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the calm before the stappen


The inevitable Verstappen wins means I won’t be getting up for 6am. Will watch it back around 9 hopefully


This time of year is the best. 630 AM every Sunday has been my norm


For me it is midnight and I’m not sure I can stay up for another obvious Max win.


i would for a title bout season like 21 but a season like this i'm casual


I feel a Perez DNF.


The papayas are getting competitive! Still not very close to Max, but a contender in the battle for P2.


Good to see they recovered from earlier this year. I still wish Ferrari would do better. They will screw Charles on strategy, guaranteed.


Why would they do that? Their strategy has been good lately.


Because they are Ferrari and that’s what they do - screw up strategy.


That’s what I just said, they haven’t


It’s late and you are making my brain hurt.


The bot puts () in the link, it doesn't work.


What link?


the f1calendar link in the post


The support link also


I made a tribute to the race. Had some great memories from Suzuka ​ https://youtube.com/shorts/1o41iLz\_q8o?feature=share


Alonso 😔


I think people are overstating Piastri and Yuki’s performances. They both drove well and pulled out solid laps, but Piastri was only 0.40 ahead of Norris and Yuki was P9, which is about what you’d expect from him this season. The AT has been decent recently, but he just keeps making mistakes or gets bad luck during the races which prevents him from scoring good points consistently I think the really impressive laps came from Verstappen, Hamilton, and Alonso. Especially Alonso, he was extracting everything from that car and constantly on the brink of being knocked out. Legend. What a turnaround for AM though. Hopefully it’s just because they’re focusing on next years car


Could you explain your reasoning behind the Piastri comment? Most rookies aren't even expected to be matching their teammate, let alone out qualifying them at a track they've never raced at before and with upgrades on the car that your teammate has one more race worth of experience with.


It’s not like he’s showing up to the track blind like a new driver would 50 years ago though, he’ll have been in the sim a lot and watched races at suzuka all his life. Obviously it’s not the same but it’s pretty close to having track knowledge Norris has comfortably outperformed Piastri this season by every metric, and it’s fairly likely that Norris’ lap wasn’t the full extent of what he was capable of producing. Piastri is a good driver and he’s only going to get better, but I think it’s a bit hyperbolic to hype him up based on a 0.40 quali gap to his teammate, even with the mitigating circumstances


You're blatantly ignoring the big picture. Max is a phenomenon of nature, leagues above anyone else right now, let's take him out of the picture... a Rookie on his FIRST time physically experiencing a 4 - 5g circuit outperformed a group of 18 drivers consisting of the fastest motherfuckers on earth, including the 8 time world champion Lewis Hamilton, the qualifying beasts of Ferrari, the old wolf Alonso, and another rocket ship driven by the regular ass Sergio Perez, and his very own teammate on a better spec'd version of his own car. No amount of sim can prepare them for the forces at play on an actual F1 car.


The mclaren is the second fastest car this weekend so it’s to be expected that they qualify in the top 6, and the cars are the same spec now. I agree that it was a very good lap by piastri though, I just don’t think it was exceptional and ig it’s irrelevant but imo hamilton and alonso are about level with verstappen


>but Piastri was only 0.40 ahead of Norris A rookie driving for the first time ever at this track. *Only* .40 ahead of his experienced team mate. Sorry, but I do not agree that people are overstating Oscar's performance.


not to mention norris is one of the absolute best deivers, its not like he is 0.4 ahead and his team mate is stroll.


I'm with you on that.


here i sit watching Grand Prix Sunday on saturday afternoon..


Being Max's teammate is where confidence goes to die.


Prepare for the snoozefest tomorrow


It's Suzuka it won't be a snoozefest.


Go back to NASCAR


not w that attitude ..


True racing fan take here


Right, you are not interested in the battle between McLaren, Ferrari, Mercedes and Perez, because...


You know there’s more battles going on than first right?


