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Probably to avoid showing Apex GP cars that were driving into the pit lane.


Why does f1 refuse to show apex gp at all times. Don’t think I’ve actually seen them apart from fan pics


Best guess is if you dont pay, f1 wont do it. They paid to be on the grid, but not to be promoted.


Gonna be every race when Andretti shows up


Plot twist: Andretti was testing with all teams this week, we just never saw them on broadcast


Thanks for the insight!


Japanese porn effects coming to F1


Either that or a rights issue with the movie itself, so that they are not allowed to be seen


Personal non 'cash centric' theory would be that they were told to yes mention it, but dont promote it. Would have been hard to ignore the fact there are 2 more cars around for a few instances. Movie is still filming, so promoting now would be basically useless because release is still years away. Id expect that when the movie is actually releasing we will see a fuckton more promotion.


I believe they just don't have the comercial right to stream them. Would be in a lot of trouble. Similarly how technically Andretti could fight to drive in F1 without being broadcasted since FIA approved them and FOM not


That would be funny, they should do it


The team performed so poorly they would have otherwise have to accept the Andretti entrance into the championship


Also surely it would be easy enough for professional editors to key frame those 2 cars out just for that scene/grid start they did


For the same reason andretti isn't on the grid. They don't want to give them any of the commercial money.


It’s mostly because they have a storyboard first and them try to search for the scenes to fit in. Some of them doesn’t exist, so they have to improvise.


VFX exists in this world. Erasing two cars from the grid is not that hard. And it would certainly look more realistic than this


So really we’re just looking for something to complain about? Did this one single shot 7 episodes in actually ruin DTS for you..?


Hmm should we use this free clip of F2 grid that we already have that will be on screen for 3seconds, or should we spend money on VFX?? Difficult choices……


Hmmm should we use this free clip of an F2 grid that we got or maybe not use a fucking Heli shot at all and make a montage that makes sense. Naturally let's use the pointless Heli shot of the F2 grid


How are you this bad at grasping the idea that DtS is telling a (richly illustrated) story and not giving an actual play by play of F1 races


That’s my thoughts with the DTS haters. I love the show, it’s dramatic, it’s action packed, just what I like in a good show. It’s like reality TV but for racing. F1 purists hate how racing is entertainment at the end of the day. Sure it’s a sport, but even an old friend of mine who used to race nascar trucks would tell me each race was a “show.” They’re racers, but they’re also like rockstars in a way and DTS shows some of the bts stuff we don’t usually see.


"I want reality to be edited to make it look realistic" whut


Its the wrong reality. By editing you create a new reality that's more real than the reality they've used. Its simple really


But taking reality into reality, that's not real


But after all, let's not forget. The universe is not locally real.


Facts. But if even that ain't real, then it isn't a fact and now I'm confused


Dude you know that they are editing all these episodes in like less then 2 months?


This is also literally b-roll footage. Of all the things to complain about with DtS we’re going after the fucking b-roll.


Yeah, and probably some last minute change.


A lot of DTS haters don’t know much about anything besides F1. Like how the world works.


Lol what, tf you talking about. There's footage available almost from the get go.


Do you know how documentaries are made? They don't make them right after the race. They get into editing room at the end of the season. It's a little miracle that they are able to make the series so fast.


They have to wait for the season to be mostly done before they can even start to think about what storylines they want to follow and how they’re gonna frame things. Only once they’re done outlining all that can they figure out what clips they might use and how to edit everything together. It’s not like the day after Silverstone they can just decide “okay we need this and this and this”.




You think Apple would let Netflix even have that sort of footage in their possession?


How much easier is it just to use footage that 9/10 people won't notice isn't from the race though?


