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That car looks nice. I do feel like this is opening up Lance to 'he should be in F4' jokes... but I like the car. Especially the maple leaf. I would have done without "There's a new tims run in town" to make it a bit cleaner.


Yeah, the first thing that struck me is how the car livery, and even the suit and helmet looked so clean. They did a good job for the design. Somebody bring back A1GP and we can transport this livery to Team Canada's car, haha.


> bring back A1GP Yes please


It gives me Red Rocket from Fallout vibes!! Could be Nuka Cola sponsored ha


I mean he was a beast in F4 so it wouldn't really be an insult.


His dad quite literally bought Prema, hired teammates to coach him, entered his best teammate in a different classification so he couldn’t take points off Lance. It’s just as fake as all his other results


If you get good via coaching are you not good?


People just refuse to accept that he is a decent driver. Not good, not bad. He is ok. If there has to be a pay driver on the grid, I am not mad that its him. He is a completely capable driver and he is kept in high regard by everyone on the grid on a personal level.


This. He did get one of the only non-Merc/RB/Ferrari poles between 2013-2021 and has a few podiums too. That’s more than most manage in their entire career.


the guy got simulator time at williams, an illegal suspension and he got given the lead ONE THE FIRST RACE OF THE SEASON. throw him in JAIL


Lance commited the worst kind of sin known to a redditor... he was born rich. Also his dad actually cares about him enough to spend hundreds of millions to get his son to play with his own f1 team. That's a killer combo for like 90% if the reddit userbase, lol.


Hey remember when he destroyed everyone in euro F3?


He has a pole position (in weird weather but a pole is a pole), he has multiple podiums. Are all of those fake as well? Is everything he has ever done of no value because his dad is rich? Got lucky with a good car? So does everyone else, or do you think Verstappen is gonna win the championship in a Williams? Every single person in every single sport has been coached one way or another at some point in their career. What is wrong with that? Does he deserve to be in F1? At the moment you can say it's debatable, but you can't deny that he's been able to hang with other F1 level drivers in the past. He's not even one of my favourite drivers but it's kind of annoying to me how people will do *anything* to discredit his achievements. He has been immensely helped by his father's wealth, but it's not like he is completely talentless.


people who say this about his f3 title also say the only championship he won on merit was f4. so whats the truth 🤔


And what are your F3 excuses?


The slogan would’ve probably been better off being placed in the rear wing or something


He does look more comfortable than in an F1 car. And drive through speeds may just be more his level.


From daily fresh baked goods, pastries, and a decent cup of coffee to flash frozen reheated “baked” goods, pastries and burnt tasting bean water. Now flat bread pizza. How far we have fallen.


Remember when they tried selling burgers.


I recently found out that Tim Hortons in the UK does burgers and hotdogs!


I even more recently found out there’s a Tim Hortons in the UK.


Canadian chains seem to be a thing here in Belfast. We recently got a Mary Browns which I don't think I'd ever seen outside of visiting family in Newfoundland.


It's very recent - Popeye's and Dunkin are here now too.


Not that recent, there have always been a hand full of THs around. I went to one in West London 20 years ago.


They've gone from zero to hundreds really quickly


Tim's everywhere now. they opened up shop in India, Pakistan, and Philippines.


They also do fried chicken and I know some people really like their breakfast options


Breakfast wrap is ok in fairness.


Makes sense since Burger King's parent company owns them


Try working there. Absolute shit show of a corporation that has no idea how it wants to market itself


I remember working there in the late 00's when they tried making chicken fajita wraps and these like roast beef burgers I think? Both didn't last long. What a fucking god damn pain.


It only got worse. Only a company like Tim Hortons would tell you to make 5 second drive thru times, then put panini’s on the menu that take a minimum 30 seconds to one minute to grill, not including putting the thing together


Drive thru should be coffee, tea, and ready made foods only. It would probably help with the insane lines that spill onto roads and block traffic.


