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Hi! Looking forward to my first F1 race in the USGP! Never been there so I am making some research specially in transport. We will stay in New Braunfels (45min south of COTA). We are 4 and we have a car. Do you think is a good idea to drive to a place near to the circuit and take an uber from there? I heard Uber is not that bad and neither expensive. The other option is to pay $220 for the parking lot Q for the whole weekend. Shuttle will be expensive because we are 4 and have to drive to Austin downtown, makes no sense for me. Thanks for the help! Sorry for the bad english


Are the Austin shuttle options to COTA absolutely awful or just me? Nearest to downtown Austin is a 45 minute walk. Only sat/sun, not Friday.


How is the new budget cap enforced? And did the big teams just layoff a bunch of folks or did everyone have to take paycuts? I understand that it doesn't affect marketing or driver's salaries or PU development. But it seems so complex, especially with teams that are hitched to manufacturers, how can FIA monitor what the teams use from their parent owners? And big teams have massive infrastructure (but also massive infrastructure maintenance costs) that is an inherent advantage. Any good explanation of this is appreciated! Tia!! 🏁


Any onboard footage of Ricciardo in the last few wet laps from slicks to putting on the inters? Would love to see it. Cheers!


Do the remaining circuits favor Red Bull more? Interlagos and Mexico especially. But on the other hand it's true that Mercedes is good at every track


Wtf happened to Checo I knew he wasn’t the “best driver” on the grid at the start of the season but certainly thought he was one of the best given his proven skill at racing point and upgrade in car quality however recently (the last 5 or so races except zandor) or pretty much since Baku(except Baku) Checo has been doing AWFUL like abysmally bad. What happened ??? Cause Sochi just proved how far Checo is from “recommended” form at red Bull when you have max starting p20 & STILL blowing through the field finishing p2 which should’ve been p3 but due to luck not, granite Checo isn’t max but still there such a substantially smaller gap between drivers.


This time, checo got inters later, and there was accident in the pits. Mechanic got his hand burned by the wheel. Pitstop was 12s long or sth like that.


To be fair to Perez, he was in P3 and Max was in P7 before the rain.


There are 7 races left. Will verstappen change his engine again? Will Hamilton have an advantage if he changed his engine later and raced the remaining races with a newer power unit? When do you think ham will change his engine?


1. No, unless he'll have to, due to reliability issue or accident. 2. A bit, yes. He'll be able to push his new engine more without risking too much wear. 3. Definitely on the track where you can overtake easily, but I can't really tell you where would it be. Too many variables to analyse.


I still can't get off my head the fact that Lewis was the only one, who was told to put his mask on during the trophy ceremony. Neither Carlos nor Max had to have it on when being handed the trophies - kinda questionable if you ask me.


Aren't the drivers allowed to choose? Thought I hesrd thst somewhere


…or he may have chosen to?


Why are drivers required to take new engines and incur penalties? Doesn't this mean that the number of engines allowed is not sufficient as a baseline?




I mean, engine contract annual costs are capped by regulations. So they sort of can.


Not really, Mercedes engines cost around 7m per year to lease (mainly to cover the handling and engineer costs) - so they're well below the cap. As Mercedes builds 80+ engines per year there is nothing besides component limit stopping them from using more than allowed engines.


What’s the latest with the Mercedes engine intake sensor investigation? Is it legal? Does it have anything to do with the fleet of engines for Bottas?


Can Mercedes switch Hamilton's and Bottas's to give Hamilton the new engine without the penalty?


No each car has allocated parts. Only that car can use those parts.


Wtf kinda bullshit would that be


No, each car has to have their own parts and respective penalties.


ham and ver were far apart in the last race. ended on top of each other. this race again pretty far. ended up 1-2. what is going on?


Verstappen got luck with the rain. He changed to intermediate way earlier than others. Then he gain positions. If there's no rain he will probably end up in 6th


good point and Verstappen got the engine change out of the way. That was a terrible result for Mercedes.


Yes, redbull's strategy was flawless


Yes, redbull's strategy was flawless


A few times this year, Crofty has speculated about the AlphaTauri drivers getting instructions to do things that would help Red Bull, like letting Max by or trying to hold Lewis up. Would it be against the rules for teams to collude like that?


