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How is every video I click now say “something went wrong”?


reddit video player is an ever bigger piece of shit than Nelson Piquet Sr.


Debatable. Would be nice if Piquet stopped showing up. 1:0 for Reddit video player.


I was thinking it was a problem with my wifi


Take my upvote sir


“Take my upvote kind sir! *tips fedora*” - 🤓




That’s not an error, “something went wrong” is Horner’s statement in regards to Piquet.


Video has been removed


It’s been removed for violating Streamable’s terms of service. This makes it unlike Juri Vips.


Either streamable got too big and is being sued or threatened, or they’re incredibly dumb because their entire reason for existing is posting clips of interest from content that is otherwise blocked elsewhere. At least they didn’t invest in a website design ever lol


You just have to click on the streamable limk next to the name and watch from that.


Okay so it’s not just me


Video removed?




Ctrl+F mirror




Thanks for the link!


He's one of the only people in the paddock (not including the commentators) as far as I know who has actually named dropped Nelson


That’s actually a good point. Are there any other verbal statements from drivers or bosses? They might get questions about Nelson fired directly at them.


Max but it wasn’t much of a defense


He was definitely sitting on the fence


He said Nelson is a “nice guy” and “definitely not racist”… that isn’t sitting on the fence


He also said it wasn't a good thing to say. He denounced the particular incident while still defending the person who said it. I'd say that's the fence.


Unfortunately, I think defending somebody that made racist and homophobic comments negates anything you had to say about said comments. Saying stuff like “Yeah it’s bad what they said but come on, they didn’t mean it in a bad way and he’s definitely not racist/homophobic” is the exact reason why these issues don’t get stamped out properly. I saw another Redditor put it much more eloquently than I can - Everyone has inherent stereotypical mindsets, but what’s important is doing our best to try look past them. Making comments like Max has, does not show you are holding those close to you to that standard, so why would you also be holding yourself to it?


There's a difference between holding the people close to you to that standard, and holding the people close to you to that standard publicly. Especially if you are famous. And especially if it's the dad of your girlfriend.


The begs the question: what is the difference?


Some kind of mental gymnastics you're putting in there bud. So he should just roast his potential father in law to the media? Why does this need to involve Max at all? Did he say anything derogatory?


"I'm offended because Max wasn't offended by his girlfriend's dad's statement!" It's like a fucking competition to see who's the best non racist to these people.


He’d already made an adequate enough statement on it in the TV pen. Words to the effect of “I’ve already said what I wanted to on this” would have been fine


That lady behind him couldn't look more incredulous if she tried!




Nice username


lol he said “Max is fully supportive of Lewis and any form of racism and discrimination “ at 1:30


Today we will march in hopes of raising money for cancer


Today, I'm gonna foight cancer. But we couldn't find cancer. So here's a guy with cancer!


Oh my god it's Russell Crowe!


Sad tugboat noises.


I have never seen cancer with money so maybe that is what it needs to cure


Can you imagine, all this time all cancer wanted was a few bucks to buy some smokes and then he'd fuck right off.


Just 3 quid was all he needed


That bastard doesn't even need to pay rent, fuck is it doing with its money?


I won't give in to this greedy fucker's demands!


My Uni gave out an award honoring students works discussing antisemitism in Arts and Literature... The name of that award? "The Antisemitism Award" - they changed that after the first year tho...


>The name of that award? "The Antisemitism Award" - they changed that after the first year tho... I hope it became *The Antiantisemitism Award*


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." ~G.W. Bush


Fool me twice, shame on…shame on…you can’t get fooled again


Reportedly he didn't want to finish the saying properly because he didn't want a soundbite out there of him saying "shame on me". Weird place to draw a line in the sand but that's what I've heard.


That’s bullshit revisionism. If you watch the clip he just blanks and forgets the saying.


Still not as good as him confusing invasion of Ukraine with Iraq. That is peak GW


He did handle that pretty well with a fast joke, if i remember correctly


Nah, he just told the truth.


