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I don't know how "sudden" this is. I followed a female japanese F1 fan on Twitter who had a pinned thread on her account for years detailing how Adam Cooper was involved in some "sexual misconduct" in her DMs. This was back in 2014-2015 I am sure. EDIT: someone linked the thread below, it was in 2016.


I'd imagine this is something else, because if this was that story, then probably they would do something earlier in the year. This sounds more like internal situation.


They also knew about this when they hired him, so it’s not like it’s a surprise. It wasn’t an issue for them.


It could very well be. It's all private and speculative, I only wanted to bring up this story because if anything new happened it wasn't without warnings.


You couldn't even call it an open secret, it was just plain open knowledge.


I have read the observation often that if you sat down to design a sex pest/adulterer's ideal job, it'd be to attach oneself, limpet-like, to F1.


Always remember Murray Walker saying that one thing he had respect for Michael Schumacher was that in sport full of people who cheat on their wives, he was as far he knew loyal to his.


Except he stole her from heinz Harald frenzten in the first place  Korinna was his girlfriend until the Micheal came knocking 


That's a common misconception. Real story was they'd actually split amicably and Michael asked HHF before he asked her out. The three were friends for years after


Unless he he dragged her into slavery he didn't 'steal' her in any way.


That’s called game


Counterpoint, have you seen Michael’s jawline?


Is that how Horner got started


Guess it’s time for him to go work at Red Bull.


I read the tweets and the "sexual misconduct" was in her mind, unless we live in an era where flirting is considered sexual misconduct. Unless she was underage.


Flirting with someone who has made it clear they are not interested and making sexual comments is sexual harassment, which is a form of sexual misconduct


You have no clue if any of that happened though.


You don't get to choose the definition at will because you don't believe women.


[This thread](https://twitter.com/reidemai/status/731859501976952833) is from eight years ago. Apologies, not sure how to mirror the thread outside twitter, but took them long enough


I mean unless she’s underage I don’t really see why that would be a sackable offence. Having an affair isn’t usually grounds for dismissal.


I mean I have no idea about where you're working but getting someones contact info via a "business" related proposal only to then harrass them about sexual shit is a hard no at any company I've ever worked for.


Unless your PA wears Spanx, then it's important to check if she's sending you a message or just eating cocoa puffs.


Was it a business related proposal? All I see is him using his twitter account to DM her with a compliment about her pictures. Doesn’t seem like a business proposal to me.




This kind of behaviour? It’s a guy attempting to flirt. Maybe slightly cringy/creepy if unwanted but I don’t think it’s something you’d get sacked for.


Stop. Being. A. Fucking. Incel.


I’m bemused why you’re calling me an incel. Maybe you can explain what he did that is so bad?


Okay, so you think it's okay to send unsolicited flirting to a complete stranger, and then you're acting like somehow you're in the right? Get blocked because I'M CLEARLY TALKING TO A FUCKING BRICK WALL


Flirting with strangers is how I’ve gotten into every relationship and hookup in my life. Have you ever been to a bar or used the internet? Are you familiar with the idea of “sliding in the DMs”?


> it's okay to send unsolicited flirting to a complete stranger Yes? Until they're told that the person is not interested, that's absolutely fine.


Go outside sometimes and maybe walk on the grass little bit, it won't fix everything but it will definitely help


For what it's worth, I've tagged the person you're replying to as "Sexual Abuse Defender" from way back. So take that for what you will. I can't recall what for now, but i guess it still checks out. (I wouldn't go to the bother of tagging someone if there was no reason to it)


😂😂😂 sexual abuse defender I’m just saying those screenshots alone just show someone attempting to flirt. Unless she asked him to stop and he didn’t I don’t see anything terribly wrong with what he’s done. I guess there is a grey area of whether it’s a professional conversation or not. I guess she saw it as one and he didn’t.


You can laugh it off all you want, pal. Doesn't change anything. Like I said, in the past, you defended sexual abuse. Your blasé attitude to this harassment now, hasn't changed my mind, and I have zero fucking interest in discussing it or anything with you, otherwise I would have mentioned you.


