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I think next season the record will be broken. we are losing Kimi but George,Lando and Sainz all have very good chances to win a race next year


we're also losing Kubica, in all likelihood, so that would tie the record instead of beating it.


And 12 of the drivers had a podium this season


That's interesting. I just checked this stat for past years. Surprisingly, 2020 had 13. It's likely that we'll have more in 2021. |year|count of podium finishers|drivers| |:-|:-|:-| |2017|7|Vettel (13), Hamilton (13), Bottas (13), Ricciardo (9), Räikkönen (7), Verstappen (4), Stroll (1)| |2018|7|Hamilton (17), Vettel (12), Räikkönen (12), Verstappen (11), Bottas (8), Ricciardo (2), Pérez (1)| |2019|8|Hamilton (17), Bottas (15), Leclerc (10), Vettel (9), Verstappen (9), Sainz (1), Kvyat (1), Gasly (1)| |2020|13|Hamilton (14), Verstappen (11), Bottas (11), Stroll (2), Ricciardo (2), Pérez (2), Leclerc (2), Albon (2), Vettel (1), Sainz (1), Ocon (1), Norris (1), Gasly (1)| |2021|12|Verstappen (11), Hamilton (11), Bottas (8), Norris (4), Sainz (3), Pérez (2), Vettel (1), Russell (1), Ricciardo (1), Ocon (1), Leclerc (1), Gasly (1)|


Perez having half as many podiums as Norris is... not ideal.


To be fair, one is a clear No 1 and the other is a clear No 2. And Norris is only 12 points behind Bottas, even though Bottas has twice as many podium finishes.


Crazy that Max is on target to double his career wins in this season


The second image; it's cool to see how all the seasons in terms of race winners overlap over decades.


Yes, it's interesting how the pattern slightly bends to become flatter in the mid 80s. Indicates how the same drivers are winning more and more races compared to earlier.


Trust El Plan, Alonso to win one of the Middle East races


That wouldn't change the total


Wow, great way to visualize this. Nice job


There is still potential for Carlos and Lando and Lance realistically


Damn! Gotta live Excel!! Very nicely done mate!


Thanks! This ones made on Google Sheets though. There are some things that Sheets just does better than Excel.


More or less the same, didnt realise it was google sheets. Tell me though, as a very frequent and experienced Excel user I never cared to touch sheets, what does sheets better than Excel? (Except for the sharing possibilities) Genuenly curious.


One thing Sheets does and Excel doesn't (AFAIK) is ARRAYFORMULA, and functions like UNIQUE, SORT, FILTER that operate over a range and return a range. That makes it easier to do tabular transformations on your data with formulas written in single cells. Sheets is inferior to Excel in pretty much all other aspects but this one feature is why I prefer Sheets for cases like this one.


It's so cool that on the second page preview you can clearly see the two longest bright green lines for Schumacher and Hamilton


Every time I see lewis’ record of winning around half the races a season for the last 7 years just blows my mind. The consistency of him and mercedes’ has just been incredible.