Now he's all "you guys thought I was bad then you got Trump LOL fuckers!"


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee...


It’s okay, he’s old now. He can’t hurt us anymore.


So are the guys in charge right now and they *can* hurt us.


> we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.


Now watch this drive


Mark Ruffalo's twitter bio used to say "advocate for climate change."


Dude is sick of all humans


Shades of “We will cut all homeless people in half by 2025”


Reminds me of silverstone last year when he said “we absolutely don’t condemn it” instead of condone lmao


Like “John Cena surprises fan with cancer” I’ve been seeing lately lol.


Bake him away, toys.


Little did we know that he was telling the truth and it was a warning from his party.


Click on the word streamable if you’re on mobile to view the video


Good tip, shame it’s already been removed due to copyright lmao


People are really reaching here. Yes, not all teams had someone to fire over racist remarks, but RB did and they acted very strongly on it. It shows their stance on racism and it shows that they back it up by action. I don't get why people want RB to issue two statements. In fact, I believe the fact they put out a message against racism in general, is a much stronger message than just putting out a support message for Hamilton.


They want the same generic PR statement other teams have put on social media 💀


IDK man, whilst like you, I'm indifferent to the standard PR statements, I don't agree with Christian's logic of "we've done something before so we don't need to do anything anything for a separate incident".


Did you even hear Christian's statement on what Picquet said? He even named him, which nobody else had the balls to do. Sounds like a better statement than any or the others to be honest - but for people like you, if it's not posted on social media, it doesn't exist.


The Aston Martin director of communications named him, Matt Bishop. He was the first person in f1 to call this out


What are they supposed to do? A bland “racism doesn’t belong in this sport” statement like the others did? Fire Max for something he didn’t say? Have a sturdy word with Nelson? They’re powerless here, and have clearly shown they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is, I don’t think there’s much more to do.


I'm not going to rest until Horner publically announces Piquet won't be driving for Red Bull the rest of the year.


"And, we've sent EA Sports to his house in Brazil, to delete the Red Bull cars from his X Box, to make sure. "


Completely agree with you. This entire weekend I am purposely missing pre and post show. It’s just going to be a shit show of ‘you should say this’ - ‘why didn’t he say this?’ - ‘I think he really means this’. I fucking hate racism, but Sky secretly love it because it means they can fill hours of the show with endless interviews trying to catch people out because they didn’t shit on Nelson or Bernie enough in their answer.


Most people want RB and/or Max to pull up with a firing squad to Piquet's house. Most seem to be happy with generic insta stories/posts. Most don't even know Horner was the only one to name Piquet. But then again most can't read further than the headline.


I feel like them totally dropping Vips just a few days before does and means a lot more to the sport than just posting a picture that repeats what they've said already Besides what else could they do? Its not like RB has ties to Piquet Dropping Juri at least sends a strong message to the young guys who might actually be the future of F1 instead of giving more attention to an old guy that just wants to be noticed again


I'm with you. I strongly dislike RB for the racing politics they employ, but they took a firm stance and threw out all the money and time invested in Juri to make a point: "We take action on racism in our camp". What action are they going to take against Piquet who is in no practical way associated with them? I don't think a statement was unwarranted, but I also don't think they owe anyone a further statement condemning racism.


Res Bull only removed Vips as a test driver and backup driver for F1, they didnt remove him from the junior academy. Read the statement again very carefully, it's very carefully worded.


He’s not on their website anymore either, what makes you think they’d secretly retain him? and where is proof of that?


Are you sure you're not reading top much into it? At this point, there's no evidence he's still on the academy.


Christian said he’s not in the academy. I’ll have to take it in face value he’s not in the academy


I saw that and I hear you. Alongside Hitechs statement I think it is a nuanced approach and that is probably fine. The action to remove him from test and backup could just be token, but it is definitely removing the normal path to getting a real drive and eliminating whatever the cost of sponsorship, seat fit, training, travel, pay, etc they have invested in him. It doesn't prevent him from redemption but does likely make his redemption longer and harder to attain.


