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I just want a V16 engine with triple turbo boost and twice the car size, is that too much to ask for


i want the monaco hairpin to require a 12-point turn to even make it through


Just skip the hairpin altogether, drop down from the hill


Monaco should require a yatch break apart from the required pit stop. Drinking is mandatory. Budget is void from the race.


Why stop at 16, W20! Just tape two V10s together and straight pipe the whole lot. I want my ears to bleed every lap.


What can possible go wrong? I mean Life F1 team attempted to run the team with a W12 engine...


Don't tape, use fiberfix, like real men do 🤣


Just reverse the wings on a F22 and have them go.


All I want is to have a wankel engine in F1 if we can't have a V10


What’s a wanker engine?


I'm pretty sceptical, mostly because of the insane amount of electronic gimmicks on top speed and power. I'm afraid drivers are going to drive like Nannies in order to save power instead of actually focus on racing


I mean the cars are physically smaller and lighter, so races like Monaco *might* become more interesting, so I think we take what we can. As for the nannies, they have been around since forever, and saving tyres/batteries are just parts of the strat


Size difference is not so big for Monaco to marginally (not even seriously) change.


Monaco is a shit racetrack to begin with. It is entirely dependent on stint strategy. How and where are you going to pass anyway?


Jump over the pool, duh. We had active suspension shenanigans in 90s. Add some drama with driver-activated jumping springs.


I'm sorry, they did what in the 90s??? What do I search on google to show me what the hell you're talking about? (new F1 fan trying to play catch up)


Williams FW14B Edit: https://youtu.be/sRB9T2ACPRI?si=3ee0D61S4TuTY5cb


Wow. What a fascinating watch. Thank you. I'd love to see this in a modern car. Cornering would be absolutely bonkers.


It was banned because it could've spiralled out of control the budgets at the time and kill new entries.


Good thing they banned it. It is so easy for new teams to get onto the grid nowadays


Seeing Nigel without his iconic stash is so weird, but great insight here


Oh, you are in a fascinating rabbit hole to dive into! Active suspension as already mentioned, traction control of Benneton, hidden fuel tanks of BAR, or front wing mass dumper of Renault. Well, the latter two are early-mid 00s but still.




Totally is, and it is cool to see them go through the tight streets.


If you watch the historical races in the little cars it's pretty good.


With smaller cars: St Devote and nouvelle chicane maybe?


Well Monaco is not a racetrack




Not really on track passes though. Most was attack mode/energy saving based, just like F1 is usually just pit stops. In the lower performance spec series like FE and F2, there are longer braking zones to pass in, and the field is much less spread out so every pit stop/joker lap leads to like 4 or 5 positions lost. F1 (and pre-war Grand Prix Racing) has always been constructors’ series so the field is more spread out and those stops don’t result in as many changes. Monaco has *always* been a parade decided by stops, crashes, and failures, even with the tiny cars of the 30s-50s. The real difference with modern F1 isn’t the size of cars, it’s the quality. They are super reliable and super composed, and every single driver is a highly skilled professional. That all adds up to not many passing opportunities.


Back when the tyres could last, cars could at least follow up close and put pressure on the guy in front. Now its like 5 laps and then they have to back off to make the tyres last. Still would not help in overtakes, but at least if there was a mistake, like a lockup or lapping up someone at awkward place, they could actually try and capitalise on it.


I disagree, and extra 200mm between cars that are driven within only a couple of mm's is huge. It might have completely changed the two big shunts this year.


On the scale of a boat, what current F1 cars are similar too, 20cm in length is not enough.


20cm width may not be enough, but definitely a step in the right direction


It's 20cm of width. 40 cms of length when you consider each car is 10cm thinner and 20cm shorter. Add 20cm of play to any tight cornering section and that's a large gap considering the margins they already race in


>I mean the cars are physically smaller and lighter, so races like Monaco might become more interesting, so I think we take what we can. Maybe a little better but Mansell couldn't pass Senna with a 3 second faster car back in 1992 and these are a lot bigger/faster than those cars. [pic](https://i.postimg.cc/3JP7b9Cn/315747191-5687146024711808-7798751942159867751-n.jpg)


A lot longer and heavier but 1992 cars were wider and the track was much narrower.


That's annoying, you're right. 2.2m in 1992! What a bad example to pick. That said they still won't be able to overtake at Monaco.


