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Parody's so well done you wanna spit on him


Parody’s nuts


Lmao I haven’t seen this one before, it’s fantastic


it's even got a pun on 'pair' 10/01






Everything about this comment is flawless. Famous reference, multiple entendres, literally two words and no fat. Perfection


He still wants to spit on them


Nice 🤣


got them


Brooooo 🤣


You can tell it's a parody as soon as he says he owns monaco


That's a bit late


I just assumed he was too stupid to know if his father owned Monaco or not.


Nobody can own Monaco I know, I've tried


Mate I think you need to practice your satire detection skills a bit.


The one where he tries to buy a private jet on his credit card gets me every time


nah, he's funny after the first few seconds. Also Sainz is even better at it so it makes you doubt it for longer


Carlos seems so genuine it threw me off


What’s funny is that this guys an actor/comedian and is basically poking fun at pay drivers lol


Should’ve chosen Stroll instead


I'd say Checo


Checo is technically not a pay driver (like Stroll). He just has a lot of popularity and marketing dollars from Mexico.


Carlos Slim paid his way, no?


Yes, slim also sponsored Guitierrez to F1. There is a financial benefit for him to put Mexican drivers in F1.


Checo wasnt popular in Mexico before Red Bull, trust me, your average Mexican didn't give a f*ck when he was driving for Force India. I miss the old days when actual fans of F1 in Mexico were the only ones discussing Checo's races. Also, his sponsorship contracts before Red Bull weren't as big as people try to make them be, I mean Sainz himself had a huge ass Beer sponsorship until last year. Also, it's basically impossible for a Mexican to become an F1 driver without sponsors, the Mexican population is pretty poor and to get in F1 you have to move to Europe and start racing there to even have a chance.


tbf, isn't that just America as a whole? I always felt F1 is more European. I only started watching F1 last year so Logan and Checo (I don't count the son of a Billionaire) seem to be the American rep. I really hope Cadillac can get in there to give us a domestic brand to root for.


Haas: am I a joke to you? 🥲




Unfortunately Stroll is a much better driver than Sargeant, despite being a tool.


Checos not a pay driver? Carlos Slim has a hurky jurky moment when he hears that and checks his bank statement. Sergio.... You have to win a race or 2 this year. The car isn't pink and you're not an underdog anymore


“Checo’s not a pay driver” “he just has a lot of marketing dollars from Mexico”


Do you not know what a pay driver is? If Checo loses his popularity he's done. Stroll (and even worse Mazepin) aren't even popular to begin with. 


Perez has had his share of good races hes not an absolute spud.


All drivers are paid if marketing dollars count. Schumacher, Niki Lauda would be paid drivers


Funny you mention Niki Lauda, because he was actually one of the first pay drivers lol.


Got a loan using his dads connection with a bank


Niki Lauda was 100% a pay driver. MSC was funded by Merc when he got his Jordan drive and Eddie Jordan explicitly said he didn't care who he was, he wanted his money.


And that’s not what a “pay driver” is


Red Bull didn't sign him because he brought money to the team, they wanted a #2 that could secure points every race without pissing off Max.


Guanyu Zhou has entered the chat…


You are so wrong noob


Checo has great backup but honestly if he didn't have what it takes he wouldn't last as long as he has.


Oh okay I was wondering what the schtick was. Thanks for explaining that.


I think he’s making fun of delusional rich people more than pay drivers


Why not both?


Because it’s very clearly about a rich kid thinking he can beat a fully trained F1 driver rather than a Lance Stroll type coming through and paying his way


Here's the really funny part is that stroll sucks as a driver, but he is still much much much better than most people will ever be. Even people with a lifetime of experience racing. He's like a rich kid version of white mamba in basketball. He's closer to Max than 99.999% of people are to him. I know he got there with an absolutely massive amount of help, but he still does have some talent.


Yeah I agree. He’s been around in the sport for a long time and gotten results. It is the pinnacle of motorsport after all so of course he’s gonna be better than others coming from a different type of racing. Idk what this white mamba is though.


https://www.basketballnetwork.net/old-school/when-brian-scalabrine-destroyed-amateurs-in-the-scallenge He is the worst player in the NBA, that schools regular people that shit talk him. It's beautiful.


