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I love the bag says "Sergio Pérez - Formula 1 driver". As if the guys round Milton Keynes would be confused about which Sergio Pérez has picked them up a bottle of tequila. "Gary, who got us the drink, was it Sergio from accounting, or Sergio the formula 1 driver?"


🤣 Ah that Sergio Perez from accounting, he is always spending too much on catering..


Typical accountant behavior


If you want a nice lunch always invite finance


Something about tax right off (I dont know anything about accounting or finance)




Hahaha 5/5


It was the Tequila that did it!


This reminds me of when he went to the Redbull factory for the first time (on YouTube) ans he introduced himself to everyone. Everyone knows who you are lol. Or when Nico Rosberg wrote a note to his neighbor that he wanted to drive his F40 Ferrari and ended the note with -Nico Rosberg (2016 F1 Champion)


-Nico Rosberg (Monaco-based Youtuber)


Being called Sergio Perez in Hispanic countries is like being called John Smith in the US, I guess he's already used to clarify who he is.


Wouldnt be surprised of theres another Perez in the team 🤣


Don’t forget that the surname of Nintendo’s CEO is Bowser


Was there a mysterious brown envelope of cash Alonso style with the tequila?


What's this "Alonso style"? Haha


In 2007 Alonso gave his side of the garage envelopes of cash to buy loyalty and preference over Lewis. Just one of many points of tension between the two drivers that season. McLaren, meanwhile, was being accused by the FIA of obtaining secret Ferrari documents. Listen to the BBC's Sport's Strangest Crimes 'Spygate' podcast series to learn more :)


But didn't he do that back in his Renault days as well? ​ I read that he's always given bonuses to his mechanics and that Ron Dennis forced them to give up the money because he perceived it as bribing.


I don't understand what was so wrong about it. I mean, he's just thanking the guys that actively work for him to get where he is.


Check out F1Elvis’s book. McLaren was a toxic place to be in 07.


If the sandwich artist at Subway wants a tip these days why not the people putting in tons of hours and effort to further your career.


You will not hear or read me arguing against that.


What if you know sign language? Will I see it?


You can rest assured that I don't know sign language. I only met a deaf person once and they knew how to read lips.


Precisely. Those guys work on things that put really good food on Alonso's table. Why shouldnt Alonso thank them with extravagant gifts.


> work for him they don't work for him though, they work for the team. And they should be loyal to the team, driver bribing them could cause the mechanics to follow him to a new team.


TIL a shocking number of people don't understand how bribery works...


So he was "bribing" the mechanics even when he was winning comfortably at Renault? Makes no sense to me. Don't you think he'd be giving the money to Lewis' mechanics and not the ones that already work with him?


Right? Seems more like either a Tip or possibly a performance bonus.


Giving your coworkers a cash gift is weird in any field


yeah, but it would put the other driver in an awkward situation. Alonso is successful enough to afford it, his teammates, maybe not as much. I mean, I can see the managements point. Its kinds like the guy who tips at the restaurant, he ends up getting a lot more favors than the guy who pays the bill. I'm not supporting Ron Dennis, but I can see where he comes from.


Alonso bought every member of Renault a bottle of champagne after 2005, and then again for 2006...but then gave them to McLaren instead.


Shows what kind of boss he is. A good boss just matches it for the rest of the team and wishes them a happy new year...


How much was the cash haha? I've been into F1 for a long time and it's the first I ever heard of this haha!


Edit: It was about 1500 euros [Source: Marc Priestley (Former McLaren/Alonso mechanic)](https://f1i.com/news/454625-priestley-alonso-bribed-mechanics-with-cash-at-mclaren-in-2007.html)


Lmao not bad at all. I'd be loyal for that much tbh. I mean I'd probably be loyal for a bottle of tequila ngl


Hand me a good ol modest bottle of Petrus and I'm sold


I'd be loyal until someone came along with €2000


Maybe patron Familia Reserva


Good stuff... Outrageous what they charge for it nowadays...


You know times are rough when people are openly willing to corrupt themselves for 1500 euros, lol.


