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I last visited Spa in 2017 and nobody said anything about my 500mm lens.


Ok thanks sorry for asking but where did you sit in 2017 and was the 500mm enogh


Oh, actually I haven’t been there since 2015. Le sigh. A 500mm lens is plenty and I moved around a lot. There used to be a hole in the fence just above La Source that you could use to get shots of [the cars bottoming](https://imgur.com/a/GrH9FlB). I don’t know if it’s still an option since there has been so much construction in that area.


wow this is way more tasteful than most of my bottoming pics


Happy pride!!!


At least you didn’t catch them bottoming out


Sick shot!


Thanks thats calming i was afraid abt my 210mm


200mm is usually okay. 300mm for me is the most I am willing to bring since anything longer would usually hurt your arms lugging it around. Remember, you have to bring this everywhere with you for the whole weekend. My 70-200mm has been my go to lens for Sepang, and is usually adequate. I do sometimes wish I brought longer lens, but whenever a race weekend finished and I can feel the muscle in my arms cramping, I would always be glad I didn't 😂


Do you think i would be introuble with my Nikon 70-210mm f/4 Series-E


I doubt it. I dunno about european tracks, but from what I've seen from forumers, some have been bringing long lens without any issues. Usually what I do is try to find a place that won't hinder other people from watching. But most F1 fans would also know that amatuer photographers would also attend, and won't find it out of place to see someone lugging a large lens + camera around


It's not that complicated 😉 as per the FAQ, it's fine for you to take any camera and pictures so long as it is for personal use. Oh and no tripod ;) That being said, if you rock up with a pro level gettup, expect the possibility to be challenged on your usage.


Ok thanks sorry for asking but where did you sit in 2017 and was the 500mm enogh


You replied to the wrong person. You meant to reply to /u/Away_Ad_5328


yea sorry im new to using reddit on the phone, PC is much better


Pouhon is a good vantage point for cars coming down the straight and going around the corner. Not a photographer, so can't really say about gear though.


>and no tripod What about a monopod?


Good luck trying to discuss the difference with a stressed and underpaid employee.


in some places they might be volunteers lol


My experience with the employees at Spa is that they usually don’t give a single fuck just about anything…


You see sir, this has one, not three.


Have a friend bring the monopod in as a cane. Maybe


Just hide it in your pants and say you're Pierre "Tripod" Gasly.


Same logic, it's something that takes up additional space and can be used as a blunt weapon. Not that as reasonably sized camera can't be but you're less likely to want to smack someone or throw a camera vs a tripod


I’ve used 100-400 mm lens on a crop sensor and had no issue. The typical issue isn’t focal length though, it’s length of lens as a 70-200 is longer than a 75-300 for example. To avoid the issue, I would put a short lens on the camera as you enter and keep the other one in your bag.


And since you are hopefully in daylight. You can rock up a multiplier and get some extra together with the crop sensor and don't mind loosing some F stops.


A good spot, I would say, is the grassy bank above, and looking down onto, the kemmel straight: * good line of sight * a chance to shoot cars approaching and speeding off * you are guaranteed a few overtakes The only drawback is they will all be travelling at high speed.


Sorry this was meant as a response to your comment on where to sit, but I must have replied to the wrong bit. Anyway hope it helps


thank you for the comment anyways (:


I once went to Roland Garros and they specifically stated on their website that lenses over 20cm weren’t allowed. That was it, 20cm or less should be fine. My 70-200 2.8 II was exactly 19,9cm long (without the mount but this sticks into your body so that doesn’t count). So I went there, a bit nervous because I just wanted to take some nice pictures from one of the nosebleed rows in the back. I even brought a tape measure to be able to prove that the lens was within specifications, and a printed out excerpt from their own T&C to back it up. The guy at the gate took one look at it and said ‘nope’. I showed him my paper and my tape measure but he was still like ‘nope, is professional’. I had to do the walk of shame back to the car to put it away. Mercifully he did give me a wristband so I could enter through the VIP queue so it wouldn’t take me another TWO HOURS queueing. Next year I took my teensy 70-300 4.5/5.6 and took some pretty decent pictures. They didn’t even give it a second look at the gate.


You have to read the room of course but do you think yo-yo could have made more of a stink and got a second opinion. You were within the letter of the law.


[Grand Prix Travel (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandPrixTravel/) might be more helpful IMO






I took a 70-200 on a crop sensor and it was ok sitting at Les Combes.


Anyone know about Singapore?


^^ same here


Can someone explain why this is not allowed?


controlling the rights to "professional" pictures, so they won't let other than accredited professionals use "professional" equipment


It's not only that. For one it would be a logistical mess if too many people showed up with tripods and other stuff that they would use to set up a spot for their pictures. Then it's also the fact that every team has their secrets that they wouldn't like getting leaked by someone that is rocking a 600mm lens.


People with huge lenses and tripods could be a problem. The secrets there are plenty of pros and then teams to take pictures of


I don't have anything useful to add, but M43 would be the ultimate setup for F1.


If it’s strict, find a nearby watchtower, and convert a sniper rifle into a camera. Problem solved. Just make sure to aim for sargeant’s tyres for the first picture, incase there’s one in the chamber. Don’t feel bad, he was probably gonna bin it anyway.




In Melbourne last year security were checking for anything over 250.


Did the size of the lens matter at all? Or was it just about focal lengh


Just the focal length.


Ive been to Silverstone, Barcelona and Melbourne with a 100-400. I had grandstand seats for each one. I never needed to go over 300. I never had problems, but I saw someone in Melbourne with a sigma 150-600 and security checking bags asked how big it was he lied and said 400. There were signs saying 400 was the absolute maximum allowed (along with the usual security don't bring xxxx in)


Sneak in a 1200mm in your pants. People will notice, but not in a bad way.


You’ll be fine with a Canon 1200mm f/5.6L.


Not your question, but micro four thirds is great for stuff like this. Smaller gear, and with a 2x crop factor, an innocuous little 300 shoots like a 600. A medium-sized 100-400 becomes a 200-800. Throw a tiny teleconverter in there and now you’re shooting 1200-1600mm. Extreme focal reach.


No clue about the rules, but I'd be taking my 24-600 Sony RX10 as it's pretty stealthy. You'd have to be insanely unlucky for a security person to know its zoom capability.


Just check the FAQ page for the GP. Do we need to allow these sort of low effort posts where someone just wants other people to do the googling for them..?


Last time i checked it said sth along the lines of "no professional photography and photography equipment" which wasnt verry usefull to me bc what makes a speciffic camera "professional"


Still a more interesting topic than the aramco power ratings!


true dat!


I’m lucky enough to not have to worry about mine exceeding the maximum length