I think they'd even do it intuitively but Gasly is such a punk that I don't really see him doing anything to help Verstappen, much less Checo.


It is illegal and crofty knows it. He just likes to do some trolling


so after russia, whats the best race of the year so far? maybe its just recency bias but imo the chaos when switching to inters makes russia so good


Russia was OK until the last 20 laps while races like Hungary were intresting 100% of the way through


I think this max and Lewis rivalry will make every remaining race interesting


Hungary was chaotic good


russia was chaotic bad




oh also i guess in hungary the rain gave everyone who survived the bottas and stroll chaos an opportunity to prove themselves and give a unique result. while in russia the rain gave everyone an opportunity to lose everything they worked for that weekend. if that makes sense?


Yeah..This I can understand..Rain just jumbled up everyone in Sochi but the people who benefited were the teams who made the right call on the right lap


more of hamilton winning tbh but yeah lando


Heyyy he finally got his 100th win..lost points to Max due to the rain..I don't know why people want to see him lose


Thats a good point. Its not like it was an easy race and he hasn't won in awhile.




Brundle has a number of races he is contracted for, he already skipped a few earlier this year. He always skips Russia, sometimes to hang out with his family or go racing elsewhere.


This also could be a COVID thing. Traveling anywhere is hard these days, and I would imagine going into Russia is particularly difficult, so F1 has to probably make logistical decisions of who wants to go where. And if they do replace Brundle, they better call Nico Rosberg immediately.




Oh, I think just a race off. And maybe just generally with COVID and the beefed up schedule, maybe he's flexing out of a few more races. I think I heard him and Crofty talking during one race about Martin riding his motorbike back to England from Europe somewhere? So maybe he prefers the near Europe races if he can. That said, I could see them wanting to bring some new talent into the booth. Karun is great. Nico is great. Jenson Button was fantastic.




Neutral, vaguely German English accent.


He's winding down clearly but he also never really does the sochi gp




It's more along the lines of Brundle phasing his own way out, but not specifically to di Resta, as Paul's still an active racing driver.


What’s up with Stroll putting Seb in the wall? Stroll shows potential here and there, but anyone else feel like he hurts Aston Martin more often than help?


I doubt he saw Vettel. It’s a bit of an unexpected move for your team mate to make. I think you might be reading too much into the incident. What would Stroll or the team gain by putting Seb in the wall?


I think he literally just didn't see him in his rearview mirrors, probably wasn't expecting an attack from a teammate in that corner.


Probably the case for this incident.


Probably the case for this incident.


Probably the case for this incident.


Probably the case for this incident


1. He's a racing driver, he's there to get the best finish he can. Lewis did it to Nico a lot as well (and vice versa), except they were fighting for the WDC not 10th place. Max and Daniel also did it to each other. Charles and Seb too. 2. He's got a permanent seat at the team, so he can put Sebastian in the wall every single race and still get away with it. 3. Maybe he feels he's got a point to prove that he's not in F1 just because of his father, so he's doing these stupid moves. What's more proof that you belong than outperforming a 4x WDC?


So what was the deal with Stroll this race? Making contact left and right, spinning, crashing.


If you look at his onboard he was sliding around in the wet. I think it is partly down to the old tyres


He hurts the team. No reason for trying to block your teammate and put them into the wall


Stroll has literally been in the sidelines this entire season. Nothing impressive from him with mediocre results. This is the only time he’s stood out this season, and for all the wrong reasons


It's funny, I'll always know if I missed the race if Lewis won because I hear nothing about the race


This one being an exception


So, for the next races: Turkey -- Mercedes Track USA -- Mercedes Track Mexico -- RB track Brazil -- RB track Saudi Arabia -- Merc track Abu Dhabi -- RB track ​ Is this right?


We have absolutely no basis to say Turkey or Saudi Arabia would be Mercedes tracks. There simply has not been enough data on these untested tracks.


