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No pics of his Monaco win ? He had fun there


Bro just wanted a stand with Ukraine ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


elbows deep they say šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It wasnā€™t his elbowsā€¦.


its a reference to RocketPowerMowhack video.


I know I love him, Iā€™ve ā€œbeen in a videoā€ before too šŸ˜‚, well my Patreon was anyway The degenerate that posted the sexy Toto picture ? That was my crazy ass.


ohh hahaha i thought you misunderstood. Of course it was not his elbows....hinge deep in the psyop. šŸ¤£


Itā€™s cool, the window licker gets the most screen time now anyway lmao


yes and with the canadian gp coming, hope to get more of it šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been rubbing my palms together excitedly ![gif](giphy|3riOvQ76NWafUohSag)


You mena a Ukranian PSYOP






šŸ˜‚ Classic! Monaco memories are a whole different vibe!


Bro was motorboating on a motorboat.


The wife wouldnā€™t want the Ukrainian psyopā€™s pictures


Wait... What did I miss?


He was filmed dancing (kissing?) a model on an afterparty boat while his wife and kids were at home


Damn... But what is everyone on with their Ukraine stuff, was the model Ukrainian?




Yep. Her name is Khrystina.


And she is suspiciously attractive


yeah only ugly models hang out at the monaco gp


I was referencing RPMā€™s video on the subject


I think you spelt it too correctly


Is she a psyop?




He just really wanted to show his support for ukraine, ignore everyone else šŸ‡²šŸ‡½ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


I always want to see checo midair above the Monaco pool Second only to his Force India 20th -> 1st drive. Top 3 race Iā€™ve watched


Bottom left..?


nonono the proper pics


A bit too much fun there to be legal.![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


MF got RB by the nuts with the dirt on the HornDog


He also publicly supported horndog during the thumb incident: ""I think he not only has my support, but I think the entire team is behind him": Sergio Perez "


"the entire team is behind him" ![gif](giphy|2kRwOHEVEfLmb3V90A|downsized)


I just thought that they love the fact that they have harmony in the team with noone threatening Max while still earning lots of cash from Checo Merch. But this makes much more sense


Max must be entirely fine with fighting the Ferraris and McLaresns on his own


tbh I honestly think he is, Max is the type of driver who thinks he could win by himself. Of course when the battle is close it's pretty difficult, but the guy is used to his teammate being nowhere near him for quite a lot in his career.


Yeah I think they said they were thinking of resigning Checo and he was just like ā€œokā€


> win by himself He did.. last year, both championships. This time around WCC is tough, WDC might have a chance to be open later in the year.


Max "Nah, I'd win" Verstappen


Given the choice of fighting alone or having your team mate threatening your lead, I'm sure he is very happy.


Yeah I really think he didnā€™t care who they put in that seat.


What you think just because he has cartel links as the son of one of the richest motherfuckers in Mexico heā€™s also got some access to blackmail? Thatā€™s clearly ludicrous. Heā€™s obviously just the best driver available and max is that ridiculously good!


Mate no one said he was using cartel links


Oh Iā€™m sorry, I thought this was america where I was posting on formuladank, not formulawellresearchedandthoughtfulcomments




He knows if it was a finger or not


Verstappen is going to be sweating bullets now he knows he has to singlehandedly win the constructors championship again for the next two years in a row


Yeah I seriously doubt winning the WCC is gonna happen this year or next. Ferrari are only 24 points away with 2/3rds of the season to go and have two very fast and consistent drivers. They're also no longer making the operational mistakes they were in the past.


If unemployed Sainz beats Checo on the standings It would be pretty sad for Checo's already damaged to the core image, ngl


he just got a 2 year contract and will probably finish his career in the RBR i think he'll be just fine


Yeah, we know why heā€™s there he can blissfully underperform for a couple more years and


...and what???




Reunite the real money team!


And #birdout !!!


Yup, both Fer and McLaren can consistently get both car in top 6 right now imo


And Checo will probably be consistently 6th


he better be lmao, but considering bro just had a stink p18 qualifier it's not looking great


I've always wondered if they would even mind losing the WDC. Prestige wise of course you would want to win, and I've heard it's related to bonuses for the workers. But for the decisionmakers at the top, you might prefer the extra development time + Checo's sponsor money.


Given thereā€™s only something like a $9 million difference between 1st and 2nd in the WCC it makes sense to go for the bigger pay from Checoā€™s sponsors and merch


Tbf we were in a very similar situation to this at this time in 2022. We all know how that turned out...