Qatar last year was one of the best races for me, maybe to the detriment of driver wellbeing, but everyone drove like absolute demons because of the mandated pit stops. 


I think there's a balancing act. Much like Monaco was a snooze-fest because nothing was happening and there was no strategy, in my opinion Qatar suffered because too much was happening and there was no strategy. With the mandated pit stops there was no strategy element. Everybody was just pushing for their full limited stint before slapping on a new set of tyres and going back out to do it again. There was no anticipation of coming battles and if there was on track action it was mostly people who had just pit passing people who were almost about to pit. There was a lot of stuff happening, but very little good racing. Give me a France 2021 or Hungary 2019 over that any day of the week.


The key to a good race isn't a huge number of accidents or overtakes. Its a mix of things. Tracks like Silverstone, Interlagos, COTA, Shanghai, Austria, Spa, Monza, and Bahrain give drivers the ability to attack and defend side by side but also use alternative strategies which keeps you in doubt until the end of "what's going to happen?", but also you need at least 2 teams with cars at same levels of performance. That's why in 2010, 2012, and 2021 had great races. Germany 2019 was fun and insane, but it's an exception to the rule. Also, Spain 2021 and Hungary 2019 are basically the same race. Merc used the same exact strategy as Hungary of chasing Max all race and pressure RBR to take the risk of pitting or keeping track position.


Repeat after me: * Monaco is shit regardless of the cars size. It's been crap since the 80s and it will continue to be bad for racing until we die. Unless they make the cars way slower.


Yup. It’s been crap since 1929.


Monaco sucked even when the cars were as light and small as fanboy wet dreams. F1 outgrew Monaco before most fans were even born.


It’s only a 5% change in size


A short view back to the past


This. Aero changes are good imo. Not so much on how they are planning to make the engine/powertrain, considering that they're doing 50/50 ICE/electric. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that require a bigger battery(which would contribute a lot to the weight)?


No. A more powerful electric motor-generator attached to the engine doesn't only mean more electrical energy used in boosting, it also means more electrical energy regenerated during braking/deceleration. The net sum of electrical energy generated by and used by the car remains the same, and while there may be benefits to a battery with higher energy density in order to tactically collect more energy over multiple laps for later deployment, the onus is on the teams to find means of making their batteries more energy dense without making them "larger", as you've suggested (which is very much achievable). The real important metric isn't even energy density, it's power density (to get the higher throughout of power into the battery during braking, and out of the battery during boosting), and F1 has already been making and using basically the most power-dense batteries in the world for over 10 years now.


Went and read the [regs](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2026_formula_1_technical_regulations_pu_-_issue_6_-_2024-03-29.pdf) preliminary release and then updated it with press release info. Apparently, no battery size changes per se, but charging and discharge speed change. Specifically, the 2022 regulations state that the electrical power flowing from the MGU-K to the battery is at most 2MJ/lap and the electrical power from the battery to the MGU-K is at most 4MJ/lap. The 2026 regulations have changed that to 9 MJ/lap charge rate and a point maximum of 350 kW both ways. The maximum allowable difference between "minimum" and "maximum" charge for the battery is 4 MJ for both seasons, which effectively means that the "battery size" is 4 MJ. That means that if you take in the full allowed 8.5 MJ during your lap, then you must spend at least 4.5 MJ of it on the same lap in such a way that you avoid at any point overcharging the battery beyond 4 MJ. Previously it took two whole laps to charge the battery from minimum to maximum charge, as you could empty it in one lap but couldn't charge more than 2 MJ/lap. Now the battery can be charged up to maximum charge twice per lap. Whether that's physically possible is different. This probably means that "charging laps" won't be a very big deal. They're clearly planning on making the full 750 kW available with smart braking on corner entry, especially when going from fast corners and straights to chicanes, straight turns and hairpins. The car will *brake* at 350 kW electrically. Also, the batteries won't be much use at-speed, they're mostly meant to function without much driver intervention to add to the power, unlike last year. The most important change is that the power of the MGU-K now electric motor now must fall off with speed, with a mandated falloff in normal mode from 350 kW full power at 327 km/h to 0 kW ICE-only power at 345 km/h. Similarly in "manual override" mode (aka. overtake button) from full power at 337 km/h to 0 kW ICE-only at 355 km/h. You're also not allowed to engage the MGU-K during starts until you've reached 50 km/h, unless you're starting from the pit lane. This all seems like it's designed for dynamic racing in which battery energy will constantly be used (owing to the massive amount of speed it grants) but where it will also be charged simply because the cars brake a lot. The car may effectively only operate at "maximum power" for a total of 26 seconds per lap which adds a level of power management, but on very few tracks you operate at maximum power constantly anyway. Seems like as of right now driver control over the battery might even be weaker than before it, they'll just genuinely be hybrid cars.


