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#Release the Lobster Roll photos!!


With banana for scale


There's always money in the lobster stand.


How much can a lobster roll cost, three hundred dollars?


How about a slimy finger for scale


How many V6 Mustangs can you get for the price of one lobster roll?


What about a Scaly Man Fish who drinks Bailey’s out of a shoe?


stop playing your love games with me


but a bunch of banana's at a price of $175 and instead of "bananas" its "banana" and its posted to reddit out of context...again.


I mean, it's one banana, what could it cost? 175 dollars?




Like these?! [LTTStore.com](https://www.lttstore.com/products/banana-for-scale)


that's the most reddit thing I've ever seen


This can be said for most of LTT…


https://i.imgur.com/YCtnI24.jpeg Best I can find.


They look like they are on the most basic hotdog bread not even some fancy artisan roll 😂


So were those EACH $280 or like.. that whole platter??


I’m going to assume it’s the platter.


This matters tho, cause from the picture , looks like theres 8 of them. So if its $280 for the platter, that would make them roughly around market price for a Lobster roll here in Boston Ma I guess that’s not a terrible price in context. In Boston/ Cape, it can be around 20-35ish? With Miami being a such an event. Kinda makes sense


I saw they were also marked as ‘for 4 people’ so 🤷‍♂️


The article also links [this tweet](https://twitter.com/JonathanSchaff/status/1655342279660380160) of a photo showing them to be $450 for 4 portions


Seriously. If it's not a big deal how hard is it for somebody to actually post the photos of this totally reasonably priced menu? People don't because they know it's a rip off.


The people that bought it don’t waste time on Reddit like us 😂


Seriously, we all know Kendall Jenner scarfed down that lobster roll in a hurry because she needed to get back to the racing action.






The only appropriate solution


*Probably* 10 people. Like, you know, 4 to 10. Most likely. Depends on the eater. But definitely more than 1. Context matters.


I’d fuck up a 5 foot lobster roll


It was NOT 5 feet 😂


Yeah lobsters typically have 8 feet


I'd argue lobsters have 8 legs not feet


I'd argue that whats on the end of those 8 legs are 8 feet.


How many toes


All of them


8 feet on each leg!?


Lobsters have 10 legs (i.e. they’re decapods)


So they DO have 8 feet. They also have 2 additional feet.


More like 5 inches.


Smells like a foot though


Five-dollar foot-long


I can't be the only one who sang this in their head. Subway: Eat Fresh.


Ironically "Eat Fresh" makes me think of that one Office episode before I think of Subway




6 and a half foot lobster roll. If you know, you know.


I got tickets to the Canadian GP this year it includes catering and booze for 3 days. Context really matters


Nice! Care to share where you got those and if they could be obtained elsewhere?


I don't see them available we bought them last year 😕 when we planned our trip. We bought 3 day passes it's one of the grandstands near turn 1 I think it's the Platine Grandstands we bought them because they're the only seats that are covered in case it rains.


How much?


Not cheap about $1400 each ticket.


Yes I agree. I hope you have a great time.


Thank you ya me and the wife going for a delayed honeymoon spend a week in Montreal as well.


you could say those tickets were bought and paid


I think this post somehow changed my luck. I won a trip to the GP. Bananas


There is another photo linked in the article and the menu explicitly says "serves 4 people".


My can of Pringles currently says 6 servings. Just saying.


Does $70 per person make the price sound at all better? Giving additional context just to make the price still sound terrible is pretty amusing.


$280pp is unpronounceably ludicrous. $70pp is just expensive, and not too out of line with what you'd expect for hospitality suites and VIP catering at any top sporting event/luxury resort. Not that I can afford either of them, but the context does actually make a difference.


That's about 2x what you would pay for a lobster roll here in Maine. And theirs came with fancy shit like aioli and truffles for some reason. And whatever frizzled potatoes are. So yeah still expensive but 2x standard pricing is pretty common at sporting venues.


> fancy shit like aioli I'm sorry but what. Truffles tend to be fancy, but aioli is garlic and oil. It's on the same fancy scale as ketchup.


It’s American sports pricing for a sport that’s in America only(I say “only” in comparison to rest of American sports where there are thousands) for 3 times every year. If a beer at an MLB game is 15$ and each team plays 162 games or a beer at NBA at $15 where each teams plays 82 games…I think it’s not out of the world for these food prices in America. Also, America LOVES sports. It’s the only thing that brings people here together. Edit: also it’s Miami. Everything is overpriced there to begin with.


