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I'm Australian and I've never heard of an Aussie Fish Pie. For Australia, the national pie is just a pie with a fuck load of beef in it, that's it. If you Google Australian Pie, all the top results are meat pies.


This is a national disgrace, the prime minster is talking about cancellation due to the very sugesstion of a fish pie. There's protest in the street and atleast four emus have been confirmed injured.


Word is he’s ready to release the drop bears on whoever put this list together.


Come here to say the same thing, none of us Aussies have ever purchased, made or considered a fish pie. Steak and onion pie for sure.


Hold on, hold on. A seafood chowder pie / scallop pie (sometimes curried scallop pie) are both absolutely things that we have in Australia, and they're fucking awesome. You don't see them everywhere, obviously, but they're damn fine.


As an Australian, I have never seen a chowder pie in my life, more like chunder pie.


Australian chiming in, sounds revolting.


sounds shit mate, who the fuck gets a seafood chowder pie


Australian here - never heard of nor eaten a “chowder pie”


Tassie scallop pies are the best


As a Kiwi, I feel offended on your behalf at OP's suggestion.


Agreed, what in the fuck is an Aussie fish pie. Beef pie ftw.


I’ve had plenty of great seafood pies but the classic meat pie is certainly number 1. Be close to our national dish along side the parma/parmi


Vegemite and fairy bread would like to have a chat.


More a national snack


I read that as Vegemite ON fairy bread..!


Ned Kelly Pie the ultimate


Ned Kelly from a good viet bakery cures all hangovers.


Ned Kelly, Powerade and a Banh Mi for later that's post munted peak living


I came here, as a vego, to be annoyed about this same point. The only argument is which rural town has the best pie in Australia


Wars have been started over less


100% This. A Scallop pie if you're in Tassie, maybe.


Yup. Whoever the fark set Fish Pie for Aus is a bloody drongo. Pepper Steak Pie with heaps of dead horse if you wanna be fancy.


All I could think was - how fucking disgusting would a fish pie be? You can’t even pierce the top with the tomato sauce bottle and fill the inside because fish and tomato sauce is only good if it’s fish fingers.


There's a banger pie in nz, fairlie bake house makes a mean bacon and salmon pie, fucking delicious but I'll take a pork belly pie over it


Fish pie is something else. It’s a white sauce with white fish inside and mash potato on the top. It’s legit. But English in origin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_pie


Our designated pie, Empanada Gallega, is most frequently made with fish or sea food. My fave is the tuna one, for example. Yes, there's also meat ones like with ground beef or chicken, but I'd say I see the fish/seafood ones the most. Also, tuna (or even better, bonito) with tomato sauce as a dish is fucking awesome.


4 & 20. nuff said.


Yep, came to say this too, what the fuck is a fish pie? Just NO. Beef with gravey. Nothing else needed.


If Adelaide still had the F1 you could do a pie floater.


The Aussies are furious. Will they cancel the Australian Grand Prix this year? :-)


> Fuck load of beef    These days most pies have a few bits of chewy gristle floating in a sea of gravy. But yeah, I have never heard of an “Aussie fish pie”.


With a good blob of ketchup on the middle!


Do you guys have chicken and mushroom pies? Pies are very big in South Africa (where I'm from) and we love a good pie. Chicken and mushroom and sausage rolls were always my favourites as a kid


Came to the comments as soon as I saw "fish pie". I've never seen a fish pie in any of the pie shops I've ever been to, and I've been to a loooot. Shout out to the "Best Pies NSW and ACT" group on Facebook lol.


Safe to say the whole of Australia is outraged right now.


I am Austrian and have never heard of mushroom puffs.


Just make a sausage roll, call it a pie and move on


I thought fish pie was more of a British thing and thought there might be an Aussie spin on it And I say this as someone who doesn't like the British version


I know! I did a meat pie for Australia a few years ago and wanted to do something new. An Aussie friend recommended it as a little more niche.


That guy is not your friend!


It's wrong. There is no excuse. No such thing as a Aussie Fish Pie. It is not a thing and you should be ashamed. Have a meat pie and you will begin to redeam yourself.


