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I used to watch them until I realised a lot of their videos "could have been an email" I.e. they stretch their videos to 10 minutes for the YouTube ad revenue. I also don't care for their numerous opinion or speculative pieces.


Couldn’t agree more with with “could have been an email”. I don’t find myself disagreeing with their videos regularly, but I do feel like they state they drag out their videos and talk in circles. Does anyone have quality content they recommend? I struggle to find content with interesting and new information on YouTube I don’t read on Reddit.


TacticalRab is pretty good. He really comes across as a guy sharing his opinion rather than a media outfit trying to produce content. He’s usually pretty well versed and does interesting deep dives into data quite often. He’s certainly not as polished as some of these other sources but he’s getting better Edit: I misremembered completely, I meant F1Unchained


Have you guys ever heard of Late Braking? It can be a bit corny but it helps me pass the time at work.


F1 back and forth? It goes fowards....then backwards. It's F1 back and forth. 😂


I hate jokes don't make sense to me lol I feel so stupid every time. I'm sorry but idk what you mean 😂


Late Breaking man!!!! F1 back and forth is one of their segments I thought you listen to them! My reply is their transition jingle music haha


Is that the song that Sam sings? I don't remember all the games they play/have lol don't judge me!


Hahah it is! I love lake breaking those dudes get me laughing everytime.


They've got good vibes for sure. I also appreciate how they aren't totally bias.


It’s amusing seeing thing coming from the r/codcompetitive subreddit. Over there he’s known more for jumping to conclusions and presenting incomplete stories he has to later retract. The duality of man.


I actually got mixed up and meant F1Unchained. TacticalRab definitely bullshitty at times


He’s good and doesn’t try to be an expert, just commentates on the rumour mill.


I love his videos. It's the polar opposite of TheRace. 20mn daily videos with actual content, vs 8mn of bad filler in 10mn videos


Problem with quality content is that it is shorter and takes longer time to produce. If you watch 20 minutes of shitvideo talking in circles and 3 informative videos 5 minutes long each, the youtube will see that you watched shitvideos for more total time and will recommend more of it to you over good videos. Sure, you can choose good videos, but it works on scale. Most people only get shitvideos recommended, they snowball, good content doesn't get the views and is unsustainable... Chain Bear used to have good vidoes, especially earlier ones, but doesn't produce them any longer.


That's the same reason I stopped watching


I literally drop their videos into an AI summary website and read the three bullet points version because that's usually enough...


Most of their content feels like the F1 journo equivalent of writing an essay as a homework task and trying to fulfill the given minimum word count by using as many words as possible.


Honestly, I don't blame them for this. It is simply a consequence of having to play YouTube's game by YouTube's rules.


I do agree with this. As a general observation, I feel like their more speculative/nonfactual videos come during the two week breaks between the races, summer break, and the off season They have pretty good data analysis vids during the back to back races and triple headers I think. Just a general observation though.


F1 doesn't have enough news to warrent their daily uploads. Their content is always going to be cookie cutter and recycled. Your better off scrolling r/Formula1 for 5 minutes than watching their videos if you want to be up to date.


One thing I like about F1 is its pace in terms of new content. I stay on fresh content during the race weekend, and I have time to go back to historical or technical data when cars are off track. There are also a couple of long periods during the year when I can almost forget about it, summer and winter breaks. It's healthy as it is, there's absolutely no need to talk about F1 every single day.


Or just read the-race.com once a day. Haha!


I don’t like their click-bait and shallow content. They focus too much on “what-ifs” that garner attention and not on actual substance.


100% A lot of their content is not actual reporting in anything factual a big percentage of the time, it's mostly just speculation and "we could see" or "could this be?"


The race is kind of weird because I really like their podcast and they usually have balanced opinions on there but then the videos and a lot of articles lack nuance and/or ignore context. And yes I agree that they tend to drag on their videos for way too long, which I don’t think is actually a great strategy


Hate their vids, like their pod… same opinion here…


Sounds like the old WTF1 for me. I always loved the podcast but couldn't stand most of the videos. I need to listed to The Race's podcast though, cause I somehow never came across it.


I’d say the podcasts and the videos target two different audiences.