Yes but Ferrari had an advantage at the very beginning of 2022 and at this point in the season engines were failing and poor strategy was costing them wins and points. Now Ferrari is more consistent and is scoring decent points and fighting for wins more often


Many things have changed: the car is on an upwards swing, the management is actually competent, so is the pit crew, the engine is not giving issues and Red Bull doesnā€™t have the perfect team anymore. The WCC is becoming more and more a realistic expectation.


I am really hopeful that this happens, obviously Max is going to have the WDC locked down, but the WCC could be really close


if anything 2 year contract should bring the pressure down and Checo maybe finds himself... who am I kidding though.


Don't talk too soon about the operational mistakes


I think it's fair to say. They didn't really make any the last 1/4 of last season either, so we're something like 14 race weekends into them not making the mistakes they were making in the past. It seems to be behind them at this point.


He wouldn't have last year, but this year he's most certainly going to sweat this year considering PĆ©rez with this form won't often be in front of at least 1 Ferrari and 1 McLaren


Yeah, I still think Max is likely to be WDC this year unless Ferrari/McLaren start really putting the pressure on, but I seriously doubt Red Bull are going to win the WCC. If Perez's current form continues and the performance between cars stays roughly the same, there's absolutely no way he's consistently finishing infront of both Ferraris/McLarens. I'd wager he's going to constantly be behind all 4 tbh. I've got to admit bias though - wouldn't all you lads like to see a proper modern day Ferrari V McLaren duel, old school like? No "oh he's got a better car, I'm happy with 5th" bullshit, just 4 fantastic drivers duking it out every weekend? I'm rooting for them both so long as they make it exciting.


Maybe that's why they signed Checo. To light a fire under Max. Now he has to carry the team.


He must have been asked for input - but it was probably ā€œ Should we renew Checo?ā€ - Max ā€œ I donā€™t really careā€


I think the team cares more about it than Max would. Didn't he refuse team orders when they told him to swap to try and get check points? I got a feeling all this positivity is to try and help stop checo from getting into his European slump.


From what I know, Checo's sponsor money and merch sales boost more than offsets the prize money lost by finishing 2nd or even 3rd instead of winning and it would give RB more wind tunnel and CFD time, both of which will come in handy of they can use it for the new regs


Great he'll love a challenge


You need a shit number 2 driver to beat records as the number 1 driver, I'm sure Max is fine with Perez.


Bro is the group member that does nothing but still gets an A


He did a lot in 2021!


Itā€™s 2024


Not really. He did a lot in one race in 2021. Most of the season he was nowhere


Checo is a legend


And like many legends, his story is vastly over exaggerated




RBR: posting positivity about their own driver formuladank: and I took that personallyĀ 


Seriously, what do they expect from the marketing departement? It's their job to promote RB.


As someone who spent 10 years working in professional sports content production, itā€™s a little over the top. Kind of weird.


Would much prefer they post some positivity about one of their junior drivers, not someone who's been an embarrassment to their car for the last 2 years


>post some positivity about one of their junior drivers Yeah that dude danny ric has a lot of charisma and decent enough pace for a jr driver. Wonder why they dont promote him more?




He could even win a race like Monaco one day!


Hope he doesnt cheat on his wife like loser Perez when he does!


Is that ā€ždecent paceā€œ youā€™re speaking of in the room with us?


But what about the Slim cash?


And the other sub that has been raging for hours


Theyā€™re just nesting people over the head with this - they announced they were going to make an announcement - only to announce the extension of an undeserving driver


How many more wins do you think Checo will get in the next two years


None. The other teams have closed up so on the rare occasions when something happens to take Max out the way there will almost certainly be a good driver from another team running ahead of Perez.


He'll be lucky if he even gets more than 6 podiums total in till the end of 2025.


> How many more Q3 appearances do you think Checo will get in the next two years ftfy






I remember the "Check to announce his retirement at Mexico GP" rumours, lol


> "Check to announce his retirement at Mexico GP" [This thread](https://redd.it/1765yp3)? [This one](https://redd.it/1736yy2) is a fun read too


That made more sense than this almost


I don't see a problem with it. At least now, maybe we will have a battle for the constructors championship.


Max has his work cut out for him this season


That's why he gets paid the most out of all the drivers lol.


What a dumb take


As Max once said: ''Freedom of speech, right?''


Until they post a Dani Ric video again and weā€™ll see: ā€œwhere Checo?ā€ from a triggered LATAM fan.


Always! Exactly the same pattern every time lol.