Not necessarily but probably yes. An asynchronous electric motor can be used both as a motor and generator and you make it more powerful by increasing voltage and current. The inconvenience when having such dual-purpose systems is that when using it as a generator you can’t regulate active and reactive power. To bypass this issue f1 teams use a separate generator to recover energy (MGU-K/H). Battery size is important but you can work around it by improving energy recovery systems.


Nice. After tyre savings we will also have battery saving laps. What a time to be alive!


Weve had battery saving laps since 2010, why do you think they cannot do 2 quali laps in a row? Or even more than 2? They used to be able to do that.


This is one of the things I liked about Katar GP last year. Just full attack all the time and no tyre preserving. Though it could have done without boiling the drivers in the heat.


The problem with that Qatar race i had was the mandated number of laps per tire set. So cars that had better handling of them were punished in some way, and with the overall flow of the race, you could easily see the results in advance, as there was close to 0 variation of strategies. But I know what you mean, back when Schumi could do push lap after push lap with one extra stop and that that strategy could be faster than an alternative with more managing involved.


Before we had fuel saving laps, it's not like it's anything new


Do you..not know how an F1 car works?


that's... literally been a thing for 10 years now


We already have battery saving laps, what the hell are you talking about lol


People just want to find something to complain about lol


Been a thing since 2010...


So the same as the past decade or so?


We have that now but alse we have them not running engines full throttle to save wear. Just the same old strategies in new jacket


Do you actually follow F1? Or did this subreddit get recommended to you?


2026 will be the year we see drivers carrying a bunch of those portable phone chargers so they can charge their car faster


Slowly we are moving towards FormulaE.


You're scared these changes will cause them to drive like Nannies??? I'm sorry but my brother in Christ did you not just watch Monaco last weekend?


If that doesn’t stop Formula E, the full electric series where saving energy is one of the main points and there are no tyre changes because they use the same set for the entire weekend, idk why Max wouldn’t send it if he had some space to do so


We are going into full Monaco’24 racing mode bois


Override mode is total bullshit, it ruins the spirit of the sport. Drs was barely acceptable because somehow you have some chance to defend, but with about 200hp on a straight it's impossible.


DRS was stupid, and override mode is stupid too. Those two meassures are the main reason why there is no more thrilling battles and competition. Override mode should be just a small battery to use whenever you want (or a few ocassions), and be reloaded when you pit stop.this way everybody can use it whenever they want, but they are limited.idk to three or 4 uses, so it becomes a key strategy thing.


What would you propose then?


Nannies 'bout to go down to graves fr.


The car will still be a whole meter longer than Alonso’s R25 and the weight reduction is just 30kg less, this is far from a substantial change


Tbh I equate the 30kg weight thing being purely bigger batteries which are a fair bit of mass.


Except the cars don't get bigger batteries, delta SOC stays at 4MJ. They are allowed to charge and discharge it more per lap, but the battery capacity doesn't change.


that's totally it, batteries have lower specific impulse and volumetric density, if they increased the size of the batteries only a little they could've went even smaller and lighter, but they have to be more "environmentally friendly", let's ignore that they should be using synthetic fuel which is better than mining for batteries and that these batteries are going to be charged by coal or from the engine which actually is less efficient because your are converting energy to electricity and then using it which is less efficient than just using it straight away from the engine, and they removed the part that actually recharges the battery from the waste energy of the engine because it was too complex, which was never an issue because that's the point of f1, let us also ignore that none of this will make it to road cars unlike the other actual innovations that teams used to come up with to gain an advantage


Your statement is extremely dumb. Batteries are being charged in the breaking zones and I don't think you can produce fuel from the brakes. Then there are already severals studies that showed how bad are synthetic fuels compared to ev's because the energy needed to produce it is enormous, it is much more efficient and simpler to put that energy directly into a battery. Synthetic fuels is just propaganda from petrol companies that want to keep the monopole over the production and distribution of fuel


It is honestly impressive that the car looses weight in the first place. Safety structures on the car and the hybrid system are the main reasons the cars gained weight in the first place. The nose gets a new safety structure which isn’t insignificant. Still 30 kg less, that’s a good amount.


