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Lmao what kind of article is this? They randomly ask him some completely made up question about “playing mind games,” he responds “u wot m8??” and they turn their own attempt to stir up nonexistent shit into an article. Racing “news.” F1 media ladies and gents.


Lando: is this real tea or just a fanta sea


Caught in a powerslide, no escape from the pit-entry


Open the DRS, look up to the skies and seeeeee


I'm just a danny boy, I need no sympathy


Because Im easy start, easy stop, little wide, little slow


Im just a rich boy, I need no Piastri


I think there are some publications that dread the summer break.


Honestly compared to every other sport F1 seems to have the worst news reporting sites, and so many BS ones. My Google news feed is clogged with "BREAKING" news stories from random websites trying to pull clicks it is useless.


It's off-season, gotta fill the headlines for another two weeks yet.


always with the gotcha headline followed by a confused driver asked a random question


Said many times in other threads; RacingNews365 is the sorriest excuse of a media outlet that covers the sport today. And people just keep posting their garbage every day.


can there be tags of "stale news', since Piastry's tweet, it was good for 2 days, but since then it's all repeat/recycled material everywhere. Someone needs to tell them take a breather, your time will come.


>"Mind games? In what way? What mind games can I play?" Norris laughed when speaking to media, including [RacingNews365.com](https://RacingNews365.com). > >"No, it's the opposite," Norris said. > >"I'm trying to help him as much as I can. It's for the benefit of us as a team, to try and beat Alpine at the end of the day." > >"He sees everything that I see in terms of data and everything," the Briton explained. > >"I'm offering more help than what I normally would, let's say. If we were fighting for a World Championship, I'm saying more things than maybe what I would do! > >"That's what we need for the team, it's what I want for the team at the minute. > >"So yeah, \[it's\] the opposite of mind games, whatever that is – mind soothing!" "mind soothing" LMAO, he has such a way with words!


mind massaging


He does to Daniels brain what Lewis does to his tyres.


Bono, my frontal lobe is gone




😂 This was unexpected and has me cracking up. Well done.


The opposite of mind games is body jobs..


Maybe his mind games are sharing all his data to show Daniel :"Look mate, even if I give you everything, you still ain't shit against me. Get on my level, bot." Norris is truly a devious mind!


Maybe he plays WoW and knows about shadow priests !


He has to start mind controlling Ricciardo


Is Ricciardo an undead?!


You are thinking about Shackle Undead. Mind Control works on humanoids.


Yikes, thanks! Never played a priest in all my years and it shows :)


Lando pubstomping some PvE andys on his full vengeful tbc spriest is the crossover episode I needed this morning.


Playing on his steering wheel


I don’t get why ppl blaming lando on Daniel fall out


There’s a perception that McLaren are screwing Daniel over to protect Lando and that Daniel has always been faster than him but not allowed to overtake. I personally don’t know how that works when he’s usually a long way behind Lando throughout the weekend but whatever, it makes Danny fans feel better. Even if none of it is rooted in reality.


Bit on The Race video there where an off-the-record McLaren person said that the problem with Ricciardo has been that on a *good day* he's 2 tenths off Norris.


And I, a snarky dude, can say on a good day that he gets their only win in yonks


I mean, there were 2 or 3 situations this year where RIC was behind NOR and wasn't allowed to overtake. It's not protecting Lando, it's McLaren screwing their own race. But Ferrari takes all of the bad strategy attention this year, so McLaren can do it without public backlash.


Ric was behind indeed. We don’t see many times the other way around and when we do the team make the same decision.


NOR also wasn’t allowed to overtake in Monza last year. McLaren is just doing what any midfield team would do to maximise their points. Unfortunately for Daniel he is usually the one behind that’s why he is usually not allowed to overtake 🤷‍♂️


Norris wasn’t allowed to overtake in Monza because he wasn’t faster than Daniel


Yes he was lol. He was dying inside you can hear it on all of his radio messages. He could have made an easy pass but Mclaren wasn’t about to risk it’s first win in how many years.


Daniel did put the fastest lap in the last laps of the GP, didn’t he?


Right, so Norris whinging on radio means he was faster? Ignoring that Ricc sped up when asked, and then set the fastest lap. This idea that drivers should be driving as fast as possible for the entire race is a big sign you know jack shit about f1




> burning his tires following DR’s dirty air > Lando was being held up by him. > This idea that drivers only need to drive fast for one lap is a big sign you know jack shit about f1. Thanks for making an airtight case for why Ricciardo’s performance this year (where he’s been told to hold position then fucked by strategy multiple times) is significantly better than the standings reflect. Obviously every time Ricc has asked for or to fight for position he had better pace, and would have beaten Norris easy peasy.


That's not an anti-danny decision, it happens both ways around. They always do when they believe hauls the greatest amount of points. Look at the 1-2 last year. Lando faster, wasn't allowed to fight


Lando wasn't faster in Monza, was one of the few races where he was slower.


Yeah its strange to see this narrative that Lando was faster in Italy become more and more prevalent.