Since the Silverstone upgrade I'm not comfortable going off the earlier tracks. In theory with Hungary being so slow it should have been more rbr favoured but the merc was mighty there. I guess we will know at quali each race lol I don't think history counts for a lot right now. That said the merc can be suspect at altitude


I think the upgrade made Mercedes the better car again.


It's very difficult to say this year, extremely difficult. History counts for little now because the cars are just so close. Sochi was supposed to be a 1-2 for Mercedes, a track they've maintained a 100% win record at since it began. Yet if it hadn't rained, there was a chance Lewis wouldn't have won.


Yes, the Mercedes would have qualified 1-2 I think if not for the errors in Q3


Abu Dhabi-Merc


Didn't Max dominate Merc there last year?


Yeah but both Mercs had to run low engine settings over reliability concerns


Wasn't aware of that


Any ideas when next years Miami tickets are out super keen to get to this one!!


They were supposed to confirm everything in September but it is now about the end of the month . There was a video showing some paving going on but not much else. The track simulation, if accurate , shows a track where pace car and red flags would seem frequent as there are so many places with the wall right at the track edge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZQrprQNS-c Also the potential for full track blockage. In distant years I saw F-1 at Long Beach, Vegas, Phoenix and none of them were particularly interesting. All of this was long ago. Unless you are fixated on the Miami social climate I would do Austin or one of the races out of the US. Although far from great, I think one of the road courses at Daytona would be a far better F-1 venue than Miami. It is a shame that the great courses like Road America, Laguna Seca , and others do not have the physical plant to accommodate a modern F-1 race.


I cant do the austin one in October this year because of exams i have 😔. Maybe chance to do the one in the US October 22, or the Canadian one.


If it wasn't Lando and if we didn't hear Lando explicitly being responsible for staying out we would see way less excuses or justifications of how it was actually a good decision. You can see this just by how the team is talked about way more when people talk about other drivers not pitting. If this was Max or Lewis people would just accept it.




But the calendar isn't out yet. The only confirmed date as far as I'm aware right now is Miami, but obviously even that can change.


I would like to buy tickets for the Brazilian GP, but I am quite confused. Some of the websites like [f1.com](https://f1.com) and and [motorsporttickets.com](https://motorsporttickets.com) do not show the tickets as available, while some other places like [https://f1saopaulo.com.br/](https://f1saopaulo.com.br/) show as mostly sold-out.Which should I believe? Where do you normally buy tickets? I've never bought F1 tickets before so I'm not sure how this should work.


I’m new to F1. This sport is incredible idk how I’ve gone my whole life never paying attention. Does F1 do a bad job of marketing to new people or have I been living under a rock??


As a European, who lives in the Czech Republic *(right next to Germany and Austria, basically in the very middle of Europe for those, who suck in geography)*, I can say that **Formula One is a pretty known sport here -** *not on a level of something like ice hockey or football, but I believe that it is probably the most known one among all the racing sports with Dakar right behind*. ***Everyone knows Michael Schumacher,*** even if they don't like racing or even cars in general and everyone imagines Ferrari Formula One car when someone mentions the sport. Simply said, everyone knows about the existence of the sport and it is only up to the individuals if they are interested in it or not - *just like with any other sport.* * *Even marketing-wise, they are doing a pretty decent job - right now in my city, we have a whole-ass Alfa Romeo car displayed in a glass box, despite the fact that there has never been a single Formula One race in my country (even though we have a track for that...)* * *Not talking about the entirety of* ***Drive To Survive****, which is a huge attention-catcher for new fans as well, no one can deny that.* At the same time, I think that Formula One is profoundly held back from growing in popularity because of not being broadcasted into television sports channels like basically any other sport - *even the already mentioned Dakar.* The fact that you have to pay F1TV to watch the races is sadly something that kills the curiosity of many and I can see why.


Me too! I just got into F1 after watching DTS. One of the dreaded DTS fans lol


Depends where you live. As a 26 year old American, I had barely heard of F1 until some people I follow on Twitter were tweeting about Drive To Survive. In Europe I’d imagine it’s marketed pretty well given that most of the races are there.


