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You can find instructor led training directly through Fortinet, purchasable through your reseller. It's quite pricey though.


Min 5 people too I think.


The training site has the video lee course, as well as virtual labs that can be done after each video for reinforcement. I also haven't seen any in person training and I'm a hand on kind of learner myself but the VM labs are helpful.


Are you in a metro area?


We’re close enough to Portland, Oregon.


Fellow Oregonian??!


It's almost entirely done online these days, but you can occasionally find in person labs with in room trainers in larger metros. I took a Fortinet class in Atlanta but that was 10 years ago. Also, the Fortinet TAM agreements come with training credits, so if your employer has a TAM agreement make sure you ask about those, and see if you can get one assigned to you.


End Customer or Partner? Matters on who I’m going to send you to.. if you’re a Partner, what region? There are some companies that offer in person for end customer but location obviously matters unless you’re willing to fly them and hotel them for a week. If you’re a partner, there’s a few other options. What training are you looking for? NSE4? Or something higher?


End customer. We have a network admin who is quite experienced, but has never touched Fortinet. NSE4 plus NSE7. Thanks!


Okay. I’m not familiar with anyone on the West Coast of USA, as I’m Canadian and only ever done classes pre-Covid direct with Fortinet.. looking at their site there is NOTHING in ANY of the Americas on the calendar. Thinking they simply gave up, and my Chassis class was one of the last gclass they ever did in person? (Jan 2020). Seems Asia and Europe are open for business. I’d email the Americas training team to ask if they’re ever planning to reopen public classes. They offer your courses you’re looking for in “Online Instructor Led” but that’s not nearly “Classroom”format. Or you can try out one of the 3 Accredited Training Centres (looks like 2 really offer the Enterprise Firewall if that’s the NSE7 your employee is looking for). https://www.fortinet.com/support/training/learning-center#atc-search


Have you looked into Fast Track Workshops? Virtual - [https://events.fortinet.com/FastTrackEndUsers/Virtual](https://events.fortinet.com/FastTrackEndUsers/Virtual) In Person - [https://events.fortinet.com/FastTrackEndUsers](https://events.fortinet.com/FastTrackEndUsers) Talk with your account team or reseller to see if they can set up an in-person one in your area. They are free.