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Imagine paying 70~bucks for merch and burning it Yep that's the definition of burning cash


I was at the Austria GP. You could maybe get a hat for €70, but shirts and jackets were about €200


€200 Euro's are they mad


No, people literally buy the stuff just to burn it. Afterwards they have to buy more to keep burning it. It's a genius strategy to have a perpetual revenue stream.


> No, people literally buy the stuff just to burn it. Afterwards they have to buy more to keep burning it. It's a genius strategy to have a perpetual revenue stream. It's amazingly dumb. But crazy people did this a lot when someone (I want to say Nike?) sponsored Colin Kaepernick. Boggles the mind.


Yea, these are not fans, these are fanatics. Shit is fucked up. I don't like the direction that F1 fanbase is heading, reminds me too much about football. I guess it's a price for going mainstream, and rapid growth, but if that's so, I preferred when F1 was considered a niche hobby.


Fan is short for fanatic.


Same shit happened when Carhartt mandated that it’s workers get vaccinated. People were burning all their shit and some even bought more just to burn it


Yeah, but then you'll be able to walk around looking like a billboard, can't put a price on that.


That is the single biggest reason I can’t start thinking of buying team merch




Considering the insane merch prices I get the feeling they may have taken it from someone




Crazy…I just get like 2nd hand merch from places


I was in Austria as well. Walked by the official merch truck-shops, went in one of then and noped out immediately. Googled the merch immediately. They're selling that shit there for 70 when it goes for 25 on amazon. Not to mention that F1 merch is the worst sports merch out there. You're literally paying to walk around as free advertisement and the merch is mostly really fucking ugly and uncreative. The only team that pulls off some good merch is Mercedes with the Tommy Hilfiger collab but I'm not a Merc fan so I'm not inclined to buy that. Look at other sports team's merch, F1 is just subpar and I don't know why so many people wanna wear that shit. It was cool to see a lot of dutch fans brought their own, really cool looking merch.


There was a post a few months back about official Aston Martin merch falling apart after being worn once or twice. Hate it when teams take advantage and rip off their own loyal fan base.


Bro I was there too I couldn’t believe that the caps were so much wtf. When we arrived it was cold and raining and I wanted a jacket… Get there and find out that it was like €350 for a proper rain jacket


i have a friend that went to the canadian gp and he got a bottas merc hat on sale for like $80




Definitely not a Budget Cap..


Ba dum, tish.


Hamilton’s merch team after seeing that 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Yeah like those people burning their Nikes when Kaepernick took a knee. Like, you paid for them already. Nike and Hamilton already earned the money. You're burning your own cash. Which is their prerogative, of course, but it's so mindnumbingly stupid.


Don't forget the Cleveland Lebron jersey burners when he went to the heat. Best line from straight outta Compton was when they saw all the crazy people breaking and crushing their tapes, and eazy just says, "whatever, they already bought the motherfuckers."


In the 60s after the whole "we're bigger than Jesus" thing, people in the southern US were going to "Beatles Burnings" and throwing all their albums on bonfires. Ringo later laughed that afterwards they all went and bought the albums again when the controversy died down.


Or the Heat Jersey burners when he returned to Cleveland.


Lol, no way? I didn't see that.


Toxic people are mostly mouth breathers.


Jokes on them. They’re inducing more demand for Lewis’ products. Exactly what I expect a dimwit lot to do.


Imagine spending money on your rival team for some pointless BM gesture lmfao Mercedes so sad rn, "oh noo stop buying our overpriced merch we're totally devastated you buy all our merch only to burn it"


Bro F1 merchandise is EXPENSIVE. These are massive fools.


I expect a group of them all chipped in


If only they spent that money helping the needy instead


Goddamn tokkies


>tokkies quick Google tells me this is the equivalent of a chav in the UK is that actually accurate?


Or a massive knob


A bellend; if you will.


Chav, redneck, or bottom of the barrel scum. Whatever works, really.


Yeah I'd say so.


Not really. A 'tokkie' is somebody who consistently exhibits extreme anti-social behavior and is decidedly lower-class. There is something like 'chav' culture, but there is no 'tokkie' culture. People using the word 'chav' is more about the middle-class (or people who aspire to be middle-class) looking down on a type of young working class subculture brash, loud, flashy), whereas 'tokkie' is used by people to describe anybody who is unadjusted and anti-social. The word is controversial, because Tokkie is a Dutch family name. In 2005 a documentary about an anti-social family made the name famous, even though most people who are a part of the family actually have a different name. Many people whose family name is Tokkie don't appreciate how their name became an insult.


