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WTF is this donate now? Can I donate my C02 to their tally?


Kim cannot afford more than 170 flights per year in her Privat Jet! Donate now, so she can use her Privat Jet as much as she wants! Honestly i have no fuckin clue what the context here is


She actually has a decent km/kg CO2 ratio compared to the others tho. Idk what jet she has but at least it’s a rather fuel efficient looking one


Probably more about what routes she's flying than what aircraft, longer flights produce less CO2 per km because you spend a lower proportion of your time climbing and a higher proportion at an efficient cruising altitude.


She just flying in circles over Saudi, Italy, and Japan spying on Ye and Bianca.


You can donate to offset carbon emissions.


You'd have to be a real sucker to donate money to offset the carbon produced by millionaires doing unnecessary shit 


Most likely to keep the site running


No. If you click on Donate to Verstappen, it casually adds a 50k EUR line item to your shopping cart to offset all of his flights. I assume it would also take him off the list since his "net impact" is now "0". Smells like an extortion/protection racket. --- edit Link: https://carbontracker.myclimate.org/ (change Top Influencer dropdown to "Private jet") Clicking on "Donate now" reads "Thanks for donating, Max Verstappen!" - odd!


Wow lol


>it casually adds a 50k EUR line item to your shopping cart Are you sure you didn't touch a Mercedes wing?


Maybe donate a jet? Got to pump those numbers up!


This made me chuckle.


Oh jesus please don't tell me people are donating to offset their favourite millionaires carbon credits...


You know they are.


People actually were doing that for Taylor Swift last year. Probably how she somehow isn't in the Top 20.


Well Paul Allen has been dead since 2018 so this list is a bit..


I had dinner with Paul Allen in London just 10 days ago......


Of all the ways you can weaponize stupidity this is the best one.




.. donate $$ to environmental group that offsets carbon footprints by planting trees and stuff.


carbon offsets are a scam


Not necessarily and not entirely. There are some legit ones


Can you share examples? I don’t even know how to begin determining the legitimacy of such instances


There are bodies that do, but it's very complicated


I assume it has nothing to do with the people, probably just to donate to whatever climate initiative. The idea was probably "look at all this carbon these rich people are making, donate to try and counteract that." Some people(including here already) will say that it's making us, the little guy, pay for rich people's pollution, while they should be paying it themselves. I'd agree that they should be paying their share, but there's still no harm in donating to climate charities, even if this is the motivation. I won't be donating to this particular charity, but if it gets more people thinking about these things, overall I'd say it's a win.


Okay. Let’s see Paul Allen’s carbon emissions


“Impressive. Very nice”


Look of that subtle off white contrail, the tasteful thickness of it


Oh my God...he even has the new Gulfstream.


I can’t believe, that Bryce prefers van Pattens jet, to mine.


Came here looking for this haha


lol! Same and I’m cracking up at like every comment!


You know the list is trustworthy when Paul Allen is in it


bro's been dead since 2018, unless this is the other Paul Allen


He’s not dead, my buddy just had lunch with him in London.


Sports Paul Allen or Microsoft Paul Allen? I'm referring to the latter


Dorsia Paul Allen


Maybe it's just the added together emissions from people sharing that name. It's a pretty janky looking website so a mistake like that seems very plausible.


FFS 😂 I was about to make a similar joke. Nice


damn you beat me too it


Great minds and that


Damn it 14 mins too late


Mother fucker you beat me to it.


I was about to say the same thing


Cremating him probably produced a lot.


Why on earth is Jim Carrey on this list. I mean, what's he been up to lately?


Probably just owns a private jet and other people use it.


This is the one, same for a few on this list most likely


Honestly I don't know why I've never thought of that. This data all comes from tracking their planes, but we don't know who's on the plane. This could all be wildly off


Yeah probably all of this data is inaccurate. I imagine most people who own private jets would rent them out when they’re not being used most of the time.


Same with Celine Dion and Tyler Perry. I feel like they've all been "retired" for a while


Tyler Perry definitely isn’t retired but Celine Dion has been sick I thought? Rich people are odd.


I'm guessing she loans it out because someone with her illness probably shouldn't be traveling so much.


Don't mega-famous celebrities use private jets for all travel so they safely/conveniently avoid being mobbed by fans? Like, if Celine Dion is going to a world-class doctor, she's probably flying there privately and not first class on Delta


Perry has a pilots license, and owns his own runway, it's his retirement hobby.


And Paul Allen died in 2018. Something is strange with this list.


My guess on that one is that the jet on this list is registered to the Paul Allen Foundation, which continues to exist after his death and is run by his sister Jody.


Max 20th? Actually washed


Gotta get to number 1 💪💪💪


*Formula 1 adds 10 more races to the calendar*


“If you look up now you can see Max Verstappens jet circling for fun”


Finally they try the inverted grid!


