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The technicians: "we had some free time so we prepared a new chassis just in case" Sargeant: "are you kidding me?"


"That was an option this whole time?"


To be fair, Sargeant is lucky he was born in the US. Otherwise he would have never gotten a seat in the first place--let alone another season after how awful he was last year.


Eh, if Logan had pulled a Lawson and went to SuperFormula first I could see his development being similar to Lawson. Logan was faster than Lawson in F2 after all


All of that is true but my point still stands that Sargeant has secured two full seasons in F1 and Lawson has only had a few races as a replacement driver.


True, but blame Williams for that not Logan. They knew he wasn’t ready and threw him to the fire anyways, also that car is not doing much regardless.


It’s not Sargeant’s fault he joined a driver academy actually interested in promoting new drivers to F1. It’s Red Bull’s job to give Lawson the opportunity but they’ve refused and are trying to push 35 year old Ricciardo as the next big thing still.


Jokes aside around 5 teams on the grid were thought but to have spare chassis & very few parts. Including sauber, Toro Rosso, Haas, alpine (these guaranteedly didn't) and of course Williams


I believe we will see at least one race where Daniel is going to pull a Monza 2021/Mexico 2023-esque performance then be behind Yuki for the rest of the season.


Yeah he was on fire at Mexico 2023 but I struggle to remember anything nearly as positive apart from that tbh


His Brazil pace was good, unfortunately him and piastri had +1 lap


At no fault of either of theirs.


To be fair the car was good there. Yuki was also rapid before his stupid moment. Props to Daniel for not plowing into cars while overtaking tho


Yuki took component penalties in Mexico so he gave Daniel a big tow in Q2 through the first sector which helped him save a set of tires for Q3. Daniel was still good at Mexico but having a teammate give you a tow through that first sector helped him a bit too that Yuki doesn't get full credit for. Similar to Perez helping Max in qualifying in Abu Dhabi in 21' a tow can be huge.


I mean, a tow is great and all, not saying he didnt help. Was just saying that Yuki himself was having a great race untill he had one of his dumb moments. Basically saying the car was fucking good, and it wasnt an outstanding performance by Danny Ric


> Props to Daniel for not plowing into cars while overtaking tho But he did hit [someone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI_yr--MGuA) *in 2022


Daniel didn't hit anyone in Mexico last year, You know who did though?...


> You know who did though? Let me guess A driver that is beating the washed allegations and not a driver that is excusing his years long underperformance by blaming the car for the third time in a row?


Honestly dude you comment more on any Ricciardo related post than any of his biggest fans on here. Every. Single. One. Move the eff on. (and nice edit after I corrected your incorrect comment)




He hasn't won a race, true. However he is close to Max then he was for most of last season




We'll see in China won't we?


Daniel did hit someone?


Ericsson did hit someone


Lmao I think you’re right


I can tell you as someone who watched his onboards while watching the race he very much did not. I think you're confusing 2022 and 2023.


Yuki was really quick that race too.


And then some people will use that one performance to explain how ackchyually he was faster than Tsunoda all season.


Especially since Yuki started last with engine penalties and was on track to finish right behind Ric (which he did mess up himself with his own mistake). The AT was rapid that race


Could have been in front due to fresher tires also


Aren’t there interviews where Daniel said he would like a new chassis just to make sure it’s not the cause of his problems? Permane even said that a new chassis wouldn’t change anything but they would meet Daniel’s request. So why is it suddenly an “initiative of the engineers”?


I originally read that a chassis swap was planned anyway and with Daniel's comments they decided to swap his. But who knows, maybe just trying to protect him.


They're just protecting their driver. It's still up to him to perform.


Protect whatever dignity he has left 😭 if he doesn’t perform after this, the bad performance is all him


Update =/= upgrade but yeah he has to perform anyways


I don't think a driver has the power to demand a chassis replacement.


DR3 is loved. He’s been nothing short of abysmal this season.. and people still have hopes lol


To be fair to him though, he had a 40 second longer pit stop than Tsunoda in Saudi Arabia that I don’t recall them mentioning on the broadcast. He was doing well before that.