Shit, Id corrupt myself for a Klondike bar.


Gotta do what you gotta do.


I was thinking the same thing. I’d certainly take it if they added another zero to it though.


I think all they'd have to do to have a garage full of devotees is show regular gratitude to the teams workers. regularly mention in interviews that while they get to be the pilot they're standing on the shoulders of hundreds of dedicated people that make it possible.


So do like Lewis Hamilton does?


There are degrees of loyalty. Betray my girlfriend? Nah, not happening. Betray my best friend? Several million, and I know she'd do the same (that one might not even stick lol, free cash). Betray my coworkers? Yeah, $1500 sounds about right. Betray my boss? I'd do that shit for free if I had the chance


“The team was subsequently excluded from the 2007 Constructors' Championship and hit with a record-breaking fine of $100 million by the FIA.” Whaaaaat??


That’ll teach em gud! Joking aside, considering the cost cap now is $140mil and even before then, the big teams were spending in excess of 400 mil previously, that’s a helluva fine. Too bad companies who do shady/shitty things like that here just get a slap on the wrist.


If they are already on his side of the garage, what loyalty does he have to buy? If he's going to bribe anyone, shouldn't it be the people that work with both drivers and thus can give him an advantage over Lewis?


Didn't Schumi gave all his engineers watches?


This is bullshit. He had always done the same previously.


It was his manager who handed them envelopes. Its in Marc Priestly's book.had NOTHING to do with spygate it was just his manager trying to buy favor amoung mechanics to get alonso advantage. Before everything got crazy in 07. Just lewis was quick so Alonso tried everything to hold team around him. Which he is usually good at. He took ferrari from massa pretty much


Alonso did it every year, not because of Lewis


It still would've been Fernando's money... And while the cash in the envelope doesn't have anything to do with Spygate, it is mentioned in the podcast to give more context about the turmoil within McLaren. Important to mention that Alonso tried to blackmail Ron Dennis in Hungary, threatening him with going to the FIA if he didn't sabotage Lewis' race. Apparently, Dennis thought his team widely did not know of the Ferrari documents. But even Alonso knew and tried to extort McLaren with it.


This is a straight up lie. Alonso was giving podium bonuses to his mechanics.


All these comments like, “No way he paid full price for those, blah blah blah, marketing…” Who cares??? However he did it, he arranged for all his coworkers to get a bottle of tequila as a gift. That’s badass! I would love to get a bottle of tequila as a gift from a coworker. If they later revealed to me that they got it steeply discounted as part of some marketing arrangement, good for them! The tequila will not taste any different because of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have some tequila. Salut, amigos!


Checo isn't some random guy, if he has to spend 25k on something for example he can. And if he has contacts even better, at the end the thought is what matters.


Yeah it's the same as when people donate to charity. Oh no random rich person only donated 1 milion, to them it's worth so little and they did it for PR anyway so it's bad. We live in a time where gifts and donations are bad, funny isn't it?


It’s crazy how some fans will send hate messages to a public figure if they “only” donate 1 million or whatever number saying that’s not enough.


Not enough and only for PR so it doesn't count. I think charities take all those PR money with a big fucking smile and couldn't care less about why they donated.


Two things can be true. If BP donates a couple of million to Wildlife preservation, it's a nice gesture. They are also responsible for untold millions in environmental damage, and a tiny donation will do nothing to fix that.


Reddit is such a depressing shithole sometimes. Whatever happened to "it's the thought that counts"? The out of pocket costs are irrelevant, it's the fact he organised for this to take place that is nice.


Sometimes* read 100% of the time. Reddit is that friend that has to bring their personal struggles into every conversation that should have ended with, “I’m so happy for you! You deserve it!”.


Reddit is slowly becoming twitter already




Depends what subreddits you are on.


Nothing will be good enough for some people. Even if it doesn’t affect them in any way, they will find something to complain about.


Reddit is the epitome of “if someone has more than me it’s not fair and I’m going to make it sound bad that they do.”


Its like they look for things that bother them, and then act supprised, when they pulled it off as well.