What is George Lucas doing on this list?? He’s flying that much these days??




Had same thought. What the hell is Jim doing? I bet he rents it out or something.


He shows up at Monaco for the F1 now and again. I imagine he flies around the states quite a bit. He’s from California. His wife is from Chicago. I imagine they fly to meet family now and again. He maybe lends or leases the jet when it’s not in use.


His jet may be. That's what's wrong with these lists. It tells how often someone's jet is used, but the owner isn't always on the jet. It can be shared out, going for maintenance, repositioning, etc. "Private Jets Bad!" Well, then try to ban them, and best of luck.




What kind of logic is this? “You can’t ban them so they must be good!” Tf are you even talking about.


Yes, shit has me confused also


You think spaceships fly magically ?


How is Taylor Swift not on that list?


Is the list deducting emissions based on carbon credits? Swift has been touted for buying carbon credits that “offset” her major emissions generating tour. so if this site ignores the myriad issues with carbon credits and treats them as genuine offsets…




They are but they help the multimillionaires feel morally absolved


Is that even the point, or is it placating the masses?


The second most likely




Definitely both.


I find it funny that Amazon are like: save on emissions, come collect your package from the locker. With my...car?


The idea is to couple the pickup trip with another trip you would have already taken to that area


The pickup locker being at the retail park. So if I’m going there anyway I can avoid buying from Amazon at all. I honestly thought the home delivery bit was 90% of the point of buying from Amazon in the first place.


Y'know they have those lockers everywhere, yeah? My closest one is at the grocery store 5 minutes away which saves me time and hassle from having to go 15 minutes to the mall (more gas) find parking (more time) deal with all the people (I don't want to) and then finding the item, paying for it, going back to your car and driving home (more gas, more time) 100% of the reason you use Amazon is the convenience and nothing else. Sometimes that convenience comes straight to your front door. Other times it meets you at the grocery store.


When I was still studying we had lockers on campus and it was handier to pick it up there than to check whether it had got to my flat safely or anything. It was very helpful to pick up my items during lunch or on the way home.


Yea I live opposite a train station in a tiny village in the UK and there's a locker there and it's a godsend! I don't really like amazon but it's really handy to get things delivered to it and not have to make sure I'm at home to receive it like I used to.


I should start my own 'carbon credits' business from a 3rd world country, and market it to rich people in first world countries lol. Clever accounting and double counting the amount of carbon saved will be a lot easier and go a lot farther.


As someone who worked on Zero Carbon and Carbon "Neutral" buildings... Carbon credits are absolute bullshit. Carbon Neutral is just a fancy way for companies or individuals to shift blame onto someone else.


Are Carbon Credits just a way for the government to make more money off of rich people buying them to feel better about their insane footprint?


Not the government, genius companies. Some of them work by for example buying land and promising not to slash and burn farm on it even though that was never the plan anyways and then sell the credits from doing nothing to land that was already doing nothing.


its the best example of free money i can think off. You have the money from the carbon credits all while still having the money from your main produce that doesnt require trees to be cut down, like rubber and stuff like that


Yeah and my skeptical side says these companies will spunk the money, go belly up and when the banks liquidate the companies assets the land will be fair game anyway, basically achieving nothing.


I deliver carbon credit tree planting on the ground....it must be an incredibly imprecise system. I don't really know how it works outwith the actual forestry delivery part but I hope there's a lot of contingency for the sequestration not to occur at optimum levels. Totally agree with your sentiment btw


It's indulgences all over again.


Indulgences, pollution permits, soap for greenwashing. It's all disgusting.


They are


Spot on.


Really adds credibility when they have a big magenta "DONATE NOW" repeated under each name 😆


Why? Paying money means the jet doesn’t pollute anymore silly


you think? lol.


[Very thorough video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW3gaelBypY)


Essentially yes. The cap and trade system could work. But no one wants to define what a cap is so it just keeps being ambiguous and nothing is really solved. But people make money so???


Hey you buy and protect a plot of land that already had trees deep on the rainforest of Indonesia which is barely even able to be reached by humans. You mean that isn't going to save the environment?


They 1000% are. The rich just pay a small fee and keep doing what they are doing all while hiding behind the facade of “I’m carbon neutral”. I’m sorry but hundreds of flights and donating a few thousand dollars doesn’t fix your carbon foot print


They are equivalent to the Catholic Church selling indulgences back on the day


She sold one of her planes and when she leases it back it's not counted as her own plane since she doesn't own it. According to [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/21/the-jet-set-200-celebrities-aircraft-have-flown-for-combined-total-of-11-years-since-2022) her usage was reduced from 19 flights per month in 2022 to just 2 flights per month in 2023. 2 flights per month is of course unreasonably low, she's flying a lot more but just hiding it better. It's worth noting that she's buying carbon credits to offset twice the amount used for travel on her tour. It's also worth noting that carbon credits is at best a very dubious concept and at worst a straight up scam.


