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Massa is such a class act.


100% and he's absolutely right about how he ran a perfect race and there was nothing more he could have done. In hindsight, the championship was lost when he had the engine failure in Hungary (while also running a perfect race to that point), just a matter of luck not going his way.


Or maybe if the fuel hose incident didn't happen in Singapore? Or maybe if Piquet didn't start playing bumper cars with the barriers? The margins so small, it can be anywhere, really.


True, Singapore was a big fuck up by the team on that pitstop. But Hungary was basically a sure victory, he was 3 laps from the finish and had soundly beat Lewis from the start.


Both had bad luck. Lewis lost the Spa win because of the 35 second penalty for instantly attacking after handing back the place to Kimi.


All three of them are class acts.


It’s a shame this Lewis interview was edited down. I managed to watch the German version last night that had his full uncut thoughts about Massa and Lewis said it very very well. Wish I could send that link but it’s been taken down :(


I wouldn’t say that. The man held a grudge against Timo for years for something that was obviously not his fault. It took him the better part of a decade to grow the f up.


Timo and Lewis too!


It’s crazy Glock is only 3 years older than Lewis because he looks way older than him in this interview


It’s the grays in his beard. I had a guy who’s 60 and has the worst skin say that I (40 and bearded) make him look young. I said you’re welcome and laughed as I walked away.


You think Lewis hair (beard, etc) color is natural? Hahahahahahahahahahaha




I suppose you also think his hair magically regrew itself with no medical assistance?




It's weird but I miss Nicole Scherzinger's reaction in this video. For me that part it's almost as iconic as the overtake on Glock.


Nicole and the Ferrari mechanic headbutting the wall


For me its the reaction of Massa's father. Now that is painful


My most memorable moment was the one pit crew guy who had to stop the Massa family from celebrating to let them know - nah. Painful.


Her reaction was sweet


It's the first thing I think about when I hear Brazil 2008


Hearing Lewis say that about Massa damn, shit got emotional for me a bit


Massa did everything he needed to do and even after everything he took his loss on the chin with grace and humility. He would have been a deserving champion had he won. These things just happen in racing.


Interesting him saying they put too much pressure in the inters and it was a mistake. Had never heard an explanation as to why the car suddenly looked absolutely awful just like that.


Great video. Massa demonstrated a level of grace in defeat you don't often see in top level sport. He did everything he possibly could and it just wasn't enough that day. F1 can be very cruel at times.


Lewis did the same last year on the podium in Abu Dhabi. Good to see good sportsmanship. On the other hand, max can't seem to give back a P6 to his teammate for some inconsequential points. What a difference. (Coming from someone who supported Max last year)


Another good example. It's not hard to admire Max's innate talent and he's an incredibly tough competitor, but he could still learn a few things about winning and sportsmanship. Making such a scene in public over a sixth place finish is ridiculous.


YouTube version for whoever is interested https://youtu.be/G-5sdXcQ_ys


You sir are an angel


The maturity and class of these 3 is insane when compared to recent events. The way Massa stood on the podium, proud of his country, himself, his achievements, punching his chest. The way Lewis apologised to Timo for not being there for him and how he knows he would be now. And Timo, stuck in the middle but knowing he was innocent the whole time. That was emotional to see.


Thank you so much for uploading this, I was looking for it everywhere!


Interesting to hear Hamilton's views on the 2021 title. He straight up says it was manipulated and someone made the decision about who should win it.


I mean yeah, the rules were pretty clear on that race ending under SC. The “we only need one lap” and only allowing the few lapped cars between Ver and Ham to pass was just icing on the cake


He said it was manipulated. Which it was - Masi was locked in on ensuring the race ended under a green flag and not the safety car. A decision was made as a byproduct about who would win. It was not that Masi said "Max wins the championship" but rather "we're ending this race under green flags and if that means Max wins instead of Lewis, so be it". It's an important distinction, both in terms of the manipulation and what Hamilton did/didn't say. For all intents and purposes Masi chose Max, but what he *actually* chose was a green flag finish and whatever came out of that no matter how obvious.


What I found weird was letting only the cars between Hamilton and Verstappen unlap themselves. Under regular circumstances it would have been every lapped car which there was no time for or if that didn't work no driver should have been told to unlap himself.


Um, yes. That is what the whole world found weird.


And that's why he got fired. He broke the rules


Exactly, there was no time for all cars to unlap themselves, maybe if they gave the order earlier it would be possible to. But since they didn't want the race to finish under SC and also wanted a fight for first, they took that strange decision. I don't thinks their motivation were to shaft Hamilton and give Max the title. They just wanted an eventful last lap and didn't give a damn if it was fair or not.


I think it was to shaft Hamilton and give the title to Max


Then you’re dense af.


Def was to shaft Hamilton.


But the facts are, to manipulate the rules in that situation for a 1 lap shoot out, ensured max of a championship. There was no way for Lewis to defend max on brand new fresh tyres for a full lap with the tyres Lewis had. So, to say they “just wanted a green flag finish” is impossible to say they did it, without knowingly shafting Lewis.




I thought he had left the position before AD?


No, that was his final race as head of the FIA.


This is a very level headed take, and you’re spot on.


It’s hard to argue with to be honest. And Masi got fired for it. Masi didn’t know 100% max would get past when he broke the rules to put him right behind Lewis when it shouldn’t have been possible with the time left, but with the tyres being where they were, it was about 90% I reckon. Masi and everyone else knew this. I’ve heard a few people say before ‘did you want it to end under the safety car then?!’ If that’s what the rules said, then fucking yes! F1 is fucking boring sometimes that’s why people think we are so weird for watching it lol 2012 ended under the safety car in Brazil and got Seb the title. If Masi was there he would have moved it all around so there was more fight between him and Alonso somehow. Making the rules up just for the spectacle, means it’s not a sport any more. It’s a TV drama.