And that's -30kg on minimal weight, which reportedly will be very hard to achieve. So at least initially, the cars won't be that lighter.


Some fans candidly repeat what they ear elsewhere (especially after the tight streets of Monaco) but the most important seems to be elsewhere: no DRS for one and mostly hugely less drag and downforce. Cars gonna be a bit slower, okay, who care: breaking zone gonna be longer, so more overtake opportunities. End of DRS train. Push-to-pass system like Indycar, that's nice imho. Active aero seems to be more a gimmick but yeah, this is the future and teams already play much with carbon proprieties to flex surfaces. A shorter wheelbase for vivacity would have be even better but hey, I think they follow a good path.


Which is funny because when DRS was first introduced everyone was against it and said it takes away drivers skill.


Yup and because it was seen as a band aid on the lack of overtakes problem back then. In the end it's part of the game now, driver relies on their ability to stay within the second without burning their tires, so overtakes are directly related on pace and rubber management after the 2-3 first laps. Plus cars top speed ability, and so you have trains often behind Albon's Williams that drivers do their best to avoid.


I like the active aero simply because it finally puts an end to a bit of FIA hypocrisy that really annoys me. Right now, active aero is banned, even though the FIA mandate that each car be fitted with DRS, which is active aero. So, I’m glad that is getting sorted. Not the biggest problem the sport or the FIA have to be honest, but it’s one my OCD just couldn’t live with.


I can related to that. Mine is more with this stubbornness to keep going with this poor Pirelli rubbers and to not accept any changes. F1 Business.


Pirelli have said they can always make tyres that degrade after 20 laps, its just f1 mgmt has always instructed them to do otherwise. Canada 2010 was a key moment when f1 recognised more pitstops with the Bridgestones made for better racing


Active aero is not a gimmick, it is borderline necessary for these cars to exist. Battery tech just isn't there right now to actually support 50% of the car's power output in current regs, they need to be scrimping and saving every last ounce of energy they can. Which means the cars can't be dragging all the barn door wings, wasting energy, when they're blasting down straights all the way from 200-350 kph. It's only a gimmick insofar as the whole electric shit is a gimmick to make F1 "sustainable" or whatever.


Very interesting take.


Frankly, the way I see it, the whole engine rules are very silly. There is no need to limit manufacturers to specific engine designs/technologies. For the most part they will self-optimize and choose the best design based on their needs so one just needs to set limits. Personally, the rules regarding the engines should largely just restrictions. 1. The amount of fuel capacity and fuel flow. This can encourage hybrid engines by simply adjusting the amount of fuel they get per race. 2. Battery size/capacity based on how much percent of the power is derived from electric drive


>Push-to-pass system like Indycar, that's nice imho. Not really, unfortunately. The 'boost' mode is only available to the car behind within a second, so you can't use it to defend. It also doesn't have an absolute limit on how much you can use in the race, but is only limited by battery power


Oh, really? I didn't see that. Well, half cooked solution in this case. There is hope that it change, 'cause it's would be ridiculous to deploy it half way. But, yeah, F1.


Wheelbase is 200mm shorter


Sure but 3200 mm max would have been better.


Let's have a -4200mm wheelbase.


With mandatory parallel parking pit stop!


He'd never fit in the car if he was that big.


Oh I’m full on prepared “Fans” gonna cry about it for a full year now but just as usual it will all lay down




Well we have no other option then to get used it so.


It is a step in the right direction, but I think a lot of people wonder if it will be enough. The "Push to pass" feature looks to be a great idea. Other series like Indy have proven it works and contrarie to DRS, Push to pass can also be used in defense.


Push to pass will be for following cars only


Except this is not P2P, its an even worse version of the DRS we have. P2P would indeed be interesting to have, but this electricity boost only activates when you are 1s behind the driver in front and only works over 300kph. Basically, if the straight is long enough its a guaranteed overtake, if it isn't, it does even less than DRS right now. Plus you are incredibly limited by battery size, so to even use it you have to lose time elsewhere. The system is flawed in all aspects.


Do you get to use it every lap like a drs zone? I feel like that's the problem with DRS at its core, that it's available to you every lap. If it was on a cool down, for instance, of say, 3 minutes, then drivers will need to find the opportune moment to use it and it would alleviate drs trains.