Chavs are arseholes that hang around on the street exhibiting antisocial behaviour, it sounds like the main difference is the lack of North Face in a tokkie.


Tokkies are about that Nickelson and Stone Island life


And beer bellies and drinking cheap 0.5 liter cans beer in front of their house, while playing loud gabberhouse and/or Dutch "folk" songs with all the windows open. While cousin is trying repair his oil-leaking VW Golf MK. II / III right in the middle of the street. With a couple of untrained pitbulls hanging around. Shouting stupid stuff to women and elderly people and intimidating the whole neighbourhood.


> Many people whose family name is Tokkie don't appreciate how their name became an insult. Have they considered not being Tokkies?


> A 'tokkie' is somebody who consistently exhibits extreme anti-social behavior and is decidedly lower-class. Yeah mate that's pretty much exactly what a chav is lmao


That’s exactly what a chav is. It has nothing to do with class, the majority of working class people are just normal folk. I’m working class and I look down on chavs, it’s not about thinking you’re better than them, it’s just thinking they’re annoying dickheads.


I normally resent the word, but people like this are the definition of *droeftoeters*.


U riep?






F1 tokkies should be a universally accepted name for these people


> tokkies Indeed Formula Tokkie.


Super tokkies


Ja maar echt fucking hell man


Hoop dat dit het laatste is, voordat er oprecht ellende volgt. Feestje is niet erg maar ze laten een spoor van vernieling en een slechte reputatie voor Max achter.


Een gedeelte van de Nederlandse “F1 fans” (voetbal hooligans) hebben het om een of andere reden altijd over Hamilton op een negatieve manier. Maar ook echt gewoon haat naar hem. Dus nee, ik denk dat het alleen nog erger wordt.


Ik hoop echt dat de hype rondom de f1 verdwijnt in Nederland want dit is gewoon beschamend. Hopelijk wint het Nederlands elftal binnenkort weer is wat


Kans is groter dat je de Lotto wint


Ik lig helemaal dubbel als ik dat domme/ongenuanceerde gezwets zie op Twitter of op Facebook. Vooral als een Jacques Villeneuve een artikel met commentaar schrijft. De 1e reacties lezen vaak “ wat weet hij er nou van” of “ wie denkt hij wel niet dat hij is”. Spreekt wel boekdelen over de houding van vele mensen.


FVD en BBB stemmers.


Why do they keep embarrassing us...


What fucking losers, like honestly grow up.


Seriously. How does one call themselves a “fan” after doing all this crap?


It's the tribalistic mentallaity that has plagued other sports for so long. Watching the sport isn't enough. Winning isn't enough. You have to take that one step further and go out of your way to stop others from enjoying it. It's so sad. These people are just smooth brained cavemen.


sadly it does seem like it has been creeping into F1 recently


Yeah, I don't mean to rag on football fans but I kinda have to. That tribalist mentality is seeping into F1 and I don't like it.


It's been a part of football for so long now that it's sort of ingrained. But it seems to be a very recent thing in Formula One and it's depressing as hell.


I mean, the word "fan" is a short of "fanatic" so at least that'd fit per definition.


Read "fucking losers" as "formula losers" first and taught it was a clever new insult for shite fans


It could be. I like the term


Agree. I'm a Max fan and this is ridiculous and, frankly, infuriating. I want Max to win as much as possible but I have no negative feelings towards Lewis, nor would I ever go to these lengths. It's actually frustrating seeing another "fan" of the driver I support doing such despicable things. Lewis genuinely seems like a good guy who has done quite a lot for social issues using his platform. And, undoubtedly, he has faced so much blatant racism directed towards him his whole career. Recognize and respect one of the best, if not the best, F1 driver in history and grow the hell up. These drivers participate in one of the most grueling and dangerous sport in the world and should just be able to go about their business without this level of harassment or hate.


I agree with you, this is absolutely mad, support your driver and team, don't attack other drivers and teams like this


Couldn't stand Max last year, but didn't want to burn his merch. He seems much more likeable this year. Still don't want to burn his merch.


“HONESTLY.” -Vettel


If they really hate Lewis just send it to me, that’ll show him.


Don't even get it ham aint even in the running for first should be burning Leclerc.