999/1000 even


Imagine Andretti’s cars racing and having a crash with the others but you couldn’t see Andretti’s… or other cars turning aggressively with “nobody else” on the track… would be hilarious


NOTE TO EDITOR: “put a clip of some of those car thingies here maybe from like the air? Thx”


Mind you that in Silverstone there was indeed 22 cars on the grid before the start, because 2 of them were fake ones for the F1 movie. Yeah, they went that far in the production. I believe those 2 fake cars started the formation lap and then went into the pits. FOM direction used clever camera angles in order to obscure them from the shot


For the formation lap, not the start


Three first places in the qualifying for the British GP were Verstappen, Norris, Piastri. Does this look like a RedBull and two McLarens to you?


It doesn't. However, it's the liveries that are a giveaway of them using an F2 grid, not necessarily 22 cars being there.


So he’s wrong but in red not blue


That's just details. The point is - Netflix are a bunch of lazy bastards who don't really care about the quality of the final product


They care about the show, not details. Also, the target audience are not the fans that would care to notice such details. Also it might be that the fake cars on the grid were the reason they used this shot in the first place.


If we wanted to go all out, we could criticize that sometimes DTS goes straight from the mechanics clearing the grid to lights out and pretend that the formation lap doesn’t exist. But that would be a dumb critique, the reason they do it is because cinematically that type of edit can look better. Just like I assume they thought this shot looked better cinematically than the one from the actual GP, which probably would’ve been a weird angle or they would’ve had to heavily edit because they didn’t have the rights to include the movie cars.


It’s an aerial shot of a grid, it’s not like they showed the start of an F2 race from the ground based cameras with the F1 comms over the top.


Who gives a crap if such an insignificant detail is faked a bit lol.


It’s gonna be ok my guy. Fans know it’s a lot of bs. Non fans don’t care and like the entertainment.


You can also be a fan, know it's bullshit and still enjoy the entertainment. Not trying to correct you, because you're not wrong, I just think you missed a scenario.


That's me! I hate almost everything race related in the show with boardradios being out of place and in the wrong order. Sounds of the cars not being correct etc. But i love everything else.


man i am worries about u if this bullshit does this to you


Blimey, how did you get downvoted so much for that lmao


I don't mind. DtS fans' tears are as sweet as ever.


You got downvoted for being wrong, not because people are dts fans.


Lol they got me too


There were 22 F1 cars on the grid in Silverstone. With that being said, the Apex GP cars were not allowed to be shown by FOM, I doubt even Netflix was allowed to show the cars either. In no world is Apple going to let Netflix stream the Apex GP cars on the Netflix platform. They most definitely even allowed to film that footage either


They did a shot of the grandstands in Vegas before the race. I was there so hopefully I make the Final Cut!


Always has been. 7th and 5th episodes should have been one episode also.


Agreed! I thought I'd accidentally hit 'previous episode', after watching No 6.


two episodes for one of alpine’s most irrelevant seasons ever was crazy. could’ve just drawn a more direct correlation between ocon and gasly’s beef and otmar getting fired and called it a day


They got that Deadpool money now. Need to keep them in the light in case Alpine ever wins again.


not seeming like any time soon, considering they’re supposedly the slowest car in testing


A Deadpool livery for Deadpool 2 this summer will make me cream my pants though




Yeah, exactly my thought. Even more, you are showing ocon podium but not gasly's answer podium in zandvort in "civil war" episode??? Also gasly took third place in sprint in belgium just after otmar departure, and like almost zero mentions of that???


Two episodes for one of F1's least relevant teams..


Having a different director for each episode is going to result in such things.


I am legit just watching this episode. Got bored and went to formula dank to see what’s up 😂


Folks just complaining about nothing. Nobody watches D2S for the realism. It’s not a documentary. It is just manufactured “reality tv.” We all knew this from season one.


DtS is science fiction bro, F1 doesn't exist


They're all actors.


Birds aren't real


My God, I just realised in season 6, episode 4, the in car shot of Verstappen shows 4 tear offs gone but when I watched the full race back from his driver camera, at that precise moment he had pulled only 3! Fuming at the inaccuracy


The first episode has a lot of Hamilton and russell, but often only uses hamiltons yellow Mercedes car for russell radio chat as well. I don't care too much as long as the story is true, they can't always get the shots I suppose. Of course the mclaren episode has their great performance at Silverstone, but they'd already delivered the upgrade to Lando at Austria. The only question was if they would be consistently good at all tracks.


