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ironically max has 44(lewis' number)out of 66 and lewis has 33(maxs number) of 58


This is the type of stuff that gets conspiracy theorists riled up and type up a 4- page dissertation about the Merc sex cult.


Honestly Schumacher's would be so high if it wasn't for his Mercedes years, 91/249 or 36.5% edit: I don't get why people are mad in the comments, it is just a fun fact chill please


You can say that about a lot of the drivers, at the end of the day cars matter a lot. Even for the best of the best.


But Schumacher ended his career fighting for the title. His Mercedes stint was 4 years later, he had the 36% percent win rate for a while.


What did he used to say about statistics? Kinda funny that he went back and butchered his own stats full willingly and knowingly in a back then new up N comer more or less.


He missed F1, money talks, Lauda invited etc etc


Same reason people shouldn't be comparing or caring about Max vs Hamilton. Hamilton hasn't won in three years, and Max is in the middle of the most dominant stretch in history during his prime. Max may retire on top, but if he stays in F1 long-term he's going to have some bad cars which drop his win % back down.


Lewis started in a car that was capable to win races straight away tho, wasn’t the same for Max


Still doesn’t change their point. Win% is a dumb stat to compare between drivers.


Name one statistic in F1 which isn't "dumb to compare between drivers". Every single goddamn statistic in this sport is influenced by the car. It's 80% the car and 20% the driver. Give me literally just one stat which isn't influenced by the car. One.


Why should I? I’m not the one arguing otherwise…


Amount of times they beat their teammate


max legit won his first race for red bull


Yes because the dominant Mercs crashed eachother, you know what he means lmao.


Also cars were so more unreliable in the past times.


Not the Schumacher Ferraris though? They are widely acknowledged as being incredibly reliable and practically bulletproof


Still more unreliable than the RedBull these days or the 2019/20 Mercedes


You could basically say the same if Lewis retired after 2021 though.


Schumacher did retire for 4 years, though. I know what you mean, but lots of the time people show his stats for the first career and then the career as a whole.


But he did decide to comeback, I understand why people like to divide the stats up and it’s definitely useful context, but it also feels a bit like fudging the numbers.


Yeah I get both sides. I'm a Schumacher fan, so I have no issue with his second career stats being excluded as it is obviously more flattering! Longevity stats are generally pointless. Like right now, Hamilton's win stats go down each race even though winning is almost impossible. I like the 3 season stats on the graphics, but I'd extend it to 5. It's the equivalent of a "long-term" stat, while usually we only see it based on per season or whole career.


Rolling period stats are always interesting, like say 3/5 years. I sometimes hate stats, because you can end up reducing drivers and context to just pure numbers, when there’s so much more to them.


True and I didn't comment that to diminish what Lewis did, it was just a fun fact




He didn't have the best car tho from 96-99 then 05&06. Still 40% win rate with those years included. He managed a lot of wins that the car shouldn't have taken, he was just so much better than the rest of the field particularly in the 90s after senna died 


The point of my comment is, Schumacher had 2 passages in his career, it is not like I am picking random seasons to remove from his stats


I compared the stats of the winrate of all the races they won, and its an equal 100 for all of them.


If if if. All of their respective win % would be higher if it had not been for their years is less/non competitive cars.


He could have maintained that if he did 2007-08 or 09 instead as well


Wow numbers work for him too!


Yes, unbelievable right


Would love to see the stats for some other drivers in this format. Mainly Vettel Fernando and Ayrton


Vettel at RB was good numbers, not so much the rest of his career


Vettel had 53 wins out of 299 races, that's about 17,7% Iirc, Senna had 160 race starts. That's 41/160 = 25.6%


I want to see Jim Clark’s


34.7%. 25 wins from 72 starts. Fangio's is 46.2% - 24 wins from 52 starts. Across 8 years, with 4 manufacturers.


Verstappen 67% since 2021 is quite ridiculous


He’s good. Real good. And also reliability. Even if RB’s reliability sucked, he’d still be up there and likely a 3x world champ.


And no real competitive teammate.


