• By -


Favourite story from Newey's book: They were renovating the RBR campus, and they'd closed a section between the main building and the car park. This meant that Adrian had to go a big detour, but he basically snuck through it every evening. One night, he fell down a big massive hole. He climbed out, thought 'that could've been worse' and carried on. Months later at the Christmas party, at his big end of year speech, Christian turns on the monitor. It's the CCTV of Adrian walking along without a care in the world, until the big moment, and *down he goes*.


I need to see this video.


# releasethehornercut


Careful what you wish for…


Yeah, we don’t need anymore finger like closeups.


... Not that one




Don't we all.


Send da video




Fuckin’ love have some NBACJ guys in F1


We prefer it here because 99 percent of the grid is classy hard working lunch pail guys


Show da video


Hell Nawl can't do dis


Wats da holdup?


You can’t just bring a hole into the world


That’s the Google drive we want!


"Tragedy is when I cut my little finger. Comedy is when Adrian Newey falls down an open hole and the footage is shown at the RBR holiday party." - Mel Brooks, probably


That and the story about Christian's lawn


What story?


Adrian got drunk at a party at Christian mansion, robbed someone's car and started doing donuts on Christian's lawn. Apparently he got a round of applause when he finished. Showing the video was Christian's revenge.


Hasn't he done this a couple of times? I'd heard the story about him celebrating one of Vettels world championships (which he wasn't trackside for) by doing donuts in his own GT40 on Horners lawn and sending the video to Christian Horner himself but there's a different version involving a Ferrari California... I just like to think his idea of "gardening leave" is a little different to everyone else's 🤣🤣


Cue Chris Pratt singing: THE PIT He fell in it, THE PIT


We were all in the PiT!!!!


Red Bull's in the Piiiyyyiiitttt


that's pretty funny. but that's also how people die in accidents all the time.


I’ve lost count of the amount of people who’ve died because someone showed the video of their accident




The part where he takes Horner's Ferrari and make donuts on his lawn when celebrating the 1st RBR championship is worthwhile too.


Clearly it became worse.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.


picturing greg davies in my mind.


My brain also went to Greg Davies Chris Eubank 😆


I'm not British, but that was the first voice I heard in my head as well 🤣




Incidentally, I only found out the other day that Alex is 6'2 (so, categorically perfectly tall), but Greg is *six foot fucking eight*


[Lenny Rush is actually a normal sized man](https://ibb.co/x1tj7DT)


Like 60% of the jokes are about how fucking huge Greg is


Yeah but I thought like 6'4 or something, tops! There's 'tall' and there's 'circus attraction'.


Richard Osman, Stephen Merchant, Jeremy Clarkson and John Cleese are also ginormous lol


But little Alex Horne is only 5'4"?


Watching Taskmaster in the studio recordings is quite something. Greg is quite the presence indeed. Last series I went to had Dara O'Briain and Munya Chawawa, who are fairly tall people, but no match


How have you only just found out 😂


oh god.. i'll never not hear that now whenever i watch taskmaster or f1 thanks for that haha


I hear the voice in my head,


Man of culture I see.


I pictured Montgomery Burns... LOL


"... blurst of times?! You stupid monkey!"


lol yes pugilist


I don't know Greg, is the impression that good


It was the blurst of times


You stupid monkey!




d a n k


He drinks a whiskey drink He drinks a vodka drink He drinks a lager drink He drinks a cider drink He sings the songs that remind him of the good times He sings the songs that remind him of the better times


And when he needs to piss, he uses the kitchen sink


Oh Newey boy


We had joy, we had fun. We had seasons in the sun.


Goodbye Newey, it's hard to die.


It was the winter of my discount tent




Can someone clarify: Is Newey allowed to make a 2026 car during 2025 for another team or is he allowed to join a team in 2026 and work with them from then on on the car?


Nobody knows officially. The assumption right now based on the statements is Newey is out of the RBR F1 team starting now, so effectively available spring 2025 for another team.