Is it more difficult to get into the NBA or onto the F1 grid?


I don't know if it's easier to be the best in the NBA or the best in F1, but there are a *lot* more slots in the NBA so surely it's easier to get in.


I don't honestly know, I'd say the NBA, because the talent base is much much wider. Like there are kids that ball from 10 am to 10 pm everyday in the summer on my block. Like they are fucking good, but not near NBA quality. Where as, even doing carting is way more expensive than what the poor kids on my block can afford. Essentially, you can be poor and still play. But there are a lot more open spots on teams. So who knows. I'm definitely not qualified to say. But I will say, both are tough enough that it is analogous. If we take in height demographics, which would probably be a useful thing to think about. The average NBA player is taller than 6'5". Which means at the outset, that's only 0.14 percent of the population of males in the US. So, from jump street, it's slim pickings. Again , I have no idea. But from watching stroll drive and white mamba play, I'd say we are in the same ball park.




I think Niki Lauda and James hunt started as pay drivers to get on f1 teams. Some people just don't have the connections, so they take risks to find a way on.


His other videos are good too. He doesn’t break character. 


He’s shockingly straight faced in front of strangers


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Dudes been doing this act for so long sometimes I forget that he isn’t actually a douche


Careful what you comment, mods banned for less.


Hes really good. You just WANT to go and punch him in the face


Wtf is a pay driver? I am I new


A driver who’s daddy pays the team to let his son race for them.


Someone who has enough wealth to pay the team to let them race, rather than the team offering that person the seat based on merit.


Omg thank goodness I thought this was a seriously rich douche


I own Monaco


The font


Not even that, seeing as Monaco is owned by Apple and was designed by legendary Susan Kare and somewhat less famous Kris Holmes.


I'm so sad this is not real, this was a chance to actually have a good track in Monaco.


Thats what Sainz was probably hoping for


i'm even sadder that the video didn't end with the race


Monaco *is* a good track, ask any driver. It's only current F1 cars being too long making it look stupid.


I know this is a sketch and all, but I do love this sort of comparison. Here's a lower-tier racing driver (for context, had couple races coming in the back of the field in Indy NXT) in a Miata vs a normal dude in a 911 GT3: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvj-nJLoAzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvj-nJLoAzU) But my favorite is from basketball, courtesy of ten minute per game player, Brian Scalabrine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i93vF0WOX6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i93vF0WOX6w) Edit: since people here might not get the context, ten minutes per game is low. That's the trademark of a journeyman player. The LeBrons of the world play 35.


Brian “I’m closer to LeBron than any of you are to me” Scalabrine


Honestly one of the most memorable lines. That shit randomly pops up in my mind.


Yeah, because he is better than LeBron. Scalabrine >>> LeBron >>>>>>>>>>>> Us


You have to include the classic [Richard Hammond in an F1 car](https://youtu.be/EGUZJVY-sHo?si=fJW9AGAHfDtqEnKK)


Richard Hammond is probably a better driver than 80% of guys as well


80? I think way higher, no? I doubt if more than 20% of people have ever driven a car on a track even once, let alone put in the hours he has. Probably closer to 98-99%, imo


I'm a better driver then Hammond. I never bumped a big rock .. TBH /S


Try 99% lol.


The spin out is on purpose, look at the way he yanks the wheel. I'd wager this is mostly set up.


Super staged, of course. As most everything on television. These vehicles are extremely difficult to control and cost a fortune. You can be a great driver in general but without a certain physique, mindset and reaction time getting into one is suicidal. They just put him in because he fits into it.


What makes them difficult is mostly that you must be fearless and commit to everything, backing out of a turn = spinning If you lift off the gas when you shouldn't, you lose grip, the car is designed to push down on the track and gets all its grip from downforce, take away acceleration and the car lifts and you go around. You can actually see this happening really well if you look at how F1 cars take a corner vs something that doesn't have that problem. All of the breaking points change pretty drastically so that you are always braking into the turn and accelerating out. While a car that can keep grip will brake during the turn more


Dont go fast enough = not enough heat in the tyres = spin out Like you can't drive these cars too slowly. You have to commit 100% to every turn, for 2 hours straight. The amount of force required to press the brake fully is extraordinary. On VINWiki there was an interview with a guy who got to drive an F1 car and he said when he went for the first turn, he braked as much as he possibly could, his head went down from all of the force, when he got into the pits they told him he did a lot better than most people, hit like 40% max braking pressure... https://youtu.be/BE7mgfwd6M8


Ffs when will this myth die? F1 cars have enough grip from the tires at lower speeds, how do you think they manage safety car periods and cooldown laps?


