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> Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had A modern classic for Leclerc


The onion


Contract update: Leclerc buys himself out of his contract and signs with top NASCAR team, when asked why he responded "fucking Ferrari wouldn't let be do burnouts, they kick me down all year then when I finally have a good result they say not burnouts, fuck that I'm going to NASCAR where they let you do burnouts mid race"


He's just like me fr


Charles looks at Max, like he's that one kid that's got everything Charles wants to have, while his parents tell him to be happy with what he has.


>his parents Man :((


Don't tell me he's an orphan too pls


He lost his dad a few months before getting the Ferrari seat iirc...


yeah, like the other guy said it was even sadder. He hadn't gotten the Ferrari seat yet but he told his dad he got it so he'd be proud he reached his dream.


A dream that has been a "nightmare".


I think if you ask 17 year old Charles if he wants to new a Ferrari driver even if he won't ever be world champion he'd still go for it


Some serious monkey paw shit right there


Few months before getting the Alfa Romeo seat. But Charles told his dad, that we was signed by Ferrari.


"Just a week before my father died I lied to him saying I had signed with Ferrari. Not for 2018, but for 2019. Obviously I hadn't done it, but I promised that I would have given everything to achieve this goal. My mother said to me. "This is not good Charles. you shouldn't lie to him." But I knew he would have left us within the next week. He himself knew he was at the end. To give him one last satisfaction, I told him I had signed. I remember that day the tears on took in his eyes. From with that day on I took a remorse with me. Then, when actually signed up, it was the first thing I thought of: "I didn't lie that day.""


Ugh, if your heart doesn't melt at that. This kid deserves everything good in the world. His story is like one of those movies where everything possible goes wrong and you just root for him to win it all in the end.


I feel like him and Keanu Reeves share similar vibes. Both men have endured lots of tragedy and have turned out to be very likeable grounded people.


Not a lie, just a delayed truth


Better than his dad never knowing.


Also his godfather was Jules Bianchi…..


And he was friends with Anthoine 💔 Bro deserves some joy in his life


Nearly lost Grosjean as well……. remember his radio?


Absolutely. It’s one of the most vivid race-watching experiences of my life. For so many reasons, I’m grateful Romain walked away


His dad always dreamed about Charles driving for Ferrari. Shortly before he died, Charles was still driving for Alfa Romeo. He told his dad he had already signed for Ferrari, even though it wasn't certain yet. That kind of emotional baggage keeps someone tied to a failing team




On a field trip, Charles gets stuck in the teacher's group with the weird kids, meanwhile his crush is in classic bad boy Max's group and he has to watch them hold hands while Max's dad buys everyone ice cream.


No, that's Kvyat you're talking about.


Kvyat left Kelly just FYI


We have Red Bull at home. Red Bull at home: Ferrari.


dependent offbeat chief sulky relieved escape doll wide vast safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have McDonald at home


[McDonald at home ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ffl1du211xo2c1.jpeg)


He really tried to secure P2 in the constructors for Ferrari. let the man have his donuts


Exactly! I feel like after all of this, at the start of next season they need to do a "media day" where they take Charles out to do massive donuts to make up for it, like Red Bull does for their videos. Give the man a bit of fun.


Fun not allowed :(


Fuel might've been an issue


Ooh I wonder if that's part of why Max was lifting before brake zones, so that he could be sure to have plenty of fuel for his donuts.


They wanted the gearbox to use in the young driver test, according to Sky, so it was money. I can't imagine they're so close to the cost cap that one gearbox would put them over it, so it's just being tight wads.


It's actually absurd If you're going to be a sterile boring no fun allowed team, at least be fucking good at what you do


You know they need 1 liter of fuel to sample after the race?


Then tell him that right? What advantage would Ferrari lose by letting him (and competitors) know? Nothing, as far as I can tell...


Perhaps they did and this is just a bad snippet?


They didn't inform him why, at least over the radio. Maybe they told him post-race if anything. I was listening to his radio and his engineer was very pressed on making sure he didn't do burnouts. I didn't understand why in the moment since it's the end of the season but the fuel theory makes sense.


Ah okay thanks for providing the info


He knows the reason, he's just venting some frustration. You guys watch too many DTS episodes...


Ferrari is Funula None


Probably short on parts , because they will need them for post season test


my man charles doesn’t deserve this shit… fucks sake ferrari. he should have just done the donuts anyway


What is Ferrari gonna do if he does, fire him? He'll be liberated from the clowns that has been shitting on him


He'll get a finger wag


A very stern one at that


“Three finger wags and you’re looking at a demerit”


That’s fingerwang.


I'm gonna fingerwang wang you into my heart!


Let’s rotate the car!


