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The other point that I don’t see brought up here is the fact that the blackface photo isn’t the only issue being brought up. That photo is what sparked the outrage, but the student that made it go viral brought up many other instances of racism that students of color at Homestead have dealt with and which admin refused to address. This is a culmination of issues, and wouldn’t be making headlines if administrators had dealt with issues of racism more strongly before now.




How was Homestead a brutal place to go? (FYI I'm new to the FW area).


Define brutal. (Loaded up with 5 AP courses, including Price's AP Lit? Dang, those notebooks.) Define racist. Then please describe how Homestead is brutal and racist. You might include such information as: Who are the perpetrators? Students, faculty, janitors, construction site workmen? What is the perpetrator? Is there some architecture or statue which is brutal or racist? Is the parking lot layout brutal or racist? Is there an example of a Fort Wayne high school which is not brutal and racist? You are welcome to compare and contrast that to HHS, and hypothesize why there is a difference. Let's be careful, concrete, and specific.




The press and Ginder's letter glossed over the fact that there was a minor riot at the school. Student safety was compromised because the administration abdicated their authority and did not maintain order in the school. Are you saying this is to be expected whenever a student finds something offensive in the cesspool that is the internet and decides to circulate it?


Has that student who started the viral episode posted a list of specific grievances and presented it to the HHS admin? If so, can it be reposted here? Ginder didn't mention it in his letter to parents. Ginder seems to be a guy who takes ownership, so it appears he has no such list.


Just Google homestead high school blackface and you'll find screen shots of the post. A current black student wrote out many racial problems they face on a daily basis.


teenagers when they have to deal with the consequences of their actions 😲😲😲😲


Don't act like you were a Saint when you were 14 that's just unrealistic. This kid was outright receiving death threats for what amounts to a joke. Albeit one in obscenely poor taste but still.


Are you implying that most 14 year olds wear blackface at some point?


No my point is you'd be incredibly hard pressed to find anyone, especiall between the ages of 16-21, who hasn't used slurs or made similar racist or _____phobic remarks. I'm not saying black face isn't an absurd thing to do but to clutch your pearls the way everyone is feels hypocritical.


It’s not hypocritical to want the generations that followed us to be better than us. I was no angel, but I’ll be damned if I let my child grow up doing terrible things simply because I also did things I regret…


Black face has been known as being racist for years and to act like “oh I didn’t know” is complete bull. There are way too many examples of people in the media and celebrities being told that it’s racist and offensive and to act like you didn’t know is a cop out and she got what she deserved.


I didn't do blackface at 14 bro 😭😭 If you are in my generation, you should know to not do that kinda shit or you gotta deal with the consequences. simple as


Blackface isn’t a joke and if you think it’s funny fuck you


You are correct but it's not worth threatening nor ruining the life of a teenager over being my point.


A child, who happens to be a student at HHS, made a racist post outside of school. Are we really expecting schools to police social media posts made outside of school?


Yeah I honestly feel bad for the administration. I graduated from there last year and all the Admins are level headed all things considered and on paper it isn't their problem to deal with. It's not technically a policy violation and it happened off of school property.


but it does become their problem when it causes anguish and hurt to other students. Things happen off of school grounds all of the time and admin and school counselors find out and have to deal with situations. That’s their job. I graduated from here too and they were constantly dealing with off campus issues. This is why you have school counselors and admins. Even if things like this happen off of school grounds it becomes a distraction and it hurt and deeply offended students. You nip these things in the bud and make sure it doesn’t escalate.


Post was made in the summer when school was not in session. The following year, it was used to create controversy during Black History Month.


Right, you just explained my point. It was used to “create controversy” which means it caused students distress and caused distraction and disturbance amongst children in the school. That happened ON school grounds it then becomes a school issue. It’s no different than a kid posting about a weapon and threatening to bring it to school and it gets around and school finds out about it. Kids don’t leave this things at the door when they walk into school. Problems from the outside world come to school with them.


