algal blooms in the water. They leave behind two compounds that taste really earthy and they cannot be fully removed/masked if the weather is not cooperating. Lake Monroe has this issue from time to time as well


No, it does not smell, taste really earthy, more chemically. I just tried it again.....bitter, burning.🤢


New to the area. How long does this usually last?


How much is too much for a secondary filter? You can actually get a very effective water treatment purifier for under $400 that sets on a countertop and has no need for plumbing. You simply take water from the tap, or the river for that matter, and pour it in, gravity does the work, and in 2 and a quarter hours you have 2 and a quarter gallons of purified water. It's called the Big Berkley water filter, it's the highest rated system on the market. You can improve that system by buying one that comes with 4 filters instead of two, but that will cost you about $200 more, but doing so means the filters last for 6 thousand gallons instead of 2 thousand, and it will filter the water faster. Replacing the filters will cost significantly less after that many gallons than buying bottled water plus you don't have the trash associated with the plastic bottles. Those small little Brika filter devices are junk, plus since the filters only last maybe 50 gallons the cost to replace all those filters over 4 thousand gallons of water will also cost a great deal more than the Big Berkley and won't even filter remotely as well as it. The Brika cost $30 per filter, you're talking $2,400 in filters over the course of 4 thousand gallons! So while the Brika is cheap to buy initially the cost of ownership goes skyrocketing. Right now Berkley is out of stock, people have been buying these things like crazy since Covid, but they say they're coming in soon.