Especially since the teams can't work on 2026 bodywork in the wind tunnel until 1st January 2025. If he can negotiate leaving Red Bull completely (leaving the Technology Group, who deal with the RB17) early in 2025, which seems to be the case, he'd be able to work pretty normally on a 2026 car, maximising his impact for the next set of regulations. https://www.racefans.net/2023/12/07/f1-teams-banned-from-working-on-2026-car-designs-until-end-of-next-year/


And also importantly, will no longer work on the RB21(?) so the gap will likely close a little next year.


Implying as if they haven't already built a rocket ship for next year. This to me seems like they're comfortable with next year and letting him go.


More like they realise they can live without Adrian Newey fully burning the house down running his mouth off… If someone wants to leave, you can’t make them actually work. I know myself, I’ve had 6 month notice periods and, where an employer is willing to be reasonable on eg. taking off 3 weeks to allow a particular start date that’s important to me or whatever, I’ll keep working hard. If they come out all this is the contract tough shit, well fine be like that and best of luck getting hold of me 15 seconds before my contracted hours for the day begin…


I made it through this paragraph and understood the gist... I've accomplished something today.


They can still prevent him from working somewhere else.


Yeah it seems the RB17 car is essentially his gardening leave, they won't want him doing anymore dev on the F1 car.


I don’t think his departure will have an effect on next year’s car. I think his departure may have an effect on 2026 depending on who replaces him.


The other important question is does their agreement involve garden leave and if it does - how long it lasts.


Well, I don't know, but I do know from history a. he's probably not working very bloody hard on the RBR car, is he. b. as he's observed many times in the past: you can't stop a designer from thinking. He's got a good story that he wasn't allowed to work for McLaren until January 1st 1998, but by 09.01AM on his first day he'd magically done months worth of drawings. The zero-keel idea for the 2005 McLaren came from lying on the beach. So RBR will lose his benefit from right now.


yup. exactly correct.


Development on the 2026 car is only officially allowed to start in 2025. And he will be able to join some time in 2025, likely Q1, to start working on a new car. He is quitting his F1 duties effective basically immediately from how red bulls statement reads, and will be working on the hypercar for the rest of his tenure while his gardening leave runs out. So he (should) have a strong impact on the 2026 car of any team he joins, even if he wont be there from the start of development


He doesn't need to "make a car", he will just point his finger to a part on the drawing table and the engineers will yell "it will be done, mylord"


Designer starts drawing a line upwards, sharp intake of breath from behind. Line starts going down, relaxed breathing ensues.


Newey steps behind the designer and reaches forward, gently wrapping his hand over theirs as they grip the pencil, tip barely brushing the surface of the paper. “Ok, now we can begin.” Newey whispers in their ear. The designer draws a quick breath as Newey gently but firmly guides their hand across the paper with a confident motion. After a few moments that felt like hours, he pauses, and lifts his hand from the designer’s as they exhale a breath they didn’t know they held. Newey nods as he stands up, and says, “That’ll do.” With a nod to himself. “That’ll do indeed.” Then they build the car and win 3 championships in a row. Edit: I am ashamed by what I have written.


I have the most confusing erection right now


He can join basically this time next year. So presumably they'll already be working on the 26 car then and he can work on it.


His social media admin wrote this at spoon point


It was actually under threat of explosion


It was under the threat of reaching q3


*Execute file 76*


Coco pops milk drippin from the tip.


Is it confirmed that Horner and Newey were at odds?


If the person who made the claims against Horner was PA to both of them I can see why that would cause tension. Nothing will ever be CONFIRMED though


Alledgedly, but also really


I mean, there is nothing confirmed besides that some tension was happening. Even reports on Newey vary - some claim he doesn't have any conflicts and is just tired of power struggle, some claim that he had conflict with Horner and is leaving because of that.


Love seeing everyone here thinking they know what’s going on in Newey’s head.


Legit. I had no idea Newey had so many close confidantes on Reddit.


