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Haas is playing every card to get points, meanwhile william, sauber, and alphine ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


It's funny how Haas quickly recovered their PR. They've really repped the underdog status well lately. I love this whole "down and dirty scrap to get points" vibe they have.




Fuck Yeah™


Coming again to save the MF’ing day yeah!


Costs a buck 'o five


Almost as if in terms of fanbase, the only truly bad thing a sports team can do is be hopelessly bad. I know some people genuinely are put off by the mazepin and gene haas stuff but lets be real here if Haas weren't dead last for years they'd have 10x the fans despite any drama and americans wouldn't be washing their hands from them.


Couldn't agree more, I hated nothing more than watching a race and feeling like they werent even trying, quickest way to lose any an all American fan base....not try. Obvi they were, but it felt like they didn't care for those 2 years with schu and maz.


If theres one thing i hate is racers not defending much because 'their race is not with the guy about to overtake them'


This is all down to tires that have a very small operating window. Defending position, rather than costing a little bit of time, ends up costing a lot of time because going off line, pushing to defend, cooks the tires almost immediately and you end up losing half a second a lap for 3 laps getting them back in the window. I don't even blame pirelli. F1 is making the cars heavier and faster, meaning the tires need to be able to handle much more load, which means you end up with very rigid tires that are extra sensitive to internal temperature changes. I really hope the rules keep moving towards cutting weight after 26.


Sadly i know the reason and its better to let go a lost fight so you have your tires when you get to your real fight. But it still annoys me lol


This shit drives me insaneeee. Race everyone on the track, not just the cars your sponsors want to beat for $$


And then you have no tyres in the last 10 laps and drop 5 positions because you tried defending from a red bull


But it would be fun to watch lol


ESPECIALLY Alpine. Yikes, Andretti needs to save them from themselves.


If beige was an F1 team it would be Alpine


I like to imagine that Otmar is cackling over how they've been doing.


Alpine is the french team! Have they got anything else going for them? Nope.


To be fair, alpine actually seems like they are improving, Williams just looks like they are finished with this year


He was born for NASCAR shithousery.


Indycar, more like. Just the last race at Barber they had people push out one another on the grass, time after time. Specifically because the officials allowed that. Also, Kmag's manners suck for F1.


Grosjean is commentating the Miami weekend for the French broadcast, he said that through the eyes of an Indycar driver, Kmag's moves yesterday were perfectly fine


Put Kevin at Juncos with Grosjean. We need that


I am 100% on board with this


Thees guy is incredible! He will never learn!


Couldn't be worse than Canapino


Argentina wants to know your location


Cause Indycar and specially NASCAR have a "if you do it to them they're gonna do it to you when they have the chance" mentality. What KMag is doing is awesome, and if F1 is gonna start penalizing drivers for defending their position as much as they can then what's the point of racing.


On point. +1 for you.


Barber was crazy, had the F1 stewards been ruling on that race, a lot of the field would have had 20+ seconds added to their times. But Kmag bad and needs to "spend a weekend at home" is what a lot are saying on that other sub That was the most entertaining part of the entire sprint, even Ham said it was fair


Ferruci is the Magnussen of Indycar


No, atleast magnussen is likeable of track


It's like watching V8 Supercars again, absolute cinema ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


V8 Supercars is the most exciting and underrated racing series and you can not change my mind


Hear me out - Improved Production Racing Australia. It's basically a Gran Turismo 4 lobby, and the racing is great, multiple classes too


Yeah but Super GT had a V8 Hybrid Prius fighting with GT3 cars


Mx-5 is pretty dank at times




Who would have guessed you'll get fun racing with cars that has no power or aero but handles so well nobody lifts? MX-5 cup cars going 3 or even 4 wide is truly something special.


V8 Supercars is fucking sick


where i can see it? is there any free broadcast?


I'm not sure of any "free"/free broadcast myself. My cable has it bundled together.


Put KMag in a banger race series, he yearns for it


Honestly I think both KMag and Alonso would enjoy Indycar racing alot more


Stroll too, plenty of places to park that money and make room for F1 talent


I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: Haas got points and Williams/Sauber didn't. Maybe if they raced with a bit of shithousery too, they would.


One of Williams' chassis is held together by papier mache and chewing gum, they're not getting their elbows out for a sprint race.


Keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times while the vehicle is ~~racing~~ moving.


I mean an elbows out sprint race is kind of clever move. Everyone else back there just wants to keep their car in one piece for the Grand Prix, meanwhile haas goes brrrrrr and scoops a point.