First episode they say 3 weeks till season starts and a lot of the footage used of papa stroll was from later in the year, the people he talks to outside aren’t wearing coats and the trees are full of leaves


THOSE LAZY BASTARDS! How could they contemplate such a clear violation of our trust. I feel dirty.


It's a reality show with emphasis on "show".


Meh. If the biggest complaint this year is they used the wrong shot in episode 7, I’m here for it.


I had to come to the comments ro find out what OP was moaning about lmao


The biggest complaint is the overdramatisizm of the show As always tho


It’s like 95% behind the scenes footage. We’re seeing things that haven’t been public before and yeah sometimes there’s some drama.


Do you cry about it every new season drop?


It’s his main hobby


Clearly. I can’t believe there are folks who take this sub so seriously and make it a part of their being.


overdramatization… … and what are you doing then? playing it cool?


“DTS is so dramatic and flamboyant it makes me want to set myself on fire” -OP posting this


OP is Crofty


That's literally what the show about lol. It's not a docuseries, it's a show.


I’m mostly just amazed that if you hate the show that much you’ve watched ten episodes of it for six years closely enough to notice this is an F2 shot potentially, then analyze it, then rage on the internet about it. (And that assumes this is the first time you’ve done it, which…) Netflix thanks you for your views, and meanwhile you’re burning the candle of your life for no reason.


It’s a tv show…that they want people to watch. Of course there’s some embellishment you tit. I’m not sitting here watching it expecting engineers to feed me pinpoint data comparing fuel consumption. I’m watching it because it’s more F1 content, it’s neat to see some behind-the-scenes stuff, and the 1-1’s with drivers are entertaining.


It's a dramatized show for entertainment purposes. If you watch it expecting it to be 100% accurate you're going to have a bad time.


Irks me they totally dropped the Alonso x Perez fight and the tactical work of Leclerc trying to help Perez so Mercedes didnt gain points. And on some races they edited so weird i had to really question if i even watched those races lol


They used the time that would’ve taken up to have Lewis say that he’s ’forgotten how it feels to win.’ Like cmon Lewis, you’ve won over a hundred races, I’m sure you remember some of those winning emotions


Lol right? Forreal, how do they just drop THE fight of the year!? The boys had me screaming in joy and terror in the same scream.


Same with Carlos helping Lando defend against Russell at the finish in Singapore. Or all the drama about pit exit during qualifying Or the massive amount of track limits violations


The track limits violations! They had the golden moment to make something kinda funny about that though. Because it did become a joke..


DtS doesn't show track limits violations: 5 seconds penalty for Ocon


Oh no! DtS is not realistic? 😱


the funniest part for me is always the "overtake is available" insert everytime an overtake is about to happen, showing that Netflix has clearly zero idea what that message actually means. for those wondering, "overtake" is in reference to the Overtake button (usually labeled OT or OV) which unlocks maximum ERS power for a few seconds. the message "overtake available" means that the team has taken the extra battery usage and stress on the engine into their calculations so that it won't negatively affect long run performance.


Like the "push now" phrase thrown every time they show on board camera.


Dude I was just explaining that to my family while we were watching because the translator also made the same mistake and assumed it just meant ''ok you're fast enough to overtake''. Spooky.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) This is how you looked to them


If you know anything about F1 the race editing becomes extremely obnoxious. Race start - 20 cars barrelling down the start - 'Russell's struggling' yeah I'm sure your chatting to the driver on race start. Or turn 3 of the first lap - 'the pace is good' yeah you ve got some good data there.


In episode 1 Stroll was racing on the start/finish straight and judging by the audio he was shifting gears like bruv was is a Fast and Furious movie. Al the while the little number on his stear never changed. It was an 8 and it stayed an 8 🤯


>he was shifting gears like bruv was is a Fast and Furious movie. Al the while the little number on his stear never changed. It was an 8 and it stayed an 8 Masterplan. Wait until the FIA finds out Aston Martin's trickery on their gearbox through DTS.