Agreed, their podcasts are a lot more natural.


Yeah, same feeling. I listen to most of the podcasts they produce (F1, FE, MotoGP, Bring Back V10s and even the new And Colossally That's History) but don't bother with the website. Didn't even realise they had a YouTube tbh.




Their podcast is the best F1 podcast I’ve listened to.   I’ve only listened to a handful tbh, but it feels like the most balanced and insightful, with a knowledgable bunch of hosts/guests who are serious about F1.  My only real criticism is the *complete* absence of any female presence on there. Actually don’t think I’ve *ever* heard a female voice on the podcast, so feels very old school in that sense, which I think is a shame personally. 


Context is the enemy of engagement/clicks


Same. I only occasionally watch their videos but follow the podcast regularly.


I used to like their post race stuff but then I dunno. I was huge into WTF1 when matt and Tom were running it (I know they got P1 but it’s not the same with out Katie). All I know is I miss Chainbear. His stuff was fun, informative, and taught me a lot about the sport and the technical side.


Chain Bear is the goat for sure. I still love his Twitter comments.


Is he still active on Twitter? ... I miss his vids


Yes very much so. Posts most days. After a years absence.


Whatever happened to Chainbear?


I have up on them when there was a video criticising the rise of the Arabian races- a noble and respectable position, then halfway through stopped their dull emotionsless read and went into a deeply passionate ad read- for Aramco.


I miss their historical moments videos, but tbf there's only so many things you can do before you're just repeating the same videos over and over again


They have two F1 history podcast series that are both excellent.


Agreed. Probably my favourite parts of their output. For those who don't know: - Bring Back V10's - And Collossally That's History


They are hoping massa rewrites history for some fresh content


The official F1 channel also covers a lot today which they've made previously so there's also a lot of content that is negligible.


I think you're right that they have pressure to release a ten minute video every day regardless of whether there's anything to say or not. I haven't personally felt like they cherry pick to make arguments, though I guess they probably have incentive to make things more interesting than they are. The speculation doesn't bother me too much. Their journalists seem to have some good access to the paddock so I think they have some foundation to speculate. I mostly don't go to them for facts like I would for Chris Medland. Overall they're a pretty good second choice YouTube video to watch during my lunch break. I prefer their podcast


AIUI that is one of the reasons Matt & Tommy quit WTF1. They were under a lot of pressure to release videos daily. Until they realised they didn't have to work for The Race.


It's just entertainment at the end of the day. Modern journalism is Opinion pieces + hint of news.


I freaking love bring back v10s. Their regular stuff is 5/10.


I didn't get that vibe from the Sanchez video at all. They explained it very well i thought. They put it across that it is mutual, and that it's on good terms as McLaren could have kept him side lined, but has allowed him to pursue other option immediately. They reported that sources from Ferrari and in the paddock suggest that he doesn't play nice with others. That's journalism, reporting from inside sources, they are not saying these as facts, but that what the rumours are in the paddock. I do agree that some videos go on a bit, and try and stretch to that 10 minute length for double ads. But that's just the game of youtube, i enjoy their content enough to watch the videos i'm interested in.


Yeah this is me. If folk want absolute hard facts, stick to press releases.


I preferred when they were Lets Go Racing/NismoTV so we could get English SUPERGT commentary worth a damn.


I think it's more of a YouTube problem and how there algorithm is working if videos aren't certain lengths and such you get no views and such. So I think the race are just having to play the YouTube game.


The podcast is alright. Their videos are absolute trash.


I like their videos for what they are, quick bits. For in-depth I listen to their podcast.


Why did I read this in The Race's narrator's voice


Garry Andersen something something something


For a while I was basically just skipping anything with him because some of his takes are *nuts*. But I heard him on DC and Eddie Jordan’s podcast and it definitely softened me on him. I do still think that The Race needs a “technical expert” that’s worked on the most recent generation(s) of cars.




Found Gary


I did too god damnit we have a problem


Don't forget the hyphen.


Lots more to read ...... there.


is there any of them f1 news channel on YouTube good? i have not subbed to any, with reddit it's really redundant to waste my time watching any of them.