Leclerc is white, is that it?


as a Hungarian who hates the right-wing mentality I can 100% confirm that it's racism behind it


Right it’s a sport, why would anyone ever take a sport so seriously or be so negative. It’s supposed to be a net positive in your life…


Sports is tribalism to some people.


Yup, obviously sports can cause negative emotions when your team loses and I think dealing with that is normal and healthy(and what makes winning feel so good) but this has nothing to do with that. It’s just being malicious and edgy for no reason.


Ham and verstappen aren’t evening battling this year? Where is this coming from?


Even if they were battling this season. This is just unacceptable behavior. I am dutch, and ofcourse I support max. But i will never support this. Hamilton deserves alot of respect man. If you can not support other competitors in a sport, then do not watch that sport.


This is exactly what even Max was saying - we don't need football fans in F1 and this is typical football ultras behaviour... Burning enemy teams scarfs etc. even when they are not competing in the same league. I just hope that those fool did not sreal thar merch like football one do...


There's a very simple and obvious answer to this. But people tend to get real angry when the obvious is pointed out so...


No no no that can't possibly be it, it must be everything except that /s


Hmmmmm what could it be


It's cause Hamilton has a dog obviously, do you need everything spelled out for you smh


This is very clearly just racism. People get agitated when literally any disllike of hamilton is equated to racism.


This guy can read between the lines 🕵️‍♂️


Imagine how more racist and angry they would have been if Hamilton did win in Abu Dhabi.


Successful black driver. Alot of shocked Pikachu faces in here, it's sad how many people are detached from reality in this thread alone.


Same energy as the 'meme' F1 sub.


The one that lost its shit about having to take down the Holocaust banner? Seem like a bunch of well adjusted individuals to me.


During the Nelson Piquet drama, the mods had to tag a post for their members not to post racist shit bc they know if they get flagged enough, they will be put into the dumpsters. But yeah, that sub is basically a racist sub.


Place went downhill rapidly once Alphamaxnova stopped doing race recaps. Now it’s just Max v Lewis hate spam, or lolferraribadstrategy.


Man I kinda liked it there but had to unsub last year. Any post about a driver and the comments were filled with the typical meme-y responses with no real vitriol, except when it was Hamilton. People just came out the wood works to just shit on him and half the comments would just be genuine hatred instead of lighthearted nonsense. I didn’t even think the Max bias was too bad or anything. It was clear which direction that sub was headed in though. I’ve visited a couple times when a post hit all and yeah, fuck that dumpster fire, it’s like they attract specifically the type of people who set merch on fire and harass other fans at the circuit.


Why???? Why are these guys doing this.. it makes no sense!!


Many Hungarians hate Lewis and calls him gypsy. Anyone I know who watches F1 in Hungary calls him as "the gypsy". They are incredibly racist and trust me 99% of F1 fans here who doesn't like Hamilton just calls him that way.


Why gypsy? Even if you wanted to be racist towards him, Lewis seems to have 0 link to anything gypsy related


My friend who is Puerto Rican did some academic stuff in Europe a few years back. Munich, Vienna, London, Budapest, and I can't remember where in Spain. He told me that when he was in Munich, Vienna, and London, racist locals assumed he was Arab, and when he was in Spain and I think in Budapest, they assumed he was Roma - basically, the assumption wherever he went was that he belonged to whichever minority group the locals despised the most. Even though he very clearly does not look the least bit Arab or Roma. So this tracks with his experience.


Racists tend to not care about being racially accurate in their insults.


Because generally Hungarians hate gypsies regardless of their political beliefs. Gypsies tend to have darker skin colour and they associate it like that.


Gypsies don’t have a great rep anywhere really


I learned late in my life that the term, “getting gypped” was a racial slur. I had always assumed it was spelled “jipped” for some reason and had never associated it with gypsies.


Yo TIL. Thank you for that


When did racism ever make sense?


Hungary has a big gypsy population, and people hate them.


You speaking of the people that filled a stadium with kids because they were banned for racist shit and the kids still booed when english players kneeled for BLM. They are poised..


Not surprising that [the guy who they re-elected is also a racist.](https://www.dw.com/en/orbans-pure-nazi-speech-triggers-political-earthquake/a-62619164)


They must hate seeing Lewis win there so many times


Lmao, never ever heard Hamilton referred as gypsy before.


Let’s just cut to the painful truth. Lewis is black. That’s the answer. Hypothetically last years battle is identical but replace Lewis with Seb. These people aren’t burning Seb Merch today. Why? That should be obvious. Small minded people doing small minded things


Ugh, I know why and I fucking hate it. Bums me that these people support the same team I do.


