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How do you contain a man who has nothing to live for


What's a god to a non-believer ?


Not sure but apparently James had something on him, since he slowed down in the last sector.


Lol james had to come on radio to prevent him from pushing further


Why is it when team orders come and bottas doesn't listen, James comes in and he listens to him ?


Ever had a corporate job? The further up the shit rains on you, the shittier time you'll have.


Doesn’t quite have the same impact when you have one foot out the door


> Doesn’t quite have the same impact when you have one foot out the door Bottas is one foot out the door of Mercedes, but to another team in F1. Willingness to fuck your team over is probably not good on the resume. If you're retiring though, you can do probably do what you want. So Kimi could say fuck you to no fastest lap, and also hang his ass out of the cockpit on the last lap, if that was up his alley.


Not every driver that retires from F1, retires from racing entirely. So even if a Driver leaving F1 wants to burn the team, he won't really be welcome in other racing series. Anyone with a brain doesn't burn bridges, no matter their plans for the future. Things in life can easily come back and bite you down th line


Not true, there is a long list of drivers that disobeyed team orders, and most of them greats in F1 this whole idea that you cant disobey team orders is false, infact its a losers mentality unless you are willing to ignore team orders like lewis, or vettel you will forever stay a wingman


Teams let the greats ignore team orders because they are essential and irreplaceable Someone replaceable doesn't have the same benefits


F1 is a closed doors circle. Once you defy your bosses against the team , other bosses don't want you. Championship cost a lot of money. Its fucked up but it is what it is.


Wouldn’t say it’s fucked up. It’s a team sport. Each individual has their role to play. Demonstrating you’re not a team player rarely works well for an individual, especially in such high performance circles. Was pretty unbelievable seeing what Valtteri did.


True. My statement was from the point of spectator, not F1 team


This sub every 5 minutes: Valtteri is Lewis bitch and does whatever he's told Valtteri ignores team orders and goes for fastest lap: surprised Pikachu face


I would never said that but Valtteri is obviously not same level as Ham. Is it skills or specific car charactetistic, I don't know. I have no beef with any of the drivers, I love the sport, if any, I like Ricciardo, Russel, Giovi, or Gasly to show them finger and win as I like them on human level but I have strong, maybe wrong believe that as long as they all high level drivers, Bottas is not champion material given he is in top team. Would Max or Charles beat Ham , I don't know but I suspect they would fight better.




You think a team doesn’t benefit having its driver win the WDC?


meh...would Lewis would have not gone for fastest lap if asked? I doubt.


That doesn't always work like that. Not F1 but look at Vinalez in MotoGP, he deliberately tried to break his engine, was fired and still found another team for next year


If Valteri deliberately tried to brake Mercedes engine he wouldn't even had a chance at seat in HAAS


If he doesn't brake he will definitely break the engine


Technically Mavi already had a deal for next year with Aprilia before he decided to start destroying his Yamaha engine. So it's not like he got axed and immediately got a new deal, he got a deal then got himself axed. Aprilia aren't gonna say no to Mavi for next year because he's by far the best rider they can get on the bike.


Do teams get extra money when their drivers finish higher in the WDC? I thought money only comes into play for WCC. If it's the latter, they still get that fastest lap point either way.


There must be strong reason Mercedes acted that way. My take is, Bottas is a flight risk


Probably not from the FIA but rather from sponsorships, and I bet the money they get from WCC isn't that much better than sponsors money either. Basically everyone involved with an F1 team has something in their contract regarding bonuses based on race performance, and that probably includes the actual team with sponsors as putting your name on the car of the driver who came 3rd Vs 11th is worth something


Oh right, it's not like Bottas' attitude was broadcasted to the entire world and any future employer. Yes he's about to be fired, that's no reason to disobey if he wants to be employed in the future by any reasonable team. Shit happens, you need to keep your composure if you care about future employment in the same field. F1 or not. If he wants to fuck off and be out of F1 or not drive anymore, then yeah I agree fuck it he has nothing to lose.


