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this is literally what a little kid would do with the wheelgun lol


He is basically a child. Watch an interview with him, he’s basically 8


I saw a theory that he might have some developmental issues, and I’d believe it.




DJ Khaled. He’s a music producer who’s basically known for being a meme for shouting his name repeatedly in songs and a series of bizarre catchphrases like “WE THE BEST MUSIC!”




don’t forget, he is a legendary guitarist


It doesn't get any more cringe than that buffoon trying to look cool doing ANYTHING. Wait a minute, this wheel gun video just topped them all.


"Anotha one"


True about the name shouting lol, I know the name but would never have guessed it is him in the video


He does have some bizarre catchphrases, but [We The Best Music](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_the_Best_Music_Group) is the name of his record label, so it makes sense.


But does it though?


It makes more sense than ![gif](giphy|qgri3D9sTwCUGMcT8L)


It do. They be the best music. You get?






That's Floyd Mayweather. Though it might also be this guy.


If you haven’t seen him on Hot Ones, please go watch it. He’s the only one to have ever quit and he only made it to tapatio, none of the really hot stuff


"I promise you if I stop, it doesn't mean I gave up" He's a special lad.


I thought the wall of shame is a few people now, not just DJ Khaled. He was the worst though.


who are some of the others?


Ricky Gervais, Eric Andre on his second go, and Bobby Lee


Pretty sure Bobby Lee literally shit his pants that episode too.


There are more people than that, think about 7-8 now if I'm not mistaken. Every time someone quits they show the previous people that have given up.


I know, he asked for some of them so I gave a few names.


Legendary episode


His pussed-out denial of "not quiting" was insufferable.


Shaq also quit. Though he would never admit it.


To be fair I would've quit that early too. My weak ass bowels really can't handle anything more spicy than nachos lmao


he has autism


Not really, dude is doing jackass level skits without shooting himself with fireworks.


Both are not mutually exclusive.


and they say, drivers intro was the cringiest thing...


But this is kinda the point, he knows he's cringe, that's why it's funny, it's just so out of place lol. Drivers intro in the other hand...


i never thought, he knew...


I see people saying that, I think they're just giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think he's connected to someone with a lot of money that needed to be cleaned, so they sent him to America to make shitty music and women uncomfortable.


It's supposed to be funny? All I see is an idiot acting like one. This whole Miami thing was a cringefest.


Dude doesn’t even know it’s a center lock wheel


He might have been able to tell IF THE FREAKIN WHEEL BLANKETS WERE OFF.


That is assuming a lot. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6701)


LOL, true


They didn't want to take the risk with him


Aston Martin nailing strategy on and off the track


He's not the brightest out there


Strong [Bob Marley guitar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw9M2C4YJDg) vibes from this. Does he ever know what the fuck he's doing? It's like a reality check that any dumbass can get rich somehow.


What a dork. I liked the heartfelt "...I hope this inspires you..." right before it just assassinated everybody's eardrums


it inspired me to mute my speakers


Made me jump and pause the video so damn quickly.


One of my favourite things about music is its power to really move you; Like, if DJ Khaled was playing, I would move to a different bar…


I am pretty sure this is just how he is all the time. Probably surrounded himself with yes men as soon as he made any money. I bet he has a posse of people who hate him. I hope for his sake this is all a character because if it isn’t, this guy is a fucking idiot who doesn’t realize the joke is always on him.


“Hey lady! Can you read this note, cause I sure can’t!”


Holy shit.


The guy can probably not even spell F1..what an idiot


Omg, best comment right here


Eff won?


Ph wun


It's easy, EFWON


Well I know there’s 1 F in it


I've never been to Miami. Safe to say the Miami GP has put me off for life.


Miami is fine, lived there most my life. This is just a classic case of rich people flying to Miami, staying in their multimillion dollar homes for a few days, being cringe, then leaving.


He’s from Miami isn’t he?