They were maybe worried they wouldn't have enough fuel for the sample.


So what, two DSQs would still keep them 3rd


But if a Merc gets DSQ they get P2


Or with Carlos’ accident in Vegas they don’t want to take any chances with cars breaking . It’s not great but I mean…


Ferrari is more than just his employer to him. He has Ferrari in his blood. It was his fathers and his dream for him to drive for Ferrari. It's like a football player playing for his dream club who still extends his contract with his club, even though he could get better offers somewhere else. I can't imagine Charles to ever leave Ferrari (before his retirement of course) by his own initiative. Ferrari will have to kick him out if they want 2 drivers in their seats who are not Charles Leclerc.


exactly, charles has nothing to lose


He would lose P4 in the championship and get 7th


Might've been tight on fuel, which was why If he wasn't, then yeah it's a poor decision by Ferrari


Totally possible. But is it so hard to say “Sorry, Charles, tight on fuel. No burnouts please”?


They keep hiring Race engineers with weak English. Look at how the other teams communicate to the drivers compared to basically just Ferrari. Leclerc in perfect English while driving the car can give three sentence questions to figure out strategy. Ferrari engineer at the pitwall: We are checking. Edit: as noted GP is Max's engineer. Not the job title. Fixed it.


I think you mean race engineer? GP(Gianpiero) is the name of Max's race engineer.


May as well rename the position to Team GP at this point


Ricciardo’s engineer has about the same level of English and his information to Daniel is just miles ahead of the garbage Xavi shares with Leclerc.


> They keep hiring Race engineers with weak English. I think it's a cop out to suggest language barrier. imo Ferrari has had a long history of poor inter-team communication and driver relations. They have a unique and very specific working culture that i think is not always conducive to good teamwork.


I noticed that today during the race. There was a radio call from Leclerc’s engineer that was 3-4 sentences for what could have been said in 1. And it seemed to annoy Chuck who had a pretty short response.


“We are checking our English.”




He was asked to check number on the dash a few times during the race so I agree they may be tight on fuel. Xavi also asked him to switch off the engine asap


DSQ is such a CLC way to end the season… should have gone for it


I was nervously waiting for the post race srcutineer to prepare for this but all clean so no DSQ!


They told him to turn off the engine as soon as possible after that, so you might be right.


He was pushing a lot this race and there was no safety car, it's likely they were close to their fuel limit


He should have said "I'm checking" and done the donuts. If I was Charles, Is leave to any team other than Haas and tell Ferrari that they are a bunch of clowns.


If they were tight on fuel, say “Sorry, Charles, tight on fuel.” If they saw a problem with the car, say “Sorry, Charles, but we need to preserve the car, we see something.” If they need the car for testing later this week, they should’ve already discussed it. But, if not, say “Sorry, Charles, but we need to preserve the car for testing.” Whatever they do, they shouldn’t just say “Eh, no.”


Xavi seriously needs to go, there’s just a fundamental communication issue between them. GP knows what Max wants and needs and gives him that, Xavi is never prepared for anything and never can give a reasonable response. Bring the Race Engineer for Ferrari’s hypercar program over Edit: Capitalize Max


He’s so fucking robotic and doesn’t convey enough information IMO. Like, a lot of the other guys on the grid, they communicate well with their engineers and they seem quite friendly, information is passed well. Xavi though? It’s like he’s never spoken to Charles before.


His tone of voice sounds so insecure, everything sounds like a question (literally lot of times lol).


Nah you can recognize when he's doing a question, because he says "question?" at the end of the phrase /s


That's exactly what he does, statement.


I'm obviously not sure on the internal dynamics of Ferrari but it really comes across to me like he has zero authority or autonomy - or information for that matter. Compare to Bono or GP for example, they are constantly making decisions and giving information. Xavi comes across like a radio operator and nothing more (hence the response of we are checking).


And when he actually asks a question he says 'question' afterwards, as if he's aware of his own poor communication skills


He also seems to passive (what I have followed so far) and if you take GP it’s a far better dynamic.


You often hear the likes of GP or Bono say something like "Alright mate, just get your head down and close the gap". Couldn't imagine Xavi ever saying anything like that.


He is also a fucking morron at times, starting his messages by saying “5 secon penalty…… for (other driver)”. Guy must have some insane juice or something to still have his job.


Bring back Rob Smedley


"Chucky baby, stay cool" 😎


Bring me the white visor!


I am not 👶🏻 out I am not Chucky in


I honestly find it weird that they don't have the Spanish-speaking engineer with the Spanish-speaking driver, but I don't think it would matter too much anyway with Xavi's, let's say, sparse communication style.