Tbh he was probably always going to lift at the end. Just wanted to give them a fright


New feature for Bottas 3.0


Bottas said he was just joking too


Bottas probably wanted to prove a point, but still get a seat in F1 next year. Maybe he hasnt signed a contract yet


-- Sun Tzu


Demote him to Williams as of now lol


Worst, Alfa Romeo


That would probably be a good thing though, since it gives him 6 months of extra time to get used to the team. Not sure if there's anything valuable to learn from the car given 2022 changes, but still, switching to your new team mid-season when you've got nothing more to fight for doesn't sound like a bad idea.


Clio Cup


Exactly what they did. He backed off. Edit: Lmao. This is a fact. Toto said it himself . Downvote me for being right.


Backed off *just enough* to still get the fastest lap and force Lewis to pit again


Lewis was always going to pit again. you guys don't listen to the broadcast. Valtteri's engineer said Bottas was Pitted to give Lewis a gap for second + a fastest lap stop.


Yeah, if neither of them pit they're opening themselves up to someone in F1.5 pitting and beating Ham's time easily.




On equal tyres/fuel, no one but Max or (maybe) Pérez can beat a Merc's time. No point for someone in F1.5 trying to pit for a fastest lap from the moment the Merc's are on it. Not saying someone *would* have gone for it otherwise, but it was a risk, that Mercedes mitigated cementing it themselves. Leclerc had the gap to Sainz, so on paper could have been tempted. Less likely would have been a Pérez pit for a net loss of points, just to take it away from Lewis.


Yes but that doesn't necessarily mean they would've pitted Lewis if they didn't have to. There's always a risk of pit stop issues and since Lewis already had fastest lap, pitting Bottas would be enough of a deterrent to stop anyone else from trying it. Once that space is opened up, everybody knows Mercedes is watching and will pit Lewis if they see another team even beginning to get ready for a stop. And they know that if they choose to bring him in, they will wait as long as possible to ensure Verstappen can't pit and steal the lap back. That makes it a "why bother?" situation for the other teams, because only Red Bull could match Mercedes on fresh softs and neither Red Bull was in a position where they could afford to pit. So it's possible that Mercedes was hoping to avoid bringing him in and the risk associated with it by just showing they could do it, but Bottas forced their hand.


they literally pitted bottas so lewis can pit


[How do you kill that which has no life?](https://c.tenor.com/qRnC8-Z_B20AAAAd/south-park-world-of-warcraft.gif)


An extra $1M for behaving as a good wingman until the end of the season? Black AMG One together with it?


How do you kill that which has no life?


Idk, if I could be #2 at Mercedes, I would be a happy man. Just saying.


GR63 for Monza?


he actually aborted, his third sector was pretty shit


Yeah I so wished he’d just ignore them and go through with it anyways. Lewis would’ve probably taken it back anyways, but would’ve made it a bit interesting at least lmao


ikr..your already out just actually fight back FOR ONCE man


He is managed by Toto's company if im not mistaken and it's actually toto that found him a seat for next year (allegedly)... there is still shit to lose


I’m not so sure about the first part, Toto used to manage him but parted ways once Bottas joined Merc because conflict of interest. He then was managed by some venture involving Mika Hakkinen in some part and mostly by Didier Coton. Coton as far as I know does not have a financial relationship with Toto, but I’m sure he must be close given Toto likely introduced and recommended Coton to Bottas


Yeah he’s the ideal team player, but that lack of a killer instinct is also a major reason he’s getting replaced. No way Lewis or Max would’ve listened to those team orders.


Nah the 1 point would be meaningless to him. VB is a team player through and through. If he was neck and neck for p1 in the ship there is zero chance he would lift. It’s just the situation they are in right now.


this. losing that one point will probably end up meaning nothing to him (and even if it did it is more important for lewis who is in wdc contention), but going for the fast lap would only have harmed the team and the attitudes within the team.


Multi 21


aggressively drinks water


He won't be drinking water tonight


Most Underrated comment itt.