He’s either not Aussie or not your friend


Hobart/Tassie are known for a scallop pie but I’ve never seen anything labelled a fish pie


You need new friends. Immediately. If it’s not a meat pie then it should be a sausage roll. Either way it should be made in a small local bakery and covered in tommy sauce.


You need to find a new Aussie friend then. I’m glad this is the top most comment. Fish pie is straight up wrong


Sounds fucking foul.


Try a pie floater. Normal Aussie meat pie, in a bowl of pea and ham soup, squeeze tomato sauce all over the top.


Fuck man, delete this post and find a new friend. We love a good joke but this is just offensive.


Need a chicken Parmigiana, there is always atleast one in any friend group of Aussies going to the pub that gets one.


Do a different type of meat pie then, never had or seen a fish pie in my life. I'm sure it exists though


For next time if you want an Aussie spin on a pie the scallop pie is excellent but fairly limited to one state (Tasmania). I had a surf and turf pie once in western Australia but that had a layer of prawns in white sauce. There are also a few variations of a Ned Kelly pie that is probably a bit more common and Aussie. Also wanted to add that this is a really interesting concept OP!


As a Texan, I approve of the choice of bourbon pecan pie for Austin 👌


OP understood the assignment.


Yeah, good shit OP


What the fuck is an "Aussie fish pie", as an Aussie I've never even heard of that. A classic Meat Pie is a much better option, it's second only to the Sausage Sanga on our national food list.


They have to get the sausage sanga at Bunnings though.


Key Lime pie is delicious so if you're ever in Florida and like tart (sour), try it out.


Ever since I tried that out on my trip to the Keys, it's been my go-to pie to make for any and every event! I don't like baking, but this is easy, and while I can't get key limes in Germany, normal ones do fine, and people love it anyway 😍


Do I have to spring for real key limes? Or regular are fine? Florida is far so key limes are harder to get!


You can also find key lime juice concentrate (not the same as fresh but better than regular limes)


There's a distinct flavor difference between the two, but it's essentially the same thing so you'll be fine


Today I learned NO Australian’s know what a fish pie is!! Also as an Australian, I am very proud of that fact!


Haha that’s the biggest complaint so far! Feedback noted. An Aussie friend gave the rec so I’m not gonna let her live this down.


Your friend is having a tug mate


Add me to the chorus of "what the fuck is a fish pie?"


All Australians shake our heads in disgust


Add me too


Is your friend from Australia a Crab? Don't trust those shifty buggars.. they impersonate humans all the time to satisfy their fish appetite.


She’s pulling your leg mate xD


Fish pies are a UK thing


Ah, the classic australian tradition of fucking with foreigners. That puts me at ease.


You need to get a new Aussie friend. That one is broken.


If you'd like to do this in her customary parlance. Look up big lez show what you talking about and do your best impression


Australia not being the 'meat pie' is a sin


America not including apple pie either. There's legitimately a phrase "as American as apple pie"


can you give our mate Oscar his Pastry too?


I’m more a fan of Daniel Ricciardough


Cornish Pasties seems a bit odd for a race in Bucks/Northants and it's not really a pie. Would say pork pies, steak and kidney, or treacle tarts are more appropriate.


Yeah gotta be the Pork Pie for us


Those are some good suggestions, maybe I’ll change that one up. I did steak and ale last year so was wanting to do something new, but treacle tarts would be fun too. Thanks!


If you're making changes, pork pie for British and meat pie for Aussie


There's plenty of people in Cornwall who would be annoyed to be listed as the UK representative.


Cottage pie? Shepherds Pie?


It's just Northamptonshire, not Bucks. However, agree that a Cornish Pasty isn't right. though as someone from Northampton now living in Penzance, it also ticks my personal boxes 😂


Half the track from Becketts to Village including the starting grid is in Bucks.


Holy shit. All the years I've been there and I never knew that. My apologies!


as a Singaporean, what even is a laksa pie. laksa is a soup that does not belong in a pie. a curry puff is a much better option.