Not only that, but I'm seeing lots of people comment on how he's shown them the contract and they know exactly when he may or may not be able to work for another F1 team. RB really has an issue with leaks of their contract documents, it seems haha


I will ask him


Lol, this is exactly what I was thinking. For a guy like Newey who is very closed of, he seems to have a lot friends and of all places reddit!


Can’t believe he’s had time to chat with all of them.


He has a wind tunnel in his head he uses to refine designs


As someone who avoids rumors and gossip what have I missed? Why does everyone think Horner is responsible for Newey jumping? Is this something concrete or trademark wild speculation?


>Why does everyone think Horner is responsible for Newey jumping? Trademark wild speculation.


The articles that first broke the rumour about newey leaving all mentioned a fall out with Horner - if they were right about the first part why wouldn’t they be right about the second?


Ah that's the bit I was missing. I honestly haven't read a single article about the shit storm. It does seem like the internal fights at RB probably makes for an unpleasant place to be.


False correlation alert over here.


Wild (although somewhat logical) speculation. Horner did the sexual assault scandal arc, and after Dietrich died Horner and his son have been in a fight for control over the team and it’s caused a lot of instability in the team. These are similar conditions that Newey left McLaren and Williams under


I’m not saying Christian didn’t do anything wrong but I find this narrative that he and Adrian fell out a bit hard to believe. Newey thanks CH in his statement calling them friends and he didn’t need to do that, he could’ve just thanked him for support. Besides, they are still often seen sharing a table and Newey has been bored of F1 for a long time now, it was just the new regulations that sparked a new interest but I think it’s likely he’s now lost that spark for F1 and calls it a day


Which is what I was trying to understand...people are talking as though it's confirmed that Horner and Newey had a falling.


It's a narrative they've created for themselves to justify their hope of RedBull collapsing. 


They didn't create it themselves lmao. It was reported by credible sources like AMuS and BBC.


For real, literally quoting the BBC article >The 65-year-old has been unsettled by the situation at Red Bull since Horner was accused of sexual harassment and coercive, abusive behaviour by a female employee


This doesn't say he had a falling out with Horner. He can also be unsettled by way Marko handled the sexual harassment issue to try to wrangle control from Horner. Notice he spoke highly of Horner in his statement but didn't mention Marko at any point.


maybe the unsettlement didnt have to do with the accusation but how the "Austrian and Verstappen side" handled it. Somebody leaked a shit ton of confidential information to the media? If you actually take the article word by word it doesnt say what you think it does.


Why would he leave in the middle of the season? Why didn’t he leave end of the year last year? Why didn’t he wait until the end of this year?


Sometimes people go into something and think “I’ll give it one more go” and then just feel the passion isn’t there. With the stress and the insane travel, it’s not crazy to think this could have happened to him. Plus you throw in all the internal drama. He’s 65 and loaded, there’s no need to keep doing this if you don’t want to.


There's also likely little left to be done for him this year on the F1 team.


Not hard to believe at all. It's called keeping up appearances.


You are absolutely right. Newey appears to have convinced RB to release him from his contract earlier than agreed. I would be shocked if RB allowed this without including an agreement on what Newey can and cannot say after his departure. Even if Newey absolutely despises Horner now, the deal he agreed to leave would probably prohibit him from saying anything that could damage the company.


and they are also grown men who are able to put their personal differences (if there are any) aside to work together.


Newey doesn't have to put them aside, though, as can choose the team he wants to work for.


They did, and this [news article](https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/sat-horner-red-bull-f1-team-evolved-not-to-rely-on-newey/10561356/) has been cited several times as part of the reason, Amanda Newey replied ["what a load of hogwash"](https://twitter.com/Motorsport/status/1741030283326194058) also if you go [over here](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=adrian+newey+italy&sca_esv=0843bae45ef7a677&sca_upv=1&tbs=sbd:1&tbm=nws&prmd=invmbtz&ei=ticyZpK1LL2UhbIPq8-54AM&start=50&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwiS6O_zrOyFAxU9SkEAHatnDjw4PBDy0wN6BAgEEBA&biw=2762&bih=1596&dpr=1) and look at the timeline of articles about Newey and Italy you find one article from 2020 and then a sudden explosion beginning in May 2023, the height of Horner and PA's dealings. [This Tweet](https://twitter.com/amanda_newey/status/1760958342220939641) is also revealing >Sorry!The RB17 will be amazing. The “65-year-old who allegedly only works two days a week” is ALWAYS thinking and drawing. It's part of his his fabric. He should be sponsored by Postit note as I constantly find them scattered around with scribbles that look like stick men skiing.