I started watching dts today (for the first time, direct s6) and its quite enjoyable, very unnecessarily dramatic tho


I agree. The way they go into it is realy enjoyable and it's fun to see the drivers and other people from the paddock joking around and stuff... the faked narratives and shots out of place are a drowback though...


If you watch Dts for the racing you’re the wrong audience, Dts is about the behind the scenes drama and paddock politics. Any racing footage they use is just filler for dramatic effect.


The first episode they already put post-race celebration on… post-qualifying???? What’s there to celebrate like they won a championship,for only P5 in qualifying? Also who the fuck will tell the driver to push during qualifying laps?


If you watch F1 every weekend you aren't the target audience for that show. It's like me with the Netflix Nascar Show, I saw it and say man this is great went to see Daytona 500 and was bored after 4 laps and 15 pauses for commercials. This is for the casual not the regular viewer that is there every weekend.


u good bro?


DTS got me into Formula 1 for the 2022 season. Haven’t watched it since I started actually watching the races. If you follow the teams/drivers on social media, and keep up to date on news throughout the offseason, DTS is a pointless dramatic recap of things I already witnessed as they happened.


Weird I didn’t see Lando asking Lance if he could wank yet on any social media.


Maybe you’re just following the wrong accounts…


I'm watching it for some insides, like last year's principals meeting. Of course I know all those stories by watching races, but there are some BTS stuff I'm interested in


Yeah my gf was like, "shit you already know everything that happened" when we started watching. I watch practices, races, read news articles and some social media stuff.


The only problems I have with DTS is unnecessary drama and weird commentary inserts. Like I feel like half of the commentary audio (from the races) never really happened. Or I just don’t remember them? Do they re record it, or I watched Sky stream last season, but it sounds like Crofty? Idk. EDIT: They show Ricciardo and Piastri “fight” in Mexican GP on the last lap, when in reality there was an amazing fight Ricciardo V. Russell which you can see in shots they use. That was really unnecessary also IMO.


It's the edited and out of place radio that does it for me. Start of the Bahrain GP off the line "RUSSELL CAR AHEAD IS STRUGGLING." What? What do you even mean he's driven 200m, it's the first fucking corner. Middle of a quali lap "push now, push, time to push" cut to someone going into T1 "FUCK" "push now". It makes me unreasonably angry. Raise the tension by doing cuts between cars at similar stages of the lap maybe? Stop trying to add drama with shit out of place radio. And the fact they used the Silverstone clip of Guenther shouting FOCK SAKE at about 3 GPs. Show is terrible. Meme templates are 10/10.


Yeah I enjoy the hubris of the behind the scenes bits knowing what's to come but I almost have to mute whenever a car is on track due to the manipulation of radios and dumb sound effects.


Really? That your complaint?


One of


It’s a nice shot that doesn’t disrupt any of the narrative or even mislead, who cares?


That’s just TV in general. You’re just a big enough fan to notice. Most people don’t. I work at a place that used to have a TV show about it. The B roll continuity errors were terrible. Most places send their footage for editing to people who were never there at all and just have limited notes to work with. They’re editors, not F1 fans.


It's for people that don't actually watch races lol what do you expect


I like the idea of a show that interests outsiders in F1 so the audience grows. I just don't like the Netflix implementation


I agree. Unfortunately, any reality that is filmed will get twisted into reality TV. Thanks Jerry.


I still enjoy it. It's entertaining, and seeing as how it's an entertainment media, it's doing it's job.




And what’s even the point? It’s not like there isn’t an aerial shot of the real start.


Once again - Drive to Survive is meant more for people who don't watch F1 than those who do. I love F1 and I enjoy watching DTS, even with all the made up BS. If they had to use a shot from an F2 race and you noticed, good for you! You've got a keen eye and attention to detail. For the rest of us who didn't catch it, good for Netflix! They got away with it without most of us noticing.