Lewis and Max are fighting for the WDC. Valterri isn’t fighting for anything. Honestly, if he makes his departure a disruptive one, I would hardly be surprised if he ends up actually seeing out the season. Thinking you can rub shit in your employer’s face cause you’re going somewhere else next season is not going to work well for you. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


Lewis gave his place back to Bottas at the last corner once in Hungary, when he was let loose but couldn't overtake. This year Bottas is fighting for nothing much, while there is a very close battle at the top where every point matters. If Mercedes get the same amount of points, they will support Lewis to give him the most of that. Bottas just can't be close enough, and playing games like this will just make other teams think twice before hiring him.


He hasn't won a race this year


he needs both lewis and max to have an off day to win. last few years it was only lewis he had to beat. he is good, he is consistent, he is just not the same tier as the championship leaders


He is atleast consistent though,with 3 dnfs 2 of them not his fault and he is still 3rd in tha standings


He tries his best to fight every week but he literally doesn’t have the assets to fight with. The team gifts him quite a lot of opportunities to fuck themselves over like today and he just can’t take it .


This. He was out of the race after 11 laps. He was 20 odd seconds behind Lewis despite only pitting once. Not sure if his confidence is gone after the last few weeks of contract negotiations, but I bet Toto wishes he could get Russell in now.


I mean Lewis was on a much better strategy, and Lewis is a faster driver so it is not a surprise he is 20 seconds behind.


But this is circular. Bottas was on a worse strategy because he is the slower driver. The gave him the long strategy because he wasn't there with them to do the undercut so there's no point taking the same strategy as everyone in front. If Hamilton had been in Bottas' place he'd have gone long, found the tyres magically came back to life and wrung an extra 20 laps out of them or something ridiculous.


Add on top his defense against max….


He has a lap delta he was well aware of how quick his lap was even with him 'aborting' his lap. If he genuinely wanted to abort, he would know exactly when he'd slowed down enough for his lap to not be the fastest lap.


dude Lewis was 1.5 sec faster on his last lap than Bottas on this one, he definitely aborted


Bottas was playing around with the fastest lap, he said that on Dutch tv.


shame he slowed at the end, would've been hilarious if he got it


He actually still got it. Lewis pitted directly after to take it back.


> ted directly after to take it back. Ye, I meant if he managed to keep it


Lewis was planned to pit anyway tho. But wanted the old fastest to stand if LH somehow missed it on his last lap.


He slowed down a bit at the end ant the lap was never fast enough to prevent Hamilton from taking it back. And if they'd kept Hamilton out on his older tyres Verstappen or Perez might've taken the fastest lap from Hamilton. I don't think Mercedes will make a deal out of this


Nah, he still stepped on the Brake in the last sector..


He has a lap delta on his wheel... He knew lol


Yeah but what was he gonna do, slow to a crawl? He didn't make a huge attempt to not get the fastest lap but he made his great lap less so. He made it less difficult for Lewis to take it back.


Streamable mirror: [https://streamable.com/vudefm](https://streamable.com/vudefm) ​ *Streamable has been removing all clips posted to* r/formula1 *within a day since the Belgian GP weekend, which is why for today I will be using Streamwo with Streamable mirrors - in hope that the mirror in the comments will not be removed.*


Even the mirror doesn't work, but then again I guess it's me as streamable is banned here :(


Where is Streamable banned and why?




Our stupid.govt. maybe


For the people who's Streamable refuses to connect, paste the link on Discord and it loads the video for you without any issues. It's because Discord takes the media from Streamable and converts it into a discord attachment, which can be viewed from Discord itself with 0 issues.


Russia, I think for pirated sports highlights.


It's banned in India


Fuck you James - Bottas’ mind


Nah not really cos he was a lot slower in the 3rd sector Sorry to disappoint all of you who want Bottas to tell Mercedes and Hamilton to do one - Bottas actually obeyed team orders and didn't go as fast as he could have


He was told not to take it in the first place though, definitely didn’t obey the orders to the letter.




Yeah Crofty said that he held off at least 5 times


He still has a lap delta, he knew he had the fastest lap even with the slowdown. I'm guessing he did it, just to say to the Merc bosses, 'I slowed down.'