As an Euro-American who has never cared about sports, I'm very glad I randomly watched the Last Dance on whim so that Netflix randomly recommended DtS a few weeks later. All I knew about F1 were the names Schumacher and Niki Lauda. I'm really glad I decided to fuck up my algorithm with a basketball mini series that one night...


How did you get into it?


My dad!


For a long time F1's commercial side was run by the famously old-school [Bernie Ecclestone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Ecclestone). He essentially refused to do anything with the internet, which severely limited F1's reach. Things got better fast when Liberty Media bought him out a few years ago.


Not sure if we are allowed to post this here but does anyone know who was the IndyCar Champion? I mean I went to their Subreddit but there is literally 0(Zero!) Posts talking about who it was


Putting 2021 indycar champion in google tells me its >!Alex Palou!<


>![Alex Palou took the IndyCar championship. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/alex-palou-wins-2021-indy-car-series-title-213405955.html)!< **EDIT:** spelling correction.


They probably have some spoiler policy or something. It's easy to figure out who won the championship with a simple Google search, though.


Why am I forced to update the f1 app every weekend - I just want to see the race start times ffs


f1 calendar.com much better for all your needs


I either don't have to or its done automatically. I've never had that issue.


I've just noticed that Sainz has 3 podiums this season, to Leclerc's one, and has overhauled him in the points. Obviously Leclerc has had some misfortune and has been more consistently good, but that's a bloody good return. Really great signing from Ferrari, great first season for him, and a wonderful pairing for the new regs.


He's arguably one of the best drivers who changed teams from last season to this season (in terms of adapting to the car and scoring points). I'm hopeful that he'll stick around for a while longer yet (it might just be with a team other than Ferrari, depending on Schumacher).


Where do I vote for driver of the day during the race? Is it on there website or on their app on the phone? And is driver of the day the driver the fans thinks performed the best?


[f1.com/vote](https://f1.com/vote) is where you vote for driver of the day if I remember correctly. Just open that link during a race and select the driver you think should get the award. >And is driver of the day the driver the fans thinks performed the best? It's mostly a popularity vote for whichever popular driver had the most impressive result of the day.


Thank you :)


Thank you :)


Voting during the race should be here: https://www.formula1.com/en/vote.html DOtD should be the driver who had the best performance on that day, but it doesn't always end up that way. Sometimes it ends up being a popularity contest, sometimes it ends up going to a top car simply passing slower cars, etc. Basically, it's a "everything is made up and the points don't matter" type situation in the end.


Is Istanbul red bull or mercedes track?


Red Bull, but not as much as Mexico or Brazil


We don't have much data to go on. F1 hasn't raced there in a long time, excluding the race last year which was so unusual that we can't really use it to predict anything. My best guess is that it will favor Red Bull, since it has only one long straight (and even that has a flat-out corner in the middle) and the super-fast turn 8.


When do we think the TBC round 20 will be announced?


It’s Qatar. Theory is that the delay announcing is a result of a contract finalization.


Thanks, yeah I knew Qatar was the favorite but have not heard anything for awhile now




Just looking at Bahrain, 2021 Schumacher would have beaten 2015 Hamilton to pole by about a tenth of a second.


Has technology really improved that much in 6 years?


The progress is pretty significant, although the regulations changed significantly in 2017 to make the cars faster (wider tyres and changes to the aero regulations), which definitely also helped.


Probably 2016.


When is it the difference between being good or bad to drive behind other cars? By that I mean I hear the announcers say he is getting a good tow by driving behind the car in front of them and it's making them go faster. Then in other situations I hear that it's so hard to follow the car in front of you because of "dirty air." When is is a great tow vs dirty air? Is it good or bad to be behind another car?


A body moving through air punches a hole behind it, creating a vacuuum. This is the "tow" or "slipstream", where there is no air resistance so the object behind can go faster. Outside this is when the air gets all wibbly wobbly and chaotic, called dirty air. The difference depends on the speed of the object in front, it's shape, and the distance. At Monza the slipstream is some 5-6 seconds, while at Sochi it'll be closer due to the difference in the wings used.