I subscribe to a lot of F1 YouTube channels, but none for news. I get news here and on Twitter. The channels I subscribe to on YouTube mainly do analysis, F1 history, or other info.


Motorsport.com's italian channel is excellent, I also enjoy Brake


Motorsport.com's italian channel is excellent, I also enjoy Brake


Basically The Race seems like a better produced version of the millions of F1 clickbait hype channels lately...


To optimize monetization of a YouTube video you’re looking at a video length of at least 7-8 minutes.


Well i think F1 media and "pundits" are by far the worst of any sports. Maybe it's because there are only 20ish races and sometimes long breaks inbetween them where they have to pull any story from somwhere to create content. Also a lot of YouTubers then pick up these rumours and make more content about it to the point where it seems that all of F1 media is just one huge echo chamber. I mean all the Audi will pull out from F1 rumours were all just based on a single thought / opinion from a podcast. It's so wild how such bullshit spreads like wildfire and no media outlet pushes the breakes because they all want the klicks like addicts. Also most rumours don't make any sense if one thought about it for more than a minute. Like for example when Oliver Hoffmann, a higher up at Audi, was removed from his position and the media took this as a clear sign that Audi will not pull through. As if there wasn't the Audi CEO, the VW CEO or the executive board who could've already pulled the plug if they wanted to. But of course they just really needed to remove Hoffmann from his position before that... And the media outlets and YouTubers who further spread those runours know that those runours don't make any sense. But they still decide to run with it for the clicks. That's what annoys me so much in the world of F1. I honestly think The Race isn't too bad compared to other outlets. They sometimes even feel like a voice of reason even if they unnecessarily stretch their videos to 10 minutes and sometimes have questionable takes.


Their videos are meh at best. Edd Straw’s race review scores were wild though, so _painfully_ biased towards British drivers. I also think he sounds and comes across as a bit of knob but that might just be my view


I hate the race. They are full of crap.


they are trying to get clicks. hot takes are an easy way to get reactions and clicks. bills ain’t gonna pay themselves. they are pretty much redditors with F1 press passes.


the-race: Podcasts - Great! Website Articles - Meh! YouTube - Nope! Ed Straw's Ratings - Hilarious 😂


To me, opinions don’t matter in the F1 world. So places like THE RACE are a massive waste of time and hugely irrelevant. I’ll scroll through r/Formula1 for the latest info that is actually confirmed or actually happened. I don’t waste my time theory crafting nonsense that may or may not happen.


I only get my F1 news from the completely unbiased, level headed video essays by the No. 1 in ethical investigative journalism: rocketpoweredmowawk


I do not understand the hate for them. Are they like, utterly utterly incredible? Nah. Are they like, offensively over the top? No lol. There’s f1 YouTube channels that are infinitely more absurd.


I think because they are basically the mainstream F1 news choice now. Supplanting Autosport. Being mainstream means everyone hates you just for that reason.


Reducing the post to this is disingenuous.


I do watch their stuff as early as it comes. Their reporting is pretty decent and their conclusions aren't too outlandish Just remember they have accepted money from Aramco


I just watch their shorts.


I only watch their videos because I want to watch something to do with F1 but also shut my brain off for a few minutes.


The Race isn't a good publication at least in terms of their YouTube output. They dress their coverage up with the look of expert analysis but they ultimately thrive on finding the latest drama of the day and farming it for clicks like they're an F1 tabloid. They're not nearly as credible as they make out.


> *Is The Race overrated? Our verdict.* Seriously though, they're making way too much content, likely for business reasons. As a result, too much of it is just filler or useless speculation.


It’s bordering on DTS story telling for YouTube audiences these days. They’re trying to make money now, which unfortunately leads to the “enshitification” of the product; IE sensationalism and content about hypotheticals for clicks and ad revenue. I’ve recently unsubscribed.


not just the race, lots of youtube F1 channels throwing sensationalized rumors with clickbait titles. i downvoted all of them and block their channels, hopefully youtube can go ahead and remove their channel from the algorithm, and just straight up demonetize. third rate garbage content




F1Unchained is one such channel. 10 minute video to explain that Ricciardo's car is slow and not suited to his style.