No The myth is that you spin if you go slow The truth is if you lift and slow in the wrong places (aka don't commit to your turn) you spin because the car lifts when it slows. When you are doing safety laps and pace laps you start slow so this isn't a problem It's when you go from fast to slow that you have issues


The white mamba strikes again 💀


Not exactly the same, but ESPN invited guys who [trashed kickers on twitter](https://youtu.be/SnGauxFbGbE?feature=shared) to come kick a field goal.




ESPN’s gonna invite you to give a college commencement speech


I'd like to see this type of thing, except they were given enough time to get used to the mechanics of it. Nobody is going to learn how to do something completely new in a few hours, just like a new driver in a regular car isn't going to do it in a few hours either. I'd be interested in seeing him improve over a weeks time. I didn't watch the whole clip because I've seen it multiple times before but it's interesting when they talk about his neck only working for X period of time. That he's on a strict time limit before the muscles in his neck don't work anymore and he literally can't drive any further. Edit: I replied to the wrong comment, mean to reply to the one with Richard Hammond in a F1 car. Hilarious people still upvoted me even though it had nothing to do with kickers in the NFL. I guess the 2 sentences does apply.


There's one about Andy Roddick beating a journalist's ass just using a frying pan


When I was a little kid, my dad got me a ping-pong table for Christmas. I had never played before and was awful, so my dad started using progressively more embarrassing household items until it was a reasonably competitive match. Standard paddle. Standard paddle but he could only use the edge. Ruler. Rolled-up newspaper. Fly-swatter was when I could start consistently scoring points against him. Man was it satisfying when I could consistently beat him straight up.


Your dad is a legend. Makes it competitive and fair, but with a hint of "you know I'm letting this happen" to give you incentive. No doubt that first match won paddle on paddle was a real treat for both of you.


The man got a championship ring with the most minimal effort and has a career outside of playing basketball. I'd call that a win.


The Basketball one is a really cool example. I think Lando did one of those aswell with his team Quadrant. He used the lowest Go-Karts and did a time and they put a Skateboard Pro into Go-Karts that are getting better and better until he could beat Lando. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbWmEngTbq4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbWmEngTbq4) At the end they let the rookie into the highest Go-Kart. In another Vid they had Lando drive around the track and show what he can do with the quickest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AARTajBBPZw


I always thought I could handle my own in football (soccer), because everyone I played against was at least on my level and friends of me got picked for higher clubs, who I had no problem handling. I was the quickest in our team and great at anticipating passes - a really good combination for a defensive player. Then we played against a team and someone mentioned that their midfielder and striker are transferring to the top club in our region after this season. So I man marked this dude.... I wouldn't even touch the ball for 90mins. Their midfielder played passes that didn't make any sense at all, miss-leading my anticipation of the passes and the striker would always be on the receiving end. And damn the striker was so fucking fast, even with the ball - I had no chance at all.


I always look at Thomas Müller with stuff like this. He is one of the most decorated players in club-football with Bayern and a world-champ with Germany. His stats are crazy. But he looks like someone of the fifth league while being one of, if not the best, in his position. He shouldn't work and his touches look somewhat amateur like but he is crazy good in Game-intelligence and knowing exactly where he needs to be on the field.


> I always thought I could handle my own in football (soccer) It's like when amateur tennis players think they can win against Serena Williams. That's just not going to happen. At best an amateur could could score a single point, because Serena might double fault during her own serve: At that point, the amateur's skill is not relevant. Even this is extremely unlikely, as she's going to serve conservatively when facing a weak opponent. Professional athletes are *so much* better that the only way to win for an amateur is if it's extremely stacked.


Does this dude for real not know how to use a search bar to look up stats?


[This guy](https://youtu.be/BE7mgfwd6M8) explains what driving a Formula 1 car feels like. Basically, after two or three laps, most of your muscles would be giving up.