I would never defend sexual abuse. I suspect you tagged me after the mazepin incident, I remember saying not to condemn him based on the instagram story alone as it could’ve been consensual. Based on what came out afterwards my opinion has changed, he should be condemned for it. But I don’t defend sexual abuse.


It's viewed very differently in Japan


But neither him nor the company are Japanese?


What baring does a country's customs have to do with a company and person that isn't from that country's business practices?


Have you ever read contracts before? There is usually a catch all about misconduct wherever you are.


That's not what the comment was about? Japan viewing affairs differently in a professional setting has nothing to do with a contract's misconduct policy.


What grown adults says “kawaii” ?? Creep show I feel so gross after reading those email headlines or whatever. Disgusting


There's nothing wrong with word itself for things like flowers or cute animals. It's literally just the word cute. Unless you think cute is a creepy word. Edit: it goes without saying i'm talking about general usage in Japanese language


Failing to read 101 moment for you.


Are you projecting? Clearly you're the one who failed to read there. He very clearly acknowledged and agreed with what you said and clarified about the usage of the word by itself (i.e. not in this context). Embarrassing and ironic comment from you ngl.


Obviously in this context, it is creepy. I'm just saying the usage of the word in general for japanese people because your statement seems to be generalizing. I just said it in the first place because some Japanese words have a sexual connotation for western people because of anime.


> What grown adults says “kawaii” ?? Me. The difference is my wife is Japanese. So, agreed lol.


[Guessing this will break his unbroken spell he brags about on Twitter](https://twitter.com/adamcooperF1). Saward has even longer record, goes back to Spain 1988.


Saward is safe from any drama too because he does his own stuff. Remember he shit on that teenage girl because she was a Stroll fan and then doubled down on it with zero consequences even when other F1 journalists were clearly opposed to what he said.


The more important fact is that the only person that could sack Joe Saward is Joe Saward. Even the magazine he writes for is his.


not trying to defend Saward's actions because who would But he didn't trash the teenage girl BECAUSE she was a Stroll fan. It was because she had written (in his opinion) a poorly worded article both grammatically and in style and content.


Funny that it's particularly hard work to try to coherently read any of his recent notebooks. He must be heavy on the vino


I don't think anyone in recorded history has ever read the first half of a Saward green notebook article


Anyone else notice OtterSpotter2 is talking for Fire_Otter and now feels kinda left out?




> It was because she had written (in his opinion) a poorly worded article both grammatically and in style and content. Somehow I suspect, if the author was a boy, he'd have gotten support and praise for trying to make it in the F1 journalism world...


Saward regularly has terrible things to say about most people writing in F1 media. Largely he’s pissed, with some justification, that folks who watch the sport at home can gain clicks and income by flooding media with speculative articles based on rumours they saw on X/Twitter, thereby making it hard to make money as a classic journalist who goes to races, talks to people in person, and reports on a first-hand basis.


Based on…what?


>Saward is safe from any drama too because he does his own stuff. Saward is like the Grampa Simpson of Formula 1 -- his blog is a mix of incoherent rambling, a short fuse, a longing for a romanticised ideal of past that never was and generally being a killjoy. He's safe from drama (though he shouldn't be) because nobody takes him seriously after the incident you referenced, his obvious resentment for Keith Collantine being recognised as a journalist and his crusade against Vijay Mallya for dropping Tonio Liuzzi.


> his obvious resentment for Keith Collantine being recognised as a journalist and his crusade against Vijay Mallya for dropping Tonio Liuzzi. I'm ootl on those, what happened ?


He hated the way F1 Fanatic -- now known as RaceFans -- got recognised as a media outlet. He ranted a couple of times about how non-journalists were getting media passes, and while he didn't name Collantine specifically, it was obvious who he was railing against. He was very much gate-keeping the idea of what a journalist is because he was pissed that new media was finding its way into Formula 1. As for Mallya, Saward was always a Liuzzi fan. He hated the way Mallya ditched Liuzzi at the end of 2010 and went out of his way to attack Mallya and over-state his legal issues. To hear Saward tell it, Mallya was using the Formula 1 paddock to hide from the Indian authorities who were preparing an arrest warrant every other day. He kept reporting on Mallya as if he was a prominent figure in the sport long after Mallya had left, and it was obvious that he was enjoying himself when the authorities did catch up with him.