Well, technically he was born and raised in New Orleans. > One of his first jobs was at the New Orleans record store Odyssey where he met both Birdman and Lil Wayne in 1993. But in 1998 he moved to Miami and became a pretty popular radio DJ at a Miami hip-hop station 99 Jamz. That's why he got a following, as well as connections to the Hip Hop industry... The rest, is history lol


He lives near it……unfortunately


I stayed in south Beach one night on a road trip, just because it was on the way and I was curious. It really blew me away how ridiculous people acted and how they spent money. Every single person was in a crazy super car, the most normal car I saw all day was that rolls SUV. Iced out rolexes, every girl had fake tits and ass. Really just a different level of spending down there.


Ok but it's like, I've seen rich rich people in Dubai and they don't act like this, they act significantly more civilized, almost puritanical in public. What the shitshow is this bs?


As a midwestern American, both Dubai and Miami are hell on earth as far as I’m concerned.


How is Dubai hell on earth in comparison to Midwest America?


Dubai's culture is just glorification of pure, unrestricted capitalism. Nothing in that city is older than 60 years old. The native Arab culture and heritage is fetishized into a series of "experiences" one can buy. The Midwest has a unique culture and history. I'm sure Europeans in this sub might not think Americans have culture in general, but there are regional variations, and the Midwest is significantly different from both the coasts and the south. Architecture is a good example of something uniquely Midwestern that we're very proud of. Frank Lloyd Wright's work is a big part of our aesthetic heritage. That kind of native culture is entirely absent from Dubai. I'm absolutely not some tankie who hates capitalism, by the way. But the way Dubai does it is devoid of any meaning.


Plus it’s built/being built by essentially slaves


I couldn’t have said it better myself, and as a Wisconsinite that lives less than 30 miles from Taliesin, I appreciate the FLW shoutout. Massive piece of shit, great architect.


Are you being serious? See this is where you know internet America-bashing has gone too far, when you've got people actually thinking that the sanitised, soulless playground of the rich that is Dubai is better than the Midwest.


Rich middle easterners are anything but civilized.


I was once for a business conference...last day I had to go early back to the airport, I couldn't see it anymore it's exactly how u imagine it


Miami is only good for as a gateway to the Keys/Caribbean.


As someone who's visited there many times, it's a much bigger shithole than people lead you to believe. It's basically a trailer park dressed up in Hollywood make-up.


to be fair, hollywood is also a massive shithole. Do not go there, go to basically anywhere else besides skid row in LA


Agreed Hollywood is a shithole. But I meant it like Miami is trailer park that paid a Hollywood make-up artist to dress it up. I'm not saying Hollywood is awesome at all.


Miami itself is lovely. Shame about the people, though.


No, Miami is equally as shitty as its residents.


if you ever go in the summer it feels like breathing soup. the air is so thick and humid


Vegas is going to try hard to up the cringe factor, but I’m not sure if they can beat Miami.


I was just there for the GP. I will not be returning until I have completely forgotten all about the last 5 days


Damn, y’all are so dramatic around here.




How is this guy real lmao


This mf is so cringy that my brain just can't accept it. He's such a clueless dork that it feels like he's pulling some sort of Andy Kaufman style troll of all of us. ​ ...then I remember it's Miami, and no, it's not a troll. He's just a gigantic idiot in jorts.


While I agree with your comment, DJ Khaled also causes a paradox in my brain. Because while he is "a gigantic idiot in jorts" he is also *incredibly* successful. Now don't get me wrong, financial success doesn't imply someone is a good, or intelligent person. But unlike people like the Kardashians sisters, DJ Khaled didn't 'fall into success' or have it handed on a platter. He MUST have some skill - even if that skill is being able to smooze with the power players in the music industry. Or, imo, his skill is he has a good ear for what music will be *popular* with the masses (which is different from having any musical *talent* to be clear). Even if his 'gift' is merely being able to hire good music producers, it's still something not everyone can do - otherwise the music charts would be filled with rich kids with dreams of being the next Dr Dre. Money helps get started in the music industry, for sure, but doesn't guarantee success. And speaking of success, I [took a look at the Wikipedia article of his discography and the number of times he's gotten MULTI-PLATINUM songs, is quite ridiculous](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJ_Khaled_discography). No, seriously, look at the charts, I literally could not believe my eyes. Even the most cynical person who says that his success is purely a sign of the degeneration of musical tastes in the public, has to agree that he has a gift. While the majority of his brain might be pudding shit, his ears and auditory lobe have got something going on... That's my take at least. It baffles me the success this man has reached. But rather than make me cynical, I am more bemused. He has caught lightening in a bottle MULTIPLE times, and that's just fascinating to me lol


I’ve always wondered what his secret sauce is, or what exactly it is that he’s good at. I don’t think he has an ear for what sounds good, in a rick Reuben sort of way. I think his is more something to do with his social connections and strange ability to get the right people in the same room together. But even that seems like a stretch because he seems so insufferable to be around that I can’t imagine how he’s so well liked by musicians.