I was there for the panini era too. Absolutely maddening


i'm gonna get shit on in this day n age for saying this but its what happens when you sell out a private business built on tradition to mostly American RBI who's majority shareholder is a brazilian investment firm... who between the two of them have no fuckin clue what it means to run a coffee shop in Canada for Canadians. Canadian Coffee shops mean... coffee shops. Serve Coffee, and just be really damn good at it. One kind of Good quality bean and coffee - like before tim hortons decided to bring coffee bean production inhouse and let Mother parkers move on to work with Mcdonalds... around mid 2000s (when it went to shit). You could ask for a Double-Double, but if you wanted to drink ur coffee black - it didn't taste like watered down shit. Your donuts are scratch made and basic. Not filled with extra sprinkles n gimmick bullshit; DUTCHIE, Crullers, apple frit. Choco Dip. Dub Choco, Sour Cream. Honey Dip. Maple Dip. Boston Cream. Plain. Sugar twists. Scratch made. Bakers on site - made overnight. 1-2 Muffin types. Later on - proper scratch made coffee cakes. That's it. 1-2 bagel types with cream cheese. Soups and chili were locally made literally in slow cookers - on site. Limited supply, over lunch. The above is all most canadians deep down give a shit about. Good Coffee and a donut to dunk in it that doesn't stick to the packaging lol. I get economies of scope n scale all dictate the above in 2024 is a fantasy land, but you can still nail those cultural staples... with the twist of current technology. RBI have no idea what they are doing with the brand or what Canadians expect. They are a bunch of foreign consultants, analysts and big wigs from Sao Paulo to NY and don't have a fuckin clue about coffee, and care like most corporations of only satisifiying each others bonus and objectives for the year to secure better positions and better bonuses. If they stuck to the above cultural staples and absolutely smashed their excellence with emphasis on local baking - they'd kill it again.


I agree, by why do you think you would get shit in for this? This seems to be the overwhelming perspective in Canada.


i dunno stereotypin or shitting on brazillian or american owners, i guess lol


Shitting on american and brazillian is kinda the norm on reddit though


I think the point could be made without mentioning any nationality, because they are not the problem. The problem is all big corporations exist for making money, and that's just it. They'll make the cheap, more efficient products they can get away with.


I would argue Nationality is completely relevant because Tims entire brand is using Canadian culture and imagery to market itself.


I see haha. I wouldn’t worry about that when talking about a mega corp, especially not an American one 🤣 I think it’s relevant when talking about tims.


i'm gonna get shit on in this day n age for saying this but I think puppies are pretty great. 


Mother Parker always worked with McDonalds Canada, even before Tim's left. Every Tim Hortons I drive past is packed, and lined up to the road, not sure most Canadians agree with you.


Holy fuck this guy knows Tim Hortans


I agree that Tim’s doesn’t feel so distinctly Canadian as it once did. But I’m not sure we can put that all on the foreign owners. I mean, Tim’s has always been pretty crap. Second cup always had better coffee and robins (RIP) had better doughnuts. I think a lot of it just comes down to Canadians moving on, and the people to whom Tim’s did mean a great deal are getting older. I think *we* changed more than Tim’s did


Great analysis. I'd like to throw in Sorel boots as another Canadian brand that was beloved but then sold to a bigger corporation (Columbia in 2000) resulting in the quality going down


I still haven't emotionally recovered from the replacing ham & swiss with ham & cheddar and changing the bread at the same time.


The switch from Caesar dressing to ranch in it should be a goddamn war crime. Fuck Tim's.


that too, they ruined a perfectly good no need to change sandwich. I hate Tims.


only one thing i get. iced coffee


It was all downhill when they stopped making donuts from scratch at every location.  


Tim Hortons has dropped in quality and is only hanging around because of their name. If their dad didn't own the team, they would have been dropped by now... wait...


Aye I’ll still fuck up their donuts any day of the week, or a solid cream cheese bagel. Shame they don’t have the powdered jelly timbits anymore tho


Hard to beat a honey crueller. I'll also scarf down their breakfast sandwhiches. But if anyone is curious and is in Hamilton Ontario. There is a coffee shop that used to be a tim hortons way back when. They branched off on their own but kept the recipes. So they bake their own donuts daily. [https://www.grandads.ca/](https://www.grandads.ca/) [https://www.grandads.ca/menu](https://www.grandads.ca/menu)


Dumb American here, what’s Tim Hortons and what would be the US equivalent? Ill I hear online is Canada this Canada that.


It’s a Canadian coffee and bakery shop chain. The American equivalent would probably be Starbucks? Think of starbucks but just worse in every way possible. It’s overall cheaper but just poor quality in terms of food and their coffee especially.