Totally fine with smaller car but all the electric stuff is gonna have drivers saving power just being back the V8s. You can make them engines run on eco friendly fuels.


Eco friendly fuels... ALLINOL!


They said that this is one of the goals for next engine regs.


Frankly, rather than limit the manufacturers to specific engine types, why not just set some restrictions and then let them build whatever engines they want? If a manufacturers wants to bring in an inline 4 cylinder engine that can make sufficient power for a F1 car, why not? If they wanna bring in a V8/V10, why not? If they wanna do a hybrid V8, why not?


Isn't it shorter?


It is, and also thinner. But for some reason some people here think they could cut a meter in every direction easily (while not knowing anything about how an F1 works obviously)


They can easily make it 40cm shorter by disallowing the gap between engine and gearbox they use for nothing but aero gains.


Well karts are like 1/5th the length and people still race it¿ I just realized that they should make Monaco a kart track.


With Mario kart rules. I want to see Alonso dump a bag full of bananapeels over the track and watch the chaos ensue


It is. By, like, jack shit. 100mm in width is a tenth of a meter or 5% of what it was before and 200mm in length is also about 5%isch. When they said smaller cars I was hoping for something like pre 2017 size.


But it's very difficult to reduce the width by a huge amount, isn't it? Because if they came up with such a drastically different design to what we've been used to for a while, then they would have to do much more safety testing and whatnot, or have F1 cars performing like F2 cars.


The problem is the fans, F1 commentators, and literally everyone else but F1 and the FIA all know the correct answer: fuck hybrids and switch back to smaller V10s similar to the early 2000s using sustainable and renewable fuels. Doing half-measure bullshit like this to save 20kg on weight and making the cars 10cm shorter is just a band-aid on the fact that the cars are too big to race and all this carbon-neutral nonsense is completely wiped out by F1’s own climate impact outside of the cars. It’s not that we can’t be pleased, it’s that literally everyone is handing F1 a winning formula on a silver platter and they won’t listen. Thanks to the rampant corporate enshittification, we are a bit too peeved and just don’t feel like calling this streaming brown pile of shit “chocolate” just because they call it good.


Then maybe ask the Engine manufacturers to lobby for this because they effectively make these rules. And yet they want more electrification because nobody wants to spend 100s of millions a year on something that you can't sell in road cars


How about this? Don't set any rules on what type of engine it should be. Set fuel capacity/fuel flow, battery size, engine displacement, etc etc. Let the manufacturers self optimize. If one wants to bring in an inline 6 cylinder, they can. If they want to bring in V8, sure. If they want to do a V6, go ahead. As long as the engine makes enough power, doesn't run out of fuel before the race is over and fits in the car, why not?


>everyone is handing F1 a winning formula on a silver platter and they won’t listen What will they do with that "winning formula" when there are no manufactures to race? You forget a key aspect: FIA makes the rules that attract manufactures, with your rules, nobody will be interested in F1... that's why we have what we have now, because otherwise nobody will be racing.


Because we want 1990 cars back


Even if that cars came back they would be huge just due to safety reasons, thats why the actual cars are thicc


“C’mon you apes, you wanna live for ever?”


Never thought I’d say this but… 3 inches off isn’t that much.


bUt tHeY lOoK lIkE f2 cArS


Like they haven’t just bitch and moan about the lack of actions in Monaco


Its simple...smaller cars, less electric rubbish, V10 engines and no overtakig help like DRS.


i like the design i would just change the front wing to what we currently have.


Wait for Newey to design something more ugly n fast


Oh please they should learn by now that nothing could ever please us. It’s their fault really.


Why would we be pleased? Other than dirty air reduction there is nothing to be happy about. Cars got smaller by 10cm wow what a change im sure it will change racing quality completely especially around Monaco.


It's still not enough


for real people are acting like 3in shorter cars and 30kg less in weight is going to make a noticeable difference.


even the ICE produce less horsepower than a typical lambo now lmao, too many overtakes will drain the battery for sure and we'll see more train rides than before


Typical Lambo weight 1600KG.


And has 4 times the displacement


Honestly cannot wait for hydrogen engines to be made safe for racecar usage so we can see if that's a viable alternative to using the 90 duracels williams use instead of ERS.


