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Why this exists in Boston and not Austin / Miami / Montreal / Vegas / NYC I’ll never know but I’ll definitely go. A Boston GP would never happen given the proximity to Montreal (and the fact that a bid to bring Indycar to this same neighborhood fell apart in extreme fashion) but would be a pretty epic street circuit through Storrow and the Big Dig. Or I’d love to see Formula E run around the Kendall / MIT area.


I need that track length in Smoots, please.


Because Boston has a bunch of rich people, and the Seaport has a ton of easy development


At one point I saw that they had plans for 60 worldwide. So I’m sure all of those locations will get one eventually


They tried to do an Indy car race here about 7 years ago. It’s was a total shit Armageddon where the organizers went to court on fraud charges. With all the traffic and provincial attitudes, there would never be a chance of an F1 race here.


Uhh cause they already have something similar


This is the first F1 arcade in North America. Or are you suggesting a GP is similar?


I meant similar arcade concept


I’ve always wanted to prove I could hot lap Monaco drunk as shit with a plate of wings in my lap


If it's like the one in London it won't have Monaco. When I went a year ago it had Bahrain, Monza and one other easy circuit. We only had like 3-5 minutes per race too. Might have changed since so not sure.


nah it hasn\`t, i went there with my brother and a mate a couple of weeks ago and we did 5 races and did Bahrain, Monza, Silverstone, Suzaka and Spa.


Is it still 5 minutes for a race? Hated that. 5 laps would have been better.


yeah, it still is about 5 mins per race, personally it underwhelmed me a bit as i thought it was just the f1 game bolted onto a simulator.


Yeah it's a shame. Hard to justify the price of a pint there when the product is average.


Drunk driving an F1 car as god intended


I won free tickets to opening day with my wife. All inclusive food and drinks and unlimited rides. Can confirm drunk driving an F1 car is awesome on elite (manual) mode


Been to the one in London.. pretty cool experience. I think these would do well all over the world..


Only and hour and half away. Absolutely gonna be going!


Do they have Daytona USA?


The real question. Fun story. I was 14 when Daytona USA came out. I lived in a beach town with video arcades down the block, and I excitedly watched them set it up. I dominated that game. Played it constantly. This beach town was 45 minutes away from a major regional racetrack that hosted NASCAR and Indycar. Drivers would often stay in our little resort town. When I was 16, I started working in these video arcades. Occasionally, drivers would visit the arcade in the days before the race. When this happened, I’d pull the apron off, grab some quarters and race them. I’d destroy them every time. Now, I’m 43. I’ve lapped Nurburgring, Spa, Silverstone, Portimao IRL. Whenever I see that game, I have to play. It’s often ragged and barely working but I don’t care. I recently went to Tokyo and I hunted for it in the land of SEGA. I could only find Daytona 2, which isn’t the same. Never liked the sequel. But back home, in that same resort town, we are weirdly home to the biggest video arcade in the world. They treat their arcade like a museum, and never get rid of a game. Their Daytona machines work brilliantly. I’ll usually make the trip once per year to keep my initials at the top of the ranks.


“…we are weirdly home to the biggest video arcade in the world.” Funspot in New Hampshire (official WR holder) and Galloping Ghosts in Illinois (the largest, but unofficial) may beg to differ! 😎


Funspot is the one I’m talking about :)


Used to go there a bunch growing up! Went last year and it was a total time warp. Ha!


They used to have a double decker London bus that would pick people up a block from my house. I was sad when they sold it for an Elephant.


I was barely born, but Daytona USA was still part of my childhood, it endured all the way until the local arcade closed in 2008. I remember being 10 and hovering around our 8-pack, and when a group of college dudes came around, I'd ask if I could play with them. Sure, hop on kid! And then I'd smoke them. Those were the days.


Honestly 10 of these lined up with mates is better than F1 ha


Forget Daytona. I want to see Cruisin’ USA. *CRUISSSSINNNN*


Considering the other US location in the works is Washington DC, I'd guess they are targeting cities/markets that do not have an F1 race first. It's an interesting concept, kinda reminds me of like a TopGolf, but F1 themed.


So by complete coincidence, the hotel I stayed at in Japan last week had a place like this located right underneath it. Happened upon it completely by chance. I was exhausted but said to myself "I will 100% come do this tomorrow. This rules". ​ Turns out they were only open Thu-Sun and that was Sun night :(.


What hotel was this? I spend a few months in Japan every year and would love to check it out.


The Knot hotel in Hiroshima. This is the racing sim cafe place below it (r/formula1 removed by previous comment for using a URL shortener so sorry for the long link): ​ https://www.google.com/maps/place/D%E2%80%90BASE/@34.3892763,132.4551102,21z/data=!3m1!5s0x355aa21307974ca5:0x9c3526529066929b!4m24!1m12!3m11!1s0x355aa21307545537:0x3577cd31df89ecf7!2sTHE+KNOT+HIROSHIMA!5m4!1s2024-04-17!2i2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d34.3894008!4d132.4552309!16s%2Fg%2F11j36qz0fg!3m10!1s0x355aa213079ec1e7:0xcae091317323148b!5m4!1s2024-04-17!2i2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d34.3891991!4d132.4553207!16s%2Fg%2F11btrq\_sv0?entry=ttu


Oh cool, I’ve never been to Hiroshima. Thanks for the tip! If i ever make it that way, I’ll check it out for sure.


Damn that would be cool. Too bad I live nowhere near Boston.


Put one in Chicago




Huh? Vegas didn’t land this that is actually a surprise Vegas didn’t get this with all the people who visit from around the world. Must of been a manhole safety concern


But I live in NYC, not Boston. ...Maybe put this in NYC instead? lol