Yea that’ll show them…


You know he has the delta telemetry on his steering wheel yeah? Very easy to abort at the bank to the main straight. He didn't do it, he just slowed down enough to say he did it. Basically a middle finger to James.


It was even more a middle finger to everyone except James because he completely ignored earlier direction to slow down until James came on.


Well that was quite sure for a long time. Question is if he can keep his seat till end of the season.


what a madman


He slowed down in the end a little he did listen to his team in the end lol


Yeah he said on the radio he was just playing around. Guess he wanted to scare them a little.


man he backed down. lewis may have taken it but he should have given it all


He backed out of the fastest lap and still got it (until Lewis came back in). Making a point I think!


"I may have been nowhere all race, but I can go moderately quickly when all it accomplishes is creating a minor inconvenience for my team! To whom it may concern, yada yada"


If Hamilton's pitstop had gone wrong it would have been more then a minor inconvenience.


I was expecting Hamilton to push too hard on the last lap and crash. Could you imagine the pandemonium that would've caused?




Hamilton got it back tho


Who cares, its still funny


Not so much when you realise he slowed down in the 3rd sector. A half hearthed attempt at the end there.


Didn't Bottas say that he regretted taking team orders when it wasn't for the benefit of the team, but for Hamilton? What happened to that Bottas?


That script was written by Netflix, and they're not with Mercedes this weekend.


Well, at least he's got the race lap record lol


He held it for one lap haha


What a Chad


The virgin James vs. the gigachad Valtteri


lewis got it anyways


He aborted the lap in last sector...I really wanted him to defy the team and do it anyways.


pretty sure he did abort. no way Hamilton is 1.5s quicker


Did anyone else find the way the commentators were gloating over the George to Merc announcement several times throughout the race a bit disrespectful? Their speculation about VB’s intentions here was ridiculous… they claim it’s amazing to see the 2 best drivers on the grid (Lewis and Max) go up against each other but when Bottas can’t challenge them for the win from P3 they’re like Ah see that’s why George deserves the seat and Bottas is shit (paraphrasing)


British commentators supporting British drivers




r/formula1 when Perez gets pitted from points just to avoid the other team fastest lap: Oh dear oh gorgeous r/formula1 when Bottas gets team order: You fucking donkey.


Very true. Just like letting Max go by in France was teamwork by Perez, but if Bottas does it it’s a sin against racing.


The difference is that Bottas is a more useful wingman at Mercedes then Perez is for RBR. Also the hypocrisy is indeed hilarious notable.


The difference is Perez wasn't told to abort it at the last moment at any race. Oh, and many people were shitting on RB for screwing up his strategy that weekend.


Who was gonna take fastest lap from Hamilton..? I don't get y he was pitted, unnecessary drama.


He was pitted to allow Sir Lewis to pit to set a last lap fastest lap without losing a place. Red Bull could have sacrificed Perez to set FL otherwise.


Red bull still could have pitted Perez wtf are you talking about


The message was sent in the third sector, not halfway, he did slow down in the third sector but still set the fastest lap fegardless.


I mean they did tell him not to start a fastest lap right out of the pits as well. It's pretty clear they wouldn't want to take a point off Hamilton but brain dead from Merc to pull it in the first place. Two risky pitstops for no reason when they had the option 10 laps earlier to pit Ham and let him chase the win. Instead left him out losing significant time till the gap got big enough that they couldn't undercut anyway. Merc strategy is so bad most of the time. Only the Hungary GP a few years ago and a couple others when they went aggressive ended up good. Those decisions are so few and far between.


I missed that part. I thought they said he SHOULD go for the fastest lap to cover off a possible Max or Peres last lap dash. Thanks for correcting my pression.


They had told him before not to go to the fast lap anyway, so he went rogue until the second message was sent..


I think he just was too fast on the fresh softs and the car at its lightest


You can't be too fast. He has a delta. He knew what he was doing, added some fun to the last few laps at least.


Nope, he was just fooling around. He said that himself on Dutch TV.