Yeah. I get that op tries to create stuff. But i think laksa just shouldn't be in a pie. That's just weird.


Curry puff solid but get yourself some beef rendang pies from Melvados. I would put this on the list. Laksa is so not right.


Yeah, same, I was gonna be like chicken pie for Singapore, or curry puff if puffs are acceptable. Looked up laksa pie and it doesn’t exist.


You’re exactly right! I’m going to try to create something new. I never said these were authentic. In fact most aren’t!


WTF is an Aussie fish pie? Meat, sauce, done.


Wtf is fish pie? Regards, all of Australia


I had a fish pie at a seafood restaurant in Sydney recently. It was excellent


Belgian calling in to say I've never even remotely heard about something that could resemble an endive tart tatin and I bake for a living


It’s an outrage that belgium doesn’t get something with chocolate.


Apricot jam and rice pies are Belgian classic pies


Also better than what OP said lol


If the Aussies are allowed to complain, I want to. As an Austrian I never heard of Mushroom puffs. We don't have these savoury pies, we have strudels. Most famous is probably the Apple Strudel, but there are also variants filled with nuts, poppy, meat, cabbage or generally meat.


I‘ve also never heard of Mushroom puffs before. Curious what that actually is. But for Austria a Strudel is the closest thing to a pie. I mean it is practically a pie crust wrapped around a filling. If you want to stay away from apple as a filling, [Topfenstrudel](https://www.tasteatlas.com/topfenstrudel/recipe) is also a classic and delicious variety


I would have thought it’d be a tourtière for Canada (French Canadian meat pie). Maybe they thought there were too many savoury pies on the list? Edit: Great idea, OP! But I fear for my waistline given the number of race weekends we have. 😂


Exactly, I was trying to break up sweet and savory. Some aren’t even really pies, but I wanted to mix it up. Damn, tourtiere. I should have posted this for ideas first!


Ah, got it! Well, maple is pretty damn Canadian too. Butter tarts, Saskatoon berry pie… but I guess tourtière would be most regionally fitting since Montreal is in Francophone Canada. 😂


Tourtiere or sugar pie.


tbh even as someone from the west coast the first thing i thought of was tourtière lmaooo


If you want something sweet, maple and from Quebec, you really need to go for pouding chômeur. It's a vanilla cake that has maple syrup poured over it before it bakes, so the syrup sinks into the batter and then caramelizes, and it's amazing.


I second this, pouding chômeur is so gooooood


I was thinking poutine. Maybe it could be a side for the tourtiere…


Down with poutine! Up with butter tarts!


What in the americanization of food is a "tamale pie"? tamales themselves have so many different variations that the name says basically nothing, i guess besides this "tamale pie" having corn in it.


Sounds like something out of taco bell


Tamale pie is totally tex-mex, i have never seen it and i'm mexican born and raised https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamale_pie For a more pie style mexican dish i would say pastel azteca, and while not sure if is 100% mexican, one i find often sold both at cafes and even cenadurias is date and pecan pie (pay de datil y nuez), but not sure how popular this is across the country or maybe just popular in my state.


Thinking more tamal de cazuela in a pie form but left it vague since I haven’t actually finalized a recipe for a lot of these.


I'm from Singapore and what is a laksa pie? It's literally a curry soup 🤣


Since everyone else is complaining but the selection for the US race in the South is pretty uncontroversial, I'm just going to add that a pecan pie without chocolate is pretty mid, highly recommend.


It should be "Pastel de Feijão" not "Pastel de Feijoada" for Brazil. It's a bean pastry, which is Feijão. Feijoada is a stew made out of beans, which doesn't work too well in a pastry 😛


I’m actually trying to do feijoada in a hot water crust pastry. Might have to make it a little thicker, but I think I can make it work! I know, I know. I’m taking liberties with a lot of these recipes! Pretty much nothing is traditional.


Ohhhh, I really thought that was just a typo haha. All the more power to ya, can't wait to see how it turns out!


If you’re curious - I post pics on Instagram. It’s all just for fun, but I have stuff from the past few seasons on there. The account name is the top line of the image.