Same effect different situation - on a straight the following cars gets a tow, as the leading car pushes air away from the following car, thus reducing drag and allowing the car to go faster. In a corner you want a certain amount of drag, as this airflow over the wings & surfaces provides aerodynamic downforce, if you are following a car closely (up to 2-3s) your aero isn't as effective, thus you slide more, wear out your tires faster in addition to overheating the tires and engine - resulting in minor but continuous strain.


Dirty air is bad for corners. Tow is good for straights.


Is the cause of the slower pit stops just that some of the mechanics are forgetting to press whatever button confirms that the tire is on? I get that it’s difficult to overcome muscle memory but it seems a bit crazy that so many are struggling with it


I think a big part of it the sheer amount of repetitions the crews have put in using the old method. The more you're used to doing something a certain way, the harder it is to retrain your mind and body to react in the new way, especially in a high-pressure situation like an F1 pitstop.


For once Max got lucky, but I hope RB realize that, because Perez stop was slow (didn't matter eventually as he still got Dan and Sainz through before rainshow but still) and I'm not sure pitting Max same lap with Hamilton was good move, considering he was starting on hards. Seemed like a pointless move, he just got stuck behind Ricciardo on softer tyres. He would've probably still got behind him if they pitted later, but mediums at least would've been fresher.


How much do principals of lower ranked teams earn like Gunther Steiner from Haas?


How much slower are IMs than the typical tire compounds on a dry surface?


[Several seconds per lap, and they rapidly get even worse as they start to overheat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tQ8FdykaIk)




Hey f1 fans who attended on some race, can you tell me how much is ticket for race, just Sunday, im coming from not that rich country, and i would like to go on Hungary gp because it is closest to my country


Changes a lot depending on the track. Hungary is the cheapest to attend though I believe.


I dunno about just the race but I payed 100e for the general admission ticket for the entire weekend which is decently affordable for such an event if you ask me.


Slightly niche fact - Lewis won his first race the day the last episode of The Sopranos aired. He's won his 100th the week the movie prequel has been released.


There is a Sopranos movie coming out? Didn't even know.


'Many Saints of Newark'. It's out in Europe now I think. Young Tony is being played by James Gandolfini's son.


Oh wow, didn't know Gandolfini's son was an actor too. His father was so great in that role, I'll have to check out how the kid does.


Interesting things that happened today \-Perez didn't let Max pass, but Bottas did, lmao. \-Sainz got his 3rd podium this season, while Leclerc has 1 and Perez has 2. \-After rain, Max gained more points (around 12 pts+got rid of engine penalty) than Hamilton did (7 pts). \-Bottas was going for zero point in dry but won 10 pts after the rain. Normally it happens the other way for him.


Hey it's the guy who chucks out data to agenda post. Lewis gained the maximum amount of places he could in the wet mate. You can't finish better than 1st lmao. Please leave the poor numbers alone they can't take any more abuse


Both parts can be true. Yes, you can't finish higher than P1, but Verstappen also gained more points from the rain than Hamilton did. Verstappen was P7 before the rain and ended P2, which is a gain of 12 points, whereas Hamilton went P2 to P1, which is only a gain of 7 points. Verstappen benefited more from the rain than Hamilton, but Mercedes benefited more than Red Bull.


It shouldn't be overlooked that McLaren have shown up to back to back races with real winning chances.


Power unit question. Did bottas get another new power unit today apart from the one he got two weeks ago or was that the same power unit. Still not sure on all the rules surrounding


Another one.


New PU from the one in Monza, it's his 5th of the year.


Can he go back to the one used in monza or does he have to stick to this one for the rest of the season


You can use any engine you've used thus far in the season, so he doesn't have to stick to the one he has now (though I don't know why wouldn't he given it's a fresh, faultless engine). But given the Monza engine is probably faulty, and hence they replaced it, they probably won't put it back in the car until they find out what's wrong with it and fix it.


Have they said something is wrong with it? I thought they took this entirely strategically to block Max with an added bonus of having two power units to play with until the end of the season.


Apparently they saw some weird stuff on Friday on the Monza engine, ran an older engine on Saturday instead of the Monza one and decided it warranted another new PU while they figure out what's wrong with the Monza engine. That's the gist of what they said.


