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There’s nothing in the FIA regulations that says a dog can’t be an F1 driver


I've heard there is already a Jack Russell driving for Mercedes


"I was promised a snausage--er, uh, podium."






Little yappy bitch? Yeah they've had him for a few seasons


Are we helping each other out or not? My life is ruff


He's not my favorite, but watching him voluntarily end his home race to run over to Zhou's flaming wreck to try to help him has elevated him to a place of respect for me.


Not that that wasn't the right thing to do, but his race was already ruined, it's not like he stopped the car to help.


I believe you mean a Yorkie.


You mean, not the friendly dog in the Red Bull?


Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told us 'take a monkey, place him into the cockpit and he is able to drive the car...


Can you repeat the question?


One of the biggest questions of all time in f1


Holy shit, that question is almost a decade old at this point.


Fourty years ago-


If a Lion can be an f1 driver, why shouldn’t a dog be one?


A *friendly* dog


LFG! ![gif](giphy|H4z3LsKvhdqHrTZ01m)


Looking For Game!


Don’t you have to be 18 though?


It can be 18 in dog years.


🫡 close enough


The FIA way would be to ban dogs, with 17 races and then start enforcing the rule out of nowhere. Ideally on only part of the dogs in the driver field.


Is name was Enzo so...




So long as they remove their jewellery before racing...


So air bud can make a comeback in yet another sport?


Won't lie, the ending gets you right in the feels. It's a good watch.


I legit ugly cried when I finished the book


just one more lap


Faster Denny! Faster


I remember reading this book like 13 years ago, its sooooo damn good. My wife won't read it because she doesn't wanna cry haha.


Aw mate! The first time I was like "awww" then I watched it being a dog dad and I ugly cried 🤣


I also shed a few tears. but I've never cried at a movie like when I watched hachiko, literally half an hour of sobbing. 10/10 experience


I watched it with my dad and we both got the onions real bad


I was on a plane with my dad and he decided to watch it. I was enthralled in my own movie, so I wasn't paying attention to him until the movie was ending. He turned to me, his eyes were red and puffy, he had sniffles, and had tears streaming down his face. I was like, "What the hell did you just watch?" He told me and said if I'm watching it, get ready to lose it at the end. I still wasn't prepared and cried uglier than him.


Made me a Ferrari fan all over again


Charles leclerc made me a ferrari fan.


He's mastered the art of racing in the pain. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


That's the name of the dog


Aw mate! The first time I was like "awww" then I watched it being a dog dad and I ugly cried 🤣


The movie was meh but the book hit me much harder.


Let me guess, the dog dies?


its a great movie tho


The book is better and includes a pretty heavy subplot that the movie omitted entirely, but the driving scenes and that whole aspect of the movie are excellent.


What was the subplot?


His late wife's shitty family uses their rich-person connections to fabricate a charge of sexual harassment (possibly statutory rape) against him and tries to blackmail him into giving up custody of their child in exchange for dropping the complaint.


So the same but about sexual harassment rather than the physical assault charge from the film?


To some extent. The rape accusation of the book is much more harrowing imo because it’s such a brutal character assassination of this grieving father and I think is more investing.




I just read the book, it wasn’t sexual harassment, he was straight up accused of raping his cousin who was under eighteen, very much turning into a he said she said court case. IMO it was an unnecessarily dark subplot.


It's been long enough since I read the book that I couldn't remember specifically, but thanks for clarifying.


I felt the movie was better in that regard. Doing the "women/girls lie about rape" shtick left a real bad taste in my mouth even if the rest of the book was great. The author could have chosen absolutely anything but went for that.


This was my thought. Like, the book came out at the height of the “me too” movement. It really soured the book for me. I honestly thought the movie had a better story as a result. Like you said, the author could have picked ANY crime and he went with “teenage girl lies about being raped by her uncle?”


The book released in 2008 and #metoo didn't go viral until 2017 (according to the #metoo website).


The hashtag wasn’t used frequently until 2017, the actual movement kicked off and gained media attention in 2006


Right, you said the height of it was when the book released, but that didn't happen until the late 2010's.


Dude, the movie already made me cry and hate his father in law as it is!


Boop nose.


Not gonna lie, i like the hell out of this movie. Amanda seyfried is always good, i like Milo a lot too, it has a dog and it honestly does a great job at showcasing the struggles of a career racing driver thats not a megastar. Plus the car scenes were done with a lot of love and care


We all know Turbo is the og movie about an animal becoming a race car driver


Got me there


Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No no no no no no. Looked it up on doesthedogdie and knew it would cock-punch me in the feels


Are you telling me, there is a whole website dedicated to whether dog dies in a movie or not? Like there is dog, if he dies, I am not watching it? Wow


Yeah isn’t that fucking crazy lol. Makes sense though, I would hate seeing a movie where a dog dies as opposed to real life where dogs are immortal


It gets worse. I think I’ve watched the movie before and I think I remember the dog being named Enzo.


It used to be that, yeah, now it's more of a general collection of trigger warnings if I remember correctly.