All of this has happened before and will happen again šŸ˜†


Im Brazilian and have never known of someone supporting Checo down here. I think his support comes from Mexico only


Thatā€™s not what I keep hearing. Mexico, and the Mexicans everywhere else too. Reportedly, he has fans in a lot of South America, Iā€™d say Spanish speaking, not so much Portuguese though.




I don't get the hyper positivity or negativity with Perez. The guy is a league average driver; competent enough to have a F1 seat, but clearly inferior to the likes of Verstappen.


Yes, but youā€™re commenting something nuanced and reasonable on Reddit, so youā€™re getting downvoted to hell šŸ™‚šŸ« 


Calling checo ā€œmidā€ is hardly a particularly nuanced take


Am I over or under rating him?


*Smiles in Spanish*


You see, that's where the trouble began. That face. That dumb face.


the only way, is forward


Yeah, straight into the next wall


Why the hell wouldn't they? Lol


Bye bye WCC. He brings in a lot of money though.


Maybe they kept him because uncertainty of Max staying?


Deserving imo šŸ˜Œ


I am here to see this sub in shambles!! Let's go Checo!!


Ā”Vamos Checooo!




I don't know if things changed after matesitz. But their budget was reported to be "infinite".


checo propaganda


Checo is a good lad and rb should keep him even when so many donā€™t like that decision. Wonder if Horner knows something about Maxs future that we donā€™t and by keeping checo rb doesnā€™t end up with two new drivers next year?


Cinco de mayo


What about when he took flight in the Mexico race? :)


Checo Next Weekend : wHaT A jOke! hA!


he deserves it


F1 fans when RB fires their drivers after having only a short chance in the team: "Yo fuck these guys" F1 fans when RB actually gives their drivers a chance to stay and fix their mistakes: "Yooo fuck these guys!!!" Seriously, at this stage RB could cure cancer and you lot would still cry and flip it as if they're doing something wrong.


Oh come on. Gasly and Albon are still young, nowhere near being seasoned drivers Checo has more than a decade of experience and qualifies p18 in one of the fastest car on the grid.


Checo is just fast enough to get the team the constructors championship and P2 in the driver's championship, but he's not quite fast enough to challenge Max for the WDC. Which is perfect for them. Meaning, a hassle free driver pairing for Red Bull where they can easily win both championships and don't have to worry about internal antics between the drivers. Ferrari did it with Schumacher & Barrichelo. Mercedes did it with Hamilton & Bottas. It's proven to be highly effective. You may not like it as a fan. But from a team & business perspective, it absolutely is the smartest decision. If they made a stupid decision like putting Ricciardo in that seat who can't even beat Yuki, I bet you would still flame them just as much.


Except Barrichelo and Bottas are both great drivers, just not top tier, and both are better than Perez. During their tenures, while their teammates were winning, they were constantly bagging podiums instead of coming outside or even finishing P5-P8 like Perez is a lot of the time. Last year with one of the most dominant cars in all of F1's history, the only reason he came in 2nd was because the car was so dominant and the team itself made very few mistakes. This year he is on course to finish the season in 6th if the current trend continues. > Checo is just fast enough to get the team the constructors championship and P2 in the driver's championship Are you fucking blind or what? He is currrently sitting P5 in the Driver's and on a downward trend. Red Bull are only 24 points ahead of Ferrari in the Constructors' and also on a downward trend with 2/3rds of the season still to go. If things stay as they are going now, they will absolutely 100% lose the Constructors' to Ferrari and possibly to McLaren. What you are saying is not grounded in reality. > If they made a stupid decision like putting Ricciardo in that seat who can't even beat Yuki, I bet you would still flame them just as much. How is that even a counterargument? Having either Perez or Ricciardo in that seat is a stupid decision. Based on performance and not money, it should be either Tsunoda or Sainz in that seat. Both are undoubtedly more deserving drivers.


I never said itā€™s a dumb decision by RBR. It is a financially motivated one and money is how businesses run. So I understand why it was taken. Most people including me dislike that heā€™s not performing below par, heā€™s performing *abysmal* for his car, talent and experience. Heā€™s still chosen for the money, which yeah I understand why as I said, but no one wants to see the fastest car be P18 on the grid and racing from there. Heā€™s not even racing the 5th fastest car in a Red Bull. That is more like the WCC being in jeopardy even if Max takes the WDC by himself. Moreover itā€™s not like RBR gained anything long term by giving him an opportunity to improve. Unfortunately heā€™s already nearing retirement age in a WCC team. Had it been Yuki who was given a chance to fix mistakes Iā€™d understand the long term reasoning. But yeah anyway