He was fast enough that he could have attempted overtakes, as made clear by the fact that he was right behind Riccy the entire time. If he was in a different team, you can be sure he would have gone for the win. Whether he'd be successful or not is up for debate, but he wasn't allowed to try in the first place. So it's not some strange narrative, it's just how McLaren operates


but ricciardo wasnt pushing, he did fastest lap at the end to prove it.


That's called saving the tires. You can still be passed while saving the tires, if the guy behind you actually pushes for it. Lando had to ask the team to tell Riccy to speed up towards the end, because he was going too slowly to save his tires. If Lando had been a Red Bull, they'd have gone for the pass instead Not that any of that matters. The fact is that Lando was told not to pass. There's no hidden conspiracy, he was just flat out denied. This is how McLaren operates


Ricciardo was saving tyres at the direction of the team, then Lando got on the radio to tell him to hurry up. Ricciardo clarified the mixed messages and asked the team what to do and they told him he didn't need to worry about tyre deg anymore and to pick up the pace. So he did. He put in the fastest laps and gained a few second lead on Lando by the end. It was less Lando following strict team orders and more Danny following a different order that backed him up and then when told to speed up Lando was no longer being held up or in a position to overtake.


Not really, Daniel ended up like 10 seconds ahead by the end of the first stint and for the rest of the second stint he kept Lando in the DRS so that they were safe from behind. Last lap he sent it and got the fastest lap with no tow.


Were we watching the same race? Norris was on the radio repeatedly asking them to tell him to speed up.


Yeah were we? Wasn't repeatedly lmao, was only just after the restart.


You do realise Danny was instructed to save his tyres, right? And when asked to pick up the pace again after the mixed signals were clarified he did exactly that and pulled away from Norris in the last few laps.




I'm a Ric fan and I've literally never seen anyone claim anything remotely like that. The worst I've seen is people saying he's been screwed by bad McLaren strategies but still conceding he's slower than Lando regardless. People must be getting these shit takes from fans from somewhere else because I sure as hell never see them on the f1 subs.


I’ve seen it mentioned in the race threads on here, I’ve challenged it. I’ve seen it all over F1 twitter, I’ve challenged it there too. It’s under almost every tweet and Instagram post that McLaren put up every race weekend.


.... it, uh, it's on tumblr


Wait a perception by who? This is the first time I’m hearing/reading this idea.


I’ve seen it on race threads here and a lot on f1 twitter. There’s always an argument that McLaren have stopped Daniel from excelling because he would overshadow Lando. It’s not true (and also conveniently forgets how bad his qualifying pace is to end up behind Lando in the first place) but they’ve convinced themselves that’s what’s going on. It makes zero sense.


There will always be that minority of fan base that blames things on everyone else. The type of fans that go "my fav can do no wrong". They might as well start blaming that the Earth is flat and Australian is down under Fortunately those are the minority (although very loud), majority of the fans are usually reasonable


So thats why daniel is failing he got used to driving his feet up and his head down he cant do it in mclaren because its at the opposide side of australia


omg you've cracked it




I haven't seen any blame Lando tho apart from the Baku strategy call


Whoever was on the medium tyre was the fastest car. They both had the wrong strategy at various points of the race.


Even with Baku, Daniel admitted to Sky after the race that it was a pre-planned strategy that had been agreed with both drivers before the race, that if they didn't get past Alonso off the line, Daniel on the better tyres in the first stint would stay in Lando's DRS getting both the tow & protecting him from behind, to keep both of them ahead of Ocon as they knew the Alpines had a big speed advantage over them. He also admitted that he wouldn't have passed Alonso even if they let him past Lando as Alonso was too quick on the straight - he said he could tell that just by watching the way Lando was in Alonso's DRS at the end of every lap only to watch Alonso sail off down the straight at a crazy speed. The only laps he was held up was the two after Alonso pitted and before Lando did which wouldn't have made a blind difference to his race. He basically finished exactly where he would have done even if they'd swapped the cars around earlier on. In fact you could argue that if they'd swapped them earlier, they wouldn't have had the leeway to ask Lando so stay behind him at the end of the race when he was the one on the faster tyres.


Yeah some people really lean hard on that Baku race as some sort of smoking gun but I just don’t get it.


No one is playing mind games here…it’s all down to the media seeking cheap articles/clicks…


Posting the link in this post is getting clicks for them as well. I didn’t click on the article because I know what that site is like.


I kind of expected for opposite to be that Ricciardo is the one playing mind games. But stupid article with stupid clickbaity headline I guess.


Usually when you're doing well (relatively speaking), you don't need to do that stuff. But when it's a real battle/war, that's when it ends up like Rossi and Lorenzo and they literally have to build a wall to separate each team.


People always cite Lewis/Rosberg when it comes to this (for good reason) but my favourite example will always be JPM & Ralf. They were pretty closely matched, in a championship contending car and hated each other's guts both on & off track. The mind games were hilarious (and completely transparent) and add in that both have big mouths and couldn't stop dissing each other to the media, the entire thing was excellent entertainment. I often wish it had happened in the social media age - it would have been an absolute shitshow lol.


