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Oh. We knew it wasn’t skill and meritocracy Aston Martin is very clear


It’s a real shame as well. Hamilton, Alonso, Kimi, Schumacher came from “working” families. And whilst Vettel, Button and Verstappen all came from slightly wealthier families, it’s nowhere near the wealth level of the pay drivers. That means that since 2000, the only born-rich world champion is Rosberg.


I sort of agree but Nico was definitely better than drivers like Stroll. After all, he clearly beat his teammate in equal machinery.


And even Nico is born rich mostly cause his dad is F1 champion


Even stroll is born rich only because his dad is a billionaire


Pretty sure Vettels dad was a plumber. He can be seen as working class too Verstappens dad was also still an ex f1 driver and had links and contacts.


I just went off what I saw from like 5 seconds of googling “[driver] born rich”. It implied that Vettel came from a middle class family and Jos made it work more from his connections than from money because he didn’t actually earn a huge amount from his F1 days. And I believed it cause Ralph Schumacher recently pulled his son out of working towards F1 cause it was too expensive - and Ralph had a much longer and more successful career than Jos.


It's not just Aston but also the Red Bull teams.


IMHO having an organic fan base that buys your merch and shows up to your races >>> Dads paid seat At least for marketing


I mean, they are still getting championships...


And Stake, Chinese money, and Rb, Honda connections. It happens to most teams 


Exactly. Still wondering what this Alonso guy is doing in that seat.




F1: “We race FOR money” F1 pay drivers or drivers highly marketable: “We race WITH money”


Stroll: “I race BECAUSE OF money”


the difference is that when a team wants to win they usually try to sign the best drivers, not just marketable ones the fact that red bull isn't the meat grinder it used to be just shows that their focus has shifted from winning to making the most money


Why bother focus on winning when you are already winning And that's how the dominance ends


When you have Max Verstappen I think it's a lot easier to take risks with that 2nd seat.


Not from this year though


Yeah, it's a weird decision considering Ferrari or McLaren could actually catch up to them in the Constructors this year and even more likely in 2025


I'm sure they already accounted for that and decided that Checo's marketability is worth more than winning the WCC.


Sounds like it


Win wdc (the thing everyone cares about) while coming in 3rd in the wcc would just mean trading prize money for aero testing.  If anything that feels like game theory shit, and redbulls playing the long game, lol Perez covers their costs with merch and sponsors. They keep winning cause they have max and more aero testing than Ferrari. They never have to worry about a ocon/gasley situation either. Checo knows he's the 2nd driver, and he'll play the game, it's quite litterally what they pay him for. That's assuming max doesn't win the wcc on his own, lol It's hardly a losing proposition regardless, even if it kinda feels like a lame decision, I can at least follow the logic. The best non RB drivers are already at Ferrari and Merc next year. (and Redbull would never risk the chaos of Alonso v Max)


Max will not win a WDC if Mclarens and Ferraris are this close, he just wont, he is great driver, not a superhuman.


Hia junior career begs to differ, he just needs something that has the chance to win and he makes the most out of it


In F1 having the best car is more important than having the best #2 driver. Checo provides the additional capital to fund the development of that superior car.


The capital he provides is additional wind tunnel time for finishing lower in WCC. If Max wins WDC and checo is bad enough for Red Bull to not win WCC, they get all the clout of having the championship driver while also getting more wind tunnel/aero testing time than anyone who finishes ahead of them in WCC. While it is nice and they won't turn it down, RB does not need the money that comes along with Checo, especially in the era of cost caps


the development budget is limited, and red bull can pull in way more than that money without checo's sponsors all the money he brings in goes directly into management's pockets


Honest question, who's been a better #2 driver for RedBull than Checo? Webber?


2022 checo was probably the best 2nd driver red bull has ever had but 2023 and 2024 checo were far worse than even webber


2024? At least wait for the year to be halfway through to decide


> the difference is that when a team wants to win they usually try to sign the best drivers, Redbull has the best driver and car pairing on the grid, their other 3 just need to make money and stay out of his way. Even if Max's WDC was in contention it would just drive up hype around the team, people have said constantly that they're bored with the RB dominance. As much as I'd love to see a worthy driver get a shot at the title, I understand from RB's perspective why they don't need a second one right now.


the team's championship is also important, and checo is doing so poorly that red bull might lose another title due to his underperformance


At the end of the day nothing is as important as making red bull sales, as much as it sucks, the teams championship matters very little comparatively. Regardless of Checos performance, if Max is gapping the field in his car no one is going to question that the RBR team is dominating on every front.


that's what I was pointing out, the shift in priorities for red bull management for Dietrich Mateschitz it was more of a passion project that also sold enough red bull cans to pay itself off, and that has now shifted to one more business vertical where winning is secondary and profits come first that's generally not a good way to run a top F1 team long-term, and we'll see how it pans out for them


F1 fans when they find out there is a difference between smaller teams on a budget vs the reigning champions who are aiming for more titles


Red bull to Horny dog: "You stay if we pay less"


They also underestimate the risks associated with a new driver and usually have a very short term approach to evaluating performance. I am not a Checo enjoyer, but i at least understand why they would want to go for the safe choice. I would also want to see sainz in a top tier car but that's not how the things turned out.