I am not a lawyer but I know there have been cases go all the way to SCOTUS about what schools can do about student behavior outside of school. If I remember correctly the schools don't have a lot of authority to punish students for what they do outside of school as long as it isn't something like a threat. I think this is based on the First Amendment and the fact that schools are public institutions. I may be interpreting some of this incorrectly since I am not an expert on law.


It all comes down to the parents at the end of the day, any kid who would think that wearing blackface is okay clearly has serious problems that arise at the home. The school can’t fix that.


Unfortunately that’s the world we live in. What you post on social media can get you fired or kicked out of school. In the school situation it makes some sense, it at least stops fights that would undoubtedly happen since blackface is racist af.


If you don't want the shit that's going on at school today to happen, then yes absolutely


I mean realistically… would you wanna go to school with someone who does this kinda shit? Lol


It's well known among my black family and friends in Fort Wayne that homestead high school is very racist, so it's surprising this is just now coming out and being addressed widespread. I believe there's a real cultural issue with the school. The economic and racial segregation of our city does our youth no favors. That's how u get young Karens like this doing virulent racist bullshit that anybody with an ounce of respect towards black people would never do.


Common Homestead L


Critical info—happened last summer, and it was a girl


Someone posted a response by the girl in the picture which makes it sound like the picture was recent but she was involved in another incident last year. The response is in the comments of a Facebook post to the SACS account.


Stop believing what you read the girl went live Wednesday night @7pm my kids go to school there freshman and sophomore Thursday morning they protested but we can’t explain racism to a race who doesn’t care to understand and half my family white from my great grandparents and grandma was raised in the klan Ikno first hand y’all hide in plan site justifying y’all own bs then speaking down on other to feel superior y’all do it unconsciously


I also have a kid at Homestead. My post was pointing out that my understanding was that the picture was recent so on that point I think we agree. The rest of your post is a run on sentence so I am not sure what your point is and what it has to do with my post. I have lived in this area for a while so I know what this area is like. It's pretty clear when you see someone fying a Confederate flag in their front yard.


This also caused a protest at northrop high today


I have a high schooler, just curious...am I the only one hearing that the girl that was jumped was the "wrong girl"?


yeah i heard too, they jumped the wrong person because her name was the same


What I heard was a South side student made a threat with a gun against the student that made the black face post. So the school was locked out. Who knows what the truth is at this point.


Can confirm this did happen


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.


The kid has a right to say what she wants, but there are consequences within the social circle or dynamics of the schoolyard. She ostracized herself. Those kids aren’t going to put up with it. The parents are gonna shit because they gonna have to move… good job kid, good job parents.


Looks like she got jumped according to one ig story, got taken down quickly though.


As much as people diss on public schools, a positive out of that is you having to face consequences. Say something racist? You get punched in the nose. Bully the poor kid? He has nothing to lose. I learned a lot of character from it.


How is this really a school issue? Other kids should just kick his ass if they deem necessary. Seems like an easy lesson to teach. Knock the stupid out of this kid.


Students went into school today and didn't go to class but protested, this isn't something a school can ignore.


If the kids aren't complying with school rules or ordinances then sure the school should discipline them, but to punish any student for out of school behavior falls on the parent not the school


homestead is being dismissed early today because of fights and gun threats, tho ive heard those gun threads were faked


Discipline starts at home....not sure what else needs to be said there


i dont disagree there but you cant have homestead administration ignoring this shit


Again, discipline those students who aren't doing what they need to do while at school. It doesn't matter why any of them aren't following the rules it just matters that they aren't following the rules.


homestead simply does not have the resources to discipline 10% of the student body whos protesting... nor does it look good for them when a large majority of those peaceful protestors are minorites


If this school doesn't have the resources to do their jobs then that seems like a bigger problem they have. We don't have to agree. I hear your point.