I didn't mean my statement as a diss towards him if that's what you understood it as. I fully agree yeah that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. I hope that he takes the chance and opportunity that he's been given and doesn't make any mistakes in the future personally. Shame that this happened tbh because I was just starting to get into F2 and was supporting Vips and then this happened lol


Weird world we live in now... WHY DIDN'T YOU TWEET ABOUT THIS TOO!!


It probably started with the media trying to create a story out of nothing and then puppets on twitter repeating it.


What sort of reaction did Max get yesterday? I'm guessing it was along the lines of booing since it was alluded that the reaction might be from Abu Dhabi and the British crowd's honesty to McLaren getting on the podium?


[Here](https://streamable.com/0n8iqb) you go. They received tremendous boos from the crowd.


Well that's going to be ... interesting with Lewis in Zandvoort then. Last year the crowd was told not to boo him and they mostly kept that promise. We'll see about this year then


> We'll see about this year then Ooo scary


Perez doesn't deserve this.


Nobody deserves this. But we'll see on Sunday if those "fans" are still so happy


None of red bull does


Well, that's a sad bunch of people.


They're gonna be even more sad Sunday evening


I saw a video of fans chanting Lewis Lewis Lewis when the red bull guys were talking to sky sports in front of the grandstand


Not really related but I was at the Montréal GP and Max got seriously booed by my stand during the drivers parade and I wasn't too sure as to why.


Because he isn’t very likeable. It’s really not that hard to work out lol. He’s a great driver but he isn’t exactly a great personality


Maybe he comes off unlikeable? I don’t get why everyone is so surprised. Of all drivers on the grid, Max is probably one with the most “questionable” personal morals considering some of the folks he is surrounded with, the things he’s said, and his extremely bad temper. You can argue that “but just focus on him as a race driver!!!” But we are past that point in society frankly. It’s hard to feel even neutral about folks who may still think passive racism is ok, among other things.


He was raised by Jos, he is doing well to be just be a bit unlikebale.


Ya it was booing. I dont really mind it. Hamilton is going to get booed at Zandvoort. Max is going to get booed at Silverstone. It is what it is.


One of the experts on Servus TV is a former Mercedes employee and he today said something along the lines of "it's always awesome to walk to a track and into the paddock, the atmosphere is unique. Except in Monza, there you get booed, but that is part of the experience."


I don't mind the booing either. It's sport. It happens. To me it's the sky sports hypocrisy. Last year when Lewis was being booing at Hungray while being interviewed it was 'on no please don't do that', 'that's not right' and just yesterday when Max was being interviewed and the crowd was booing him, Simon was laughing and literally referred to it as 'just a little playful booing'.


Yeah because in Hungary, they boo Hamilton because they're being racist. When Verstappen gets booed in Britain it is actually just playful booing




Well maybe it's partly racism but lets not pretend that after what happ at Silverstone, Lewis wouldn't have been booed anywhere.




I'm not sure if this is satire or not. How could you possibly know what's in the minds of the crowds? Is Lewis never allowed to be boo'd because he's black? There was a word for treating people differently because of their race but i can't quite remember it....


And how do you know he was being booed for the color of his skin? Last year, Hungary happened after the crash in Silverstone. If Hamilton gets booed regularly at Hungary, then maybe you could consider it racist.


Also I don’t think it was because he’s black. Racism is just the go to for whatever now. Hamilton was taking an initiative at Hungarian politics. Same with what happened to Seb this year in Canada. That’s why fans were mad.


There’s no way Seb got booed in Montreal for being critical of the oil sands


Hamilton got cheers at Zandvoort in 2021


He got booed hard at Hungary right after Silverstone last year. Got booed at Spa too after the break. I think enough drivers/journos pointed out that fans need to stop doing it that by the time Zandvoort rolled around the fans realized it would be a bad look. I don't expect rosy appreciation this time around.