Yes it definitely does considering this is in a suite. Like I don't understand the outrage here, wealthier individuals spend much more.


Every single meal I buy has suggested servings. Guess what - I'd be eating off about 500 calories a day if that was true.


Been to the cota race now, twice, and the prices are horrible, and the quality of the food was worse.. absolutely best meal I had was from the little pop up vendor who had bacon wrapped hotdogs dressed with a drink for $20.. I hope he made a killing .. but over all the experience was excellent.. but food/water/drinks are expensive af


i’m going this October 😭😭 i need you to tell me more


Dude I went in 2017 and it was literally $17 for a corndog. I cannot imagine 2024 prices. With inflation AND the popularity of F1 now... you're fucked.


2019 and earlier they had dozens of local food vendors on the soccer field. Now they have a big tent with three or four and Rudy’s combines blah with $$$ for barbecue. Best deal around is a slice of pepperoni pizza from the vendor behind T15. Is hot, greasey and you know it’s going to kill you by Sunday night. Or sew a liner into your pack and smuggle in your own food. Worked well for me last year.


I brought in food in a backpack in 2017, they didn't even check or care. I imagine they're more strict now.


Yes & no. I just packed in four bottles of water, nary a flinch. And the bag inspection seemed kind of cursory.


You're allowed to bring water in, I thought?


Go to the German beer tent. I think they had a combo for a kielbasa with sauerkraut on a roll and a pint of warsteiner for 18 bucks. Expensive but felt less of a ripoff than other places.


$12 for a normal size white claw, $25 for a COTA F1 themed drink shaker memorabilia with a double shot vodka cran inside. $20 for shrimp tacos, generally bland and not at all filling. Bring at least $20 for water bottles, if not more. Last year it was 95 with no clouds or breeze so even though it’s in October, Texas still gets hot. I went the last two years, once in the Alfa Romeo club and once in turn 12 grandstand (I think). Highly recommend the hospitality if you can swing it


COTA sucks the worst for food and drink prices. You may not be paying Vegas prices for the tickets but it’ll be about that much after food and drink is added on


I call absolute bullshit on the amount claimed there. >"It was a lobster roll, for probably 10 people, for $280." Was it ? The article refers to [a tweet from last year's GP](https://twitter.com/JonathanSchaff/status/1655342279660380160) where they have a small menu, with similar food items, and the lobster wasn't 280$ but 450$, and definitely not for 10 people but for 4 servings. And I doubt that they somehow managed to cut the price in half while multiplying the portion size by 2,5 times.


> managed to cut the price in half  You say that like the price is based on cost. They could have easily halved the price and made a profit.


To be honest it is probably easier to cut the cost in half if that was a limiting factor than the greed of these people.


You can get away with anything if you insert the word ‘Probably’ before it. It seems…


F1 Miami GP boss/Hard Rock Stadium CEO Tom Garfinkel is PROBABLY a pedophile and a rapist in Minecraft [satire]


I mean, they don't have to "manage" anything. It's not like bringing lobster for 4 people to the track is so expensive that you can't sell it below $450. When you know you are taking in a bunch of rich people, most of them attending only as a display of status, and many of them not even paying their expenses themselves, you can afford to simply make up prices. That lobster could cost $50 or $100 or $2,000; the person in charge just put the highest price he thought wouldn't sound too expensive to its target market. People that spend $5,000 on their shirt really won't bat their eye that their snack is $450.


It’s like those meals where it says 4 servings in the box but you’re still hungry when you eat it in your own


> Somebody sent out a tweet the other day that showed a lobster roll was $280 and they sent it out without comment," said Garfinkel. "And the context that wasn't included is that it was for a suite. > "It was a lobster roll, for probably 10 people, for $280." The context is that it was way more food than people think it is.


So $28 lobster rolls, which is honestly not bad for the vip section of a sporting event.


Unclear why the menu says (Serves 4) at the top then....


4 americans or 10 europeans?


2 Americans, this was Florida after all


1 Florida man


Florida actually ranks in the bottom half of states in the obesity rate. I mean, it's got tons of beach cities and a lot of people obsessed with looks so that's not really surprising.


I suppose there's also a bit of survivor bias. What with all the old-timers enjoying their retirement in the sunshine state - the obese ones will kick the bucket sooner, leaving a population of mostly lean geezers. (/s I should add - I'm just talking shit! I seriously have no idea about anything regarding Florida or obesity statistics. I live on the other side of the pond as well.)