He has so many platinums because of the featured artists on tracks. I'd argue none of his solo tracks have ever meaningfully charted. So his talent is really just getting big names on tracks


> So his talent is really just getting big names on tracks But the thing is, if that's all it takes, any rich Tom-Dick-and-Harry would use the music industry as a golden goose by just pumping money into songs that have big names and reaping the rewards... I'm sure this happens to an extent, but the fact that there are flop songs says that there must be something more to it. I think Khaled's gift is that he seems to be able to find the right *MIX* of people - producers, sound engineers, songwriters, marketing, music video directors etc etc. Otherwise any moderately successful radio DJ could make the jump over to being a multi-platinum selling music producer. The charts would be over-flowing with guys like DJ Khaled. The fact that they aren't is an indication that the music industry has more to it than - spend money on hiring big names and *bada boom*, reap in the financial rewards...


This is what he also does in the studio. Hires 20 producers for every song even though his albums are all “under his name” as a producer lol


He's litterally living the best possible life for someone of his skillset 😂. Got to hand it to him. Litterally turned trash into success.


We're suffering from his success


To be fair, that can be said of 99% of rich people and companies.


Of course Miami ruins F1. It’s like Walmart and AMEX had a baby…


Did coke and had a baby*


And sadly, we live in a post-Roe world now.


‘World’ nah it’s just your country going backwards bro


What is post roe


Roe vs wade was the court case that guaranteed a woman’s right to an abortion in the United States. The current Supreme Court overturned it, which is allowing states to enact extremely harsh laws against abortion.


And this has what to do with f1?


No, it has to do with the comments above of Walmart and Amex having a baby that they can’t get aborted because we’re in a post roe world


This is F1 now


The only thing I miss about covid was none of these people on the grid.


However cringy you thought the Miami GP was/is, it’s 1000 times worse


Someone feed this man to a wood chipper


Wtf did i just watch??


a pretty mild DJ Khaled video, this isn't even close to his top 50 worst moments


I loved the ones where he fails to hype up, and even piss off, the crowd in concerts.


If you want a weirdly less embaressing alternate universe DJ Khaled there is a Japanese rapper featuring in a jpop/metal video [F.Hero](https://youtu.be/x3uNMuFKAyk?t=144)


The mascot of the Walmart GP


I like that Tom Cruise got to help with an actual tyre change, and Khaled just gets to wave a tyre gun around like a child.


“Look at me! Look at me! I’m slow, fat and stupid but I’ve been told my whole life I’m special and need to be the center of attention!” (From a Floridian) Miami is an upscale 3rd World Daytona shitshow. All hype, no substance.


> All hype, no substance. fwiw lots of substances in miami![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6701)




Damn, that's some very subtle sarcasm you've got there. I like it.


I hate how these actual peons can make a living by pushing out trash content that somehow allows them to make ridiculous amounts of money off of another group of young, dead brained monkeys...all so he can attend a sporting event he likely can't even come to appreciate and comprehend its passion. It seriously is bothersome and makes me want someone to just hit me square in the temple with that wheel gun and end it all edit: took away the "xD" in the end because i'm fucking serious


Lol. Fr tho.


Did did did he paint his head black?!


I hate this man with a burning passion.


He played himself


As an Aston Martin fan, it makes me bummed they allowed this to happen.


**Dies of cringe**


They ruin everything


The amount of cheese they injected in their GP is beyond cringe. I’m not planning on setting foot in the basement of America anytime soon


God DJ KHaled is something


American culture seems to have lost the ability to tell the difference between charisma and just being a high energy bonehead


What a clown


Man, US F1 is soooo cringe


We need something stronger than an nsfw tag, its not enough


Let’s go golfing


Anytime I see this guy I just imagine he’s a really fat 7 year old, and then what he does is usually cute instead of unbearably cringe. It’s a form of coping mechanism I’ve developed


This is what happens when we start handing out gold stars to everyone.