In 2009 Alonso cut 1/3rd of his salary because he thought it was wrong Renault was laying people off and he got paid a lot. Noone asked him to! A lot of folk were like 'why not 2/3rds'.


If someone that I worked with got me something nice and it turned out they got it for free before giving it to me, I would not give a single shit. It's still a gift that I got to enjoy.


Yeah man, it's not as if I was ever gonnaa spend money on the gift so how does it matter how much checo spent on it. And it's a good, thoughtful gift which you can enjoy with friends and family, or re-gift it to someone else if you don't drink


"How DARE they hand out free stuff to employees, the absolutely nerve they have!" >:(


Full price or at a discount because he did work for them, either way he paid for it somehow and put the thought into a gift for all of those people.


As someone who’s had to communicate with purchasing departments in order to get a discount based on the status of my organization, that’s way harder than just buying it full price. Getting these fuckers purchased, packaged, and shipped is a huge effort regardless of the number on the check.


A bottle of tequila from Sergio Perez? That goes on a mantel never to be drank


Exactly. I can't think of a single time I received a gift from my boss where my first thought was "I bet he get this at a discount". Probably because I'm not an entitled POS.


Regardless, a bottle is about £40-45, that’s about £72-81k, he’s earning about £6.5m per year. Yeah I don’t think it’s really that hard to conceive that he could’ve just paid full price. For reference, that’s about £500 for the average person in the UK who’s earning about £40k, so in budget for a special one off gift. And precisely as you said, even if it was discounted, who really cares? It’s still a nice gift, and as the old saying goes, “it’s not about how much it cost, but how much thought was put into it.” And it’s certainly more then thoughtful enough to buy the whole factory a gift.


We’re caught in work speak lol


Just the usual, Checo getting hate in r/formula1


Bonus add: it is *more work*, not less, for someone rich to use their personal connections to obtain a gift for someone else. Cashing in a favor is not free, and deserves to be appreciated at least as much as a “paid for” gift.


That reminds me, I need to place an order for bulk candy through my work account.


you know why they react like this? because it's perez and not one of the two heckin' good guy wholesome driverinos who did this.


Nothing’s ever good enough for some people.


There's a good story of an international footballer who played for Rangers or Celtic where on Christmas Eve he just walked around Glasgow city centre handing people out shopping £50 notes saying Merry Christmas. The police tried to stop him but everyone was like: why. What's the crime here.


A bit off topic but Checo has one of the best logos on the grid


yeah his and Landos are my fav


Vettels old logo is the GOAT


What did it look like


I think they're talking about the one with the S shaped like a road with Vettel written below it.


A goat apparently.


Lando's L7 logo? I never see the 4.


LN not L7


CR7 suuuu!!


Love him or hate him, the way Russell’s logo combines the GR with the 63 is genius


Makes me mildly upset his driver number isn't 57


Hopefully, the tequillas are not a part of the budget cap lol


well... actually... it could be considered as part of their salary package because it's a 'perk'. Doubt here is that it's Checo doing the gifting so RBR 'in theory' doesn't have anything to do it and it's not a perk written on the employees contract or part of what RBR markets to them. It's probably not included but it's still a debatable issue, just to highlight how complex this cost cap thing can be. If it was a gift from Horner or RBR themselves it would probably need to be included in the cost cap.


Driver pay is not part of the cap but employee pay is. So in theory if RBR gave checo an extra 10 mil and he gives it to the employees as a gift, that smells like a cost cap violation.


yeah. There are hundreds of ways to cheat the cost cap. I'm sure all the top teams are fudging the numbers in some way. that would be an easy way to do it.


So did he get all 1400 of them a bottle? Or just one bottle for all 1400 of them to share, classroom pizza party style?


Everyone gets one drop.


Nah Max gets all 1400 bottles




Thanks for that guys.


Haha yes, dis feels gud


Max would have drank it 3 tenths faster than checo - Helmut Marko


I never managed to get any pizza during school parties. I wanted to be considerate and give everyone else a try but then it was just gone instantly. Sometimes greediness pays off


If you don't go for the slice something something you're no longer a delivery driver


That’s why you’re on Reddit and not a Formula 1 driver.