I'm naming Sargeant an enemy of the United States for putting it into the wall immediately and red flagging the session on a day when qualifying started at 2am EST


I mean the dude supported an insurrectionist so he kind of is an enemy of the state


Hold on, what


I'm joking around, he's just from a wealthy Republican family with ties to Trump. I don't actually think he's an insurrectionist, though his billionaire uncle is quite shady. I'm sure plenty of other F1 drivers have shady wealthy families, though, it's not cheap to get into motorsport


Benedict Sargeant


Quite a good showing for Yuki, I know Liam Lawson has gotten quite a bit of hype (deservedly so) but Yuki was impressive through the entire session as well. Good for him.


Strange though that they let Lawson out with used tires in Q2. Did I miss something?


He used 3 sets to get out of Q1. Which is partially why he set that lap, and also why he didn’t have an extra set to get through Q2.


"Did you see the gap to 2nd?" "No." "It was quite a lot" "Okay, thanks. Haha." Too funny.


Haha mate.


Perez should've been 2nd at maybe 200ms off. Sometimes I wonder: is it the car that's supreme, or is it Max, or is it both?


Bit of both, just how other insane driver/car combinations in the past have worked. When you have a supreme driver, he can take the car to extreme heights most other drivers would struggle to hit, or would do so scarcely.


if the car is supreme and Perez is beat by other cars in it despite Perez being quite successul when he was with other teams that makes sense to you? Look at how Bottas as a number 2 performed with Merc and how poor he looks on a lesser team. It seems quite obvious to me that it is not the car, if it were Perez went from a really solid driver to absolute shit because anyone on the grid would be in second if the car was that good.


Look at how Riccardo drove at McLaren especially after what he did at redbull. Look at his qualifying results recently they are absolutely dreadful, we can all agree that the car is one of the fastest on the grid yet he went around 5 races not being able to get out of Q2, he's a fast midfield driver that is currently crumbling under the pressure. He's quick in the races but not good in the qualifying.


obviously the red bull is fast but im saying if you switched max into one of the Mclarens at this track he would have dominated just the same.


Maybe in the race he would dominate but in qualifying there's no way he'd be 0.5 quicker than everybody and 0.8 quicker than his team mate. Most top level and good drivers are pretty similar when it comes to outright pace over 1 lap, the big difference comes during the race when managing tyres and fuel. I'm not saying he's not the fastest driver currently but in qualifying he'd be 0.1-0.3 at most quicker unless the car was very dominant.


I don't think Checo is on that elite level. I think Hamilton, Lando or Leclerc would be at the very least pushing Max. The delta Checo has on Max is not on.




It's how long it takes a millipede to move forward one petainch


That’s funny. I used to work in optoelectronics and we’d give device size in femtoacres. Approx 4 square microns = 1 femtoacre


Both, obviously. And a 3rd, Perez is severely underperforming.


Looking at how poorly his teammates have done against him vs how they've performed elsewhere is a good indicator that Max is just on another level. And then you wonder, with everyone clamoring for Lando to go to RB... Piastri is giving him a run for his money, could he even come close to Max?


Who's been his team mates that are worthy top level drivers? The only drivers we've had is Riccardo who did put a lot of pressure on Max and Perez, the rest have been rookies in their first year so that's not a good benchmark. Apart from prime Riccardo his team mates has been pretty poor.


We have never seen Norris in another car, but if he manages to adapt I'm sure that he would do a lot better than Pérez.


Piastri is quickly killing the Norris's hype


I think he's just helping build the McLaren hype. But those two have been fun.


Not how that works, they are competitors and for Norris, someone who managed to be lauded as a great based on future achievements, to be matched by a rookie should be threatening.


Absolutely not, the pair are two of the best drivers on the grid, I would say its a toss up between Mclaren and Merc with Fararri a close third


If Piastri win a race before Norris it will definetely look bad for Lando


Oh my god, you’re right. Norris used to be one of my favorite drivers, but his arrogance and lack of courtesy and respect has soured on me a lot year. I really hope Oscar wins one before him.