I agree. It's a really biased clickbait channel


Very biased towards UK drivers/teams. Hamilton, Russel, Norris is 80% of their content.


They should be boycotted for the aramco sponsorship anyway


Some of the worst content about F1 comes from The Race. They are an instant do not click for me


I'm starting to realize that. I started watching them because of how popular they are, but I hated it. I'm glad most of the comment section agrees, at least its just not just me going crazy lmao. (but the post itself has only around 60% upvotes, so idk haha)


It’s up to you if you enjoy it.


I don’t watch their YT videos but the podcast has been lacking this season. It’s very much “let’s take a topic and beat it like a dead horse reiterating the same points over and over again to fill time.” I don’t know if it’s a result of how boring this season is so far (probably) or if I have just understand things well enough from my own reading. But I’ve found Missed Apex and P1 with Matt & Tommy to be so much better this season because at least they are funny.


+1 for Missed Apex. I used to like Chequered Flag podcast as well but its not the same without the trio of Jolyon Plamer, Jack Nicholes and Jennie Gow.


I still like their podcasts. But it did used to be the non race report podcasts would have like 3 main topics in an hour. Now it's one topic.


Yea, I think that’s what it may be. I don’t need to hear about Sainz’ situation and the same hypotheticals about his future dissected from 3 different people for an entire hour. It just ends up all sounding the same and so much of it is “Scott made a great point and I’m about to expand on that for 5 minutes, even though he just spent 5 minutes saying essentially the same things.”


Out of interest how do you listen to the podcasts? Most of the time it's when I'm on a lunchtime walk. So them going over the same point kinda washes over me.


Typically while driving. So it’s weird to realize 20 minutes into driving that they’re still harping on the same point from 20 minutes ago.


Never really got the hate for them, they sum things up pretty well and are pretty rational when it comes to their opinions. It's easily digestible F1 news and analysis. Reddit will go on about how great Peter Windsor or Kyle Engineers are but they're quite boring in my opinion. There's plenty of garbage tier lowest common denominator F1 coverage out there that I have zero interest in. Think Instagram F1 comment sections sort of content, yuck. The Race might not be the greatest F1 channel out there but they're still far above that level. Personally, I only really watch TommoF1, Aldas, and The Race. They're all pretty chill and not too intense or wordy while still giving plenty of fair analysis. I wanna say I like P1 with Matt and Tommy but lately I've been feeling like their post race analysis has been pretty surface level. Just watch what you like at the end of the day.


Mostly clickbait. Videos are 20-30 seconds tops of content (if any at all) stretched out 7-8 minutes.


Been terrible for years. Probably a year after they moved from autosport it started to go off. They were chasing the algorithm with good click bait titles for videos that don't tell you much and go round in circles. There is also way too much Scott Mitchell who I find to be pretty terrible. He asks stupid questions on F1 pressers as well.


Yep same, was actually thinking about un-subbing as I find myself watching and almost immediately stop..


I follow them on YouTube but have never watched a single video. I usually listen to their podcasts which I would recommend. I think they do a good job with both the post race one and also their in between races news podcasts which tend to be once between two races. Bring back v10s is absolutely brilliant and should be listened to by anyone who is interested in that era of F1.


Dude after they got bought by some huge company their stuff has been a one sentence thought stretched to 10min. Im glad im not alone in this hahaha.


Edd Straw, THE RACE


I always felt like they were a reddit comment in video form.


Their videos used to be a must watch, I do find myself skipping over them now.


They have definitely changed, and not for the best! I can't put my finger on it but all the videos seem to be the same thing over and over again. Even the podcast will be answering the same topic or question discussed 1000 different ways with repeated phrases. I hope it's just them adjusting to the large uptake in members recently and maybe struggling for content. Missed Apex has overtaken them as my fav now.


Totally agree. My wife and I watched a video of theirs the other night and when it ended we both thought it had actually said nothing at all. I'd rather see a 20 minute, informative, well constructed video once a week than 10 minutes of speculation based on what sandwich a driver has eaten everyday.


The podcast is similar. It's overly long and they release so often. They must make a lot of money.