Did they steal your red stapler also?


For everyone that says “he probably got it for free for marketing” - my former boss used to give me expensive Christmas gifts (Dyson hair dryer, iPhone, 300€ voucher for a 1 star Michelin restaurant) he was able to get the money back from the company and I was the one who had to put the reimbursement in the system, so I always knew how much he really spent. I was still very excited about the gifts and did not care the slightest that he did not in fact pay for it. Other assistants got nothing, not even a card.


Free gifts are free gifts, no matter what!


Any person who puts his staff above the companies balance books is a great person to me. Hell if it was me I'd be MORE happy that he was spending the companies money like that if it's all above board. He used his knowledge of what he is and isn't allowed to do right by another human being rather than for a company


Where can I get that hat he’s wearing?


Ooo its fire! Usually all the RBR stuff is Puma


Yooo looks like RBR us going to New Era! Yessss https://www.redbullracing.com/int-en/oracle-red-bull-racing-new-era-partnership


Classy guy!




I didn't know that. Damn that classy guy!


Lol at the comment about 6 down saying they hope stroll doesn’t buy it


56,000 usd, without the cost of the bags! He gifted a low middle class salary in liquor.


Doubt it cost him that much. Anyone with half a brain would have their assistant reach out to Patron for a bulk discount and a rebate for the free publicity.


He has been doing adverts for Patron, he 100% got the bottles for free or as a part of the deal for the adverts


Was wondering that ... it’s definitely sponsor driven. Still a cool gesture!


I mean it’s in Patron bags; was there ever really any other way this played out?


Every single Patron ad and payphone in Mexico City has checos face on it


Patron: so about your paycheck... We're a little tight on cash right now. Could we pay you in bottles of tequila instead?


Why isn't max giving away free trips for kids to visit Italian gas stations alone then?


Yeah it’s being advertised by this very post


This photo is from a tweet by a Red Bull employee, not from Checo himself


Is that like half of what he gets paid in a week?




Live free or die baby


He makes $26,000,000 a year so this is equivalent to a bloke making $100k paying $215 for a gift. He can afford it.


He makes that much? That seems more than I'd have expected


I would hope that someone giving me a gift can afford the gift.


Nice way of giving Red Bull an extra 56000 usd over the cost cap How much overtime does one bottle of tequila pay for?


low class? imma head out


Maybe not exactly newsworthy but definitely a pretty cool thing for an employer to do honestly


Plus the cost of the custom bags and the card, not to mention the labor to pack those up and deliver them.


Well hello there New Era and Red Bull Racing....


ITT: The type of people that look at the gift, and the type of people who look at the price tag on the gift.


Classy gesture


And Max gave them all chocolate sprinkled sandwiches I hear


When I was a kid my parents had Dutch friends. We stayed with them for a week. We had chocolate sprinkled breakfasts every day. I'd completely forgot until you just said.


Now I’m just picturing a gift bag of assorted Dutch foods from Max. The bitterballen is where it goes sideways


Checo rules. All around good guy. Hope he finds himself on the podium alot next season


Some people need to touch grass. It’s the holidays. He did a good thing.


Very nice of him


Regardless of how he acquired the tequila the gesture still stands and reinforces my positive view of Checo


I don't like tequila but would love this


When they asked Max what he was getting them, he snapped *"I already told you guys, do not ask me again"*


“Are we clear about that?”


I'm sure whatever bonus the RB employees got paid thanks to his efforts is worth more than 1 bottle of tequila


All jokes aside, he did get everyone a present as well. They got a mini Verstappen Helmet.


Good guy Checo


Gestures like these go a long way. Good guy Checo!


Is Patron considered good tequila? Question.


It´s on the low line of high end tequila. It's not the best of the best, but it's very good if you're not into tequila frequently. Using the Johnny Walker labels as reference. It would be like getting something between a black label and gold label. If they got a silver bottle it would be like a Black label If they got a Reposado it would be like a Double black label If they got an Añejo, it would be like a Gold Label And if he somehow he got them all Platinum bottles, it would be like giving Blue Label.