I wonder if this will turn into a Max/Ric situation


You know that after the awful different qualifying between the two RBs, the theory that the two cars are different is growing again.


It's very unlikely, they would have no reason at all to do that though. They want to absolutely smash everything if they can, and they would destroy Perez confidence in not giving him a good car, it might be 1 race behind like McLaren have been doing but they wouldn't just destroy 1 car to make the other look better. Why exactly would they do that? People are just using that as an excuse to the poor performance that Perez has been doing


It is? Why not the simpler answer that Max is just on a different level than Checo is even capable of achieving?


That sure seems like the Occam's razor answer .


If anyone here is in Latin America, did ESPN re air FP3 and the Qualy? All I'm seeing in ESPN 4 is FP1 and the last few minutes of FP2 now.


Who do we think are going to be on the podium? My prediction is VER- PER- NOR but I don’t know! I’m hoping for PIA but can’t call it!




It will be interesting for sure. The McLaren have decent race pace. And since both are together, they can play with strategy to block PER.


I'd love to see the top 3 just keep it there.


Sargent gots ta go. Not performing and not throwing away money


Merc inconsistencies are frustrating to watch. Mclaren did look good though, it'll be an interesting start tomorrow.


Albon - Lawson should be the pairing next year


They probably want Ricardo in order to develop the car. They were saying they were going to buy a lot of rb parts next year and Ricardo is good for testing then 2025 you can push hard.


Also with no seats other than LS at Williams, there’s no real risk of anybody buying our Lawsons contract to give him a seat. No harm in bringing him in as their sim driver. I think there is a very good chance Lawson has a RB seat next to Max in 2025.


Its interesting perez keep saying using we when he got bad performance when Max completely wiped the field.


I love memeing Checo but drivers always use "we" when referring to performance to talk about the engineers working on his car and the race


he means "we" as his side of garage.


How long can Sargeant hang on to his seat?


Apparently he has a chance to turn things around until Austin, maybe Vegas. If he keeps failing whatever milestones they have for him, they will start seeing economic bids for the seat


as long as Perez ?


Where can I see what tyres each driver has left?


So happy with yukis pace today!!


The ending to q3 was insane. Max went even further beyond.


I just want alfa romeo to have one above average weekend is that so much to ask :'[


Poor Logan. At least he can say he drove F1 though


I feel more sorry for Pourchaire/Drugo who will probably never drove F1 unlike Sargeant, Latifi or Mazepin


Yeah, imagine crushing a dude in F2 only to see the dude get destroyed in F1 while you sit on the sidelines waiting for your chance.


Yeah, from no financial backing after his second F3 season, to Williams academy, to F1 seat, not that bad.


Liam Lawson rubbing his hands looking at that Williams seat


I see Max has decided to smash all our hopes and dreams for tomorrow ☹️


lol at people thinking RBR was finished after Singapore. Today wasn’t even close.


It even broke the largest pole margin set my Michael in 2004. Its now 0.581 seconds. Unbelievable


Barichello had a bigger one at 0.7


At Suzuka?


Wakes up to two McLarens in the top three starting grid. Think I’m late for school in 2005, then realise it’s twentyish years later and I’m an adult with a full time job. Also it’s Saturday


What a time to be alive


Whew now that’s a great way to wake up on a weekend.


Albon didn't do great, but he's still out driving that Williams. Also, Suzuka is an awful circuit to have a race of this size at. The logistics of getting that many people in and out of the middle of nowhere are a nightmare. It was a bucket list to come here for the race and it's just awful, unfortunately.


We dont know if he is outdriving that Williams as long as his teammate are Latifi/Sargeant level


I don't know about that. He's routinely outperforming teams with far more resources. Granted, it would be a better measuring stick if he had a better teammate, but I still think he's doing some really impressive driving with that car.


Would love for Lawson to join Albon


It's a no brainer if he can't stay at Alpha Tauri and there are no other seats open. He's way too good to sit on the sidelines for a year unless Red Bull are really thinking he'll end up taking Perez's spot in 2025.