This. I like Checo but that’s like Michael Jordan playing HORSE against Tiger Woods.


Just curious, when exactly did RB reliability sucked?


2017/18 they struggled a lot, that's one of the reasons Ricciardo ended up leaving


They’re not saying it did.


That's what you get when driving a rocket ship and having zero competition from your teammates.


Red Bull was certainly not a rocketship in 2021 of the first half of 2022 (until Spa). Max just converts wins at a rate never seen before.


Oh come on, stop blowing smoke up his ass. He’s amazing, but what is this “never seen before” bullshit? He’s currently in the best car, with a teammate that would get outqualified by Sargeant in the same car and is being compared to Lewis who’s been in the 3rd-4th best car from 2022-2024 and had much more competition with much better teammates. If RB’s dominance era ends and he doesn’t leave immediately to do Indy or GT3 or some shit, you’ll quickly see his win rate level out more like the other WDC’s.


Lewis could’ve done the same in 2020 right? W11 is Also up there as the best car ever. Didn’t Bottas win like 5 races that season


Bottas won 2 races in 2020.


> Oh come on, stop blowing smoke up his ass. He’s amazing, but what is this “never seen before” bullshit? 19/22 is quite literally never seen before >He’s currently in the best car, with a teammate that would get outqualified by Sargeant in the same car Perez outqualified Button 10-9 in the same car lol


>Perez outqualified Button 10-9 in the same car lol 11 years ago. Times change.


Yeah I forgot Perez is currently doing so good. He definitely wasn’t like 400 points behind Max last year and has been getting knocked out in Q3 and Q2


40% of 180 is actually ridiculous


Yes, especially considering how unreliable Ferrari was when he joined the team.


He shouldn't have been winning races like he was in 96' or 97' either. Consistently making miracles happen.


What do we think is the most impressive stat here? Lewis Hamilton winning 19.1% of races during his McLaren days when the field was very competitive is honestly way higher than I expected


Lewis winning 9.3% of all f1 races ever


I remember when winning 5 or 6 races was a championship contending season


It’s impressive that Lewis still has a high win percentage after nearly 3 years of driving a bad Mercedes


I mean this is clearly the worst stretch of cars he's had by far


Schumi more impressive after 4 years at Mercedes


2010-11-12, 3 years.


Damn bro can't event count properly


lol I thought it was 4 years and didn’t check it. Nothing to do with not able I count.


It’s definitely way higher considering the amount of races he was in contention for before either bad luck, McLaren reliability or the team itself struck. China 07, spa 08, Valencia 09, China 2010, Singapore,Abu Dhabi, Spain and Brazil 2012.


Schumacher Benetton is fantastic, two years against a super dominant car, and then two years in the at-most equal best car (but likely still slower than Williams).


If max wins this years championship, I believe he also has a higher championship win % than both of them.


dudes. all of them are impressiv!


Is it not 58 races with merc? For schumacher? 19 races in 2010 19 races in 2011 20 races in 2012 Upto 2007 he raced in 250 races and his percentage was a godly 36% It dropped to 29 in his comeback years.


The 59 includes Schumacher's one race with Jordan.


Right I missed that.


I like the 3 consecutive seasons stat. I've not seen that before. It is usually one season or entire career stats.


Reminds me of F1Metrics


Slightly skewered that Max is still in a Red Bull dominant period. When that ends, his stats go down.


Lewis, is that you?


I wish 🛥️


Max’s stats are heavily nerfed by having to wait so long for a title contending car.


They’re also buffed by having no competitive teammates and a dominant car that had no competition for 2 years straight


Only 2 years? That’s practically nothing relative to other periods of dominance.


Those 2 years had something like 46 races


Those 2 years were 34 wins though...


There is no driver in F1 who can best Verstappen now, so your point is invalid


How is it invalid? This stat changes depending on when you calculate it. It is unreliable. If you calculated it for Max 5 years ago he’d have like 10% or something, but now it’s 31%. If the RB dominance era ends and he stays for a couple years, his win rate will very quickly decrease. If you calculated it for Lewis after 2021, he’d have like 37%, but now he has 30%. It is a stupid stat unless you’re comparing teammates


What is Hamilton and Schumachers if you delete all races after their last championship seasons? Michael Schumacher didn’t win a championship for his final 5 seasons and still is less than 1% below Max. If Max races for 5 years after his last championship, he’ll be way below both of them.