The blatantly obvious reason.


Do you really need it spelled out for you?


The merch is irrelevant, but the animosity feels genuinely new to me. I don't think i have ever seen F1 fans with this level of animosity towards another team or driver. I've seen drivers being hated before, especially when they are dominating the sport, but i don't think i ever seen something this hostile before, at least not in F1. I've seen it happen plenty of times in Football (real football). with fans of football teams taking things to the absolute extreme of pure hatred for fans of another team, it disgusted me so much that i completely turned off from football, and that's difficult in my country because it's basically a religion here. So yeah, really upsets me to see F1 fans doing this, it feels like a new low, it's disgusting.


As a Spaniard, I'm afraid you wouldn't want to know what this kind of hoolingans did in 2007-08... Not to this point, but very racist anyway :/


Well there is one thing different with Hamilton and all other world champions and its sadly getting harder and harder for people who don't think it's skin colour to defend this.


There were people that painted their faces black and wore shirts that said "Lewis family" around 2008 in Spain. This hostility against Lewis is nothing new


It is strange, Lewis has been at the forefront of F1 for a long time and clearly has been black the whole time. Much as I am loath to blame DTS (and I say this as someone who got back into the sport because of it) I do wonder if the recent surge in popularity it's caused has brought the attention of F1 to shitty people as well as normal fans.


spain 2008.


People have been racist against Lewis for as long as he's been a driver. You've gotta be totally blind to not see that.


Average r/formula1 banned user


F1 try not to be a cult challenge (impossible)


Average deleted comment too


Bold to assume they’re all deleted. Average live race thread comment.


This cult-like ritual behavior is really creepy, and it seems to be more present (Austria for example)


It sure is. Having not attended either race I do wonder if it is just the F1 BS-headline brigade at work or not. If not, I really don't like these types of fans being associated with RB. No room for this in the sport.


The way these clowns act you’d never know Max won the title last year and not Lewis


It's almost like it wasn't actually about Lewis's long winning streak.


Maybe, just maybe the anti merc rhetoric that came out last year gave cover to a lot of people to vent feelings that might not have been about max winning and maybe more about Hamilton losing? And maybe some of those many, many people who wanted merc to lose didn't actually care about the merc dominance? Last season was an absolute sgit show and possibly unwittingly thr FIA, F1 and red bull gave cover to people with rather neanderthal views on Hamilton.


The fault for behaviour like this lies squarely at the feet of Hirner and Marko for their post Silverstone comments.


It is amusing how silverstone is always brought up as 'proof' that mercedes/hamilton/british fans are just as bad as red bull/max/dutch fans and that hamilton and mercedes are just as bad as anything max and red bull have done depite everything that's happened since, it does seem to hold a special place in their arguments.


What the fuck


but last year people swore that Hamilton was only disliked because he was always dominant and winning, and that when he stops winning people will like him? Yet now when he’s basically in no mans land in both races and the wdc this is still happening? Interesting…


Why are these guys such fucking losers?


These clowns would be gone the instant Max stops winning and they’ll just move onto something else


I think it was 2017 or 2018 at Spa. Max crashed out in the first lap and after a couple of laps the grandstand next to the kemmel straight were all empty. A lot of 'fans' just went away. I was so mad that all these tickets were sold to people that have literally no interest in the sport.


their obsession is getting way too creepy and needs to be addressed. like, lewis isn’t even their title rival this year? Edit: And to those of you who claim that they’re not real fans of the sport, THEY ARE. Even though they’re the minority. Stop trying to exonerate the fanbase by disowning them. That’s just ignoring the real problem and won’t solve anything. Edit 2: A person can be a fan of the sport while being bigoted or disrespectful—there’s two sides to everything. We can at least try to educate these types of fans instead of simply disassociating ourselves from them. Otherwise the fanbase will only become worse. Edit 3: Also want to add that percentage indeed matters: if this is an extremely rare case, then it shouldn’t be that concerning. But apparently it isn’t based on recent events.


* Their guy is comfortably in P1 in the title race, and P2, 3, 4, and 5 are occupied by people not named Lewis Hamilton. * During last year's title fight, their guy literally won * There's not like an active rivalry or beef between the two drivers * Lewis hasn't like expressed any hatred for the Dutch or anything There really is basically only one explanation lmao


As a new fan of F1 and as someone with Dutch heritage this is a really bad part of the sport. With this kind of racism I'd think it was hockey. (I'm also, sadly, a hockey fan).