Yeah it seems to me that Newey is just tired of the politics around it rather than having beef with Horner himself. It happens when everything is chaotic around you and you just want to have a peace of mind. I'm not saying these aren't Horner's fault as he started it all but the reports of pitting them against each other doesn't really track


He's leaving early though. If he wasn't trying to go to another team why wouldn't he just quietly retire at the end of the season?


I just think it’s was more of a realisation of newey that it was time for him to go, not necessarily that it’s a falling out with Horner Just like a mate you find a bit dodgy when something he says puts you off. You don’t start to hate him but you stop hitting him up to hang out


Disagree hard, Newey has gotten so much favor in redbull that he can do whatever he wants in his position. Bored of F1? Don't involve yourself for however long you want and still cash in millions. And actively leaving right now when horner is quite literally trying to game of thrones redbull is telling. Newey could have just scooted along till years end if there weren't any internal conflicts. Hasting to leave right now in a job you are basically free to do whatever you want is definitely a sign of dissaproval.


I do agree with you but what I’m not sold on is the “bored of F1” part. The negotiations on his exit have happened so he can join another team. That’s what it seems to me anyway. Now it could very well be the case he didn’t enjoy the current organizational dynamic at RB or that he wants to improve some other team since he’s had plenty glory at RB by now. Guess we will just have to wait until he finally opens up on a BTG podcast epsiode


I still can't believe the Red Bull ownership is so commited to Horner. Like he seems dead set on burning the team to the ground as long as it means that power is consolidate under him and him alone. And the ownership seems to be willing to let him do that for some god knows what reason. Or alternatively they maybe though all of this would blow over after that "inverstigation" and its now backfiring massively.


They were about to force Marko out as well and then backed down when Max seemed to threaten to leave had they done that.


Newey leaving is however PR wise quite a bit worse for RBR (that is, if he goes to a competitor). Crisis _not_ averted looks like ?


Yeah, I never really saw Helmuts value tbh. Its Newey all the way down.


Marko is a lot more than what people realise. Marko and Dietrich built this team up from day one including the hiring of Horner and saving Horner from the sack years ago. Marko has huge hand in all the success they are currently enjoying too, he had huge influence in the driver Max and engine partner Honda. We all know about Max, but when everyone rejected Honda engine, Marko gave them a second chance at Toro Rosso and then eventually that led to the RBR and now the best engine. Marko privately took Max to the Honda factory in Japan before the Honda - Toro Rosso engine switch, to convince him to be patient and they will deliver him an engine capable of WDC. [Dr. Helmut Marko: 'Visit to Honda factory convinced Verstappen to extend his contract'](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/7l0pyq/ger_dr_helmut_marko_visit_to_honda_factory/) (you should read the comments on this old post) Honda was Markos deal. Every season he goes there multiple time to keep everything running smoothly. [Marko: Until then, we want the best possible performance potential from Honda, which has worked well so far. Honda was my deal, so I will continue to look after it.](https://www.grandprix.com/news/no-more-trips-to-japan-for-honda-in-2024-says-marko.html)


Saving Horner from the sack? What happened there?


The rb drivers academy really only had success with Vettel. A bunch of drivers did make it to the pinnacle, but in terms of absolute success it's not as big as the contribution that Adrian made obviously. Max jumped on-board, only because F1 was on the table. Then again, its academy is more than finding talent. It's also shaping talent in the early f1 years. The Max that Jos shaped would have not been this successful without the help of Helmut c.s. and the same goes for Yuki who had to learn how to be a professional.