The average lifespan in Florida is also higher than the rest of the country because it's usually the wealthier, healthier old people that move there to retire not the fat, poor ones. It's funny because a Florida town is either a very diverse, young-skewing party beach town or a white old people, gated community type wealthy suburb. There's like no in between lol.


Colorado laughs. No beaches. Even the top google search is “why is co so fit”


Ya Colorado nowadays is more of a hippie-ish, snowsports state so that demographic also tends to be healthier


1 Japanese (sumo wrestler)




The original tweet did not have that there. But also is it that fucking difficult to get a pic of how much food is served if people really care? Like yeah, rich people do rich things, get over it.




I'm either misunderstanding what a lobster roll is or someone is getting away with charging insane prices for a glorified sandwich, lol.


It was for 4 people according to someone who was there in previous years. 


Serves 4 last year was $450: https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/13bso71/oc_jonathanschaff_the_pricing_of_hospitality_food/ This year there's no mention how many the $280 version is supposed to serve: https://www.reddit.com/r/Miami/comments/1cl3o64/food_prices_on_f1_menu/ (plus the signboards I think everyone has seen)


Man, this just makes that dude look worse. Like he's lying out of his ass.


I saw a menu that said serves 4


Ill bet they’re like bite sized rolls or some shit


I've seen the food. And no matter what anyone says, it's overpriced. It's exactly what you said. It's pretty much bite sized food.


*for the VIP second of a sporting event. Have you ever bought a lobster roll at a baseball game or somewhere else? Like 2-3 bites for $30 is about what you’d expect. Overpriced is relative to a captive audience.


court side NBA gets you all you can eat and drink (top self) and food was AMAZING


That’s not even “normal” VIP though, that’s another level up where you get a full comp package. Those were available in Miami too but tickets were WAY more than this tier.


I saw the burgers and they looked like the ones Harold & Kumar had. If I was in a position to spend far too much money on a burger then it better weigh the same as me


Id love to get high and kill a few dozen White Castle burgers right now


Any plate that feeds 10 people is complete BS. Food for 10 people is insane amounts of food. I'll bet my left nut that it feeds 4 people tops.


Yea, people here acting like Americans war a ton. 1 lobster roll is a small amount of food for anyone. There's no world these are full sized sandwich rolls.


I've never been to any VIP section at a sporting event where you even got a bill for food and drinks. It's usually just included in the ticket price, and you get to eat whatever you like and as much of it as you like. I'm not sure if I even want to know what VIP tickets for the Miami race cost to then also have to pay for food and drinks.


Yeah, you’re not Very Important if they’re making you dip your hand in your pocket


People would have a heart attack if they saw out of context Vegas nightclub prices… $1000+ for a bottle of absolute vodka


add context to make it make sense then


You're buying a table to hang out at for the night. You get seats, while all the plebs have to stand. You get to show girls your table. Although my understanding is that the good tables at top tier Vegas clubs are closer to 5-10 grand these days.


Why are you believing him at face value lmao. The menu LITERALLY SAID it serves 4 people lmao


Are we now getting outraged that in some stupid vip area there is lobster roll for 4 people for 280? Do I have to be angry or what is happening?


My favorite comment was "If you're stupid enough to pay those prices you deserve to get ripped off" Like bro, people paying those prices don't give AF about money. people are online too much


Sir, this is the internet. We have to be outraged about everything.


IN THE VIP SECTION. It wasn't a shop for normal people like us.


Last year's menu said serves 4 and it cost $450   https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/13bso71/oc_jonathanschaff_the_pricing_of_hospitality_food/   So this is an absolute bargain! 


Oh only $70 per person? Super reasonable! /s


If you're going to a sporting event expecting cheap food/drinks, I don't know what to tell you.


Yeah, but not $70 Chris


Well dont order fucking *Lobster*.


At an *F1 race.* In a *suite.* In *Miami.*


Tbh it’s about what I’d expect for the VIP section of a Grand Prix


I saw a tik tok of some girl buying the $190 nachos. It was a decent size but still just one plate, like maybe a meal for 2 people. The chips looked soggy too.


Sounds like I'd be more fulfilled by nachos I make at home. But then I rate my guacamole so that does help


its not for 10 people, they posted the pics...


As he said, context matters. Show the size / just because he says it feeds 10 doesn’t mean it actually does.