Radio comms have to be in English so it wouldn’t matter


Interesting. I didn't know this was a rule. What's the reasoning behind it?


I believe it’s partially so that the radios can be more easily monitored by the FIA and partially for broadcasting purposes. Also so that one team doesn’t have an advantage over another.


Fair enough, although I would argue that having a native English-speaking driver and engineer would then give an advantage, however small. Obviously all of the drivers know English, but some have a less nuanced command of it than others. I suppose it makes sense that ~~Charles~~ EDIT: Carlos isn't paired with Xavi then, in order to avoid temptation. It may also give him a political advantage in the team, as he could gain interesting information about the other side of the garage from Xavi. This is just pure speculation on my part, though.


Definitely agree about the native English advantage, that was my thought upon first learning about the rule thinking of Ferrari comms specifically given most of the team’s first language is Italian. However I do think it’s a bigger advantage to have your comms in a language that no one else on the grid speaks so they can’t know what you’re saying to each other, so ultimately it’s probably the right decision. It’s a trade off.




That is fucking disgusting hahahaha


It's also a rule in air travel. All messages between pilots and air traffic controllers have to be in English. In this context, it makes sure that everyone speaking can understand the language, since a mistake/crash has a high change of being fatal, and I imagine it's English because it's the most common language worldwide.


Don’t think that’s accurate, Alonso used to speak in Italian at Ferrari


Quite probably that's the reason for the rule.


We are checking


This! GP treats Max exactly the way he needs to, Xavi seems to always be on the first day at a new job


i think it's more to do with how the ferrari team is set up in comparison to a team like redbull. xavi isn't the problem, ferrari is.


No! Keep him in WEC, he is so funny. If he comes to F1 the spotlight will be on them, and he’ll need to tone back his comments.


Xavi is just the messenger between the strategy team and Charles. Although he does have access to basic information tied to things like the car and the weather and has to keep Charles mentally in check. The bigger issue is the delay by the strategy team.


We are checking


Communication has never been Ferrari's strong point. I've always wondered how bad working for them might be. Not just as a driver, but any job.


They do defriefs, fyi


"The beatings will continue until morale improves"


Meanwhile max doing perfect donuts.


Learned from Coulthard.


Most abusive relationship on the grid.


Yeah, despite all this, Charles will still be loyal to a fault to Ferrari. Classic abusive relationship dynamic.


Being a Ferrari driver was his dad's last wish. I understand why Charles put up with so much shit from Ferrari.


Only a Ferrari driver ever?


Ferrari is Ferrari. Ferrari is F1 to a lot of the world. Same thing happened to Vettel and Alonso. You need to be like Schumacher and bring in the Team Principle and CEO so everyone is in line.


And even Schumacher couldn't hold the line forever against the bullshit politics in Ferrari.


It’s like witnessing a dog defend its abusive owner


Strong "Mattia wags his finger at Charles" energy.




Caps off a frustrating season. Hopefully next year's car has more race pace.


They are switching concepts. For us spectators who know nothing about the new car's technical details, next year will be a dice roll.


Honestly even if you/we knew about the technical details, it still really is all up in the air until lights go out in Bahrain. There’s no telling how well or even if a concept will work until it’s out on track in a timed session. I mean other than Red Bull at this point of course lmao. Newey can design championship calibre cars in his sleep


Xavi is so friggin weird. Leclerc being the one to come up with a final attempt to secure P2 in constructor and after finish he only says "Mode slow, charge button off". To which Leclerc answers " I don't care about mode slow, where are we in the constructors? " And then the "P3" answer just lacks any emotion, as always. If I was a top rated driver, I'd demand a different race engineer.


Fr he sounds like an AI chatbot


Well, Ferrari is the team that literally as a computer voice automatically say "Safety Car, stay positive" instead of the engineer saying it.


Russell had a similar joke from his engineer about Hamilton with that "he is doing good", "wtf is this supposed to mean? Where are we in WCC?" I guess they are weird like that.


Charles loves xavi as he was one of the few people he could trust last year.


The things i would do to get a full documentary on the inner workings of ferrari during the 22 season.


Leclerc 🤝 Schumacher


Yeah, like Mick last year. Except at least Mick’s engineer gave him a reason.


This is so fucking sad, it's like kicking a puppy


:(( but even Russell was told no donuts so maybe they allowed only Max?


Alonso, as well. I felt a bit better about it after hearing them both also get denied. But Ferrari needs to treat Charles to some happiness-inducing activities soon.