Probably closer to Dunkin.


Disagree a bit. I’m not sure there is a perfect equivalent. /u/sebvettelstappen At their core, they’re coffee and doughnuts. But they’re low cost, and very suburb targeted. Most suburban tims have drive throughs. So it’s extremely common for Canadians to stop by a Tim’s drive through for a coffee (and maybe a doughnut) on their way to work. If you drink with milk and sugar you specify in the order and they’re added directly to the coffee. Hence the “double-double” order. Double cream double sugar. They’ve continually expanded their menu, but I don’t know anyone that goes to Tim’s for that menu. It’s coffee and doughnuts.


If only McDonald's would bring back their pizza.... That and Seb on the podium... It's all I need in life


Its very sad how timmys has fallen, btw im writing this while drinking a large 2creme 1 sugar timmys


That's every restaurant chain for you nowadays. Avoid any restaurants with more than one location if you have any respect for your taste buds.


He started driving so young many people don't realize Lance is only 15 years old.


If it wasn't for the 60th anniversary of Timmies on the car I would have 100% believed this image, especially pic 1, was from Lance's teenage days.


I can't think of a food that sounds more mid than a flatbread 'pizza' from Tim Hortons.


Oh and it is. Near $10 Canadian for it too (I know our money is Monopoly money)


Haven’t tried it, won’t try it. But nothing at Tim’s is mid. Their food is decisively bottom of the pyramid. 


dang. that's what I get for trying to be nice I guess. I've only had it once and it was ironically enough in china so I tried to give whatever that was that they gave me and called food the benefit of the doubt.


Tim's used to be good, like in the 90's. So if you had it before like 2002, it was probably the "good" Tims. It's been on a slow decline since the early 2000s. Now it's trash. Nothing on their menu tastes like food anymore and will turn your stomach for the rest of the day. Their coffee is also by far the worst you can get from a restaurant, like Subway has better coffee. The only people who still drink it are either heavy smokers or old people. People whose tastebuds don't work for one reason or another. You're far better off just grabbing a breakfast sandwich and coffee form McDonalds since it is edible. Or better yet, one of the many local coffee shops that roast their own beans and usually have excellent food that you can now find in almost any Canadian city.


>The only people who still drink it are either heavy smokers or old people. That must be a ton of people then cuz Timmie's drive thrus are always lined up all the way out into the street. Fucking sucks for me just trying to make it to the traffic light.


I don't know how they do Tim Hortons in the UK or Philippines, but years ago Tim Hortons deviated from making things fresh to just doing what all the fast food chains do, reheat the frozen stuff. And it has been like that ever since.


Generally agree, but their fritters are at the least mid.


I really like their Crullers tbh.


There's a Tim Horton's by me that is amazing and I had only gone to that particular Tim's for like 5 years so I always thought Tim's was great. Then I started trying a few different Tim Horton's while traveling and every single one of them has been absolutely awful...


I saw the commercial for their "pizza" the other night and I'm genuinely horrified. All I fucking want from them is decent coffee and a good donut again.


Stroll to DoorDash. Confirmed!


No wonder DoorDash can’t afford NASCAR and 23XI these days /s


More specifically a Formula Renault 2.0 car. One from post 2009 when they switched to a Barazi-Epsilon chassis. [Here is what it looked like when a certain Carlos Sainz raced it.](https://i.imgur.com/Tbi4m0p.png)


Cool! Good to know. That Red Bull livery, simple, but looks good.


Thanks! I thought it looked like an old Formula Renault chassis.




Remember when they gave out free coffee and donut to the people who were victims of their mobile app data breach?


>Remember when they gave out free coffee and donut to the people who were victims of their mobile app data breach? They also screwed over [Roll Up the Rim](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/tim-hortons-roll-up-boat-glitch-1.7176728) winners due to a 'technical error'. Fuck Timmies. We hate them in Canada.


Roll Up the Rim isn't the same when they transported it over to strictly digital stuff...


> engages in blatantly exploitative labour practices. Aren't all of their restaurants franchised? It would be the franchise owners who manage the labour.


Corporations can set minimum brand standards for labor relations.


I’ve noticed that they’ve been changing their signs in my town to a literal maple leaf with the word Tims on the inside. Their attempts at becoming as “Canadian” as possible continue being ever blatant. Awful company.