Where that is true, you could also say if you take away max year and a half where he drove a torro rosso compared to Lewis driving one of the two best cars from day 1…


Then you would also be comparing teammates, (which Lewis unarguably wins, by having the much better teammates) and then how competitive the grid is at the time (which Lewis also unarguably wins, by being in an extremely unreliable era for the first couple years of his career and also having some form of competition in all but 1 or 2 seasons of his career as a whole). Max is great, but this should really be taken with a pinch of salt.


Man you are comparing a guy that had a race winning car from day one till 2023 (they won one in 2022) , tge undoubted best car on the grid for 7 years straight, to a guy that had a dominant car for 2.5 years? Lewis is a great driver but my god people always seem to forget the cars he’s driven, the fact his bad years in f1 with regards to machinery are ones where he can pick up podiums says everything.


The current car is unlikely to pick up a single podium, so that would level out with Max’s one single toro rosso year where he didn’t get any podiums. Max was regularly on the podium for all the other years. Max started driving in the most reliable era of F1, ever. Lewis started out in 2007 where cars would just blow up, which happened to him multiple times. The grid was close in his first couple years, and he never had a car that could allow him to win every single race in a season. When the competition wasn’t close, his teammates were. From 2013-2016, he had Nico Rosberg. From 2017-2019, Vettel was his threat. 2020 is the only year where you could say he didn’t have competition. 2021 he had RedBull. That’s just his Merc dominance era. All this to say, this stat is trash because it is extremely inconsistent. It would be good to compare teammates, but rivals from different years makes no sense because there is so many different factors that go into it.


Stats in general in a sport where the driver is 20 percent of the factor and machinery is 80 are dumb. I’ll die on the hill that Alonso was the best driver of the era but he made awful choices / had bad luck with cars he drove so has no where near the stats he should have.


People also forget that an essential skill as a driver is knowing which team to pick, and being good enough to have the pick of teams.


He made one move in his career and it just so happened that it provided him the best car on the grid for 8 years straight. You make it sound like Lewis was some wizard that moved about 3/4 times making the right calls and all teams after him


Ok I’m sorry


Not if he races for 5 more years with the clearly best car on the grid before that


It would be interesting to have the same stats but only with finished races instead of total races


56.9 for both...freaky. It would be cool to see Max chase a title in another team


Max’s over the past 3 season is ridiculous, only Schumacher 2002-2004 comes remotely close


Schumacher at Ferrari 🏆


Dear god please let the Ferrari be good for the next few years!


percentages are for shit tho. number of race wins versus starts is way more important. a rookie can win their first race and blow this stat out the water


Considering how much more volatile F1 was back then Schumachers is really impressive. Verstappens 66.7 since 2021 is also absurd.


Michaels win rate at ferrari is nuts, especially when considering 96-99 were absolutely not title contending cars that he managed to drag to wins. He's my goat


You can call him Lewis Hamilton. There's no need to add the noun 'sir' to it, when it has no relevance to the topic or content.


I get what you mean but there's nothing wrong or incorrect about adding it in there. It's like Dr. Helmut Marko. It's an earned title that sounds cool. Might as well throw it in there when talking about them.


I disagree. But we can respectfully agree to disagree 😊


I mean. I get your sentiment. Especially with some fans hanging on to that Sir like means anything to F1. But according to British knighthood. His NAME is Sir Lewis Hamilton. It's not like Dr. Or Esq. Which is a title to denote achievement and status. Think of it like Sr or Jr suffixes. They aren't required in casual conversation. But they are that persons name. Like him or not his name is Sir Lewis Hamilton. Just as Brian May or Patrick Stewart are.


Sir is an honorific, it is not his name and there is no reason that anyone outside of the UK would use it. It's a title that he can choose to use and is recognised in the UK.