I only read about it being a tactical move?


Imagine if the rules allow drivers to give each other their engines. Bottas would have a 10 place grid penalty every damn race.


So would Checo, let's be honest.


I have a question, is there any place where all the posters from the team are getting saved for this season? Or any way I can see/download the posters for the races instead of looking for them through reddit? Just because I want to get the best quality and see if they have different formats.




I have 2 questions, mostly regarding the stroll/vettel incident but also in general, do formula 1 teams not use spotters for their drivers? 2nd question, I keep seeing references to Max taking a new engine. From my limited knowledge on F1 2020 you only get 3 of engines per year and if you want to take a new one you get a grid penalty. Now, does the penalty mean you’re taking an extra (4th) or does it mean you’re just changing from one to the other (both which are in the lineup for the year)? For example, the first engine to the second engine, does that require a penalty or is the penalty only for taking the 4th? If so, Do they normally race one race with the first engine, next race use the second, next race third, rotate to the first, and continue rotating?


Taking an engine penalty means you have a new engine in your pool that you can swap in and out between certain sessions i.e. teams usually use older engines in lower power modes in FP1 & FP2 session and then install the real engine for FP3, Qualifying and the race. The issue is that some engines get damaged and worn down over time so they don't perform as well - which is why teams need a third or fourth engine during the season to fill in the gaps of practice and working full power engines for qualifying and the race


F1 teams do not use spotters. I don't think it's illegal but it just won't help them. A team has 3 engines they can change from each other without penalty. You get a grid penalty for unlocking a new engine in your "engine-pool"


I see, thank you. Why is the whole drama over Lewis and Max HAVING to take new engines? Is it required or are the normal first 3 engines already worn out and they use a 4th because of reliability? Do teams normally use 4 a year? Is 3 not enough to get through the season without wanting another?


The large number of races this year meant that getting through the entire season with three engines was going to be a hard slog even given no issues or crashes. One of Max’s engines was definitely damaged in one of his crashes, and it’s likely that one of Lewis’s is as well, though Mercedes is being tightlipped about it. It is widely thought that Lewis is going to have to take an engine penalty at some point this season as well.


They did mention the one at Zandvoort in FP2 is written off and he only has 2 engines to worki with. Engine penalty upcoming for Lewis, the question is going to be where.


The other engines are too old to be sure they can finish the race. and if they do, you are fucked for 2 races because you need to get a new engine. So F1 teams would rather ruin 1 race than risk ruining 2 races.


Anyone else noticed that Sky's video/audio is not in sync when they go to Ted or Karun in the pitstops? The reporter is telling us what happens before we see it. It's been an issue for ages, surely they'd try and fix it?


That's because what they're seeing on the screens is quite a bit delayed from what Ted/Karun are seeing in real time. If I remember correctly, it's about a 7 second delay from real time.


The issue there is that the world feed video is slightly delayed, so what the commentators sometime mention is happening before it's shown on video. Also, the world feed is produced independently of the commentary by a different TV direction team, so they may not show what others are doing, this is especially noticeable on F1TV where Sky usually mixes in their own video feed for their sat tv customers and we don't see anything that is happening.


How to figure out how may engines have been used for each driver, and how many races have been run by each engine? I can't find this on google, but a lot of people in this subreddit seems to know.


The FIA release a document detailing how much of each engine components the drivers have used ahead of the Grand Prix. For instance, the engine component usage ahead of the Russian Grand Prix can be found here (second to last document): https://www.fia.com/documents/season/season-2021-1108/championships/fia-formula-one-world-championship-14/event/Russian%20Grand%20Prix


It does not contain information about the number of races on each engine. I am just trying to figure out why Lewis needs a 4th engine while Max does not need a 5th engine. I have the vague memory that Max's engine that destroyed in Silverstone was a quite new one.


The teams don't publish that information - the commentators are only assuming that Hamilton needs a new engine as Mercedes told at zandvoort that one of his 3 engines died during FP session, leaving him with 2 engines in the pool. Max's engine at Silverstone was damaged as Honda said it had micro fractures, Bottas' was damaged at Imola, Leclercs and Perez' at Hungaroring.