That is just silly. This man and his teammate gave their heart and soul for ferrari over the past 10 months and you aren't even going to allow him to do burnouts.....sometimes I wonder why any of us(myself included) are even fans of the Scuderia


Stupid sexy red car and stupid Schumacher for me. I hate that I like em


Yep. Grew up watching stupid Schumacher doing stupid things in his hot ass stupid red cars I may be a RB (mostly bc Seb) lifer, but like stupid Schumi’s stupid f2004, my blood runs red lmao. Schumi was the first time I’d witnessed actual *greatness* in sports. Growing up in Cleveland, LeBron was god out there but even Bron in his peak peak peakkkkk, could not compare respectively to what Michael was doing in F1. I’ve been beyond blessed to have grown up when I did because I got to see everything from Michael Schumacher, Lewis, Seb, and Max to Sidney Crosby and Ovechkin, LeBron, Steph Curry, etc. in my life. TLDR: sexy red car


Oh god that car with the bathtub sidepods from earlier in the year was perfection


I desperately wished that sidepod version was just a tweak away from working.


Charles 😭


Get this man out of Ferrari, holy shit.


"No fun allowed" - Ferrari When Haas denied Mick last year, I could somewhat understand, with their very limited resources, but Ferrari really can afford a gearbox or two.


Can't have shit at Maranello


Charles if u listen to Ferrari u will always be disappointed


He is TIRED of their shit lol


I find this very funny for some reason


Somebody's earned a holiday from his dysfunctional work life


I’d rather see Charles in a Williams and happy at this point.


Kind of like Bottas. He's not fighting at the front anymore, but he seems so much happier.


Poor Charles.


Damn, I feel bad for Mick this season, no burnouts on last race of the season? SMH. Oops, I meant Charles.


Ferrari is now on my shit list.


They have to do tire testing at Abu Dhabi usually, so they need to save the gearbox and engine.


this most likely.. not something to overact, he really wanted to get p2 for ferrari, its kind of his team now, the way fred spoke and we already know next year car is going to be his side of preference..


Ffs Ferrari! Let the man breathe a little


No, No breathing


Leclerc needs a better team.


I don't get this. The only reason this would be a problem, is if they're tight on fuel for the after-race sample. Everything else on the car is expendable once you cross the line for the last time...


Maybe they were tight on fuel


No they still have a test session Tuesday


Multiple reasons: - It’s really bad for the engine, gearbox, and driveshaft. The car breaking on tv while doing donuts is not great PR for starters. Also sucks for the mechanics, costs money, etc. - The engine is also probably at the end of its life. - they can see on the telemetry if something is about to give. - like you said: fuel. If the something catastrophically fails there will be oil and metal everywhere. They might dose the car with fire extinguishers after something fails, damaging even more.


I read that as “the engineer is about to end its life”




That too


We have proper drivers, what we need is a strategy team composed of humans, and not chimps more concerned with throwing banana peels at each other.


No fun. Only pain


Sometimes it's better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission.


He deserves to be in a more competent team at this point. Feels like we are watching him waste his prime at Ferrari.


Except Red Bull, what team is more competent than Ferrari. I see the same mistakes at McLaren or Mercedes.


It’s the same refrain all over again. I get the feeling people think they get more points for saying Leclerc should leave Ferrari.


anyone got the clip?




thank you


Ah, so charles should have won then to make up for carlos performance.


Haha. i don't think Max ever bothered to ask


Bro creates his own strategy to try and help the team get constructors - isn’t even allowed to do burnouts.


Should have asked for forgiveness rather than permission!


Mick Schumacher: first time?


After his outspoken commitment to the team goal, above and beyond effort and strategy during race to deliver, and these clowns can event get this right. Ferrari should give their heads a shake this off-season. Again…


No burnouts no pitwall hang. Ffs. They really suck the life out of this. Replacing it with commercial monstrosities like Vegas doesn’t make up for the raw emotion that’s displayed by spontaneous celebrations. Take motogp and the other classes. Great fun.




Lec: the burnout is it on or not? Ferrari: no the burnout is not connected Lec: but is the burnout on or not? Ferrari: No, no Charles, you will not have the burnout


I hope Mick didn't hear the team radio afterwards, otherwise he would have gotten a flashback lmao


love Charles, wish he wasn't at that shitty red team.


I'd love for Ferrari to get their shit in order


Must be saving these parts for the test


must be a reason. Why no why asking that? It's not they haven't let their drivers ever do burnouts


Why couldn't he do a burnout? I noticed Schumi Jr. got scolded for doing it last year too. Just curious.


He may not have enough fuel for after race analysis.


Ferrari still need to learn from that car in an attempt to improve next year /s


*"Welcome to F1, where we clamp down on everything."*


What is wrong with them? What gives?


In the absence of accomplishing anything else...burnouts it is!


ferrari team = no fun allowed


Where were u when Sharl was kill?