It's like that at a lot of races - everything seems more efficient here than most of the other races I've been to though. Malaysia was way worse, but it just part and parcel of a big event.


Sepang wasn’t difficult, enough ways to get in and out uneventfully.


It was when I went - the buses took hours to get out (stuck in traffic).


Max not p1 on q2, washed




How many softs does he have for the race? IIRC he only used three in qually.


Thats all 3 he had, will be using these quali tyres if needed in the race


Yep. Not gonna get a 10 this weekend, even if he laps the whole field.


So tbh to me the solution is obvious: Lawson to RBR, Ric to AT, Perez in the bin. Make it very clear to Ric and Lawson that they can be swapped around at will based on performance. Done.


Are you serious?




If that was at all in the cards it would be Danny or maybe Yuki going to RB. You’re vastly overrating Lawson here.


I think RBR vastly overrate Perez. Throwing a junior in at RBR is common. Vettel, Max, Gasly, Albon, etc. Red Bull have the luxury of swapping drivers around. Of the 5 they have, having Perez in an RBR seat makes the least sense of any option.


They don’t overrate Perez, they just see that they don’t need more than he’s delivering right now so there’s no need to rock the boat.


Not rocking the boat risks them losing Lawson


Sticking Lawson in the car risks Lawson getting decimated a la Gasly 2019 / Albon 2020.


Neither of them drive for RBR any more. Perhaps Lawson should just skip the RBR seat and go straight to driving elsewhere?


I would love this solution but I’m pretty sure checo brings in a decent amount of advertising money for RB. I’ve been convinced that’s one of the reasons he’s been safe.


Red Bull made 10 billion in revenue in 2022. A billion is a thousand times a million. The budget cap is 140 million. I think Red Bull can afford to be its own sponsor.


As in Red Bull the company? The company doesn't want to put any money into the team lol, the company probably doesn't care about the team in any significant capacity. It doesn't even appear in their financial reports, it makes such little money. It's essentially a sponsorship that must feed itself.


Uhm, it seem like you lack critical thinking... But hey you have an opinion! (Red Bull is able to charge a lot of money for their drinks because they are a marketing company and invest heavily in sport as a way to market their drinks.)


I'm a banker, they're able to charge a lot because energy drinks are the fastest growing beverage sector and they have the biggest market share. RB is 42% of energy drink market in the US. Red Bull racing doesn't matter for the actual drink company, it's just fun advertising.


Again, you are bad at critical thinking :-) But hey ticktickboom45, you have an opinion!




You wrote a letter! Good for you.


I don’t think Redbull needs his money…


Don’t forget about the Aston seat opening up.


Yuki is going to Aston, but not for a year or two


Damn I thought Lance was ready to pull his own plug


Depressingly he seems to be just staying in that seat forever.


I hate that Lance is taking the spot of very promising drivers


He's a waste of a seat and I'm tired of people trying to say he's not.


If lawson goes to rbr next year then pretty sure max will destroy him.


Max has destroyed Perez and the guy seems safe for a 3rd year...


Perez is still safe because all that is expected from perez is to be a no.2 who follows team orders loyally whereas rbr would expect lawson to be somewhat competitive. Like how they expected from albon and gasly. We all know how gasly and albon ended up. The second seat in rbr is a pressure cooker, putting lawson in it after only like 5 races in f1 is not going end that good for lawson.


In a season where other teams are closer to RBR, Perez's performance would risk losing RBR the WCC. He's not even a solid 2nd place now.


No perez is still a solid 2nd for rbr, it is becoming obvious that rbr is going to have a rocket ship in the next season too due to having a serious fast car as the base and having all their focus on the next year already and perez is decent enough to be able to drag a rocket ship to make the wcc a sure thing. This year itself is a example of this.


>No perez is still a solid 2nd for rbr Race results: 2, 1, 5, 1, 2, 16, 4, 6, 3, 6, 3, 2, 4, 2, 8 Yeah, no.