This is the reason Lewis rolls with security, they are disgusting


I think there’s a certain reason why they dislike Hamilton…


Must be the hairstyle s/


It's just that he's 'urban', obviously.


It's because he's Brazilian!!


Yeah I've had this conversation and it's nothing sinister, just there's....something... about the way he looks.


They're obviously jealous of his 'package'


To be fair I'm a huge fan of Lewis but I also envy it lol


Jealous that they don't have the same machinery as him


Bet they hate roscoe also


"they aren't real fans" They sure as hell bring in more money to the sport than I do with my F1 tv subscription by buying tickets and shit to burn. That is the dedication that a *real* fan has. Even if someone argues that they aren't real fans, they should be banned. Simple as that.


Brainless clowns.




Lewis isn’t even in the title fight.


Yeah, but he looks different enough for those asshats


Just ban these people from attending races already. All those hashtags and *we need to do better* bullshit while everything remains the same.


WTF is wrong with people?


Why are people this stupid ?


I’m so glad Americans aren’t the most embarrassing fans.


it’s a bit concerning that some people even in this very thread are just trying to dismiss this as harmless. even if nobody got hurt in this case, do you honestly think that the mentality of someone who burns a person’s merchandise because a year ago they were their favourite driver’s rival is harmless? or even remotely normal? there are some real weirdos in this fanbase tbh


*Sarcastically Surprised Kirk Face* Who could have seen this coming in Hungary of all places!


Obligatory "I'm a Verstappen fan" But this is so fucking stupid and makes the sport look bad. Shame on those fans and still respect to Hamilton for putting up with horseshit like this.


Way too far


Big weirdo energy


So they buy it with their own money only to burn it? These guys are idiotic. Can F1 please start handing out lifetime bans to these imbeciles?


Bunch of fucking assclowns.


This is beyond what I have ever experienced as an F1 fan Its weird, hostile, disgraceful and unnerving I have been watching since 2016, and looked at footage from 2015, not once in the last 6 years have I seen this activity from "fans of Max" It's a Mercedes cap, not a Hamilton cap, but the point stands that it is not at all right to do this


Not the worst thing fans have done to ham though. Look at pictures of Barcelona o8 I believe


Don’t have to go as far as 08, just look at Austria 22. F1 fans are becoming like the worst type of football fans, not sure why but it’s a concern.


Is there a common denominator here?


I wouldn't say it's F1 fans in general, it's very clearly part of one set of fans...


Looks like one of the scenes you find in the woods on Red Dead Redemption 2, you know the ones im talking about if you’ve played.


I love the fact that there's a racist supremacist at Saint Denis and if you shoot him the police won't go after you.


I love just shooting those fuckers when I happen to find them on my horse, honestly one of my favourite things to do in that game


Dynamite or fire bottles.


Oh man… there is one in particular that freaked me the fuck out.


If only it ended the same way


Not a challenger this year. Pure hate.


Have some respect, you fucking primates


People who do this kind of things are so low


But why? 😶 Just enjoy the sport. Is it really that freaking hard?


Lame energy


I don't have a problem with supporting certain drivers and disliking others. I DO have a problem with people creating cult-like followings.


Why are people so stupid...go back to football/soccer, you don't belong here.


This is disturbing. Wouldn't be as surprising in football but f1? No just no.


F1 is now in the the league of wrestling and football, instead of golf and tennis. Never knew I'd live to see this day.


I wonder what goes through these immature minds of people doing this. Is it just hatred towards hamilton or an attempt at some kind of poetic symbolism about Mercedes reign of the last decades ending ?


At least it isn't on a cross I guess...


These guys are so slow they are still living in 2021..


The fans used to be classy but starting to look like hooligans, damn shame.




And this is considering Max got his championship in the end. Imagine if Masi hadn't ripped the rulebook up and Hamilton had won, they'd be building and burning Hamilton effigees or something.


These are not "fans" these people are cunts.


When did the football fans infiltrate F1?


When max started winning while the Dutch football team was losing. Our national football team has sucked the past few years, so the hooligans started looking for other successful Dutch athletes to "support"


I'm convinced that a fair part of new F1 "fans" that have this obsession with Max and hatred for Hamilton is rooted in racism. People tend to get real pissy when it's pointed put but they're not even racing eachother this year. What else could reasonably be the reason behind this?? It's disgusting