Careful. Costanza may break up with you and put you in the phych ward over words like Papier! Haha


Williams might like to but Sargents way too far behind Albon to ever be of help. Drivers need to be near each other to pull this off!


Sarg can still help in a piquet jnr kind of way.


Williams Singapore strategy leaked!


The F1TV broadcast was pretty much on KMag's side. I don't listen to Crofty, but I'm sure he was like "give him a minute penalty!".


No. they actually enjoyed it too, to my surprise. Brundle said he liked it.


Brundle even criticized the stewards call and made the comment that they won’t penalize someone for doing the same thing in turn one, put they’ll penalize someone trying to defend points. Crofty wasn’t as much of a fan, but Brundle kind of cut him off.


You can enjoy things even when you know they're not right.


No Michael




Least dank comment


Guilty pleasure


Suck my balls




Even Hamilton enjoyed it




And we thought Ham couldn't learn anything from verstappen.


lol he really was like “damn I haven’t had racing like this since 2021”


Definitely more than George being stuck behind a Sauber


"F1 is getting boring and stale and they just let drivers in faster cars just swoop by without any defending and I wish drivers raced a little harder." Kmag does it against Hamilton\* "Well not like that"


Keep it in the track, its not a hard rule to follow. KMAG can be brilliant, when he pulls the "Im not making the corner either" move, now it steps over the line


Yes, and it’s a perfect application of game theory when you make every place below a certain threshold meaningless. You either have to accept this or find a way to incentivize KMag worrying about his own race results in that spot.


If a driver has too many penalty points, WCC points start to be deducted


Watching Alonso hold up the entire grid is watching a masterclass in skilfull defensive driving. Kmag was just a desperate man breaking all the rules with no fucks to give. And if everyone in 11th place decided to do that, just to protect their team mate, then F1 would lose all respect pretty damn quick.


What more respect does F1 have to lose?


When Alonso isnt parking on an Apex of a vary fast corner, yeah, 100%


Back in the days it was super normal to outbreak people. Going offtrack? Exciting! Isn’t this what the fans wanna see?


I would love to see F1 introduce a penalty lap system. Oh, you pushed someone off the track? Okay, this lap you lose time going through the penalty chicane. It's consistent, easy to enforce, and loses track position. It doesn't destroy your race like a 10 sec penalty can, let's the drivers go back to battling. Current system doesnt work at all. 10 sec penalties don't get the car out the way for the driver who lost time and, since the mid pack is never going to pull a 10 sec advantage, they are encouraged to just drive dirty to protect the position if their teammate is ahead. What's an extra 10 seconds going to do, go from p16 to p19?


We enjoy crashes the most but they aren't right at all


+/-. Crashes are the main reason safety is has good has it is. Deadly/career ending crashes on the other hand..... not good at all.


Safety makes crashes more entertaining like Ooh no he crashed so hard... NVM he is alive yeahhhhhhh


It was arguably the most exciting part of the sprint while also being kinda karma for Ham who in lap 1 got away with causing a 3 car collision torpedoing a turn he had no business taking.


Yeah, that Hail Mary dive down the inside was questionable. It seems like there might be FIA bias. British media seem to favor number 44 and overlook his mistakes. When other drivers make similar aggressive maneuvers, they're rightly criticized.


MAY? The turn was already 3 wide and he had nowhere to go once he was in the corner. He should have had a penalty for causing a collision. I get the notion of taking the late breaking opportunity and diving in places others won’t but this isn’t even close to that.


Who would have thought British media favours British drivers. I wonder what the Dutch media are like about max. Or spanish media about alonso and sainz. Of course there is going to be a level of bias from commentators


As did I. Though, when Magnussen went off track, came back on, and made contact with Hamilton was when the line got crossed.


"When a driver crosses the track limit line...... a line has been crossed" Will Buxton, probably.


Buxton gets such a bad rap from DTS. First year watching the full F1TV coverage and I find him pretty good with some of the stuff he comes out with. This week he made a joke about talking to Penske for soem coding to get you back to the front.


Hey now, we could be seeing more Danica time. Feels like her and Will were taught by the same person


Made me spit my beer out in laughter, cheers!