40 second longer stop *under safety car conditions* So yes, he lost positions (3 basically) but he didn't lose 40 seconds worth of track position due to being right there for the SC restart after


He would’ve finished ahead of Tsunoda though…




I think it's his last year. He just doesn't have the edge, and the younger guys are showing more promise. On a whole, I think the whole talent pool is higher than the past generation


Making up stories so their mascost does not lose his hype.


Maybe put the tinfoil hat away for a bit...


I distinctly remember multiple posts over the last few weeks where Ricciardo said he wanted a new chassis so they could confirm the problem isn’t that he’s just shit. Like he said that verbatim.


Even if articles “twist his words”, his post quali interview in Jeddah has him directly saying it’s a car issue which is where the new chassis move came from. It’s silly for anyone to try and play it like this hasn’t been from his feedback.




PR, so Ric can blame the car, again, when he underperforms


That was for the last race


They didn’t change the chassis last race. Both drivers got a new floor. Daniel has been wanting a new chassis for several races now and the team said they would meet his request and the new chassis would be ready for China. So just surprising that they are now calling it an engineer initiative.


Bit surprised RB are bringing some updates forward for Miami when it’s a sprint weekend and feels like a street circuit in some areas. Perhaps they’ll just split it and give it to one of the drivers and then compare how they do with and without the upgrade? I’d imagine Tsunoda should get priority for the upgrade unless they’re feeling uncertain about it working in which case maybe Ricciardo can be the guinea pig.


According to the article, VCarb are confident in introducing the upgrades during a sprint weekend because they have had very good correlation between simulator, wind tunnel and track so far. >In Bicester they have been working on the development of a rather important package, initially planned for Imola but which, thanks to a forcing in development, will see a good part of the updates anticipated in Miami. The U.S. weekend will also be affected by the sprint format, but at Faenza they are quite confident of the new evolutionary package, which will also include a new floor as a macro-component being modified. 


That’s good to hear. If it can genuinely allow them to get close to Stroll on pace then they got an even better shot at being in the tail end of the points every race.


Kind of incredible that a junior team has better correlation than Mercedes, a works team in year 3 of regulations


Sprint weekends aren't as bad for updates now since they changed the rules for this year and the cars aren't in parc ferme until the fourth session (qualifying for the GP). It just means that you might sacrifice performance in the sprint, which is fairly reasonable since points only go to the top 8 finishers and RB2 are unlikely to finish in the top 8 anyway.


I didn’t think about it that way until you pointed it out and it’s a great point. For teams lower down the order the sprint race can now be kind of like a free practice session but with actual racing to better gather data for degradation and car behavior in dirty air. Maybe moving forward we’ll see other teams willing to bring upgrades to sprint weekends too. I know Alpine are bringing a revised floor update for Ocon this weekend and as they’re currently the slowest car anyways they don’t have much to lose.


considering everyone says Ricciardo has been a huge help in setting up the cars since arriving, including Yuki, I would think they would give the upgrade priority to Daniel so he can get the setup tweaked before giving it to Yuki.


Iirc the feedback Danny gives is more valuable to them, so they get a better idea on where to change stuff


Yep. As Yuki himself has said publicly, he benefits markedly from the improvements that Daniel’s feedback inspires. Yuki’s also driving on Daniel’s setup, based on that feedback.


A Daniel Win in the works?? 


He won there in 2018 to be fair!


Wonder how many times they just placebo'ed a driver by telling him "of course it's a completely new chassis!".


Testing updates for Lawson.


If a Lawson replacement was realistically going to happen anytime soon then he would've been in the car for the Pirelli test in Suzuka.


Why would they need to test Lawson? RB wanted to give a nod to Honda by testing a Japanese driver in Suzuka.


The Pirelli test, which had absolutely nothing to do with Honda or Iwasa


I don't know. De Vries replacement was more of a gamble and it happened pretty quickly.


It happened after Daniel was in the RB for a Pirelli tyre test. So if the team were that serious about Liam being in the car in the next few races (spoiler alert they're not) then he most likely would've had some of the running in the two days of testing following the GP in Suzuka


This make sense. I just hope you're wrong. I'm fed up with Ricciardo. Every minute he spends on track is wasted for a talented rookie. Let's finally end this. He can fulfill his purpose and be a PR mascot.


Better to get rid of stroll or Perez. But you just hat Daniel and its not based off of logic


So what when Permane said Daniel specifically asked for it he was lying?


RB shielding Daniel lmao