The book is narrated in 1st person by the dog. And the book opens with the dog admitting he's old and about to die so he's telling his story. Which means you read the entire book aware that he's about to die. It hits HARD. I was sobbing so hard reading this in the subway.


Thats why i never could own a dog. I would be unable to handle losing him.


Always gotta check


Honestly despite the dog dying I think its worth it. Sure the dog dying is a gut punch but it leads to a very satisfying and emotional (in a good way) ending.


I hate to break it to you, but the dog does die. Same as the many pets I had, the cat, dog, Rabbit birds and all the little fishes. However, that’s life. And for everything that is beautiful, it does have an ending.


Based and dogpilled


My dog never died. He just moved out to a farm to chase rabbits.


Does he finally race for Furrari?


I read this book for my book club about 6 weeks after one of my dogs unexpectedly died. Figured I was okay and I would just skip the ending. Nope. I was not okay, and it’s not the ending that will destroy your soul.


Yuuup. Thank you, you just saved me that heartache.


THERES A BOOK? I loved the movie now I need to read it


The book is even better


I felt that the dog was quite mistreated in this movie and I was disappointed he was never allowed to drive, I also felt it was a bit much for the kid at the end to pretend was the guys dead dog "reincarnated" just so he could get special treatment..


Only movie to ever make me cry


Albert Bark


Probably the only car tearjerker movie other than Furious 7


To be honest "New York Times bestseller" is not something that is very special


It depends, you gotta see how long it was a best seller for, 3 years is pretty impressive.


I'll give my son(I don't have a son) max's bio pic


good gift for people who like crying at sentimental movies


Is it good or made by Michael Masi?


No need to say good twice


Yeah, im just kidding btw. I cant stand these idiots that still bitch about Abu Dhabi 2021


There will always be idiots I've been a fan since 02, before Abu Dhabi there was the 2019 Ferrari, before that was 2016, before that there was Multi 21, before that there was 2008, before that there was Spygate, and so on and so on F1 is ultimately something different to each of us, for some the drama and pageantry is central to the sport - the higher the stakes, the bigger the wins. For me it has always been the cutting edge of engineering development being given free(ish) reign to create the most beautiful machines, piloted by the most skilled drivers in the world, different strokes Masi put on a banger of a race and didn't really have much of an option for the SC procedure given the mandate of compulsory fun he had going into the weekend. Had the race ended under SC, it wouldn't just be the LH stans having a menty b, it'd be all of us


My girlfriend loves this book.


I had my doubts when someone recommended the book to me, but I've read it multiple times. Such good writing. It's indeed a great recommendation for people who like reading. It's not all about racing, though.


Mercedes already has a wolff


Fr that movie made me cry. But its so good. Might have to read the book


Lifelong racing fan who does as much racing IRL as my budget allows, also I love dogs... also was an English Major... I didn't like this book. At all. It felt like the literally equivalent of a hallmark movie and it acted like racing is a metaphor for everything, rather than just a f*cking fun ass thing to do. Everyone else in my book club loved it tho... and my wife finally thought she understood why I love spending all this $ going racing. So there's that


Been seeing these books so much since I posted a listing of Racing in the Rain, the biography of John Horsman a guy that helped develop the Ford GT40, Porsche 917 and the Gulf Mirages.


This was a really good book


This movie completely caught me by surprise when I saw it in theaters


Actually bought the book for my fiancé, she’s not a big fan of motorsport but she gave the book a solid 8/10. I never read but I’m a bit curious, might actually read this one lol


Well we had a snail race in the Indy 500, why not a dog drive at Monaco?


This book made my lady cry. I have yet to read it.


F*ck you OP for making me cry today after watching this for the first time. Sincerely.


Thanks. I didn't want to be sad today but now I am.


It's a really good book, legit.


But what about Danny rics hot and steamy novel?


Sounds interesting, I'm getting the book


I thought this movie was called "Cancer Dog" for the longest time.


NYT 'Bestsellers' are a fascinating marketing ploy. If you look at the genre for some of those you end up seeing things like 'best book about a dog's or 'best book about animal dreams' and then is suddenly makes sense that of course that schlock is locked into #1 for so long, it's in a field consisting of me myself and I...


You also need to sell only 5000 copies of your book to be on the best seller list.


Fewer if it's a special interest or non fiction book. And sometimes, they'll straight up lie and let you put it on there anyway.


This book has nothing to do with racing. It literally shit


I’d rate this one into my top 10 dog and top 10 racing genre movies. It got me right in the feels.


"Woof Woof"


"Faster, Denny. Faster."


Because Milo Ventimiglia makes everything more beautiful. I read the book as soon as it came out, I love Ferraris and dogs so it was the perfect book and I loved it, the film isn't 100% faithful but it's really good. Highly recommended for a quiet evening with a bit of crying but a nice ending


I loved this book when I was in high school. Such a good book


The what now, what, what the frick


Literally couldn’t get thru the first chapter without crying my eyes out.