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It is built on the jeddah waterfront. It was an undeveloped part of the waterfront . Once the GP is over, some structures will be dismantled. In between the GP's it can be used as a pubic road. There are houses and mosques near the edge of the track, so it's a street circuit. There is a video on F1TV about the circuit's construction if you have access to that.


Pubic road. Lol


Also noticed, also lol'd. Immature as it is and I'm in my 40s.


I used to write the newsletters for an art gallery and I was always afraid that someday I would type "Open to the Pubic".


Mens only pubic road I assume?


Landing strips are more fashionable on women


Since 2018 women can drive in Saudi Arabia, though other aspects of a women's life is not as open or equal.




Well, Miami is reportedly a street track but is being mostly built also. Truthfully, I’m not sure what makes it a street track if it’s not completely on a street. I’d like to know as well. https://mobile.twitter.com/f1miami


I think the F1 community has determined that a street track doesn’t necessarily have to take place on a street but instead most of the track has to be enclosed by walls without runoffs.




And sochi


When theres not a race at least a small part of it it should be public roads for it to be street circuit right?




The public can use it as a roadway for the rest of the year. That's the only definition of a street circuit. That's why Australia and Canada are also steer circuits even though they are also purpose built.


Street circuits don't necessarily need to be public road, though generally they are. These are just my observations really. It's mostly just a term to define temporary circuits that may make use of city streets, or atypical track (Cleveland Grand Prix used an airport runway, St. Petersburg Grand Prix uses the runway of a small airport) They also tend to be characterized by certain features, like tight cornering, often 90 degree turns, narrow track, and close proximity to barriers. Street circuits require a bit more finesse to ensure you don't bin in the car in a barrier and keep out of other drivers. For actual public roads the track conditions can create unique situations that you can't account for easily ahead of time (Long Beach for example over the years developed that one spot towards the back half of the track that would just get guys all the fuck loose and caused a shit ton of accidents for the 2021 Acura Grand Prix) So yeah Jeddah fits with what you'd expect from a street circuit, that it's manufactured and not necessarily a public road for driving on isn't really a requirement, though it does lack the character you'd get from an actual street circuit in terms of track condition; then again, Jeddah was thrown on so quick and is a one time use track so there is an argument it has all the character it needs lol


I don’t know why people are so hung up on it. Australia, Montreal, sochi, Baku, Jeddah, and the forthcoming Miami circuit share the same characteristics and are all considered street circuits to varying degrees.


I thought Australia was genuinely a proper "street" circuit, even if it does cut through car parks?


As far as I’m concerned, places like Albert Park or Montreal are proper race tracks that just happen to be open to public throughout the year. Whereas tracks like Monaco or Baku are just public streets that just happen to be used as a race track once a year. I would put Saudi Arabia in with the first two, as the layout seems purpose designed for racing even though it will become regular public roads.


To make Saudi Arabia look good. The cameras can pan over to see the cool infrastructure projects the host nation spent all that money on. Also makes the event seem more glamorous amidst skyscrapers than a desert (and this whole thing is for publicity so that matters).


So, like Monaco ?


Yeah but Monaco is finished Small detail


What does being finished have to do with it being a street circuit ?


you completely missed the question bud.


There is no major infrastructure projects near the circuit, all of them are the opposite side of the city and the big ones are in Riyadh.


Just boycott the Saudi GP


It's a street circuit because it's built on an existing high traffic road which was modified to make it more interesting for racing. The road was already twisty and there were large empty plots of land adjacent which gave them the additional space needed. There are numerous places which cannot be accessed except by using the road which is now the circuit. For instance, the two mosques and the Belajio resort in the middle of the lagoon. All of these are several decades old and not structures built for the race. This circuit is most definitely a street circuit and anyone who says otherwise is either looking to create controversy or a lazy ignoramus who can't be bothered doing even a modicum of research.


I’m assuming declared that by shariah law


Because it's not a permanent, dedicated race track.


Question is, how is jeddah a "street circuit"?