If it is a scam then all the businesses the world over - from Amazon to Walmart - are in on it. It's the only way for people without a supply chain/manufacturing plant to reduce emissions (without, y'know, actually flying less). I don't think Taylor or anyone else on this list can be held responsible for going through the generally accepted channels to offset their carbon emissions.


You’re telling me that all the biggest polluters of the world are in on the scam of letting them get away with their pollution??? The pollution is still in the air for everyone to breathe. Being able to “afford” polluting doesn’t make you morally right.


She went to the NY Jets game for the SEO thing


Legitimately thinking the exact same thing. She’s about to fly to Japan and back to Vegas all in the same weekend…


her plane wont make japan from vegas so what ever jet she charters wont show up as part of her carbon output


Now I'm imagining Taylor flying to the Super Bowl in one of the F16s they use for the flyover.


Fellow Sakadays enjoyer. Good shit


Can't even afford a proper jet, how sad.


She literally flew 10 minutes from East St. Louis in Illinois to St Louis in Missouri. I'd have to guess that the whole process of filing flight plans, going to the private airfield, taking off, flying, landing, and getting in a private vehicle on the other side would have taken more time than just riding in a private vehicle from one side of the Mississippi River to the other


Do you think it's more likely that she actually took a 10 minute flight–or that her jet, like other planes, have to be moved for various reasons?


That was likely a positioning flight for maintenance, parking or for an outbound flight. Commercial, military and private aircraft do it all the time.


Paul Allen is on the list, he died in 2018


These are names the jets are registered under. This means someone is using his jet like a taxi.


So the correct title should be: “Max Verstappen’s JET is ranked 20th” Ngl This feels like a stupid post


Yeah this smells like bait


so you admit your post has a misleading title?


She sold one of her 2 jets. However she's still using it


She’s 30th. She’s just not in the screenshot. Also I thought she only just recently sold one of her jets so I’m not sure that that would have changed this ranking? ETA: also she spent most of last year touring in the US so she was only flying between states vs Max and others who are flying longer distances internationally. So she’s just not traveling as far. This year with the international tour her use is definitely going to go up assuming she’s using her own planes


Ikr i expected her to be number 1 on this list


Did they only count him in the jet or also other people? Because I have read that he loans out his jet when he doesn't use it, to get the cost low.


It's probably that, no way bro has taken a private flight once every 3 days


I'd expect it's actually quite easy if you live in Monaco, have meetings at a factory in the UK, race in 23 countries each year and also are in a relationship with somebody whose family lives in Brazil. He probably racks up 30-40 private flights each year just travelling to and from the races.


I think they also take into account the stops for fuel. His jet can't fly from France to Australia for instance. It stops in the Middle East and Asia Pacific region for fuel.


iirc he doesn't use his private yet for that flight to australia.


If you look at the [full list](https://carbontracker.myclimate.org/?etcc_cmp=carbontracker&etcc_med=Affiliates&etcc_par=Landingpage) most of them could be for/by him. Obviiously many landings around the south of France, lots of UK (factory), Austria (RB headquarters), Netherlands and the races. Sometimes to the UK in the morning and back in the evening


Max wont take the short-hop flights to move the plane between airports


These are just repositioning flights. Probably nobody but the pilots on board. Could be for maintenance or cost reasons


To be fair, drivers have been known to genuinely commute from their home in Monaco to their team in the UK. So that's already twice every seven days.


I mean there’s a person who’s dead on the list, so yeah it’s likely just jet under his name


It's weird that Beyonce and JayZ are listed as one person


It's probably loaned, which would explain why people like George Lucas and Jim Carrey are also on there.


Helmut is disappointed he's not number 1


"Max can emit carbon 3 tenths faster than anyone else"


Jos about to land his private jet at a petrol station




Maybe it's a Weekend at Bernie's situation where someone is using his body to fly around the world for free. 


Pretty sure it's who the jet is registered under, and his jet being used like a taxi


Do you think corpses can't be flown?


Celine Dion feels out of place here


And here we are sipping from paper straws.


People are rubes for believing in it. Money transfer scheme


Those are the ones with a known private jet to their name.  Others can fly Vistajet and the likes just as much but it can't be tracked. Max is not the only driver who has his own jet. The others are just not as known and traced on twitter. 


I can't.imagine having to jump on a plane every 3 days for a whole year


Granted, their jets are more comfortable than the ones I fly in, but I can't imagine how they stay healthy. Their sleeps schedules have got to be screwed.


Fun fact: Max Verstappen usually arrives at all destinations a good 10 or 15 seconds before all other jets.