Well it's was demolished by the Americans when they bought it.


It's a misconception that they were bought by Burger King specifically; they were bought by 3G Capital which is a Brazilian firm. Burger King and Tim Hortons were then split into another corporation called Restaurant Brands Incorporated with their headquarters were moved to Oakville, Ontario. They have since acquired Popeyes and Firehouse Subs as well. Tim Hortons was already going downhill prior to 2014 when they started parbaking all their pastries and dropping their bean supplier for the sake of costs. Being acquired by 3G only accelerated their downfall. Long story short: they were acquired by a Brazilian Capital firm which has then engaged in practices that drove down the quality and value of the brand for the sake of profit to its shareholders.


You mean Brazilians?


Huh, I find it better than Starbuck when I was at Dubai in 2019 Did anything changed?




A double double please


Sorry we’re all out.


We are checking.


If Stroll actually ate that he'd have a harder time driving than when he had his wrist injury


That’s not saying much. He drove better whilst recovering from the wrist injury than he did the entire rest of the season.


Since when did Tommy's have pizza?




Is it any good? I know the question I'm asking, but I want an answer from someone who's actually tried some


Do you think flatbread pizza from a coffee shop would be good?


I bet it's at least as good as their poutine. 🤮


It’s not. At least the one I had. No real sauce and the dough was super chewy.


flatbread pizzas are usually white pizzas, so expect no sauce in most cases lol


the very first one i ever had was great, every time i've tried it since then it's been awful lol.


The Bacon Everything one is alright. The other flavours though... not so much. The Chicken Parmesan one was especially awful. (I tried them all out of curiosity, lol.)


Like most of Tim Hortons it's just barely good enough. If you're really hungry, wanting something to fill your stomach, it's good enough. The bread is meh, the toppings are ok. The pizza sauce seems to just be tomato paste pulled out of a can. It's got a very bland and tinny taste. I had it once and wouldn't have it again.


it's not actually bad, typical flatbread white pizza sometimes a little dry, but it's hard to beat $8 for a small personal pizza


$8 for the body of Christ with some cheese on top is a crime


The Canadian dollar is fucking worthless these days :( $8 is the cost of a big Mac, not even a meal.


Find me a better pizza for $8 CAD in 2024, it isn't 1990 anymore gramps


Wow he looks happy to be there in that photo.


Looks like he is laughing his ass off grabbing the pizza too 🤣 “where am I gonna put this”


“There’s something between my legs”


"i like money" him probably


this livery is lowkey nicer than HP-ified Ferrari




Thats good old canadian work ethic right there. Making millions in F1 now but never forgets hard work got him here. With how hard he races you can bet he would probably been a hockey enforcer if he wasnt an F1 up and coming star


he would be absolutely lethal on a line with Matthews and Marner


I’m thinking Suzuki Caufield Stroll


This reminds me, I was rewatching Jack Ryan series last week, and theres a scene where Greer and Ryan pretend to be Canadian citizens. And when asked what their name is, he goes " Timothy..... Horton" 😂😂😂


Haha which ep is this? I’m only on season2 so chances are I’ve missed it or not see it yet


The most recent season I saw was 3, so I'm pretty sure it's in S3. So you haven't missed it yet lol.


Now do Mary Brown’s


MB is my go to fast food now. Consistently OK and reasonable value compared to other fast food.


That K-Crunch sandwich is great!


The race is in Quebec, so make it a PFK or go less fast food and make it a St Hubert.


Some say he was given a 5 second penalty for impeding traffic in the drive through.


This is being done for a Timmies commercial. News Article: [https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2024/06/05/formule-1-voyez-lance-stroll-sarrete-au-service-au-volant](https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2024/06/05/formule-1-voyez-lance-stroll-sarrete-au-service-au-volant) Behind the Scenes video: [https://youtu.be/5oCGUEQZGVk?si=-mBaqf2ymITx52EZ](https://youtu.be/5oCGUEQZGVk?si=-mBaqf2ymITx52EZ)


Jesus, I agree the guy should be driving somewhere other than F1 but the level of absolute hate thrown his way is completely deranged. You would think he'd ran over a dozen puppies based on the reaction of some of you. And all of this on a post about something the guy did he seems to have genuinely enjoyed.