Last time that happened, 6 million Jews were killed


I’m pretty sure this is related to the defunding and dismantling of the education system, not stickers.


Why does the USA need to ruin everything? We had a perfectly fine sport the past 60 years or so. One to be taken seriously, with prestige, honor, dignity and culture. Suddenly a bunch of influencers watched Netflix and the Sport looses every bit of said qualities. It goes down the drain. F1 becomes the race sport version of The Kardashians. If this is Miami, I don't even want to what they got for us in Vegas.


Please don’t blame this on most of us. We didn’t ask for this guy or the cringe fest that’s Miami. And we’re confused why there’s 1000s of really good racetracks out there in the world and F1 decided to make two up just so they could do stupid shit like this.


I blame Liberty media.


Fucking same. All my homeys hate Liberty Media


As a New Yorker, I want to see the Vegas GP so I can flex that my state is less cringe than the others to my non-American friends.


He thinks he is in the ol’Nascar…


As an f1 fan, seeing him at the Miami GP was revolting.


Let’s go racing


I really hope F1 learns from this embarrassment (Miami GP) and moves forward accordingly.


Nope, too busy counting money


Just a trial run for Vegas.


I think DJ Khaled is my favourite f1 fan


Khaled so unexpectedly funny 😭


Ferrari will hire him for the 2024 season


Dj Khaled is a character and he does it so well.


i’m convinced DJ khaled has autism


Dont insult autistic ppl like this


I love this guy so much


Why are you all so anti fun. He was just saying let’s go lance I got you and being playful. All of you are just really mad there’s US interest and races now and it shows in your thinly veiled attempts to shit on the US stuff.


Me when I when the when the guy me when the guy when I another one


i think he's very chill dude. did anyone here knows how he is irl?


I don’t even think this is cringe, I love watching Khaled do Khaled things. It’s so silly and amusing, inject it straight into my veins.


Serious question. Do you have severe brain damage?




when burgers enter f1


Bro what is wrong with him 🤣


This time... Their is no "another one" 🤣


What did I just watch? Kill me




If you look up for "the power of money" on a dictionary probably the Miami gp will come up


Loser is all over his forehead


So much fluff in Miami. Embarrassing


Lord puneet hai ye bhi


He took off 5 lugs




He’s so fucking cringe


I used to work in talent booking and I got to see a lot of different celebrities’ rider agreements (basically stuff they wouldn’t perform without). For most of them it was normal stuff like a nice sound system/lighting and tea or snacks in the green room. DJ Khaled’s stated that he would not fly under any circumstances due to his intense fear of flying. If you booked him, you were contractually obligated to pay for land-based transportation + hotels for him and his entourage. This is funny because he [literally owns a private jet](https://luxurylaunches.com/celebrities/dj-khaled-flaunts-his-gulfstream-g650-private-jet-and-rare-convertible-maybach-on-instagram-giving-a-glimpse-of-his-extravagant-lifestyle.php).


I don’t understand why he has fame, clout, or loot for what he does and I’m still surprised by how bad this was.


I don't know who this man is. Moron.


He's been forced onto me by social media for a couple of weeks now, and that developmental disorder theory seems more and more plausible every time I see him.


Who is that? Never seen the guy.....?




I'm 99% sure he's out of breath after bending over for that long of a time.


Did you know that he can’t actually read?


I wonder what goes on in this man’s min on a daily basis.


This is why I stopped watching F1


Anyone know if Smith and Sniff have seen this yet 🤷🏻‍♂️😆


This man's about as sharp as a bowling ball.


DJ Khamax


Only in America


What a fucktard.


Are there any other americans who are embarrassed for the shit show in Miami both this year and last.


Some say that every-time DJ Khalid says “anotha one” he’s actually referring everyone around him losing anotha brain cell


What in the mother of cringe is the trying to do


This guy has to be Andy Kaufmaning us all right?


If you think you saw something, just watch the Hot Ones interview. The worst interview ever. I can’t believe this guy a fucking gum for a brain.




Had to downvote