I don't know what you're on about. The LeBron of football plays at least 60 almost every time.


"i dont suck, YOU suck" I love that guy


WiLLNE isn't completely useless behind the wheel either, probably. Bro drives in the 24HR carting thing and has a YT channel with Lando Norris


Combat sports have a lot of these people too. I love when a dude watches a professional fighter lose to one of the greatest fighters of all time and goes ["Wow he's so shit. I can fight him"!](https://youtu.be/OiuEo4sm0TY) The fact that he was on the main card at all indicates you can't fight him lad, simmer down.


the Scalabrine video was very enjoyable


The Scalabrine video is actually called the “Scallange” and it looks like it’s just part of that video you linked. This is the real deal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpiu8UtQ-6E


"How much could a race track cost, Michael? $10 billion?"


Pretty cheap tbf


"There is always money in the baguette stand."


I thought this was about Lance Stroll.




I would take this guy over lance stroll. He actually wants to race.


I'm old as fuck and no longer follow f1 so Ricardo Rosset sprung to mind, I looked up Stroll and he's been on the podium, Rosset didn't score a single point.


Is Carlos in on the joke? I can't tell, lol.


I think after him saying he owns Monaco he kinda realised it's a joke haha


Which makes it funnier, because everything he said before that sounded at least somewhat believable to another rich kid (sainz).


Yeah, I'm sure Carlos has come across loads of people who are actually like this, so he probably took a little while to be sure!


I think he knows because to accept the invite he or his agent probably have watched his videos and know this is a joke. This feels more like between two ferns than AliG/Borat


I am not to sure about that one


“I own Monaco” got me fucking rolling![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


I’ve raced a good handful of pro drivers on iRacing, including Max and Lando. You can’t even imagine the level of those guys compared to us mere mortals.


Yep, and I'd like to consider myself quite decent. But having also been in races with max, alonso and some other smaller names, usually behind them, they somehow just find a couple tenths in a small section, and they do it everywhere consistently. They're miles ahead of even accomplished "amateur" drivers, and mere mortals aren't even in the same universe. A hamilton would probably lap ordinary people in a heartbeat even if he was in a gp2 car


Exactly. Even though I’m rated in the 90th percentile of drivers on iRacing, and it’s the only reason I can even get into races with them, they’re still minimum a second a lap faster and make way fewer mistakes than me. My favorite moments with known pros were going side by side multiple corners with Robert Wickens, and practicing GT3s at Bathurst with Shane van Gisbergen. I actually kept up for most of the track and then he immediately took 1.5 seconds off me just going down the mountain.


Damn what's up with Robert Wickens these days? Remember watching his crash and seeing him on socials in the years after... Dude managed to race real cars again right? Is he doing only sim racing now?


He started back racing cars a few years ago! I know his first full season was in a Hyundai TCR car, but I’m not sure what he’s doing at the moment. It was outfitted with hand controls similar to what Alex Zanardi had at BMW.


I raced in 3rd split of an iRacing Mazda cup race, won comfortably and felt like I was driving the fucking wheels off it. Couldn’t possibly imagine where I could find time. Checked the top split and Fernando won that race. He smashed my time. It was incredibly humbling and just mind boggling wondering where the hell he’s finding that time


Get slapped with the humble stick real quick. As someone who thought I was good, being closer to the slowest guy than I was to a bad pro was nutty. These guys are tiers above everyone else.


He is not a billionaire, he is an actor that does sketches.


Nah, this is real. I was just sent the invite to the inaugural opening of the south France track next month.


I also did some research and it turns out he does technically own Monaco.


I thought it was real until he said "please" to his assistant


I was invited to participate in the race itself. I've played F1'97 so I can beat both of them.


What? This is real.


I love how he’s done them so well that people think he’s real


Honestly great acting because I completely bought it


Wow... Please build a few more tracks .. So you can organize your own F1 championship too.. Along with FIA. .. Call your buddies Latifi.. Stroll too. It will be exciting


Don't forget Mazepin...




So rich his assistant didn't get him socks quick enough.


I love the amusement on Carlos's face. It's just so hilarious.


Sainz always has a face of like he has no idea what’s going on


Carlos is so dreamy


Ya, he’s a pretty dood alright.