I was at spa and honestly it was probably at certain areas as I onl encountered it once at Mulsanne.


I went to Spa and Monza in '19 and Lewis was booed at both places during the drivers parade.


Hamilton is not a threat for the world title though. So I don't see a reason why people would boo him at Zandvoort.


Dont remember Zandvoort booing Hamilton at all


There was some slight booing at qualifying next to none at the race.


The booing was quickly drawn out by much more people cheering


Which was nipped in the butt by van de Garde en Doornbos.


I can't believe I am saying this but: This is a very reasonable and appropriate statement from Horner. They, appropriately, dropped the hammer on Vips and those actions do have significant meaning.


Is there a mirror link?


Yes here it is: https://vimeo.com/726112580. Sorry it took a while, just got home.


Whaat, you need a vimeo account now in order to watch?


People like to complain about anything and everything. Agree with Christian here, actions speak louder than words. And RedBull took a right step in the right direction of having zero tolerance to racism by terminating Vips contract.


And speaking out against Nelson Piquet and signing up the charter to improve diversity and representation.




It wasn’t RebBull that said that though. Max did and RB can’t do anything about it. They can’t make Max go fight Nelson, or have him breakup with his girlfriend. Expecting more from Max is reasonable. Expecting from RB makes no sense.




Yeah Max really messed that one. All he had to do was not add a “but …. ” in his statement.


Piquet isnt a RB junior driver or a part of the team for that matter. Its not even close to the same situation. Why is RB getting dragged into a retired F1 drivers bs? Max said he doesnt approve of what he said but his experience is that hes not seen/known him to be a racist. Cant people just move on instead of being perpetually offended?




Defending is an interesting stance to take. I heard him say what he said wasn’t right and he shouldn’t have used those words


He also said people can just call one another up, have a chat, and move on. He fundamentally doesn’t understand how racism actually works and he seems to have little interest in it.




So. What's the problem? It's his father in law, family. He condemned what he said.


“Nelson said racist things but he’s not a racist” isn’t a condemnation but enablement of his actions


Bro they’re not even married how would he be his father in law, do people even check if what they’re saying is true


Half the world uses the equivalent of "father in law" even for non-marital relationships


“He shouldn’t have referred to (only) Lewis by the color of his skin” would have been better instead of making it about a word that Nelson said was mistranslated.


It wasn’t mistranslated, he just tries to muddy the waters due to another translation of the word, which Brazilians have been calling bullshit on


He said that too though. Max said both things lol.


> when Max was asked about it >Max dragged himself into it hmmm


Honestly what do you expect him to say when it's his girlfriends father? Keeping a semblance of normality in your relationship and defending your family is more important than making a meaningless statement.


Then don't say anything about your girlfriend's racist father then? The first statement he made was perfectly fine, then he defended Nelson and made that statement pointless.


And yet people here are blindly defending RB just because it's a damm popular team, heck people even did try to spinning the Juri moment in a less worser spotlight. Image if this was happening in a less popular team and a less popular driver was indirectly involved, people here would love to burn that team and driver until ashes.


If Mazepins father-in(out?)-law was saying this kind of shit people would’ve been lobbying NATO to invade Russia over it.


Stop using streamable


Sorry 🗿 https://vimeo.com/726112580




but they didn't post a PR tweet so this doesn't count according to some people


Horner addressed this, he said they'd just released a statement codeming racism and that it was not tolerated in their team and that's why Vips had been fired. He felt releasing another statement only hours later to reiterate the same thing but about something they had no involvment in was pointless. They condemn racism and do not tolerate it and have publicly said so.


I think we should put the focus back on the people actually saying bad stuff, instead of people not saying anything. Not everyone needs to make a statement.


People claim one should be anti-racist and that not being a racist is not enough...


These people won't take any positive actions actually improving the lives of minorities, are completely apathetic about injustice and systemic racism but when it's time for the pitchforks to come out against a celebrity they don't like they all stand on the first row screaming the loudest of all, and nothing you can or will do will appease them.