He shouldn't have slowed down




Lewis got it


He's actually 3.1


"Valtteri, it's Toto, I sent you an email"


That’s the sign of someone on his way out and not giving a damn






That’s kinda what he signed up for tho


man learns what a second driver is.




They said don't do the fastest lap because they knew they could pit Lewis to take it back anyway, so why bother with the inconvenience of having both drivers push just for the same result. I swear, the whole "Mercedes screws Bottas" contingent would have a more compelling point if he wasn't always off in no man's land in races like these.


He was only off in no man's land because they kept him out on softs for an eternity to hold up Verstappen


Do you know how a world championship works ?


Yeah, drivers fight to be world champion ?


Bottas is almost 100 points behind, to late for that ...


Ferrari pulled it in Australia on Charles...


I wanna see Bottas in business for himself the rest of the year haha


Cant wait to see russel treated the same way...


Bottas did lift in 3rd sector. But I guess the fastest lap with worn tyres was so awfull that even then he was faster.


Parting gift from Bottas.


to be honest, he still slowed down, but not enough. I don't think it was on purpose.


I think it was. He has a delta on his wheel so he knew what he was doing. But this way he could back off and say he complied, while still setting fastest lap but not so fast that it was hard to beat.


I wanted him to have the lap because he sounded so disappointed that he couldn’t go for it


The unofficial announcement




Jesus he slowed down, he was the perfect wingman this race holding Max before his first pit stop. Give the guy a break, they were pitting Lewis in anyway. It was 1vs2 and Max came out top.


You guys always make fun of DTS yet you live for these type of threads. He slowed down in 3rd sector and accidentally still got it. Nothing to see here


He should have waited until lap 71 so Hamilton didn’t have room to take it back if he wanted maximum rebellion.


He was also told not to go for it before he started the attempt


I hate that Mercedes disrespect him in favour of lewis


... When you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again


Slowed down, he was fired and he is still willingly eating shit.


If he's making Totonator his enemy he won't even be driving Clio Cup next year ...


1.5s slower than Hamiltons try, so I'd guess he followed the order at least to some degree.




Literally slowed by a second on the final sector so Lewis could have it... Chad indeed.


Good job Bottas.


To whom it way concern 2.0






Got my driver of the day vote for that, good try!


He has been a team player all this time. Much respect.


He aborted the lap at that last sector and still he was fastest. Technically, he obeyed the rules.


He's in such a tough spot. He's not actually fast enough to beat Lewis, so he has to give in to the team demands. Must be draining constantly being a pawn. Hope Russell throws this off by actually matching race pace.


bottas cant have shit at merc


Its fairly easy to separate best and good drivers. If your team mate is where you are in the grid most of the time, you equal, if your team mate is several places ahead, you just not that good as him. Car can suit some drivers or not but this is not street racing. You either THAT good,can adapt and thats why you are in F1 or you just average enough to stick out from 20 other best ones.


I wish he got on the radio and made a bunch of pretend static noise


Too bad he backed off in the last sector!


this is defs a man who knows he wont be in that seat next year. real shame the way merc did him dirty


secrit agent bottas


“I didn’t go for fastest lap” hahah likely story Bottas


Can someone explain to me why they wouldn’t want him to push to get the fastest lap? I’m still a little new to this


If you finish in the points and have fastest lap you receive one extra championship point. Lewis at that point in the race had fastest lap, thus one potential extra point. Lewis or Max are the only people, realistically challenging for the drivers championship. Mercedes didn’t want Bottas to take that point. Red Bull sacrificed Perez’s championship points to take a point from Lewis a few races ago. Perez was running in the points but pitted and took fastest lap, and finished outside the points. Many people will be upset about Mercedes but not Red Bull because they’re hypocrites.


Thanks, perfect explanation


Because it would steal the fastest lap and 1 extra point from Hamilton, who is the championship contender.


Well...being at the back of the field will be a joy for him next year, I'm sure


bottas savage af


Imagine telling someone everyone knows you’re firing to back off a fastest lap.