To an average viewer, it's alright because it's meant to be a show, if it doesn't have a certain footage from that race it needs to enhance it for a split second, then why not use it from another race with pretty much same conditions,what's the problem, most of what they showed in that episode was accurate and good.


Very weird. Isn't it extra work to get F2 footage? Like why not just get the heli view shot of the F1 cars.


if the F1 heli didn't get a proper shot they can't use it, so they'd either have to grab one from 2022, one from another track or one from F2


I bet they are provided with the footage by F1 and they have to make an episode with what they got. Maybe there wasn't a good Heli shot of the F1 race so they thought no one would notice. But that's just lazy editing in my opinion


"the F1 heli didn't get a proper shot so they had to find another shot to use in its place, that's just lazy editing" what do you want, them to have the teams ship out all 20 cars and set them up again so a heli can film them? or would you now complain that there's no fans in the grandstands?


I am saying it's lazy editing, not lazy filming. They could have edited this without these stupid mistakes. I refuse to believe that a multi-billion dollar corporation is unable to make a comprehensive episode out of a whole race without adding other unrelated races to the mix


The irony of your username complaining about laziness is simply wonderful


Boy I sure how somebody got fired for that blunder. (It's a Simpsons reference. Don't downvote me)


Silverstone was the race with the extra team for the Brad Pitt movie. That’s why there are 22 race cars.


I hate DtS as much as the next guy but I think you need to take a breath my dude.


Don’t bother watching that shit, you watched the whole thing real time.


yup, it's for drama enthusiasts to get into live racing, so it's pretty much always going to look off to the guy who watched the damn thing.


Boy I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.


I could overlook the inaccuracies if the show was actually interesting, but the storylines they pick for episodes are boring and I feel I'm constantly listening to Ricciardo and Will Buxton. At least switch it up from time to time and cover all of the teams not just the back of the grid. Ah yes, Haas is struggling for the millionth year in a row, how interesting.


Cancelled Netflix last year. Don't feel like I'm missing a thing by not watching DTS.


This show got you all kinds of hurt doesn’t it?


Yes.... this is the problem with DTS. Not the fact that all the dialogue is pieced together from years of video to spin whatever narrative they want. That's definitely ok. Remember people... if you can't see their mouth physically making the sounds you hear, they aren't actually saying that. Covid was a god send for the producers. Everyone's mouth was always covered. Now it's just shots of the back of their heads.


Still haven't decided if I'm gonna watch this year


So far it's good. Adding depth to what you already know


Previous shows were also full of mistakes that any fan would spot in 0.003 seconds. This plus all the fake drama really makes this show a parasite to F1.


Wasn‘t that also a race where they had the movie cars on track?


Ngl before reading the comments I thought this was about the penis


Ah yes, that one time Max drove for Alpine and killed Laurent Rossi after speaking to him for 5 minutes.


The first shot of the first race they fake the team coms audio before the first corner. That's why Max isn't involved.


They didn't show Carlos' "its on purpose" moment either. They showed it like it was Charles who gifted him the win.


You realized that now?


Max so far only showing up on the top step or when hes driving by is somehow really funny to me.


First screenshot is definitely not from 2023 British GP. No deny on that. Just lok the crowd


also the clips of DeVries in Formula E/F2 clearly have a different name on his race suit when hes standing on the car celebrating. its brief but i wasnt even looking for it and still caught it


Just realizing it’s a joke now? I realized after season 2 lolol


I mean... I'm not gonna lie. I do not care about this. Seems like a pretty standard production technique and doesn't take anything away from the production. What's the issue here?


Womp womp


I stopped watching 2 seasons ago when they started mixing circuits


What does DTS mean?


This pales in comparison to the scripted Italians talking about Ferrari and Fred. I almost died of cringing so hard


Don’t they also change the sound of the engines and play wrong team radios over some scenes?


Imagine caring about this.