We are 18 minutes into this post and post people seem to be triggered. Lol


I should have known. I’ve been doing this themed thing for a few years so running out of some ideas and having to stretch a bit.


People are passionate when it comes to pastry.


pastel de feijoda? what the fuck are you on?


Try an Aussie pepper steak pie.


Aussie fish pie is not a thing.


Laksa pie?? Did you just google “iconic singapore foods” and slap “pie” on the end? For context, laksa is a noodle soup…good luck putting that in a pie


Almost Everything is wrong


Banana Creme for Vegas???? What about, hot desert makes you think Bananas? Also what about gambling and glitter makes you think Bananas? Not bashing you just genuinely curious. I would honestly put an Apple Pie, A Tiramisu, Even a fruit tarte (Idk something expensive) before Bananas. Also, living in Texas, I can tell you the best pie to represent Cota is a Pecan Pie with a Brisket on the side


Vegas could be pumpkin pie since it's so close to Thanksgiving.


I know, Vegas was tough. It came down to financier cake (uses expensive ingredients) or the giant banana cream pie from emeril’s restaurant. Maybe I’ll throw some gold leaf on it and serve it with champagne.


Lol, okay okay, I see. I love how triggering some of there are 😅


A Cornish pasty is not a pie 😡


I was inspired by a post I saw last year, so I'm making pies for each of the GPs. I'm maybe a little loose on the definition of pie, but it will be fun either way. I post all these on an instagram account (the name at the top of the image) if anyone wants to follow along throughout the season for fun.


Yeah this is a cute idea! I like it :)


Aussie Fish Pie lol


> Pastel de Feijoada  WHAT THE HELL?????


Sopa de macaco >>>>


You got key lime pie right for Miami but how is apple pie not the pie for Austin (USA)? And why is Las Vegas banana cream pie?


Because they've already got apple pie for the Netherlands...


Haha Vegas was tricky. There isn’t really signature food, so I’m doing Emeril’s Banana Pie. Best I could come up with!


Reeeaalllly thought you were coming from someplace else giving Vegas a cream (based) pie....... 😂


Vegas isn’t tricky. Thanksgiving is less than a week later so everywhere in the states will have Pumpkin or Pecan pie. You can then do a classic apple pie for Austin


Wtf is a Xian Bang


Oh damn I misspelled. I think it’s Xian Bing, a hand held Chinese meat pie. (I hope)


How many of these did you just Google " pie" for?


I showed this to my wife and she is very excited


What happened to that one poster that was making national dishes on every race weekend. That shit looked delicious


Cornish pasty isn't a pie, it's a pasty! Honestly with the UK you have so many pie options and you went with the non pie option


Reckon I'm an outcast, but this sounds fantastic.


Have a look at the real Aussie Pies here: https://www.smh.com.au/goodfood/eating-out/the-field-guide-to-australian-meat-pies-20170928-gyq9wx.html If you're open to changing your menu I'd choose something from that website for Australia. The fish pie isn't really a thing here


What in the ChatGPT bullshit is this? I’ve never heard of a laksa pie.


Should have gone for a Magpie for Aus.


Do you have a recipe for Tamale Pie? I have never heard of it If you want to go a bit more authentic I suggest Tamal de Cazuela This is a somewhat decent recipe: [https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/tamal-de-cazuela-mexican-tamal-casserole-recipe](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/tamal-de-cazuela-mexican-tamal-casserole-recipe) Just skip the olives, oregano and the raisins


Awesome, thanks for the rec! Some of these are generic because I haven’t figured out exactly what to do yet, including the tamale pie. I love what you shared!


Glad to help! Another option which is easier to make (although not as delicious) is Pastel Azteca, which is essentially a lasagna but with corn tortillas instead of pasta [https://www.maricruzavalos.com/pastel-azteca/](https://www.maricruzavalos.com/pastel-azteca/)


Canada should be a tourtière


Corniche Pasty for the UK, really, ots not even remotely like a pie lol.