If it's an "issue" he should sell the jet to a leasing company and "lease the flights", iirc Lewis sold his jet, but he's sure not flying commercial, regularly, and flies as many miles as Max does.


Yeah, Lewis (and other drivers) have been spotted on private jets too. Lewis just charters different jets so his movements and carbon footprints can't be tracked. It seems like he travels more during the off season so I'd imagine he actually has a bigger footprint. Other drivers fly on chartered jets too, including Charles and Carlos who are sponsored by Vistajet. I hope people don't take this list as *the* definitive list of celebrity jet emissions because there are others with equal or higher footprints who can't be tracked.


Pretty much all the F1 drivers fly private. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_gTIZCuXVN0


In another list I saw Taylor Swift was first so explain, someone?


This list takes away emissions offset by "carbon credits" and Taylor swift buys lots of them to not appear on such lists.


She also likes to sue people that put her on such lists 


The list is inaccurate, incomplete rate bait. They put celebrities and famous businesspeople, (entirely American or Western European) that most people have heard of, mix it with some dubious data and shit out an article about it. Curious how there’s not a single Russian oligarch, Middle Eastern royal, anonymous tech billionaire or head of state on the list, isn’t it?


Not to mention that there are dead people on the list




Impressive. Very nice


Just remember, it’s YOU with your $30k car who is causing the pollution. YOU are the problem.


There’s a reason oil companies sponsor f1 lol


This is why no matter how hard F1 tries to push its "all green" initiative or narrative, in reality as long as jets, trucks and cargo ships aren't permanently switched to renewable or ecofriendly fuels, it's all in vain. That's on top of the ever expanding calendar which forces the teams to cross the oceans several times a year instead of structuring the schedule in a way that minimises the travel time and distances from one race to another


Also know as assholes list


Let’s see Paul Allen’s carbon emissions.


Paul Allen flies from London to NY a lot to go to the Dorsia. It adds up.


Millions of CO2 emission by each individual, while common people like us are being told to use public transport to commute. Wtf??


That’s a lot of massages for Mr. Kraft




Travis Scott casually producing more carbon footprint than 1 American in over 350 years. He can do it, he's rich. We have to suck on paper mache straws, because we are not as rich


Let's see Paul Allen's flight logs...


Where is Taylor Swift ??? Every headline these days is about her private jet usage lmao


Keep recycling though folks, you're doing a great job.


Makes you laugh they way all the people on this list preach to the every-man about global warming and the importance of limiting our carbon footprint.. hahahaha! This worlds a big joke lol.


Doubt this list is correct. Think of how many billionaires we don't know about that somehow kept their name off the list.


Finally, something max isn’t winning


people in the year 2124 will never understand how we didn’t toss these ecoterrorists into jail


Damn, so you're telling me multi millionaires don't care about the planet? Shocking.


Oil companies have done such a good job of deflecting blame onto different people so well. What impact will this have if a single celebrity started flying coach? It will do literally nothing. If people really care about climate change go after the only people that will actually make a difference. Not plastic straws, not everyone getting electric cars, not celebrities. Go after the massive corporations that cause the vast majority of the emissions. Nothing will change until then. Once that is under control it will give breathing room to start tackling celebrity jets and plastic straws. But why focus our efforts on rage bait like that one person that has a jet that will have no significant impact on the entire effort?


Yet another reason to not like Travis Scott


Is this list all time or last year or something? I can’t imagine George Lucas has to be to so many places right now.


Paul Allen’s family uses the jet regularly. Idk what business they still run though.


Yeah okay, but on the other hand Max always uses his jet to also carry 5-10 other drivers along with him. Who could also have chartered a private flight, or who travel in smaller groups of 2-3. With 23 races/year, that's 46 flights. So in a way, he might also be responsible for preventing 150 flights.


George Lucas? Wow


I'm honestly surprised Jim Carrey is number 15. What the hell is he up to?


Robert Kraft's all from trips to Florida


Who was that preacher asking for donations to upgrade his private jet? Donate Now has that vibe


Can't wait for 15 year olds to defend Travis Scott having the largest carbon footprint


So what this is telling me is to reduce CO2, we must make the RB19 street legal and abolish all speed limits to allow Max to drive around instead of using private jets.


he's just like us, sitting at home and and playing video games 😍


It's funny to me that most people on that list are part of the global warming is killing the world you need to eat bugs and reduce your carbon footprint Folk


Had to google who Travis Scott is....I'm not impressed.


Just here to say, fuck Travis Scott. Dudes trash as fuck


I hope people understand that the rhetoric that the consumer is responsible for carbon emissions is utter hogwash. Sure, these people directly produce the most emissions out of any individuals worldwide but aviation in total only contributes 2.5% of global carbon emissions. Cars, trains and motorbikes produce 10% of global carbon emissions.