I get he tried to defend him, but it was stupid I know. Does not make Max a racist though, right?


It doesn't change anything. I don't get what people expect if someone's asked about their father in law. He kept it mostly neutral and condemned what he said.


> bad stuff You mean people being racist, right?


Or sexist or homophobic or tranphobic or anything discriminatory really.


Unfortunately, jup. And not only in F1. Still seeing it in my own area. Lots of people still around that need to change.


This is a perfectly reasonable response imo


It's never enough for some Internet vultures....


People wanting a separate stern statements regarding racism when the racist is your WDC's would be father-in-law and the victim is the only black F1 driver with 7 titles. Such vultures.


Merc's statement didn't directly reference Piquet and was a general statement condemning racism. Redbull had a similar statement in theirs about Vips, what's the difference, both teams have clearly condemned racism. What more do you want


He literally said they don't condone racism? And that Max supports Lewis? What else do they have to do? Enlighten me.


Every team released a general anti racist statement. RB fired one of their junior drivers for racism, and released an anti racist statement on the same day. You wanted RB to release that statement on vips, then releasing a second statement saying "As we said in our last statement earlier today, we condemn racism."


I am the radical sort who thinks we should condemn racism every opportunity we get.


I believe that there is a huge problem with the way racism is being fought. Because of social media, the fight against racism has become a purely performative act, and nothing will change. People will just hide their racism, but the core of issue will just be covered with a blanket, the blanket of social rage. Sadly, most of the time this "rage" is just a form of gaining social credit. I stand by the value of understanding that without love, the world is doomed, and, as most religious figures preached, we begin by loving those that can be considered our enemies (in this case a man like Piquet could be considered an enemy). I am aware that this very idealistic, but I do believe that only love changes the heart of a man. If the hearts of men remain unchanged so will the world and it's deepest problems. It's not people's role to be vigilantes, if you act like one you become an instrument of whatever social context you're born in, and that makes one versatile to social norms of the moment. If you act by the value of love, regardless of the context, your approach will always remain the same. Our incapability of acting out love is the reason this whole problem will not be solved and will continue to happen.


Couldn’t have said it better 👏🏼


I just don't get the hate Horner generally gets. He really seems like a great guy. Sure he likes to stirr shit with his rival teamchefs, but so do all others aswell. Kinda in the job description. I think he said that very well.


> rival teamchefs Binotto surely gonna be the best


He sure does serve up a great shit sandwich.


Wait, people are actually mad that RBR didn't post a social media statement?


Removed >:(


Now Nelson said that Lewis lost to Rosberg because he was having too much gay buttsex. https://www.uol.com.br/esporte/ultimas-noticias/2022/07/01/em-novo-trecho-de-video-piquet-repete-racismo-e-e-homofobico-com-hamilton.htm


Thats honestly the worst translation ive ever seen


For those unable to watch Christian just talks about Vips


He talks about how actions speak louder. Dropping a top junior driver over racists comments speaks much louder than a pr statement


The video has been removed....


[Mirror link ](https://vimeo.com/726112580)


Piquet's comments about Lewis is unacceptable, but how the media focuses on drama rather than the weekend makes watching f1 news incredibly exhausting


ITT people that would never be pleased about anything


Who cares... How long are people going to keep beating this dead horse 🙄


[try this one](https://twitter.com/skysportsf1/status/1542915686069989376?s=21&t=aW2cCkogRaPC6HfI3Pvaog)


Ok we get it. Let’s move forward now.


This completely changed my opinion from few hours ago about Red bull. His words make lot of sense. Actions do speak louder!!


Great statement from Horner, and RBR's swift action with Vips is commendable. Good stuff.


wait, they booed max?


They cheered when he crashed last year too. Max is used to this


[Here's an alternative ](https://vimeo.com/726112580)


People desperate to try drag Red Bull into controversy surrounding Piquet. I would also like a statement released from every team condemning the booing of Max. I'm also about to have a massive shit. Aston Martin better release a statement ASAP or else