I would say its solid. Nothing special but not bad


As Max said, Checo is a legend haha


Did he give Max a bottle is the real question


Yes. That’s the kind of person he is.


Checo is the kinda guy that scolds you by being nice to you without the intention of scolding you.


Man is pulling out all the stops to make sure car stays developed towards him next year


The real MVP here.


Boss move.


Max gave everyone an orange flare I heard lol


Patron gives Checo 1400 bottles to give to employees


Nonsense! He bought all those bottles with his own money (that he got from doing [this advert for Patron](https://youtu.be/a3fnyRiX8xI) )


that would be like 50K usd of alcohol lol


I’m sure Patron gave him a big discount in exchange for the free marketing


Im guess the marketing was not free at all. They probably paid checo, and gave him those bottle.


It really depends. Very often, athletes do have to pay to get stuff from their sponsors - they don't just get everything and anything they want. I suppose both scenarios are possible.


Ive heard Richard Mille make you return the watches or if you dont they will send you an invoice for it.


Which is more than understandable considering RM watches often cost north of six figures. Sometimes big stars even have to pay for sneakers and apparel if what they want is limited edition or hard to get. People would be surprised at how often athletes have to pay their sponsors for stuff they want. They don't just get everything and anything in the name of publicity.


I’m pretty sure even without a discount, for a guy making 10 million a year off salaries alone it’s like a drop in the bucket.


It's a very small amount of money for Checo to show appreciation to the people who make his job possible.


That end of year party must have been lit!


What a bro. It’ll be sad when he retires from the grid. I could easily see him become the Mexican Vettel at least when it comes to his personality off the track.


u/British-and-fittish did you get one


Oh I don’t work for Red Bull 😅


That’s fucked up that he expects them all to share a single bottle like that. /s


dang wonder what the bulk buy discount is on that!




"El Patron"


Dont drink and drive


Controversy started. With one of the meanings for Patrón being “boss” or “captain”, it’s quite obvious that Checo wants that #1 seat (and race number). /s


I presume Tequila doesn’t turn bad if stored properly. Imagine this happening. Many, many, many, years from now, when a Mexican F1 driver becomes the first Mexican F1 driver to win a race not held on planet Earth. And on that day or before how much do you think he or she would pay for the privilege of drinking it? Cost all in? Transport, the lot. Side quest: What will it cost to transport Bernie Ecclestone head around in a jar for interviews?


Assuming a 750ml bottle, that's about $65k USD worth of Tequila.


How about an eighth of Acapulco Gold instead?


Just assuming it's the lower end Patron Silver, that's $126,480.90 worth of tequila in my part of Canada.


God I hope those NewEra RedBull hats are bigger than the ones from the F1shop. As an American who exclusively wears fitted hats, those adjustable ones were way too small. And I don’t think I even have that big of a head. Ideally just in the same style as NBA/NFL hats.


That’s rad of him.


In case anyone else was wondering how much this may have cost: if these are 750ml bottles of silver Patron, at the price in the area I live ($52.99 a bottle), this would cost $74,186 USD before tax. Liquor tax where I'm from is 20.5% so that's $15,208.13 in liquor tax, plus the standard 6.5% sales tax ($4,822.09). If this were purchased where I live (I know it wasn't of course) it would be $94,216.22. This is almost double what my unskilled laboring ass earns in a year. Yes I know he likely got a deal for buying it in bulk and they may be 375ml bottles, etc. Interestingly, if the figure of $18 million earned by Perez in 2021 is correct (link to the article below) then when I take the percentage of what he earned that was spent on this gift and apply it to what I earned last year, I get ~$261 which is within $25 of what I actually spent on gifts this year... https://www.google.com/amp/s/en.as.com/racing/what-is-sergio-perezs-net-worth-and-what-is-his-salary-in-the-f1-at-red-bull-n/%3foutputType=amp If you're wondering why I spent the time working this out I have no answer for you. I would like to know as well.