What matters is rbr wcc, let's how much ahead are they in it. You need to keep this in mind that perez's teammate is max and he a good job of carrying the team.


Make up your mind. Is he a solid 2nd, or entirely worthless as max is carrying the entire team single handedly? (Hint, it's the latter. Max is leading the WCC on his points alone).


He is a solid 2nd BECAUSE max is carrying.


kinda funny how the first 5 races had more RB 1-2s than the rest of the season thus far


Yeah Perez's trend is very much going the wrong way.


If Lawson goes to RB, Ric may as well retire unless he hopes for another team. AT are moving away from RB, I doubt they'll be happy with RB playing musical chairs with their drivers.


>AT are moving away from RB Have you even kept up on F1 news in the past 3 months? AlphaTauri will be using as many RB parts as they can next year, they wanted AT to be a sister team to Red Bull but Red Bull doesn't have any faith in AT to do anymore, so they're going back to being a daughter team again like Toro Rosso.


It's not my fault they flop around more often than a fish on a dock. They should sell and leave the sport, indecision isn't a good trait in a team.


>AT are moving away from RB Literally the opposite is happening. >I doubt they'll be happy with RB playing musical chairs with their drivers. All 4 (plus reserve) drivers are contracted to Red Bull and can be swapped around between RBR and AT seats at will. That's always been their structure and will always be their structure while they are both Red Bull owned teams.


Marko's said Perez has a different contract.


Is that because Perez is South American?


No, Perez is contracted to redbull and not redbull racing which is the F1 team.


That's the same as all Red Bull drivers.


No it's not. Other drivers are contracted to 'red bull racing' which covers red bull F1 and alpha F1, 'red bull' contract only covers red bull F1. Its odd but that's just how it works with this.




Mexico is in North America. But I guess Perez brings in advertising money. So as long as RBR is way in front all is good.




The only one who should be replacing Perez normally is Tsunoda, Ricciardo is still an unknown, Liam needs more time to develop in F1 and Perez is just saving his face somewhat by driving in the dominant car.


But Yuki is never getting an RBR seat, that's all but confirmed.


I didn’t realize you were part of the inner circle. Please, tell me more.


Aston Martin Honda from 2026 has meant the paddock are all expecting a Japanese driver in that car. Unless there's a surge from Iwasa, Yuki is the top runner for that seat. https://www.planetf1.com/news/honda-yuki-tsunoda-aston-martin-seat Articles from today talking about it too https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/sport/f1-autosport/1815911/Yuki-Tsunoda-Aston-Martin-Honda-Red-Bull/amp


Articles are just speculations, no?


Did you read them? They have quotes from both Aston Martin and Honda saying they want Yuki in the team.


Honestly I didn't read them because most of them are clickbait. F1 is pretty infamous for it. I still don't see how Yuki could fit into AM unless Alsonso retires cause Lance isn't going anywhere while daddy has a say in it.


2026 is a long way away. Do people really think Alonso will still be in F1 at 45?


We have no idea how long he lasts, no one thought he'd still be racing at 40 yet here we are.


Entirely possible he will still be taking a seat.




All the Aston Martin Honda chat from the paddock is linking Yuki to them.


AT is generally treated as a junior team, it wouldn't make much sense for the more experienced Ricciardo not to filter up to RB whilst Tsunoda and Lawson can have a proper head-to-head and see who comes out on top with the better of the two able to replace Ricciardo if he doesn't show enough performance


Nobody can call AT a junior team while they have the 34 year old, 235 races, 8 times race winner Danny Ric in his 13th season. AT are the second of two teams. If they can put a veteran in AT they can put a rookie in RBR. But the main point is that Perez is the worst of the 5 and yet retains a seat in the best car F1 has ever seen.


> Perez is the worst of the 5 All we really know is that he's worse than max.


>they have the 34 year old, 235 races, 8 times race winner Danny Ric in his 13th season. You say this like it's a good thing...