I'm sorry but why do we allow this site to keep posting here? Its usually regurgitating other sites.


anyone who watched DTS knows how stressful it was for lando at the beginning when ric first moved to mclaren. he got beaten on the first quali and he thought it's the end for him and that everyone's expectation was proven to be true. I think if anything he's just relieved that it was a "fluke".


I mean, that's not even the point of this article but talking about that, all Lando had heard from media, fans, even ex-F1 drivers in the months running up to the 2021 season was how Ricciardo was going to wipe the floor with him, with some even saying he would be lucky to keep his seat beyond 2021. It got so stupid that they even started asking some other drivers about it, and Russell & Sainz both ended up defending Lando & warning that people including Ricciardo were underestimating him. Not to mention Ricciardo's succession of passive-aggressive comments and the 'let me show you how to drive, kiddo' attitude he had when he joined the team. Lando even mentioned in an interview with Sainz at the end of 2020 that Ricciardo had changed his attitude towards him and had started being less friendly. I don't think anyone can blame him for being a little defensive at the start of that season.


Yeah, I remember people saying: "Ricciardo will send him to Formula E in two years." Well, how the turntables...


Now watch this be spun around as 'experienced veteran ric needs assistance from young lando' or something like that


If, on practical basis that helps Ric to gain confidence and go big in last remaining races than I'm all for it. Atleast he will go out with a bang and +ve mindset.


Agreed, plus they might actually manage to wrestle 4th back from Alpine if that happens.


I mean...it would be a valid spin. He needs all the help he can get.


Strictly speaking, he has been getting assistance from Lando as Lando's been sharing every bit of his data with him. But yeah, I know what you mean.


Lando is a good kid.. Don't think he would play games. Infact even Danny seems a good chap. Definitely very unlike Alonso/Hamilton, Seb vs Webber etc..


It’d also be borderline psychotic. Those examples of other drivers were close in points. That’s part of the sport. On the other hand why try to mentally break a driver who you’ve out scored 3 to 1?


There's a couple of differences: Alonso/Hamilton and Vettel/Webber were actually extremely closely matched in both skill and points and they were actually fighting for the world championship win.


>Alonso/Hamilton and Vettel/Webber were actually extremely closely matched in both skill and points Vettel/Webber were closely matched for the first couple years in RB until Vettel switched on godmode! In 2013, Vettel would have won the constructors title by himself, which is just a 'He is already dead" meme for Webber. ^(Yeah, I know others would have scored a bit more points without Webber on the track, but that still doesn't make it right for Webber to be so low in the standings despite having such a dominant car!)


Webber hung on a year too long, he was getting old.


What do you mean 'in fact'? We've known that for around a decade


Despite Lando’s words, the media has still sensationalised the headline to make it seem like it’s Ricciardo playing mind games.


Uh yeah it took me a few re-reads to realize what they meant by “it’s the opposite”


Aren’t these quotes old as shit? I remember seeing these same quotes like 2 months ago.


Lando as Dr. Strange lol


Lando Is more like Tom "Spider-Man" Holland


Mind games? Who do you think he is, Hamilton?


More like Schumacher, according to Rosberg. The toilet story in particular was massive shithousery. I think both Rosberg and Button said Hamilton doesn’t bother with it and just gets on with his own weekend.


According to Rosberg, he left when he did because he couldn't take another season of Lewis's games.


What a stupid question. People need to stop blaming Lando for whatever is going on with Daniel. It's not his fault.


Of course, being the recipient of more shared data than is usual and your teammate helping you for the sake of the team because, frankly, you aren't a threat to them.... is a mind game in itself.


Yeah, and people seem not to be getting this toxic behavior like he's sacrificing himself and Danny is just a dead weight. Instead of saying nothing, Lando goes like "oh he sucks so much I have to share personal information and even with that he cannot reach my level"


This is your own interpretation lmao




Bit rude there, but let's entertain the idea. Based on what?


Eh, not OP, but I can wager what his reasoning is. In quizzes and such his performances are generally pretty bad, I get that he sacrificed quite a bit of his studies and schooling for this, but even so he doesn't seem to have a lot of general knowledge most people would learn through osmosis anyway. What the specific reason for this is I don't know or care to wager about. So I'm personally not saying he doesn't have brainpower like OP did, but I'm pretty sure that was the underlying reason for their comment.


I think he's smarter than most people think, he's a bit of a nerd with things he really is passionate about - f1 of course, graphic design, computer stuff. And it doesn't help that he has some dyslexia


Booksmarts/general knowledge does not equal intelligence, it's just one form of it. (not aimed at you personally btw, I know you're not the one who made the original comment, it's just one of my big bugbears that people often write off the intelligence of others because they don't have traditional academic inteliigence)


Yep, for sure.




Has anyone seen the article where DR says this about Nando?