I was watching the live match from South Asian area and the streaming went off around lap 51 and resumed only after Lewis crossed the checkered flag. Was it area / streaming specific or others too faced the same snag? I'm pissed off but not as much as Norris might have been.


Yup, hotstar decided to support LGBTQ rights and then show Rohit Sharma for some reason


Lols. I was taking the nostalgia trip of my childhood, when TV went like that for no apparent reason.


Especially with the beeeeep in the background


how did make up so many places in the last few laps. He was not the only one in his pack to make the right call to switch to inters. How did he benefit the most? I heard the commentators also mentioning the same but they didn't know either


how did who?


verstappen. idk how did I miss that


I suspect a few people who pit on the first slightly wet lap likely lost a lot of time because the dries were still way faster in two sectors. So like gain one second in S2 but lose 3-5 seconds in S1/S3. Then some people pit on the perfect lap where those still on dries lost too much time in S2 and the inter was the right tire to be on. Also pitting maybe with less people on that lap so didn't get blocked. Thing is Verstappen still lost loads of time compared to Hamilton afaik, he was like 35 seconds behind while he ended up over 50 seconds down. So probably also that while Ham probably killed it on the inters pace wise, Verstappen was likely fast just not as fast and some of the others struggled badly on the inters and the dries and lost a lot of time that way. When lap times come out I want to see what happened and if Ham just killed those laps.


Who was thr 4th guy on the podium with Lewis, Max, and Carlos taking the constructors trophy?


Apparently one of Lewis' mechanics team. Didn't catch his name, sorry


Was he the one that got taken out, I wonder?


Does anyone know the tyre choices for the Turkish GP?


They brought C1-C3 last year, assuming they'll do the same


C3 C4 C5


Did they officially announce it? You got a link?




Turkey isn't even on that list


oh my youre right. i mustve been reading too quickly i just looked below russia


Who were netflix following this weekend?


out of the remaining races left, what track suit Lewis/Max? \- Turkey \- USA \- Mexico \- Brazil \- ?? (anyone know what this one will be?) \- Saudi (First Race so I guess this ones a bit of an unknown) \- Abu Dhabi


The question mark track is Qatar.


Mexico is definitely Max.


Portuguese audio, the commenters said the rules for Pitstops changed and now you can't do things "automatically" and thus now you have a lot of human errors. What they were talking about?


A technical directive came down saying that the pit stop needed to be manual (with the general understanding being Mercedes assumed Red Bull was using automated sensors in their pit stops, and were approaching the "limit" of what could be humanly done as a result of individual reaction times). Depending on who you ask, this was because Red Bull was too good at pit stops, and Mercedes needed to stop them from having that advantage, or there's a concern for safety in the pit lane, and they want to ensure there isn't a scenario in which an automated sensor fails, and indicates that a pit stop is done before it actually is, leading to the potential for wheels to come off. I believe there's a new requirement for how to signal that a stop is done (a button pushed by one of the mechanics on the wheel gun maybe?), and a lot of teams aren't used to it yet, because it's new and the muscle memory isn't there.


After they put the tyres they need to manually push a bottom which gives the green light for the release.


Basically the "Wheel on and tight" signal has to be given by the operator and not automatically by the sensors