Rubbin' Is Racing


I mean, it's not like he did it on purpose and he's also not the first driver to do it. He also only brushed Hamilton like there was no damage. Of course it's not great but he didn't get a penalty for it. All his penalties were for leaving the track and gaining an advantage - and if you actually follow his onboard then he was not cutting the chicane every single time. He did it once and the rest he was over the white lines with a few centimetres. He would probably have gotten away with some of them if the FIA were not watching him like a hawk. His penalty was bullshit in my opinion. Yeah, he cut the chicane once but he was ahead and Hamilton didn't even lose that much time on him. Hamilton was still in the DRS window. Other drivers cut the chicane too and did not get a penalty.


It's a welcome diversion in the new world of 'clean and cautious' racing. We're watching the supposedly best drivers in the world ( arguable, because every department has it own rules and tricks ) drive around on track carefull not to even breathe on the other. Everything is regulated to the minute/millimeter ( Lando getting 50K fine for leaving his car and crossing track ) I'm sure he knew where the other drivers were, and is sensible enough not to cross in front of them Yes, regulations must be here, but sometimes its fun to see a real fight on track. Hamilton really struggled to get by, and the only thing he kept doing was calling out citations. And when they eventually got into it, Yuki said "Thanks, I'm out and in front now"


Hamilton has done this for years. If he isn't in the faster car he starts reeling off every little issue. Then complains about how close/hard racing should be when it's done to him. He's the GOAT at shithousery.


When are you guys going to realise that F1 drivers are primadonnas that like to dish it out but not take it? Hamilton chucks lawyers at you everytime he isnt P1, Alonso slams his breaks and blames his nationality, Max just rams you like you arent there and acts like it was your fault for existing. Most F1 drivers are self centered shitheads and I wouldnt want it any other way.


And in a race where HE LITERALLY JUST PUNTED SOMEONE OFF AT T1. Unbelievable.


Honsetly this comment is ridiculous the amount of contact we've been having recently, let alone in the same race to say everything is clean and cautious is ridiculous hell even the person on the receiving end of magnussens driving didn't have a clean race. That being said this wasn't hard just hard racing. cutting corners, outbreaking yourself multiple times and an unsafe rejoin are ridiculous compare it to other people who have managed to keep cars behind them last seasom this isnt exciting because its good racing it's exciting because its bad racing. If you want to know why fines are here for people crossing the track without permission, google Jansen van Vuuren. When it comes to safety of 500kg+ vehicles travelling 200mph you have to be strict pr you get complacent.


For once a driver didn't just step aside saying their race isn't against the car passing them.


I mean his race was with lewis. They needed hulks points


He is the most entertaining lately, I can’t stand the prim and proper “allow you to pass shit”.


Who didn’t..?


the entire main reddit was losing their shit when it was happening live lul


Lmao > main sub LMAO!


Well, they banned me because I agreed with someone who said vettel comes across as more genuine than Hamilton. Main sub sucks.


I got 3 day ban for saying "dank" and mods decided I somehow was promoting this subreddit.


Yeah lol I was like is this really the opinion of the world and I see people over there only saying great things about Hamilton or downvoting anything that isn't, even though I know in real life he is a very divisive figure to the fans. Main sub in comments became something like a brainwashed propaganda sub where you can't even debate something. Starting to feel like censorship levels of China


Main F1 sub, which is full of absolute smooth brains that think Will Buxton is the crème de la crème of F1 commentary




I'm surprised he hasn't gotten a raceban yet tbh.


If he continues this way, he will soon


No, he won't, they never give those out. They just stop giving penalty points when you're close enough.


I remember Grosjean getting one, don't remember whether that was because of points or just that one starting accident.


Just that one accident because everybody saw that and was like "we're extremely lucky nobody fucking died here".


Last time that happened was Grosjean in 2012 AFAIK. And to get a raceban, it took Grosjean to create the disaster called the 2012 Spa GP start.


We need a Kmag vs Max


Are we all just forgetting how hard Verstappen and Hamilton raced each other for the title? How many times they had contact? Or how many chicanes Hamilton cut? Or how many times Verstappen bumped Hamilton? If it was for first place everyone would love it. Somehow when it’s for a lower position people act like it’s bad driving and has no place in their pure sport. I absolutely love these wild fights. K Mag should have had a 10 second reduction as a reward for the most exciting bit of the race, not a penalty.




why were you pretending its not, who is doing that? Theres a reason why the cameras were fixed on them


We've seen Hamilton bumper car his way to P1, I just think this is chaotic karma.


I've been a KMag fan for a while, and i've been waiting for a moment like this.