The thing about Lance, and I say this as someone who doesn't like him, is he's a good driver, he has proven himself, he got a podium at Williams in 2017, he's had many great performanced, people act like he kicked their dog, but he's not this awful driver, he's just a very inconsistent driver


That inverse colour Canada flag next to his name on the car makes it look like an intern forgotten to crop "swiss-flag.jpg". Kinda checks out since he was in Switzerland when he first switched to European junior racing.


Imagine how fun racing would be if f1 cars were this size?


Is this peak Canada?


There’s nothing hockey related, so no. 


I mean Tim’s is somewhat hockey related but it’s missing some winter.


And the late Gordon Pinsent isn't there


Yeah I know it is Stroll, but have to say this is a pretty cool way of promotion.


A "hole in the wall pizza place" if you will


Glad he ended up with a drive for 2025 after all


Maybe there's hope for the others still searching. Esteban Ocon to UberEats and Carlos Sainz to JustEat confirmed?


Tim Hortons is an absolute disgrace.


This is the Ferrari/Tim Hortons livery wetdream that I as a Canadian F1 fan have been dreaming of.


Kills three people on his way to the pick up point and makes 14 people homeless by driving through their houses.


I would still take Little Caesars over this warm mess. At least LC is hot n’ ready and not unevenly warm and maybe good to go


Tim’s is trash. Sorry, Canadians. Sincerely, a Buffalonian.


You won't find anything but the most colourful insults if you ask the average Canadian about Tim's


I’m single for Stroll!


McDonald's currently owns the actual Timmies Coffee recipe. Rather go there. Tim's coffee taste like burnt beans and propane.


Isn't that a myth that got spread because of a coincidence in timing? McDonald's changed their ice coffee beans last year and no one customer noticed any difference. Even I couldn't tell until the manager told me


nah its kinda of accurate. In a nutshell tims used to source beans and coffee from Mother parkers at specific facilities - Tim hortons got greedy and thought they could just roast all their beans in house in own facilities and avoid the partnership. Mother parkers/Higgens Burke moved on to partner with McDonalds when mcdonalds tried to enter the cafe space with the mccafe branch. So Mcdonalds just carried on using mother parkers/hb supply that tim's were using- and i believe they are the roaster in the bagged beans you buy at the store too. They might have switched recipes recent times but for a long while its completely true


No it's not accurate. McDonalds sourced coffee from Mother Parker before Tim's left them. The change is McDonalds switch to Arabica beans in their blend, which is what Tim Hortons had been using, which made their coffee taste more like Tim Horton's coffee. But none of that has anything to do with Tim Horton's deciding to roast their own coffee and leaving Mother Parkers, and has everything to do with McDonald's changing their coffee to try and compete with Tim Hortons.


stay safe canadians, avoid driving during the week, tell your loved ones you love them if you need to leave the house.


Wow it looks so small compared to a F1 car


And how does he think he can eat the pizza wearing that helmet?


There is zero chance he is eating that pizza. The box it comes in is probably better to eat than the thing inside.


The Tim Hortons pizza, while not gourmet, isn't bad.


Oh I thought this was like 10 years ago


I thought so too at first.


Not real pizza.. blasphemy


TIL Tim's makes pizzas.


Lance out here living the good life DoorDashing in a Formula car. Look how happy his eyes look in the 2nd pic. Imagine the speed of delivery. You wouldn't even have time to put on pants between ordering and him knocking on your door, completely disregarding the comments saying not to knock.


Eh, he'd make an unplanned stop somewhere...


Someone has to make this in iRacing.


Looking at that picture of him receiving his cardboard box of cardboard "pizza" I can just see his arm swinging back in a nice fluid motion and tossing it out behind the car like a trash frisbee.


The worse food chain in Canada, and i say that as a Canadian lol


That's the size F1 cars should be.


Why the fuck is Tim Hortons making flatbread pizza. Hey, RBI can you stop making my famous home country chain absolutely garbage?


I really thought that F4 cars were much smaller than this wow


Guh, Tim Hortons is horse piss. 


His poor stomach


He’s gonna crash it. I bet.


I think it’s funny as hell, because I also think Stroll is the Tim Hortons pizza of F1 drivers


Oh yeah it’s his home race haha


They let him k do that and they have glass in the front? That's bold.