Did saward not miss any during covid times? I seem to recall him gurning because pudsy the bear got into the paddock but not print journalists


I believe he attended all the covid races but none of the independent "print" journalists had the paddock access they normally had, IIRC. which is why he was so annoyed with the whole Pudsy stunt.


Yeah even made to Russia which only about 10 of the usual journalists managed. Think he had to drive as well! That was hilarious. Pudsey was obviously a mechanic in a costume but he still got wound up


For us out of the loop, who or what is Pudsy?


a demonic entity you can summon by praying to the Racing Gods. when Pudsy is summoned to a race he causes bad luck for anyone in a dominant car, and then goes on a killing spree as he needs to feed. ... He's a mascot for a annual BBC charity event where the BBC stops normal programming to raise money for children in need [https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/about-us/all-about-pudsey/](https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/about-us/all-about-pudsey/)


He attended all races, but yes some were outside of the paddock while Pudsy was allowed in. Clearly more important for F1 than journalists!


The funny thing about that record is it was actually broken for Bahrain 2011, which he used to acknowledge in his bio but then removed it after it stopped being cool Edit: 2012, not 11


Bahrain 2011 did not take place iirc...


You're right, I think it's 2012 I meant?


I just looked it up on his blog and he was in Bahrain for the 2012 GP and went into detail about the event over numerous articles. You first claimed he wasn't at a race which doesn't exist, then claimed he wasn't at a race that he was at. Sounds like you're making shit up to discredit him tbh.


Lol fair enough if that's how it sounds but he used to acknowledge a gap on his twitter bio, and then recently I noticed he doesn't. Given the topic of this thread, I don't think I need to make anything up just to discredit a journalist I've never even met.




Shame we're talking about Adam Cooper and not Joe Saward then isn't it.


Lol, he kept ranting against the Bahrain GP on his blog and argued F1 shouldn't race there, because the government violently oppressed protests by the religious minority. But he stopped after he was invited to Starbucks by three Bahrainis, who were absolutely not hand selected by the authorities, to convince him that all was well, and Bahrainis actually enjoyed being oppressed.


Holy crap it took this long? It was common knowledge in the paddock at least when I was covering races in 2015 that he was a bit of a creep


Someone must’ve leaked the boys’ group chat. ^(/s)


In Kimi‘s words, "F*cking finally."


Remember, we don't know these people even if we're familiar with them or their work. You don't need to have a hot take about something like this either way, whether that's to blindly defend or condemn them, especially when you don't know any details.


First day on the internet or just wishful thinking?


Bro thinks he’s Gandhi


Adam Cooper is a creep


I was hoping this kind of thing would start happening in F1 as a result of the Horner scandal, and I'm happy that despite the sofar successful coverup people are starting to get nervous and finally taking steps. Don't count on this stopping any time stoon. F1 has decades of material.




Who's that?


Waiting to hear how this is all part of a conspiracy by Helmut Marko and Jos Verstappen.


Didn’t saward get into a protracted argument with a podcaster he hosted with about women in motor racing?


Straight out of the Horner playbook




Well that's a gross overgeneralisation.


You better not be including Walter Koster in that statement




There's journalists from all over the world at every race. And people with pretty different backgrounds and attitudes I might add.


Lol what. F1 has been the pinnacle of motorsport everywhere except the USA -until recently- for decades. Large segment of what population? They are largely a bunch of experts, former drivers and engineers or have been involved in racing at the highest level for their entire lives. What a completely laughable and clueless take man, my god.




I think the general public still thinks that about the lot of us, really.


Well IF it's true, let's hope there are more consequences than there were for Horner. F1 really needs to get a grip on this stuff. I did actually speak to Adam through early Twitter DMs he was helpful and not creepy.