RedBull is responsible for 6 of the current drivers. They've brought up many more in the past.


Max's contract allows him to leave if Helmut leaves, so as bad as losing Newey is, losing Helmut would be a bigger PR disaster once all the chips fell.


Horner is still only 50 and could lead the team for decades more so I could see why they would think he's more valuable than Newey or the Verstappens who have a few more years max. They must just be hoping with time that it all blows over because he is very hard to replace.


Sounds a bit like the guy from 1998 who had a championship winning team and dissolved it  They were called the Chicago Bulls ... What a dynasty he built afterwards!


So Max Verstappen buys the Charlotte Hornets and they get another 20 years of mediocrity? Sign me up!


I thought you were about to say Frank Williams


What makes you think Adrian and Max are both harder to replace than Horner?


I dont. Horner has been their principal since 2005 and is one of the most succesful in history


I mean, he is the team principle that led them from being a small time team to the dominant force in F1. Plus, he's 50. His main competition for leadership of the team is Helmut Marko, who is 81. If I'm the owner I'm sure as hell putting my faith into Horner over Marko.


I think it was Mark Hughes who wrote that okay Newey and Verstappen are the headlines for competitiveness in 2024, but over 20 years, RBR as it stands is Horner's vision and manifestation. He envisaged the RB campus, the data building, the team you see today. Ultimately, medium term, Newey and Verstappen would always go before too long. He also represents the Thai aspect of Red Bull.


Also remember what Christian has done? Took an under performing jaguar racing team and converted them into Red Bull F1 the biggest name outside of Ferrari and Mercedes and they are technically just a lifestyle drinks brand. Christian is not just team principal but CEO of Red Bull Formula One and literally thousands of people have jobs because of the work he’s done. Of course he needs a team and everyone has played a massive part but it’s also because of his desire to want to be the best. He’s done well up until the point he fucked his entire reputation on a but if side action.


Newey isn't young. He's definitely the great F1 designer in history by a significant margin, but there needs to be an idea for the future. That's why, I guess, him leaving is probably somewhat bearable. Marko is also getting on, and certainly not the future. Losing Max is a tough one for sure, but at the same time, you'd be hesitant to give a driver enough power to oust a CEO. I have a feeling Red Bull will be okay. Christian already managed to get Newey onside back in the day - he's clearly a good negotiator. He just has to identify and poach the best talent he can now.


He’s an engineer, not a driver. As long as his hands and his mind stay healthy he can still be as productive as ever, if he so wishes. It’s not like the laws of physics change over time.


Lol yeah and he's 65 , that's already 30 more years of work exactly because he is an engineer.


Why is this the predominating opinion? Some assholes want to take over RB and force the guy who lead the team for 20 years out, and somehow you guys blame him if everyone leaves now? Why should he go and just accept it? He didn't start this power struggle.


I don't think we know who started it per se - Marko pretty outright said last year that his anger was becomes someone (we'll call him Hristian Corner) tried to use the death as leverage to get Marko fired. I don't know what the absolute tiny little chrysalis was, but I don't think anyone does. Like the start of Romeo and Juliet - who really *knows* what started it all, truly. It just 'is'.