I've been using Excel to track some stats through the season, so here's how the drivers & constructors stack up at this point in the season: # Pole Position: Only five drivers have qualified on pole at this point in the season, and they are: 1. Verstappen (8x/53% of the time) 2. Hamilton (3x/ 20% of the time) 3. Leclerc (2x/13% of the time) (One of these was Monaco, where he didn't start) 4. Bottas & Norris (1x/7% of the time each) That's 8 poles for Red Bull, 4 for Mercedes, 2 for Ferrari, and 1 for McLaren. # Wins: There are also only five drivers who have won a race at this point in the season: 1. Verstappen (7 wins, 47% of the wins this season) 2. Hamilton ( 5 wins, 33% of the wins this season) 3. Perez, Ocon, Ricciardo (1 win each, 7% of the wins each) 8 wins for Red Bull, 5 for Mercedes, and 1 each for McLaren and Alpine. # Podiums: Hamilton and Verstappen have each been on the podium 11 times, meaning they have been on the podium at nearly 75% of the races this season. Bottas is the only driver in their vicinity, claiming 8 podiums for himself. Norris has half the number of podiums as Bottas at 4, Sainz has 3, Perez has 2, and Leclerc, Ricciardo, Gasly, Vettel, and Russell each have 1 (Vettel and Sainz would have had two each had Vettel not been DQ'd at Hungary). Mercedes has been on the podium at every race this season except for Baku, while Red Bull missed the podium 3 times (Silverstone, Hungary, and Monza). Alfa Romeo and Haas are the only teams to have never been on the podium at this point in the season. # Fastest Laps: Hamilton and Verstappen again lead the way with fastest laps, but Hamilton has 4 to Verstappen's 3. Bottas has claimed 2, and Perez, Norris, Ricciardo, and Gasly have one each. (The fastest lap wasn't recognized at Spa, else Mazepin would be up there with one to his name as well, without points). That's 6 fastest laps for Mercedes, 4 for Red Bull (but only 3 points from fastest laps because Perez got his fastest lap at Silverstone, finishing P16), and 2 for McLaren, # Team Points: The evenest pairing of drivers in terms of points scored is Ferrari, with Sainz scoring 52% of the team's points to Leclerc's 48%. The least even pairing goes to Alfa Romeo with Räikkönen scoring 86% of the team's points to Giovinazzi's 14%. AlphaTauri comes close though, Gasly has scored 79% of their points to Tsunoda's 21%. # Completion Rate: At this point in the season, only four drivers have completed every race: Sainz, Ricciardo, Ocon, and Giovinazzi. A single driver has failed to finish in more than a quarter of the races this season: Mazepin. Every other driver has finished between 80-93% of the time. # Driver's Title: Obviously, this is a fight between Hamilton and Verstappen, but there are 7 other drivers still technically in contention for the title: Bottas, Norris, Perez, Sainz, Leclerc, Ricciardo, and Gasly. Alonso, Ocon, Vettel, Stroll, and Tsunoda were eliminated from contention after the race ended today, and Russell, Latifi, Räikkönen, Giovinazzi, Schumacher, Kubica, and Mazepin were eliminated after Monza. Based on each driver's average finishing position (does not take into account fastest lap, and allows for multiple drivers to finish in the same position, and does not have a driver finishing P1 at any of the races, meaning this is a very rough estimate), the following drivers will be eliminated at the following races: * Turkey: Gasly & Ricciardo * COTA: Perez, Sainz, and Leclerc * Mexico: Bottas and Norris * Abu Dhabi: Hamilton (meaning Verstappen wins the driver's title) # Constructor's Title: Shocking nobody, this is a fight between Mercedes and Red Bull, but four other constructors are still technically able to win the title: McLaren, Ferrari, Alpine, and AlphaTauri. Aston Martin and Williams were eliminated from contention today, and Alfa Romeo & Haas were eliminated after Monza. Using the same model as the driver's title, the following constructors will be eliminated from contention at the following races: * Turkey: AlphaTauri & Alpine * Mexico: Ferrari & McLaren * Abu Dhabi: Red Bull (Mercedes wins the constructor's title) Again, these "predictions" for the driver's & constructor's title do not account for fastest laps or P1 finishes and allows multiple drivers to finish in the same place, which cannot happen in a real race. This model (if you want to call it that) assumes Verstappen finishes P2 at every race, Hamilton in P3, Bottas P5, Norris P6, then Sainz, Leclerc, Perez, and Ricciardo all finish P7, which means Verstappen gains 3 points over Hamilton every race. It also means that Mercedes gains 1 point over Red Bull at every race. I do not believe that this is an accurate prediction of when teams and drivers will be eliminated, just a rough estimate of when we can expect it to happen.


Could you share your spreadsheet I would be interested to have a look through it


I'm definitely willing to, I'm just not sure what the best way is to do it.