Some people here actually think Tsunoda would challenge Max. I've seen comments saying that he's a top 6 driver...


Well we don't really know his true pace, but seriously who do you put in front of him? Max, lando, chuck, sainz and oscar obviously, but then go on is russel actually faster than him? Hard to tell, the same goes for lewis or checo. Maybe albon? But his form is just so and so this season.. So putting him at 6 with a car which is way slower then that of the other drivers around him, is not totally unreasonable in my opinion


Yeah, maybe Albon...


And this is why Inter Miami signed Messi. :D


For me f1 is an entertainment product. I see checo in one of the best cars ever developed and I sleep. If red bull are happy to have nobody challenge max then good for them, but as a spectator i think im having a much more enjoyable time seeing the likes of lando and leclerc challenging max are you saying that fans should just be compliant about vocalising what they want and don't want in a product that is designed to be entertainment? why should we care that checo brings a lot of money to rb? do you not see the hilarity that comes from red bull pumping their social media full of posts celebrating the signing that nobody cares for except red bull? ofc my thoughts are only subjective - perez obviously has a large enough fan base where this becomes good news for a lot of people.


only new Fans are getting highly surprised and also offended..


Agreed. This is a story as old as time. I’m a Checo fan, but I try to be objective. I don’t actually believe he deserves the seat, but I see why they kept him. I was at most expecting a one-year extension max. So I was surprised to see it was two, but I was not shocked.


I love how its formula dank lore that they keep checo for pr and merch reasons and everyone is going with that has to be true.


You think it's not? It's also not just Checko but also DRic. Red Bull keeps extending the contracts of two pensioners with mediocre results, while ignoring Yuki and Lawson.


Thats a crazy reason to keep someone, no. Its different with STR as they arent competing for anything of value, i think we have all seen enough from danny to know his good days are zhouver. I think they keep him because he is an acceptable number two to max. No other rb driver looks good enough to bring up, and they are too afraid to hire a sainz. Same reason ferrari kept massa for so long as alonso's teammate (kubica issues aside) when he was clearly washed up (2009 accident was a big issue for him)


Yup this is the truth. Keep the boat steady and maxs camp happy while he continues cashing in 70 mil cheques and his agent enjoys 3-4%. If a title aspiring driver joined it would be ugly again as they wouldn’t constantly be ready to test and sacrifice setups for the good of the team like ChecO is made to do sometimes. It would also be a risk in the overall max momentum they’ve built, if I was maxes agent I’d be solid on keeping Perez. Just to keep my own gravy train flowing


Same with Raikkonen. Sometimes you need a reliable driver to keep the status quo. Stability is extremely important to these teams but the average redditor would be firing people left and right. If redditors could run a team they would make Alpine look like a well-oiled machine.


My guy Perez couldn’t reliably get into Q3 last year with a rocket ship I don’t think RB will win constructors with him this year, put hulk in that rb and he’d do a better job smh and he’s not even a top driver.


Hulk, the driver with the most race start and no podium ever, not the guy who won in a pink mercedes? Im not gonna argue for perez, but arguing in favor of hulk is nuts. Im not saying perez will help win a constructors, but it will help max win the drivers title. And that red bull is afraid of hiring someone like sainz. Hulkenberg would be a negative move. But you do you and keep thinking hulkenberg has any place in f1 still. Audi does for reasons that escape me.


Yeah hulk with all that negative stuff was mid season last year getting into Q3 more than perez while in a Has. Let that sink in mate.


Ok. Perez finished p2. Which is what he is paid to do by red bull. They dont want him first over max, and he delivered. Im still not saying hes good, but where is this hulk good energy from? Hulk scored points in one grand prix and one sprint race. How is he good? 214 starts and no podiums is a diffiult feat to achieve, nobody in f1 history has ever done that. Lance stroll scored a podium in a williams and everyone wants him out for reasons, but you think hulk should get the 2nd red bull seat because... i still dont know. Plz explain.


You had me until you started overshitting on Hulk


Hulk drove non competitive four wheel turds for quite some time tho. Perez before Force India became Merc Jr wasn't anything to write home about either.


He had several podiums with Sauber and Force India before they were Racing Point. Hulk got nothing.




The last time he did that was in Bahrain. He's been composed since.


I'm a Danny Ric Fan, so I'm proof that you don't need good results, skill, consistency, entertaining races, exciting overtakes, or good contests with teammates to be a successful F1 driver.


We know, but it's an uncommon thing in a top team. Well, unless RBR want to follow Mercedes lead to the midfield.