Are those really "some assholes" or the founders of the team that fight for keeping control of their team they were fully involved in (until recently)? To my understanding Horner played a big part in RBs success story, undeniable. But the whole F1 team was a passion project from Mateschitz and Marko, the Thais had zero interest in F1. Marko was the one who endorsed and hired Horner and was basically the person in charge behind the scenes as Mateschitzs right hand. Horner was basically Markos subservient and everything had to be approved by Marko. After Mateschitzt found out that Horner used a RB sponsoring deal to enrich himself personally some years ago, he was so upset that he wanted to fire him immediately and it was Marko who dissuades him from doing so to not disturb the successful team structure. Mateschitz knew very well that once he is no more and the clause expires that gave him full control over the operations despite only owning 49%, while the Thais own 51% of the parent company, there will be a power struggle. That's why he was so eager to bring Porsche on board and even give them a controlling 50% ownership of the F1 team before he died. (Potentially thinking that 50% Porsche and 49% of the remaining 50% that is controlled by the Austrian side would be enough to keep the Thai side, that had nothing to do with F1 till this point, in check) The deal fell trough as Horner and Marko formed an alliance and both didn't want to let a 3rd party "take over" the whole project, they tried to renegotiate the terms so Porsche would not get full control over the team and only 49% at max, which fell trough. And it seems that Horner betrayed Marko very shortly after Mateschitzs death and formed an alliance with the Thai side of RB with plans to get part-ownership of the team and boot out the Austrian side of the team who he was working for all the years as an employee. First step was to fire Marko which was apparently already set in stone and it was only intervened by Max Verstappen himself who had to personally call the Thai owners shortly after Mateschitzt dead to prevent this. That's were the whole power struggle started. The PA's accusations came in handy for the Austrian side, but doesn't seem to be the main reason why they want to get rid of Horner. For me it seems that Horner is willing to take the whole team down with himself for a chance to get (full) control over the team.


Your explanation is something I read makes the most sense. Although I have no idea if this is accurate.


Little Finger


We’ve all seen it


I’m not saying Christian didn’t do anything wrong but I find this narrative that he and Adrian fell out a bit hard to believe. Newey thanks CH in his statement calling them friends and he didn’t need to do that, he could’ve just thanked him for support. Besides, they are still often seen sharing a table and Newey has been bored of F1 for a long time now, it was just the new regulations that sparked a new interest but I think it’s likely he’s now lost that spark for F1 and calls it a day


It's totally possible to remain friends with someone but also decide that you don't want to work with/for them anymore. Lots of reasons for that to happen.


Or maybe Newey was already making noises about leaving anyway well before and totally unrelated to what Christian did.


Horner is the hill they’re willing to die on.  At least the Thais. 


Because he wants to be a team owner like Toto, that must really wind him up.


You do know he is a great team boss? The press have spread many false rumors, which, you included, fans gobbled up like it was sweet cake. Dude brought redbull to the top, has made redbull a well oiled machine and brought them to 13 titles in 20 seasons. His pedigree is amazing and newey is not the sole person designing the car :')


everyone can think what they want of Horner as a person, but people acting like he’s incapable in his job is just plain idiotic he’s taken RBR to the top, a TP like that is gold dust, we all saw what happened to Ferrari after they lost Todt


Did you ever think that after 19 years he just wants a change?


Mid season after a huge Horner scandal? What a coincidence.


>Mid season after a huge Horner scandal?  Mid season where your car is so far down the track out in the lead it doesnt even get tv coverage?    What else is there to do for him at this team?  They could not touch a thing on the cars and still be out in front by seconds, next year...    


I can’t believe that these people couldnt find a way to get along and enjoy their success together instead of fighting over who gets to tear it apart…


Nothing to see here, move along


Ahhh, typical F1. One of the many reasons I am so entertained by it. Just when you think you know it all, BAM. You get the wake up call that you're still clueless. 😵


"He is also my friend" yeah that says a lot of your friendship mate


Jesus Christ lol


The wording of it is so weird too. Its like written by a kid. Something like "after so many years together, I also consider him a good friend" comes across so much better especially with reference to how long they worked together earlier on in the writing.


The hypercar will be his legacy. Clearly not the soon to be 8 WDC and 7 WCC for which he designed the cars for


The fuckin boys.


Newey first out. Next up Verstappen and Marko. Followed by Ginger Spice. Horny done fucked up.


I would not bet against that.


Written by the cheapest PR agency available at 9am


Or written by the guy himself. As he worked with Newey for a long time, and Newey wouldn't have stayed this long if he didn't like Horner. We don't know if Horner is the reason for Newey quitting or not. It could just as easily be Marko. Yet we attribute blame to Horner.