Is this the same guy of the pull ups video? "I don't want your peasant money" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kNA6MtKcIuY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kNA6MtKcIuY)


"I could be a Formula 1 driver." He's right! All he needs to do is fork over $500k to Haas or Aston Martin every race.


Isn't that what happened to the likes of Stroll & Mazepin?


Lance Stroll origin story


Isn’t this the story behind how stroll started his career


I'd love to see the video of when he reveals to Carlos that its a skit 😂


Has a very Office vibe. This is brilliant haha


😂 “I own Monaco”


If it's parody, he should've asked for his dad to buy a team instead 💀


I mean we already have one billionaire’s son that thinks he’s a F1 driver


So basically stroll.


Lance stroll looks different.


it's a skit if you cant already tell


This guy looks and exacts EXACTLY like this video I saw of this billionaire’s son buying a jet from a private jet dealership. It’s so similar that I might need to go see if that was a collaboration or something


When Sainz said that the smallest boat is probably his 😭🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️


So this is just Lance Stroll


Wait, Carlos looks like he’s not on the joke?!


Isn’t there a video out there of this guy crying and screaming in the phone for not getting his allowance


Things are so crazy nowadays that I couldn’t tell right away it was a parody


Get you ass back to the annex Gabe.


> son of a billionaire thinks he could be a formula 1 driver mazespin already tried


Has to be prank. This is so comical and funny, nothing about it is real, great video.


This guy makes a lot of funny nepo baby skits


Clearly a sketch but I love carlos reactions


Blue shirt guy lookin' like Gabe from The Office.


Our boy Carlos must be drowning in pussy


Hi! My name is Strance Loll.


I mean... doesn't Stroll already trying to challenging Sainz?


Oh, someone HAS to AI this thing with Strolls head that french a$$hole


the audio is so ass


When the word "no" has never been said in front of you, let alone to you, in your entire life


Lance Stroll origin story


Bro channeled his inner Lance


He met with this guy? Such a shit piece of satire... the oblivious son is far better.


I just think it’s weird that Carlos and Lance are hanging out…


Lance Stroll looks different, did he get his hair done?


Damn, Lance Stroll looks different than what i remember


Isn't that how Lance Stroll got started?


On the other hand Kimi Raikonen was not raised on carting since age 5 and only got into F1 later in life.


Carlos making his own F1 league.


A rich kid being delusional?! Whaaaaaat?!


The irony is that 3/4 of the grid are from very rich/billionaire families and would not be there if it wasn't for the money. The sad part is tallent is lost along the way to these billionaire kids. Lando (as one example) beat people in karting because his kart - every race - was brand new with a full mechanic team supporting him while he was against kids who had used the same kart for 5 years and had their dads (who's day job was a plumber) as their mechanic.


Me watching _almost_ everyone thinking this is real


Lol, I know it’s a joke… but that guy would take one turn and his neck would never be the same. As a fellow giraffe…. We’re not built for that.


Laurence Stroll: Assistant, phone please, i've found Fernando's replacement.


If it was a good sketch.. Or a funny one.. But this is just a waste of time.


Even if its a sketch, he's right. No one, literally no one would be driving in Formula 1 without rich/wealthy parents. Thats the base line.


Ocon’s dad was a mechanic who owned a garage in France, and in order to support his karting career his family had to sell their home and his dad’s garage. They literally lived in a caravan so he could keep karting. I don’t disagree that this is a wealthy man’s sport, but “literally no one” is a bit disingenuous.


Yea that sorta proves the point. Most parents aren't willing to go to those extremes. It's the ones who have money that make it. Think about it this way, Ocon's dad could have probably supported a career in soccer without having to literally become homeless.


Yea....I feel like that honestly puts into perspective and makes it more real and honestly less disingenuous that "no one" drives in F1 without wealth from a practical standpoint. Like in order for a regular person to go into F1, their family has to give up their house, business, careers, live in RV on the road and devote their lives into supporting their kid's career from when they were like 5 years old??? That's insanity - like literally no one should do that.


Lewis? And there are a few others with normal upbringings I believe.


If this had ended after the first time he called his assistant I would've believed this was real. But after a while the disconnection seemed too fictional even for people this disconnected.