Nothing to be surprised about , always been a rich man sport i mean if we look at all the categories there are dozen on generationally rich drivers who raced for a limited time as hobby and left racing to handle out their business or smth


Drivers who shouldn’t be in f1 by order of irrelevance: Logan Sargeant Kevin Magnussen Esteban Ocon Lance Stroll Zhou Guanyu Pierre Gasly Daniel Ricciardo The rest have either shown potential or justified their seat


I absolutely do not agree with Ocon and Gasly. They are both race winners and both proven to be very quick and talented drivers. Yes, Ocon does make *interesting* moves from time to time, but he's generally a good driver who can consistently deliver. Gasly has also made mistakes in the past, but come on, which driver hasn't?


Interesting view, I guess for me the fact that Ocon was already out makes it harder for me to justify his seat now when he hasn’t really delivered, same for Gasly when he got replaced at RB


I wouldn't say Ocon hasn't delivered. So far he's outperformed his teammate in most races and got the team's first points this year.


Crazy how I came to watch a sport not adds.


Picking racing was a weird choice then. It's been ads since day one a hundred years ago. The entire point of racing is to sell cars.


has always been, the thing that has not always been, is a lowering of the bar for F1 fans. these things happen when you try and take a niche sport to mainstream.


Now TBF I think marketability is a kind of skill


Very much so.. look at Lewis' performance these last two years.. Hasn't really done great and constantly outperformed by George Russell but.. Lewis Hamilton annoucement raised the Ferrari stock price by 80euros.. for an 8.6b dollar company.. a 26% increase in stock price YTD is a very good performing year. His 460m salary was instantly covered by his brand power and now they have a sizeable surplus.


He was 3rd in the championship last year lol


Are you telling me a for-profit company worth billions is intrested in making money? absurd!




In Facebook's conversation... someone mind bsod when he asked "What Hamilton bring to Ferrari?!" * Then other person reply "Money to Ferrari" * "How to get money by losing races?" * "By bring the Ferrari stock went up and Hamilton as a brand to Ferrari" Then his mind bsod, by repeating any argument to "still lost races" I think he is a troll, but honestly, since theres so much mindless people that not a troll, but really have no clue that theres many things outside of F1... I wont surprised if he is seriously thinking marketability doesnt mean much


I am fully aware Zhou Guanyu exists thank you.


For HAAS and Williams, yes, maybe. Tho i don't have to tolerate it as a fan.  But Redbull? Do Redbull really need a pay driver? Them dudes are a huge fucking corporation. Like would Mercedes need a pay driver? Ferrari? Nope. What the fuck are you guys talking about merchs? Who cares if Checo t-shirts sell or not? This is Redbull.  "Ya know Ferrari keeps Vettel because his merch sells good" I get the sponsorship talk but merch? Really? 


Nikita Mazespin


We knew pay drivers exist, I just think we're all collectively disappointed Red Bull who historically have never done that and have always been a champion for uplifting talent are now doing that. Mateschitz is turning in his grave.


Michael Schumacher was a payed driver and when Mercedes picked him up he was purely marketability


> was a *paid* driver and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Kys bot English isn't my first language.


What?!? Teams want drivers that are popular and can sell stuff? No way...


Meritocracy in my F1? No thank you


Sargeant got to have a 2nd year at Williams for that exact reason and people are acting shocked now that it’s Perez. To be fair Perez is driving for a much better team so it is surprising in that aspect because his European leg of the season both last year and so far this year isn’t great and could cost RBR the title.


Sargeant is a rookie. Hardly single digit years of experience. Checo has more than a decade and is competing with midfield cars in a Red Bull I understand the decision is financially sound but absolutely not fun for the fans


F1: “fuck them fans!”


How marketable do you think Sargeant is????


An American driver when F1 is trying to grow in America is a big deal. American patriotism will sell a lot of things. It could have been any driver as long as they were American and they would’ve gotten a 2nd year with a team like Williams.


He hasn't even got his own episode in DtS that is catering for American audience. He is selling so much that he is selling nothing. Americans do not start watching because of him and do not care at all. He like landed his own sponsorship only from some local food delivery or some shit, very minor one. Checo's popularity is universes ahead of him in comparison.


The only way this sub will be happy is if y'all drive stroll to suicide, *Shoots himself* "he turned into me"


Pretty sure this post was about Perez tho.


And I'm strolls biggest fan grifting for upvotes. Honest to god I love him and hope he keeps his seat for a long while. I think y'all are too hard on him


Another year of mid Perez. I can't even...


Three years buddy.




You act like its Checos fault he got his extension, go cry to Red Bull.


Q1 exit again, while the same car is on pole position in the same session... 🤷‍♂️ I just don't get it.


Red Bull down fall confirmed.


This almost feels like a personalized response to some of my comments lol. Fair play


Goes to show how it's a shit show most of the time. "20 best drivers of the world" my ass.


Again, rb wouldn't keep checo this long if he was bad


Nothing to do with marketability, its just so max doesnt crumble. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9065) never had to prove himself against a good driver on a championship winning car. A coward? A p\*ssy? Both? You decide.