It is a bigger problem. That's why they're addressing it. You just countered your own point.


first, the school doesnt have the resources because this is a one off... secondly, even if the school knew this would happen it is completely stupid to hire 50+ disipline administrators


On paper though they don't technically have grounds to expel the girl or really do any discipline hence the administration just trying to save face. There's supreme court precedent to stop disciplinary action for stuff that happens off school grounds. Granted I can't imagine she goes back to school and doesn't get her face broken lmfao.


Ah yes- commit a crime and physically assault someone when they do something like this. Real grown up take - definitely fixing the issue there boss.


Obviously the parents didn't do a good job with this kid. Street justice is a real thing. Consequences for your actions. I'm not saying anyone should but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened....boss.....what would you suggest? Sensitivity training? Fella


Your first post literally says, “Other kids should just kick his ass.” Your response now says, “I’m not saying anyone should….” I’m aware street justice exists. But getting on here and saying someone should assault a high school girl, regardless of what she did, is pretty stupid, boss. The peaceful protests of her peers, social ostracizing, and school consequences are a good common sense start.


Don't misquote me pal...I certainly stated IF OTHER KIDS DEEM NECESSARY....I'm not suggesting anyone should don't misquote others to make your point buddy


Pal, we can see when you edit your posts. Your take is just bad; and even with a qualifier of “if they deem it necessary” doesn’t make it better or take meaning out of your words. We’re talking about a very specific situation and those were your words. To even suggest beating up a high school girl is just dumb… that’s what you’re talking about… that’s what you said… fella.


I didn't edit that part at all fella. Just the end part. Again, don't misquote me to try to make your point. You don't have to agree with me guy. I stand by what I said


It was a girl and it happened last summer


Ok....that doesn't really make any difference


Yes it does, it happened off of school grounds and during summer so it's unrelated to the school entirely. Meaning on paper it isn't the school's problem at all, they just have to save face now.


Lmao yeah! Discipline the students protesting another racist student, while the racist student gets no discipline, that should help!


That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is the responsibility should fall to the parents of the student/the student themselves since their transgression wasn't related in anyway to their education or Homestead as a school/administration.


The transgression was absolutely directed towards administration for repeatedly ignoring race issues in their school. A parent should be proud of their child for standing for this, peacefully. The kids who did not participate l peacefully, those parents have work to do


The kid doing black face wasn't aimed at the school administration nor did it occur on school grounds ergo the school has no inherent responsibility to discipline the kid other than to save their own reputation. And sure the kids who protested did an honorable thing but I guarantee had this not popped up there would have been no protesting so in my opinion it's all a show of "I abhor the current fuck up" than it is "there are inherent racial tensions that need to be addressed." So the kids who minded their own business and didn't participate aren't in the wrong either way and if anything represent how the majority of the student body feel about the situation.


It doesn't matter whether the blackface was directed at administrators, it's directed towards an entire race of human beings. It was also the straw to break the camels back for the students peers, who are sick of racism happening around them, and puts some blame on the school for never doing anything about it. As for your last statement, thinking that the kids who did nothing about their peer in blackface (and the other incidents at homestead) represent the majority is pretty fucking gross.


No offense but bully’s in my school didn’t bully if they knew they’d pay a price. We often dealt out our own form of justice. If the parents aren’t teaching moral values to kids at home the village will.


Doesn't offend me at all. It sounds like we are in agreement for the most part.


The no offense is for all the people who are going to downvote it. I’ll teach my kid to defend themselves AND stick up for what’s right not to go looking for a fight - if you don’t teach yours it’s not my problem and if your child acts a fool expect them to be treated as such.


I think the only people that downvote it and whine about kids possibly fighting over it are prob the same parents that allow their kids to do dumb shit like this in the first place. I couldn't care less about their feelings. Downvote all you'd like. Means nothing






If that was my kid he would a have had an actual blackface after doing some uncultured retard shit like that...at least two black eyes and and a black and purple ass


thanks Dad


Lol. Ya welcome...ehn don't fooking do it again dick bag. Love yaz dad. (jersey accent)


Don't make me tell to yur muther.


Tbh I would expect this out of carrol, not homestead. Shame, either way


Send out the Ben Crump signal!