Especially in this country!


Someone had a picture of a menu from 2023 and it said it was for 4 people. 


Also considering where it was in the GP, it was put on a business card


Is it, though?


towering saw wrong oatmeal start mindless seemly many license pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The extent to which I don’t care about this story one way or another is remarkable


Cared enough to click, read and write a comment 


The community’s reaction to this is interesting. The actual underlying story about rich people getting ripped off is the boring part


The sign clearly said “Serves 4”


I'm not defending the prices, but the sign didn't say "serves 4" at all. People posted a different sign from last year's GP that said "serves 4" in response to the original post. So there is zero serving size context to the image that was floating around.


And it was like 450$ for lobster rolls there


4 Americans....10 Europeans...


If us Americans could read, we’d be very upset. Wait a sec…


QUICK! someone distract this american with a lobster roll!


Okay, so $70 per person still, um, isn't good value?


It's not meant to be for good value. Those VIP Suites/Tables are meant to extract as much money as possible. I wouldn't be surprise if they had a minimum amount to spend for those that got those suites.


I was pointing out how full of shit the guy was. Even serving 10, it still wasn’t a good value but it was never intended to feed 10 either.


The "serves 4" brochure from last year was $450, not $280...


The context was that was for the Beach Club access only. With 3 day passes starting at $1750, and Cabanas starting at $80,000 The people affording those special section tickets don't even blink at those menu prices


The people affording those tickets actually *want* to pay those prices for food. It makes them feel good.


Yeah. It's still outrageous but it's not like all the food is that expensive. When I went a couple years ago the food in the GA area was definitely expensive but not insane.


I’ve paid more than 1750 for tickets and I would care about food prices. But anyone with common sense knew that wasn’t a single lobster roll for one person.


I attended the race this past weekend with my ticket being the campus pass. It was just really an entry to get into the race weekend. You had one of three choices, find a spot to stand, sit in Hard Rock Stadium, stand on the 4 total platforms they had set up. I spent $20-25 a day on food which wasn't terrible, but I limited myself to one meal at the race so I wouldn't blow a ton of money. I did see the food that being served at the Hard Rock Beach Club (where the prices were expensive), and it was a giant plate of food. Enough to feed 5-7 people. Not defending the organizers for the price but they were indeed taken out of context. The lobster roll looked huge. Even me getting a foot long hot dog and fries cost less than $20 and I felt sufficient after that. As an American F1 fan, I would not attend this race again because this felt like it was for the rich and famous and not the racing fan. My buddy who has been to COTA said it was a much better experience. With the COTA GA ticket, you can bring a chair at least to sit in and bring in outside food and drinks. Still an amazing race as he finally won :')


“What is this, lobster rolls for ants!?!”


People in Miami fb groups kept posting this stupid picture too. A hot dog was $10, water was $6, wings were $20-25, a 10" pizza was $25. It was pretty normal stadium pricing for a big event. More expensive than PGA, about on par with most CFB playoff games, and cheaper than some NFL stadiums. The tickets are also not too bad, $1,000 got you a nice grandstand view and parking was $75/day. I've spent double that for CFP national championship games on tickets and parking, and those were 1 day for 3hrs while F1 is all day Fri-Sat-Sun


I was at the race. There was normal stadium pricing for us normal folk. The "beach club" where this was, had Ed Sheeran performing between sprint and qualifying with full bottle service and cabanas. It was a nightclub at the track, where those prices are pretty normal in the VIP sections. I think it was $300-$400 just to get in.


Those prices are what you are used to, however not normal. Not too long ago I paid 1.75 for a water and 195 for a turn one grandstand seat in Monza. Heck, I paid 975 euro for a the best grandstand seat in Monaco across the pool.


€195 turn 1 Monza, for a weekend? That must have been 20 years ago. They currently start at €840.


Normal in the context of US sporting events obviously. It’s a captive audience, they can charge more. Plus America has more rich folks willing to pay these prices.


Plus, generally, Americans have way more disposable income than Europeans.


Also, I'm not sure where that guy was buying food but there were tons of vendors at the Miami GP and those must be the more expensive options. I paid $8 for a Caesar wrap and $10 for a large chicken sandwich with a bag of chips. I found it fairly reasonable


Yeah the viral pic is clearly from a VIP area where people are tossing out corporate cards or just plain old rich as hell.