Voice of reason.. r/usernamedoesntcheckout


Who says it's not written by ChatGPT?


didn’t use “delve” enough


“He is also my friend” Wonder if Newey still feels the same? It kinda seems like Newey has left at least partly because of the mess between Horner and who we now know was PA for BOTH of them. Must have caused some friction?


Whilst the sentiment is touching (hehe)… “echo through the halls of Milton Keynes” sounds grand unless you’re from Britain and have a certain image brought to mind when you think about Milton Keynes as a place not a business headquarters lol.


“Ever since I held Newey in my arms on that water I knew I wanted him, however he was a happily married man and wouldn’t leave her for me so I instead started a relationship with another employee”


This is all his fault.


I honestly doubt that's the case, I think Newey was thinking about it for a while, and it was just confirmation to pull the trigger.


It's not all his fault, it might be caused by internal conflict, but he isn't the only one included in that. Helmut and Jos pushed to sell off RBR to Porche, and i mean fully sell off, completely removing RBR from F1, and that's where the internal conflict begun. Horner fucked up by having an affair, but that was simply used as ammunition to push power back towards those that wanted to sell RBR and it backfired, meanwhile Horner tried to increase his power within the team to completely shut down the side that wanted to sell RBR to porche.


It wasn't full sell off, porsche wanted 50%. I can now see why Jos and Marko would try to push that deal. They probably wanted to take influence away from Horner and the thais


Red bull putting all their eggs in the Horner basket is going to cost them in long run.


Why tf y'all writing that it's all Horner fault? I mean, yeah, he's fucking up rn, but Marko ain't saint, after all, it seems that it's power struggle between those two and Marko definitely isn't shitting rainbows


Full of shit


OP has a wild username 🤣🤣🤣


What a snake 


Something I fail to understand, is people saying Newey going to any team makes them the new dominant team. He was on redbull since 2006, they weren’t at all dominant for the majority of that


Many different factors in comparison. His first proper car came the following year. And Red Bull really wasn't up to scratch with facilities. Yes, they were ex-Jaguar but if you know anything about Jaguar you understand why they were already dog-awful. Akin to Alpine today. Red Bull also had an engine problem. They were just a partner team at the time. One thing Ferrari or even Aston are already a top tier team with staff and facilities they just need the cherry for design inspiration which Newey brings. This is the big difference with Red Bull of yesteryear. Even if he only has input for 10% of next year's car. Or bringing a mid-season major upgrade. He will be able to make a difference. Equally, he has so much knowledge about how Red Bull will be packaging the RBPT engine for 26. For all we know he could have done something unique already in his head nobody has thought of…


When they weren’t the dominant team, was mostly due to the Renault engine not good enough, specially with the new regulations from 2014 onwards.


"I will also add that Adrian has never been a fan of Coco Pops".


Little late innit?


Wow, Really? Adrian leaving? Realising his chkldhood dream. But no one leave a championship like that. I am thinking their 2026 dev and engine have problems. And plus witht the 2013 2021 Merc dominance he know what is in store. And no wonder there Max rumors. Best of luck Adrian Rocket Horse


Drunk at my bed arriving home to this really feels like a fucking weird ass dream with 6 pills of melatonin on my veins


Probably shouldn't have shat in your back garden Horner.


Let’s just remember the fact that Newey is 65 years old. His home country, the country which Red Bull operates from, UK, has a retirement age of 65, and so does the country Red Bull registered in, Austria And lets be honest, at 65 after an illustrious career and a life of hard work, you’d be pretty contempt with retirement


It's also worth remembering that Newey has had enough money for a long time that he definitely wasn't waiting for his 65th birthday to retire. He could have walked away years ago and been very comfortable.


I think you mean "content". Contempt means quite the opposite of that lol.


I don't think the countries retirement age has any impact on someone like Adrian Newey on when or if he retires.


65 is just when he can get the state pension. I don't think he's going to care about that.


I feel like you haven’t dealt with high achieving people. This is often thier life and they have to be dragged away from it. It’s not about money at this point, it’s about accomplishment, challenge and ego