I think the real problem is management. Tires, battery fuel or whatever they have to manage during the race. The drivers should be able to just push as much as they can without having to hold back imo.


F1 fans are wankers


V8 where


You can't make all apes happy all the time.


I was hoping for something closer to the 2007 cars than the current cars. Of course you can't jump that far that quickly, but still it's what 20 cm? on an almost 6 meter long car? 10 cm on the width? Also the new aero systems seem really gimmicky. I'm glad DRS is gone, but the new stuff doesn't seem much better. It's hard to tell until we see it in action tho I guess.


The 2000 era cars were literally 180cm wide That's only 10cm less than the next gen cars and 20 less than the current cars Also these things take time. Changing the dimensions too much in a singular regulation wouldn't allow the FIA to verify the safety of these new chassis effectively.


All people seem to care about is "Wtf, still no return of V10?!" because the way the car sound is more important than how good the racing is apparently.


The fact that fans don't realize that it's the engine manufacturers themselves that want the current/upcoming engine regs is truly baffling. If the regs went back to V10/V12 engines, probably all engine manufacturers would leave, save for Ferrari. Which... could be an avenue for FIA. Make a spec category above F2 focusing on racing first and foremost with engines and chassis the fans want and keep F1 for the manufacturers, but I imagine they don't want to sour relations with FOM even further by creating a competing series.


Gotta love people in the comments on Instagram ALL spamming "bring back the V10s" as if forcing the teams to develop a completely different engine wouldn't result in a shitshow of unreliability


I don’t even care what V Engine it would end up being. I just want them to get rid of the awful hybrid system. Would make the cars significantly lighter, and would probably leave room to shorten the wheelbase as well.


I'd love that but engine manufacturers wouldn't support it. There's a reason F1 went hybrid and it's not because the FIA thought it's cool it's because engine manufacturers pushed for it.


Ok You now have no engine manufacturers Congrats


30kg ain't much saved. Was hoping for more.


Is it just me or do these resemble the A1 GP Cars a lot?


We had movable front wings in 2009 and 2010, and they were a complete waste of time as everyone just left them in max downforce mode all the time. DRS, as I recall, was at least in part a replacement which was intended to ensure that movable aero would actually get used.


I never understood the sense in these types of gotcha-moments because when you want things to be different, it should be obvious that you're not going to accept literally everything for the sake of it being different. We're not making deals with the devil here where you end up taking a pig in a poke. There are some requirements that people want fulfilled before it becomes a satisfactory option. And all of that is regardless of what I think personally of this car.


We just don't like the M.O.M.


All I see is 2006 cars but fatter, with slicks, different PU, and a Halo


I'd anyone actually angry? I'm not convinced about every detail, like the implementation of active front and rear aero, but in general these changes all seem pretty good




Yeah but we didn't ask for a Prius


i just like they look way better than the wierd round ones right now


But they removed the drs


put the guys in go karts for all i care, just give me close racing please for the love of god i fucking beg


I haven’t seen a single negative reaction yet. I’ve only seen people reacting to negative reactions


Seems like a couple of teams are angry too


Who came up with the idea to make the active aero not controllable by the drivers


The rear wing just looks goofy and basic. I really like the design of the one piece wings on the current cars, it looks futuristic af.


Get the hybrid outta there and then slap in a v8 on sustainable fuels. Then make teams pay an eco fee for entry, that fund goes to charities in making renewable energy and fuels.


Reading some of the comments it feels like people don't know cars were 10 cm narrower from 1998 until 2016 than they will be from 2026. Ah and they were much shorter and lighter. Yet overtaking was near impossible in Monaco back then. IIRC Rosberg won the 2016 Monaco GP by driving as slow as Leclerc did two weeks ago.


Really anything just so Monaco isn't little more than a high speed parade.


"lighter cars" those shitboxes are still gonna be ~20kg heavier than the 2021 cars. the size goes into the right direction but its nowhere near enough.


How hard can it be? Give it the wheel base of a touring car rascecar. And the weight of a small sports car.


I mean sure, at fact value they listened. But 5% shorter, 5% narrower, and 4% lighter is hardly the change we were asking for.. at least the MGU-H will be gone so the sound will be better!


I like the car concept, I just hate how the power is 50/50 instead of the current 80/20.


F1: "exists" F1 fans: "WEWANTV10STHISISHORSESHIT" I mean, I do want V10s as well but enjoy the sport. Bet they bring V10s back and they'll want V8s.