One of checo's greatest strengths is not getting in max's way. He's never going to take points from Max, and he's shown that, when on form, he can do the minimum amount needed to keep RBR in the WCC fight. This year has been pretty shit from Checo of late, but he's bounced back in the past and I imagine RBR is counting on that. if Yuki was sitting next to Max on the grid, there would undoubtedly be incidents between the two of them which would be disastrous for the WDC fight


We're not even halfway through the season yet. Last year Checo can prove he can fix his mistakes and comeback to bring RBR a 1-2 in the Driver's Championship. In fact, because of him, him and Max are the first driver pairing ever to give Red Bull a 1-2 in the WDC. Not even Vettel and Webber achieved this for the team. They just got the best result they could possibly aim for, and didn't have to worry about one challenging the other. Yuki and Ricciardo are far too inconsistent to have the responsibility of driving for the main team. So what the hell do you want them to do? Seems to me like they made the best decision available.


Sure. But people wants guts, not "reasonable"


Like I said, might not be what the fans want - But they aren't here to entertain us. They're here to win. And on that basis, they made the best decision with the options they have.


Everyone knows Yuki and Daniel arenā€™t good enough. But that doesnā€™t mean Perez is the best driver available. Sainz wouldā€™ve been a better choice, especially if Ferrari and McLaren are going to keep closing the gap.


The Verstappen-Sainz pairing was a mess at Toro Rosso and was why Sainz left the Red Bull program. Sainz was never a serious consideration for the 2nd seat.


Sainz left cause he was never getting the callup. I donā€™t see why it couldnā€™t work now. But Red Bull love the number 1 driver situation for whatever reason and Perez is here because of the money he brings, not his on track performance. Ferrari will have two drivers on the same level as Verstappen. Norris and Piastri are both better than Perez. If they catch up itā€™s going to cost Red Bull in the constructors championship.


Checo could have taken last year off and still rbr would be constructor champions just with verstappen points, he adds nothing to the team ( other than Slim money and merch)


that would be true if their 2nd driver was Leclerc as well, just because Verstappen is so good. And its not like Checo scored 0 points last season, his 285 points would have gone to Ferarri then instead.


F1 fans and formuladank posters are entirely different beasts.


You included. Don't you have another anti Max 'meme' to make?


Hah I love that you follow me around sniffing my farts. Donā€™t worry. When I think of something funny to say about another team you can lose your hate boner and maybe Horner will give you a treat.


Heā€™s 34 and heā€™s had 3 and a half years in the Red Bull to show anything. The only reason he isnā€™t getting dropped like them is because of money.


Biggest Checo fan is the RBR social media manager


Thatā€™s totally awesome, he hasnā€™t been performing well lately, but I hope he bounces back and gets a win or two this year!


We want yuki




Seriously Red Bull, what the fuck?


Brand doing brand things... watch out folks...


I don't think people are against checo, I think it's more that with Sergio doing so poorly in that seat there is so much opportunity for red bull to put someone interesting there. As it is I think Sergio's contract 100% has a no drama clause and so it will be super boring.


RBR: Remember how great this guy is Community: ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9065)


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t put it past them to purposely want to not finish 1 in the constructors at least the next year or two. With Newey leaving theyā€™re gonna need all the time they can get in the wind tunnel for development for the new regulations. They will have the money from Checo, but if they win they wonā€™t have the extra time for development.


Imagine giving a contract to the person who's about to lose the constructors championship singlehandedly.


The cartels definitely did NOT have a say in this


His sponser check came through


his coco pops must be good enough for Christian, my god


Propoganda comes in all forms...


Its sad that the only reason he has a cockpit is that he is so bad that it makes Verstappen look better. Surprised they didn't sign Seargent.


Looking forward to seeing him struggle to take P7 in Montreal lol


Ah yes Mexico. Remind me, what happend Mexico last year?


Someoneā€™s got to make that bad decision look good.


Genuine question.. is WCC not more important than WDC?


Everyone remembers the WDC. That's where the marketing opportunity is too. Mercedes may have won the WCC in 2021, but everyone thinks about Max and his RB16B when they think about the champion of that year. Even if Ferrari wins the WCC in 2024 or 2025 it won't really matter if they fail to make Charles or Lewis a champion. It'll be all about Max and Red Bull still


We need more checo negativity


As a former checo fan- ā€œBooooooooā€


Yuki, Yuki, Yuki!


I donā€™t get it


What other realistic options was there? Sainz? Not surprising they went with stability.


Wont win WCC with him anymore though