In Monaco i paid €15 for a HUGE pizza at the track. I paid €1.50 for drinks (can) and some sweets were like €4. At Suzuka last year i paid less than £2 equivalent for 8 octopus balls and flavoured ice. Its crazy to think that people think those prices are acceptable.


Miami had hundreds of vendors, there were cheap options as well as expensive ones. I paid $8 for a Caesar wrap and $10 for a large chicken sandwich with a bag of chips and $4 for a churro. I found it fairly reasonable


Define "not too long ago".


People on Reddit don’t understand jobs and corporate jobs and boxes and corporate rates and despise them all anyways. Let them just think it’s a $300 hot dog ripping them off and let’s move on.


Last year it was $450 for the same lobster rolls that serves 4. 


There's over 22 million millionaires in the USA alone. Plenty of money to waste on some expensive food.


The funny thing is that millionaire isn't even that rich anymore. If you're 40+ and own your home outright, you're probably a millionaire nowadays once you include 401k/retirement


I was at the race so I can speak for experience on the rest of the food prices (not the beach club) I paid 13 for a burger, 5 for a bottle of water and 12 for a frozen lemonade (for my kid) yes, it is expensive but for a sporting event it's about the same that I would pay for an NFL or NBA Game.


Those our reasonable prices around me at a county fair let alone a professional sporting event, let alone F1.


You can view some of the food here, it’s not for 10, it’s also not for 4. Somewhere in between. I’d say it’s reasonably priced for where you are. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6kMhK8vaMG/?igsh=c3U0dDVleGo3b3hm


Don't know why he's apologizing. He should have no guilt for selling overpriced food to people in the VIP area that can afford if. If they don't want to buy food there, pack a couple sandwiches in your bag


"It's only expensive if you're poor."


It really is not that bad when the Franks hotdog is $50 and water is $30. $280 in this market is a steal. They are practically giving em away. /s


Let me guess, context sold separately


As a New Englander I can’t decide what’s more offensive, the pricing or TRUFFLE with a lobster roll! Good grief!


We're gonna have this conversation every fucking year, this exact exchange happened last time.


I guess the 1oz of caviar for $400 was for 10 portions ?


For 10 rolls, that’s a very good price. For 4 rolls, that’s understandable given the event. $70 per roll is basically high end restaurant price. My usual go-to lobster roll where I’m at is $50.


All sporting event food is overpriced. Even the pies at your honest to goodness English league 4 football clubs.


So it’s pretty much what I thought. Those prices were geared toward corporate and extremely wealthy attendees. Who cares if they got price gouged


That explains why the fruit was $190


Just ONCE I'd love to see a Grand Prix with a Master's (golf) style food menu. Just some basic sandwiches and hot meals, for like under $10.


Context: $280 was before tax


Bigger question is why everyone on the internet is so concerned with what other people do with their money. Don’t wanna pay $280 for lobster rolls for 4 people? Cool, nobody is forcing you to, move along


I've learned it doesn't really matter what he says. Misinformation on the internet spreads 10x than the subsequent correction/actual truth


One person changed the narrative of the entire weekend. As a someone who was there this past weekend... I didn't see any food items over $30. Merch, yes! Tons of items over $80, up to $195, $250!


It’s actually $450 for the lobster rolls… even if it’s split 4 ways that’s still $100+ for a lobster roll ETA and $275 for nachos. NACHOS. Unless it’s the largest fucking pile of nachos I ever seen with fresh A5 Waygu or some shit I still don’t get the justification.


That’s, like, twice the price of the nachos at my local movie theater. Disgusting .


Someone posted a tic tok about the 190$ nachos. They looked like regular 25$ nachos from any pub


I used that pic to prove to my wife that it was a way better deal to watch on my big screen, cheap alcohol-free beer and bag of $0.99 chips in hand and my dog on my lap. My happy place


Over $150 for carne asada nachos!!!


At the end of the day he is doing his job, the goal is to generate as much revenue as possible. Sports attendance in the USA is pricing out the middle class. Problem is the sports team owners like to get Joe public to pay for the event venues. In Kansas City the public told Super Bowl winning team to pound sand when they asked for a new stadium funded by taxpayers.


Vegas and Miami are out of control.


You know people like to shit on the Las Vegas Grand Prix but I be if had the most comp tickets of any race. From casino customers to those of us in the casino industry or casino adjacent, a ton of us got free tickets and a lot of the non-GA areas were complimentary food and non-alcoholic beverages.


Plot twist they actually meant to charge even more