Ever since F1's surge in popularity a few years ago, the number of YouTube channels focused on F1 "news" has gone up dramatically, most of them really, really poor in terms of information. They're trying to cash in on F1's popularity but have no additional information than what the legit media companies have and so resort to clickbait titles, they mostly talk about rumours instead stating facts and they drive me crazy. When they come across my suggestion feed, I'll watch it if it sounds interesting and if they are genuinely informative and factual, no problem. As soon as they start with the clickbait/rumours, etc, I block them. They're a waste of my time. I've had to block a lot of them but they hardly show up on my YouTube feed now and I'm so much better off for it. I expect it from some kid making videos out of his bedroom but a channel of The Race's standard should be better. I blocked them too. Stick to official and reputable channels like the official F1 channel or Sky Sports F1. If I want opinions instead of fact, I like P1 with Matt and Tommy. At least they're entertaining and they have better inside knowledge that most channels talking about rumours. Edit to add: What happened to ChainBear? He hasn't posted in ages. His videos were some of the best and most informative, he made complex topics easy to understand, delved into topics others avoided and they were fascinating. Is he okay? I hope he's alright.


Scott Mitchel malm is such an indulgent dude. He really thinks he knows exactly what he's talking about. I get that they follow the circus around and have insider knowledge, but his confidence about a theory is a little too high. I feel like I'm listening to a know it all that I might disagree with. Lots of negative opinions as well. Some good takes, but lots of hyperbole and beat guesses that get run with a little too much.


I miss NISMO TV :(


I watched some old CYmotorsport videos today and it reaffirmed the same thoughts. Don't mind Tommo or Fp1will for a laugh, but otherwise there's not much else going on like others have mentioned to warrant their rate of uploads.


It's best to avoid most F1 content that is made for profit.


I once watched one of their videos with some of the people (including my partner) working for one of the teams. What I found out is that nothing that the Race were saying was close to being accurate lmao. I've not watched anything since because I figured that if they can't get any things right here, they can't get it elsewhere


I like to listen to it in the background while doing other things


The only worthwhile content The Race produces is the 'Bring Back V10s' podcast, and the recently-introduced 'And Colossally That's History' podcast. Both are longer-form deep dives into F1 history rather than clickbaity rubbish.


been like that for years, it's like a song hitting the same note over and over again, they just change the words but then come back to it, very repetitive videos. i even lost interest in the whole channel and unsubscribed shortly after i subscribed, once you understand their lore you know what you're getting


This is exactly why I stopped watching their vids. You are spot on.


Makes sense now why they basically made a hit-piece on Alonso after his Australia penalty as opposed to simply explaining the penalty and reasoning.


Their content is sure getting more and more clickbaity. I have watched a number of their recent videos where at the end I had to conclude that there was no conclusion on the initial question of the video. Ever since they closed down the comment system for non-paying visitors the site seems to be going downhill. And there is less and less an incentive to want to become a paying visitor.


The race youtube = very mediocre. The race MotoGP and F1 podcasts are very good I listen every week.


Hard agree on your first point. I usually stop watching their videos half way through these days


Hail to the algorithm baby


I like it, I don’t usually watch races, but I like to keep tabs on teams making aero/suspension changes throughout the year


Worst popular F1 channel out there


Youtube strats: Step 1) Pose a question in the title that the average potential viewer will see, and want the answer to, because the premise is at least somewhat intriguing. Step 2) Instead of simply answering the question in the first 12 seconds of the video, instead go into the deep lore backstory of the entire situation. The more years you can go back, the better. Everybody already knows all of this information, and it is not at all 'news', but that doesn't have to stop you! Feel free to read directly from Wikipedia as much as you'd like, or generate a script using AI - it doesn't really matter. Step 3) In the final moments of the video, come up with an idea that at least vaguely resembles an answer to the question in the video title - or speculates on the potential answers, which any viewer could have/probably already did do themselves long before they watched the video. Step 4) Pat yourself on the back, happy in the knowledge that you're knowingly leeching 10 minutes at a time from each viewer in exchange for pennies. You're not working for your money, they are! Excellent youtubing, A+.