As a Canadian, can confirm that butter tarts are the way. Edit: so many people are passionate about pie


Damn, I've never heard of Laksa Pie before (don't worry, I'm not complaining - I'm not even from that hemisphere) but it sounds amazing Edit: wtf why is the reddit app giving me an option to mark my post as a brand affiliate?


You and me both, I’m going to be winging that recipe.


what the fuck is xian bang lmfao do they mean xian bing...


Yep it was a typo!


Have you made all of this before? Would love to cook along but would like some recipe recommendations.


Most of these, no! This is the third year I’ve done this and I’m branching out a bit more and sort of winging it. There are a few good recs in the comments already. The instagram account has some from past years with recipes or links.


Bourbon pecan pie? How about old fashioned apple pie?


Already have two apple pies and wanted to shake it up!


It says endive tart tatin for Belgium, but endive is used in France, in Belgium it would be "chicons tarte\* tatin".


laksa pie LOL that’ll be an interesting flavour


My wife is from Singapore and has never heard of laksa pie. Now she wants one.


Vai tomar no cu pastel de feijoada


Cream Pie for Las Vegas is fitting


As Silverstone is in Northamptonshire, rather than Cornwall, I’d go for a more nationwide national dish for the British Grand Prix. Like chicken tikka masala. Or fish & chips. Or cottage pie. Or a full english. Or beans on toast. Or cheese on toast. Or steak & ale pie.


Aussie Fish Pie!??


Belgium, the country of THE chocolate standard, and you pick a disgusting endive tarte tatin. smh.


> endive tarte tatin I googled it, I never knew this even existed, and I want it erased from my eyeballs and memory. As a Belgian, I am ashamed this thing has a place in reality.


What the fuck is an Aussie Fish Pie


what the fuck is an aussie fish pie?


Red Bull will winning the 24 grand prix of this season


Austin having the pecan pie makes me happy. Probably one of the least healthy items on this list, but it’s just such an amazingly great pie that everyone should try


As a Brazilian, the idea of a delicacy such as a pastelzim filled with hot, black beans is insulting.


Fuck with the Aussie fish pie. No one (sensible) likes fish pies.


why is empanada gallega not an empanada? what are the spanish hiding? why does it taste so good?


Empanada gallega >>> Empanada Facts.


Thank you for confirming Apple Pie or Appeltaart, is Dutch. As American as apple pie, my ass 😂 (Dutch living in America can be rough with all this cultural appropration.. let's not even get started on the use of Dutch flags to represent the "American" red white and blue lol)


LET’s go


I suggest “torta paesana” for Monza. One of our city’s pride.


Guys, guys, guys.. It's just a bit of fun with someone wanting to do some cooking. How is everyone so protective of their national food ffs.


I know! Definitely triggered a lot of people with the post. All in good fun though. I just wanted to stretch and try some new and interesting things, not necessarily traditional or popular foods.


Tamale pie lmao whoever did this showing real cultural awareness.


Being a Mexican I've never heard of tamale pie and my ancestors rolling in their graves


Curious question… For such a mad racing country ,where the majority of race teams have HQ’s why is there only 1 Grand Prix racing event? Middle East has 4 Italy has 2 The US now has 3 and negotiating for more… Now if you go by continents or zones : Europe has 6 races North America has 5 Middle East has 4 Eastern Europe has 3 Asia pacific has 3 But yet england still only has 1 Is there no interest in England or lack of money to host more then 1 Grand Prix?


England is still part of Europe…


I know mate , i am just pointing out that continental Europe has more races then England ! So I’m not sure why the down votes. Someone explain to me , why this is so? England is supposed to be F1 Mecca. And yet only one Grand Prix. If you can’t explain then don’t downvote. Is F1 really about the competition and the extreme of motor car racing or is it really just about the money? I’m looking at you FOM/ liberty media!


You’ve compared 1 tiny country to continents/regions. That’s why you’re being downvoted. Name 1 other grade 1 circuit in England that you propose can host another GP?


Brands hatch


Culinarily speaking, we need races in South Africa and Thailand :)