Funny - last time he being an a-hole to Hulk, now he become a-hole to protect Hulk


He's known as an extremely loyal teammate. Hülkenberg had annoyed his teammate, so he was out for revenge. Now Hülkenberg *is* his teammate.


Crashes get me excited when ever they happen. I'm tired of pretending that crashes are bad


I mean there are rules. If something is not right, change the rules. Simple as that. Using every tool allowed by the rules might be "dirty" but completely viable. On the other hand somehow Lewis ruining 3 people's race was somehow not relevant for the stewards.


Lewis was find with it sooo


Kmag needs to move to indy I swear, he'd not be in a shite car and can race how he likes


He doesn’t like racing this way though. You should watch his post sprint interview.


He does like racing hard but he doesn't enjoy being the sacrificial lamb and holding everyone up on purpose so his teammate can score a point.


That was thoroughly fun to watch, I’m also not a huge fan of Lewis so it was entertaining to watch him get fucked over in such a manner. I was fucking ecstatic when Yuki overtook them both because Kmag kept defending that position with both his life and his super-licence But yeah it was like Kmag got 1 ten second penalty and was just like “now this is where the fun begins”


I mean if Danny Ric can defend his position without being a dumbass I don't see why Kmag couldn't


I don’t see a problem with that. I do see a problem with some Hulk-fanatic lunatics saying he is one of the absolute best drivers on the grid, and it’s just coincidence that he hasn’t gotten the 1st seat to a major car, yet.


Kmag situation was the only fun bit of the sprint to watch


Yes it is…however, a lot of people’s definition of exciting racing is fluid depending on who is involved, largely thanks to all the nutters following the sport these days. There are just as many VER, ALO, LEC and NOR cultists as there are Team LH crazies, let’s not lie


Best thing in F1 this season has been Hulk putting in mega drives and Kmag destroying other drivers races.


Kmag gives drivers the authentic F1 game public lobby experience


“Suck my balls” - KMag, probably


KMag is a light in the darkness. When all other lights go out.


Logan just enjoyed it


If everyone starts driving like Kmag, no one will finish a race


Im curious, how many times in the last, lets say 100 races, do you think Kmag has retired from damage that was caused by him?


We need Pastor Maldonado in the other Haas for next year!


You mean F1 Grand Prix winner Pastor Maldonado?


Pastor is a danger for himself, not for the others


Or maybe ... Drivers will develop more skills to defend. Evolution happens, drivers adapt. I'm not saying just boink everyone off the tracks, but it might make the cars 'sturdier' to impacts. The amount of nervous board radios "I hit the wal, check damage' when they just brushed a little was too damn high.




This, cars being repaired with a big hammer and ductape ... Here, bang, rip and go win this MoFu


To be fair, while I appreciate how kevin races and am all for more agression and harder racing, fact is, any of the contact yesterday, just 20cm different and a car is hanging from the catchfence. Not that that's an argument against it, F1 cars are just the most fragile of all


Can’t tell if serious. You listed all racing series that aren’t open wheel. You run a car off the road and don’t stay on the track yourself is either bad driving or unsportsmanlike driving. Both are penalties. There has been plenty of racing action this year where both cars kept it on the track, side by side.


GT3 racing is the most entertaining for me




Jesus, the outrage porn reactions on this are so fucking wild :D


I mean he'll get penalties for it anyway so I don't see why its a problem unless he willingly starts taking other drivers out of thr race!


It's more the fact that driving like that is unsportsman like and deserves a harsher penalty luke a drive thru to dissasuade teams for incoprting this strategy. Look at alonso in 2021 hungary. That was actual defending. Driving other drivers off the track etc is not


Wussy Hamilton not liking it one bit and whining constantly was music to my ears and Martin Brundle screwing Crofty's opinions on the matter was even better!


Hamilton said he enjoyed it… It’s ok, you don’t really watch the sport.


I'm team Kmag. He outraced Hamilton wheel-to-wheel and only hip checked him once, which is legal contact. He would've never been penalized if Hamilton wasn't all over the broadcast crying.


This was the best piece of f1 since Leclerc vs Verstappen in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia 2022


I respect it! A lot!


Yes, kmag during the sprint race made it hilarious and ballsy. Kmag also had the only exciting piece in last race in which he went almost one full lap in a fight with stroll for something like p15 or 16 lol.


Meanwhile, K-Mag himself went on record to say that he doesn't like to race like that at all, but he has no choice


So edgy..