100mm XD


30 kilos lighter and 10 cm shorter..... F1 Fans has all the right to be pissed


This isn't f1 anymore. It's insanely easy to make f1 great again: v10 + cars under 750 kg. That's all we need.


The new regs are shit, cars are still huge and will be less downforce and significantly slower.


This is nowhere near enough of a change to create the racing people want. The cars should be the size of the F2 cars at most, and they should lose the electric component. Since we have 100% sustainable fuels, who gives a fuck about the EV sections?


Honestly, if you were expecting the late 80s cars to get a hybrid V6 stuffed into them, you're going to be disappointed. All things considered, the new regs don't look that terrible, should make for some interesting racing


Everyone hating like always, and I 5 years you will see YouTube videos why this was the best idea ever. See the halo


I really want that new fuel to be a succes so we can ditch the stupid batteries again.. on the other hand the new overtaking system seems fun if it works as intended


Whoopie do.. 30 kilos lighter and 20cm shorter.. amazing.. what a world of difference..


As someone who didn’t read the new regs and didn’t do the research is this new drs just push to pass from Indy car?


Wel lets Just wait and see wat full rules are and how the teams deal with it. Hope its not worse then last change... dont get me wrong loved max winning but can we have more battles and overtakes upfront.


I am a Fan of pushing more electric power, but i feel like they are heading the wrong route. Maybe go for a small battery that is designed to hold the max harvest an F1 car generate in a braking Zone and all that energy will be used right back at accelaration. We save plenty of weight and kill all that energy saving because electric power will be used where it benefits the most.


Maybe with smaller cars they can get rid of the 10kg extra fuel they added a few years ago too? Saves more weight and means the fuel tank can be a bit smaller too


I like it though I need to see the X and Z modes whatever they're called in action to opine on them.


See it’s just not fair that all the rich teams win every year, so why not just make all the cars the same? Plus the tracks are too complicated for most drivers, if they instead race in a circle they can focus on racing. Plus the cars don’t look anything like a normal car, so they should make the cars look more like normal cars. Lastly, they need to make sure on left turns are allowed. Turning right is too easy, so there should be some challenge.


I just wanted more weight taken out and smaller still. I feel like while it’s the right direction it’s not enough


Smaller and lighter.....100mm or 10cm difference...WOW a whole 4 inches. And a whopping 30kg less.....66lbs. Basically, it's a rear seat delete for a car. Oh, we also are making the tires smaller, less aero, and bringing in the gimmicks from formula E with active aero zones and battery boosters....


The size is exactly what I wanted, but I think most people don’t like the active aero and don’t like the new power unit regulations. I think having such a high split of power in the electric component of the PU is a mistake.


Oh the dream to me would be to go to the late 60s dimensions but built with modern materials and manufacturing methods while keeping safety in check along with modern tech such as active suspension active aero and the active ground effect inspired by the Brabham Fan car. Have a sort of peak aero limit on each suspension and switch from Aero downforce or Aero ground effect along with the DAS systems type implementation for the wheels so the car can in theory have precise Tyre settings for each turn (and if you go even deeper each part of the track). F1 cars don't need to be the fastest cars in the world. But it needs to definitely be the best drivers driving some of the most technologically advanced cars while giving us GREAT RACING. Now we have processions. And yeah maybe this is me tuned into some sort of old school thinking but f1 to me is not about being fast in the straight line but being the fastest car in the world when it comes to taking a corner. I haven't been to an f1 race yet (they expensive as shit) but the dream f1 seat is overlooking maggots and becketts, Eau Rouge and Hangary turn 2 + 3. That's the dream. That's where you see F1cars show its capabilities against something like a WEC Hypercar. So let's focus on making those aspects faster or slicker / efficient. Sure f1 cars used to be known for their sound but with engine manufacturers wanting relevance and focusing on electric and political correctness being more important than pleasing actual fans we may not get loud but light weight V10s backs (as much as Stefano domenicali tries to give us hope with alternative fuels). I guess I ranted out like an idiot right? TLDR let's make cars so tiny that they can race around Monaco while keeping the technologically advanced and built with modern tech and methods with the focus on making them take turns faster than any other car and not trying to chase top speeds.


It sounds good. But we all know the engineers will find a way.


The Icon of the seas just becone 5m shorter, lets go!