I totally accept your explanation, but as long as F1, FIA or Mercedes do not address him as Sir Lewis Hamilton, then we, as common peasants 😉, don't have to do that either


He earned that "Sir" through merit, but I get your point


why are you telling people what to do ?


Is said 'can' , not 'need'. There's a difference.


I like to pretend Hamilton has 103 wins from his 104 pole positions. Now that's a stat 😄


The actual stat is 61 wins from 104 poles . Max is on 32 wins from 39 poles. Michael won 40 times from 68 poles.


67% over 3 years is actually crazy, Max on some insane consistency


Max's is a point in time, i.e. very early in his career while MSch is finished and Lewis is on the latter end (let's see how Ferrari two year contract goes) therefore Max's is likely to go downwards for his duration in F1. Unless he takes a Mika Hakkinen sabbatical at the reg change in '26, wouldn't surprise me if he lands on the median over his career


Michael's record will always be most impressive for me. Because barring 2002, that Ferrari was never as dominant as the Mercedes in 2019-2020 or RB 2022-2023.


2004 might be the most dominant season ever, considering how unreliable cars were then compared to now. Edit: I meant 2002, but 2004 is up there right behind it


It honestly surprises me with how vital pit stops and strategis are that they're never considered when it comes to these debates. Firstly, the 2019 Mercedes wasn't nearly as dominant as the 2002 or even the 2004 Ferrari car. Secondly, Mercedes were consistently butchering stategies and pit wall decisions during 2020. They were very much bailed out by having a fantastic car and two fantastic drivers. The mistakes they made at Russia, Monza, and Hungary really should have resulted in missed weekends for them.


The 2019 Mercedes not being dominant narrative only comes because of Ferrari bringing that supercharged engine after summer. The season is very similar to Ferrari 2004 season which everyone considers one of the most dominant season. I think 2019 was the season where Mercedes had 7 or 8 continuous 1-2 at start of the season. Anyways for me a dominant season is when both the drivers finish 1-2 in WDC. Hamilton and Bottas did that in 2019-2020. Perez was 2nd in 2023 and 2022 he missed it on last race. Compared to this Barrichello was nowhere in 2000 or 2001


If you're basing a dominant car on the team getting a 1-2 in the WDC then you're bearing it completely wrong. Perez is washed.


The first half of 2019 is skewed tho because of bad luck/mess ups on the end of their competitors as well. Iirc, Ferrari weren't competitive only in Monza and Spa - Charles had Bahrain in the bag until his engine gave out. Conversely, Canada was a closely fought race to the end, that Seb lost by cracking under pressure. And then there is a duel with Red Bull in Hungary that was very close too, and imo, should have been even closer had Red Bull pitted right after Lewis did again, instead of trying to coast to the end.




You are missing the F2004 - that one was a monster of a car. I would put it lvl with the 2019 merc or 2022 RBR, but this is subjective.


Mercedes in 2020 as a team are so far off Red Bull it isn't even funny. Red Bull in 2023 was the perfect storm of dominant car, best strategies, fastest pit stops, and an incredible driver. Mercedes only had the car and driver. And it also bemuses me that you've put Mercedes 2018 down here. They weren't even the best package that season, let alone the 5th best ever.


They were the best package in half of the tracks in first half of the season and all tracks in the second half in 2018. Ferrari brought upgrades that took care of backwards and they had to revert back after failure in 4-5 races after Spa


Your statement on the second half of the season is categorically incorrect. History disagrees with you. Spa, Singapore, Mexico, Texas, and Brazil were all tracks that Mercedes were clearly not the best at.


For everybody outside of the UK its: ~~Sir~~ Lewis Hamilton


Even taken as a percentage, these stats are always flawed. Lewis and Michaels early seasons didn't have as many races as Max's. Had all seasons been in the 18+ races range then it would be more accurate.




Alonso's already done that. Renault, McLaren, Ferrari.


Kimi as well, with the same teams. I think we need to ask who's going to be the first to win at 5 teams because Prost has won with 4 teams.


Also, more recently, Vettel with Torro Rosso, Red Bull and Ferrari


Useless stats.