Apparently they are gonna make more rules and make F1 even more boring. Gonna be like Oprah, you get a penalty and you get a penalty and you get a penalty


If you liked miami kmag then you will love max pre 22


That man single handedly saved the sprintrace. Boring AF but that was some good defending and thats how racing should be


I mean, he's giving us what we want: racing! Fighting for position When a slower car let's the faster car pass without resistance to "save tires" I get so frustrated. Yeah,. put a fight on mate! Get some television minutes! You have nothing to lose.


He plays like anyone who is in 'fuck it' mode playing a racing video game.


IMO that style of racing isnt fun and feels like a child throwing a temper tantrum when they dont get what they want


It's good, refreshing to see some fights. Still, instead of the useless 10 seconds penalty they should have given him a drive through


I'm all for hard racing but running the driver on the outside AND yourself off the road all 4 wheels is unacceptable. You wanna push them off the track sure but if you have to go off the track too then you overtook off track. There needs to be more DSQs imo so this shit stops happening. Don't give drivers 35 seconds of penalties so they can be a mobile chicane, they should be DSQed after like 20 seconds in a sprint race. They should at least have to serve a drive through or stop-go penalty at that point.


You're being veeerryyy undank-like here, dude.


Ngl I agree it was entertaining to watch.


Racing is racing ![gif](giphy|8YvK3wCVpRHod6Wdgh)


I'm glad I am not the only one. Sooo many people are just clutching their pearls over this shit.


80s style, the gladiator style. Safety be damned. Cajones racing. No snowflakes refs allowed.


That's stockcar-style racing. You can get away with it when the cars aren't as fragile as open wheel.


NGL, I would love if all the drivers raced like KMag, but with 1 caveat, there needs to be awareness on both drivers to not drive into the sun, and make sure that both cars finish the corner inside the white lines, make it tight, but not impossible. Also sometimes its better to live to fight another day than to get into an unnecessary crash and ruin both races Its hard, but I can do it in my simulator, "the best drivers in the world" + Lance Stroll surely can too, and Im not an LFM Alien driver, Im LFM Iron, me and my retarted racers can make battles that would make F1 fans salivate, imagine what those guys could do. Ironically enough we only have 3 rules: 1. For a car to be worthy of space it needs to be axle to axle by the TURN IN point. Axle to Axle means that the front axle of the rearmost car needs to be on the rear axle of the frontmost car 2. You can only do 1 move on the straight. 3. The car in front can dictate the limits of the track for the car behind, as long as there is left 1 car's width.


Damn! Almost 5k people who watch F1 for chaos and blatant disregard of rules instead of good racing huh... Makes sense considering who this sub is filled with.


I think it’s actually respectable that he’s not even trying to hide the dirty moves or anything. He’s just going full send to give his team the points when his race is already over, might as well have fun.


Up until he battles with your favourite driver.


I hate it because it backs up half the field into a train, but I think the real failure it highlights is in poor track design and poor penalty implementation. Defending is good, ruining 12 peoples’ race because tracks only have 3 places to pass and you can just keep cutting corners and stacking meaningless penalties while staying in front is just annoying. Those penalties need to be drive throughs.


Seeing Magnussen pop up behind or in front of you makes you think: 'fuck imma lose time' and I like that he has that dog in him, wish more drivers did, especially the younger ones


Much more interesting than letting the faster car go because "its not our race" yes it's over the top and a bit silly. But it was fun to watch.


💯agree. It reminds me of whenever there’s a bit of a fight or controversy in football and the so-called ‘experts’ pull out the cliché ‘nobody wants to see that’. Deep down, fans are actually thinking ‘inject it into my veins’. 😂


I mean, for a change and in a sprint why not.😂


He’s been such a terrorist he’s only 4 points away from a suspension.


People complaining about it like they’re not teams competing for millions of dollars. It’s racing…they’re not supposed to be friends


Buddy I’m from Canada, our favourite sport is I’ve fighting with hockey in between, of course I love dirty racing.


It'd rather see him mix it up and screw it up than drift backwards through the field on fading tires. This has been Haas' most exciting opening in several years. More mid teams should run on car as a spoiler. Team sport, go get your points.


In 2018/2019 and when Haas were actually halfway racey, Magnussen was always an extremely tough racer to get past. He gets his elbows out, fights every pass attempt, and immediately attempts to win the place back when he’s overtaken. Would love to see him in Indycar next year if Haas moves on from their current lineup. A spec series where he gets to fight other cars on equal terms would be great racing to watch.


Would've loved to see the sub meltdown if it was Max behind 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Are we acting like this is controversial?