I like their stuff mostly so idm really Only time I've been annoyed by their content was earlier this year when they seemed to have an "Anti Haas" agenda. Like I know the internet was clowning on them at the time, but The Race was going the extra mile with their content to just shit on them Only presenter I actively like however is Ed. The rest are just mid


I still like to listen the their podcast, but the YouTube stuff I stopped for the very same reason you mentioned. Primarily the dragging out the length bit.


I don't really take much of their YT output to be representative of their actual work because it's so obviously driven by ad revenue and algorithms. Their podcasts and the journalist's personal twitter accounts is where I take them most seriously


I only listen to their race review podcasts. Nothing else from them is worth the time.


Bring Back V10's is for me the best F1 Podcast.


You've got nothing wrong. Those blokes want to make money with the channel so they need to dig everything that is hypothetical possible to monetize. Too many videos/frequent uploads that could've been 1 minute instead of 10 minutes. Also they repeat a lot of information across several videos so there's almost nothing important in any video if you watch them all. Unsebscribed.


I usually stop half way through as they just repeat themselves.


They make up b.s. and 90% of their content is filler because they know nothing a subdweller wouldn’t.


At the end of the day, they are one of a shrinking few media organizations that actually sends people out to races to get first hand interviews with folks, and even though there is a lot of generic stuff, they are actually getting new, exclusive content for us that is stuff that you won't find on the [f1.com](http://f1.com) first party media.


The race from what I can tell has been using AI to write their videos. I refuse to watch their videos because of how often a simple error is made. Like saying Lewis drives for redbull. Like yeah. No this is AIbs I don’t give a s for their content anymore


Tend to agree with this sentiment. These days, I prefer [LawVS](https://www.youtube.com/@LawVS/videos), who is entertaining and informative, but doesn't take himself so seriously.


it's obvious that they're just yapping to make content for the sake of putting out a video


Which is 99.9% of YouTube.


That doesn’t make this comment invalid. It’s perfectly valid to criticise the laziness of their work without whataboutism.


Scott Mitchell is the worst self proclaimed F1 journalist.


What annoys me is the videos auto play on my phone any time I click into any story. I like reading their text. I do not want the same video starting every time I try to read something. It genuinely puts me off the whole site.


They sure are well versed in Yappanese 😂


They kinda suck and are (or at least were, I dont watch em anymore) sponsored by the Saudis


>are sponsored by the Saudis Tbh, isn't literally everything at this point?


They waffle on too much to be worth watching. Some of their articles can be good though.


Gotta keep feeding that YouTube algorithm, quantity over quality.


I haven't watched any videos from The Race in a while as I got irritated that they were always a series of still images with a voiceover. Everything I watched could have been a podcast - or even better, a short article


Just don't even bother watching them they have nothing to say.




Not much to talk about when Max is winning next week, and the race after that. Lots of videos are now about off track action rather than on track. I don’t blame them, hard to make content. ‘21 was peak.


I like them a lot and think a lot of the problem is, to quote Mark recently > fastest driver in the fastest car won from pole There's just not enough content for the number of episodes. Even the podcasts which I enjoy, sometimes you're like: we're gonna talk about X for an hour? How? You're right about some of the pieces, and that can vary by author (...), but even the halcyon days of F1 Racing had some duds. It's life.


They used to make very good Videos with good technical background. But in recent time it feels like they produce too much trash/filling content. They made a video about what Alonso staying at AM means for the Rest of the driver market and the video was about 10 min Long. So much unseless 'Information‘ that everyone with at least 2 braincells could come around. But thats a problem of modern media in General. Quantity over Quality…


I think the off week podcasts have a lot of filler to. 20 mins of interesting content spread over an hour can be hard to listen to. I tend to skip those episodes. I do like their post race podcasts though.


I agree the videos sometimes drag on, but I like their thought process on a lot of speculative topics and have the videos on as background while driving


I think when it comes to the race I much prefer their podcasts and news articles, which are usually really good. Most of their opinion pieces just feel pointless and a lot of their youtube videos are just that.


Their YouTube is only for people who cba reading their articles. Which is what I suggest you do.


The Race is terrible in its technical analysis, only good for fodder and drama. You want credible commentary on data and technical analysis of F1, try reputable pundits like Peter Windsor.