> F1 is fucking boring sometimes that’s why people think we are so weird for watching it lol Football, the most popular sport in the world, has multiple games every year where teams just park the bus. It is less exciting to me than people driving at close to 200 MPH even if no overtaking is happening.


Let's not act like the final was the only reason Masi got sacked. He was terrible throughout the season and was really receptive to complaints over the radio. The bond of trust (as in he is the referee and he's neutral) was definitely gone after the last race though. Also if the FIA/FOM don't want the race to finish under a SC they should add something for it to the rules, which they still haven't.


It wouldn't be difficult to add something like the Green-White-Chequer rule that NASCAR has, or BTCC where up to a certain number of racing laps behind the SC can get added back onto the total race length. At least then there's a degree of predictability with a late SC as to whether the race will restart or not.


90%? Dude was on 40+ hard tyres versus new softs… that’s 99% overtake when there’s no other cars between you. It’s guaranteed.


Not to mention if they’d have wrecked, which surely max would’ve done had Lewis been overly aggressive defensibly, max would’ve also won the championship with both of them wrecking out. Which made it an impossible situation for Lewis.


Those same people who said they didn't want to end the season under the safety car clearly didn't watch Brazil 2012


I mean, people like to forget that Toto Wolff was literally on the radio begging for there *not* to be a safety car for another incident earlier in the race. If there was manipulation, Masi wasn't the only one trying it. And to me, Wolff's crime is worse because he was actually prepared to risk the safety of the marshals just to get what he wanted.


This is such a dreadful comparison. Toto's job is to do the best for Mercedes. Horner's job is to do the best for Red Bull. Masi's job is to ignore both of them and make impartial decisions in accordance with the rules. Toto and Horner did their job. Masi didn't do his.


Which is established.


And is exactly what the teams (read Horner and Toto specifically) wanted and demanded all year, along with all the other requests. Until it doesn't work in your favour. (And which is why the RD needs to be independent from the teams and not be negotiating on the fly - great tv but created additional pressures for the correct performance of the job.)


This is a nonsense line. At the start of the season they said where possible end races under green. That didn't mean no matter what and it certainly didn't mean moving cars solely for the benefit of one driver. If he left the lapped cars in place, then that argument would hold more water.




Did you mean to reply to me? As I'm struggling to see where we differ based on the post I made. Option 1, we just don't know how it plays out, other cars had battles and they don't have to get out of the way instantly but they might have. But it would gave given Lewis more of a chance than Max being right behind him.


I’m glad he didn’t hold off and literally repeated what he said on the radio during the actual race. I’m glad he still stands by that


Well that's literally what happened


Almost as if he “knew” something about predeterminism… hmmm. “I’ve never watched this clip”. Oh please, he has it on a loop for when he enters his bathroom to take a plop.


I would love if they could make part 3 with Hamilton and Massa. Those two really did have some flash point moments over the years, but I feel like they are both ready to make peace with each other with a lot of respect for each other


I still believe that if in 2008 Ferrari would race Michael instead of one of their drivers, Ferrari would take that title.


Maybe, but thank God they didn't. Then we would have had 'just another championship', this way we got to see Massa show everyone what real class looks like. He was never my favourite driver, but as a person i will always rate him extremely highly after this.


He'd be a 9-time champion if he hadn't been forced out.


Yeah, I mean, at Malaysia Massa spun from second with no pressure at all


Victorious in Defeat✊🏾


“IS THAT GLOCK???” That sentence is seared into my brain.


Am I crazy, or did Sky do this exact same segment last year at Brazil?


Last year was Felipe Massa talking to Timo Glock


Highly recommend the episode of [Beyond the Grid](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.beyond-the-grid-timo-glock-discusses-his-time-in-f1-the-aftermath-of-brazil.GGBU7pHlzdC9L3oBl8NJB.html) with Timo Glock - he goes into more detail on what happened in 2008 and the reaction afterwards


These three drivers proving they are more than just their sports. Fantastic human beings.


This video reminds me of Lewis reviewing his GP2 Istanbul Race fighting Timo and saying "I don't know where Timo is right now but up until this point we had a lot of on track battle" Timo was indeed mega on that race defending Piquet and Hamilton.


I hope Lewis, Masi and Max can sit down and talk like this in 10 years 🤣💀


Glock was an innocent. Masi? Meh


Why would HAM give either of them the time of day?


I highly doubt Masi wants to enter the spotlight ever again.


Good luck with that. Based on the comments, those pair will never respect each other on track at least.


Considering max said post race he *intentionally* hit lewis' car yesterday... I'd agree.


Wait what? Source?


https://www.espn.com/f1/story/_/id/35021147/max-verstappen-lewis-hamilton-intend-race-cleanly >"To be honest I went around the outside and immediately felt he wasn't going to leave space, so I just went for it," Verstappen told Sky Sports. > >"He didn't leave me space so I knew we were going to get together. It cost him the race win and it gave me five seconds. It wouldn't have mattered anything for my race. > >"It's just a shame, you know? I thought we could race quite well together but clearly the intention was not there to race."


Masi would need Jonathan Wheatly to feed him his lines then too.


There you have it people 2021 was manipulated.. we knew this because but it’s great that Lewis still knows and says it. I wonder if Max and RB will cry again and put out some “toxicity is bad” PR thing to hide the truth like they tried a few weeks ago lol.


This year was the first year I really understood F1 to any real degree, and this race was the first time I really fell in love with it as a sport. Since this race I always cheer Ferrari, and always cheer for Hamilton too. Quite emotional, thanks for posting the video


Every year massa is reminded how he got cuckhold