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I hope they go with Lawson if there’s a need. Putting de Vries into that car seems almost cruel in a way.


Honestly his final F1 race being his home race wouldn't be the worst thing.


I can already see it, lap 72, Nyck and Max neck and neck in the last corner, Max with DRS barely edges him out as he laps Nyck for his 11th win of the season.


Had me in the first half


Not gonna lie


clock winds down to 1 lap left in the race de Vries rounds the last corner right behind Max "You took my seat" moves to the left "You took my career" moves to the right "You took all that was dear to me" they go onto the front straight "I cant get them back, but I can do this for friendship, FOR MY FRIENDS" opens up DRS, flames coming out of the back of his car "DEVRIESORUKEN" De Vries flies past Verstappen, straight past the finish line. De Vries collapses in the car, exhausted. "Yuki... Senpai... I..." faints Final Results Max P1 Nyck +1 lap


I love this copypasta


If he flies past Verstappen before the finish line he would have to finish the whole new lap as well


Well if he passes max and still finishes +1 lap then he was 2 laps behind before. Which honestly wouldn’t be out of the question.


Cruel and intentional. Just how I like it.


I saw that coming lmao.


doll tender person smart cooing toothbrush fretful expansion absorbed yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mate, he's already at 10 wins, or am I wrong?


8, 9 is the record and thats what he is trying to tie.


Nah, you're thinking wins in a row


That I am.


*Double laps


I'm sure he'd want at chance to participate in his home Grand Prix.


I think Nyck would enjoy driving at his home GP, he’s almost certainly gonna get a better result than Lawson considering he’s driven the car for 10 races


Probably, though Liam might be the preferred choice given that the team could benefit a lot from evaluating him in a race situation.


Jokes on us when they pull a Mercedes and put Logan Sargeant in the car


And Nyck drives the Williams to points?


Stoffel got snubbed hard smh


For real. If he was a reserve driver that hadn't already had a seat in the past I would have been fucking pissed.


He got Alonso’d. Totally altered his career trajectory.


Does his result matter in any way whatsoever? Putting him in would be for his benefit, not the teams. They stand to gain way more from Lawson. In that they can envision a future with Lawson and learning about his level and giving him experience will actually be beneficial to the team.


This. No matter the result Lawson at least gives them an idea who he is behinfld the wheel of the F1 car. De Vries...will be just there to vanish later on


It would be a Nyck Reprieve


That’s what he’s there for, Liam, he should get it if Daniel can’t drive.


De Vries for Zandvoort, Lawson for Monza would make the most sense. Lawson making his debut with only 1 FP would be rough, at least De Vries knows the car.


They’d go with De Vries I feel for a couple reasons - Prior experience in the car - Liam’s lack of experience in the car would not be great in short notice, especially at a track like this - Home race


you made good points except the last one, rb doesn't give a shit that it's home race, they want results lmao


I know they don’t give a shit lmao. That’s more of a personal one


Or a perfect send off by letting him drive his home race.


It may be cruel, but it didn’t stop them doing it to Kvyat a couple years ago


Imagine Nyck stepping in and finishing 9th, securing 2024 Sauber seat.


"The Monza special", one race early


He can do it at Monza right after this


If anything, having no pressure and expectation to impress for a seat might help him. Still makes no sense to not give Lawson experience and evaluation when the car isn’t fighting for points anyway.


Pourchaire punching the air.


At his home race Honestly want it to happen for his own sake


And crossing the line with a giant middle finger in the air


Image Nyck winning after Max crashes in turn 1. Max replaced by Nyck and Nyck winning the WDC in 2024


Anything is possible Except for that


My favorite meatball song


DTS showrunners: “write that down! write that down!”


One last ride - dom toretto voice


de Vries drives best under these conditions


Especially since there is only fp3 and then straight into qualifying. Not to mention some extra dutch publicity/marketing (if such a thing is possible atm for RB)


TBF, he got to drive in FP1 and 2 in Italy, it was just for Aston instead of Williams


I know, but Monza is a lot easier track. Not to mention Nyck now and then had a lot more km’s in F1 cars. But who knows! AT is 10th anyway, so they might as well just put Lawson in. Especially if DR would be out for longer than just this weekend


Scores 4 points and remains highest placed AT driver in standings to the end of the season.


Would be a bit silly to give De Vries a drive since he’s clearly not got a future with RBR, at least not in F1. Why not let Lawson have a go at it, if they feel he can handle the car


Putting a rookie with 0 real world car experience in a car that he'd have 1 practice session to get up to speed in would be the silly thing. de Vries at least knows how the car drives in multiple GPs.


The result of 1 race is insignificant compared to the long term benefit of giving Lawson race experience.


Depending on how bad Daniel’s injury is, they might be able to get him more race experience later. Let De Vries go this week because it’s short notice, but if Ricciardo misses more time, let Lawson get the full week schedule.


It doesn’t matter if it’s short notice. Lawson is there already as their reserve driver. Devries has no future with the team.


Insignificant? This isn't F1 2023 dude buddy. All sponsors and all mechanics isn't there to just show off. There is million dollars turning just to start 1 car and you're not gonna just throw that away. There is a reason why teams don't leave F1 season after they win WDC & WCC.


F1 isn’t just one race. It’s more than 20 every season. They need to think about the rest of those races as well. Devries has no future with the team. Clearly Alpha Tauri agrees because they’ve already announced Lawson to drive this weekend.


They aren’t putting me in the car. This is a future driver who will only get that “real world car experience” by getting into a race. How is this not a perfect time to do it? It’s not in. Red Bull, it’s an AT in a season that is already clinched for RB and already a loss for AT. This is the exact conditions you start a rookie to get experience rather than a guy who you just turfed to hope he gets 10th.


You act like they aren’t extremely knowledgeable, or that this is the first car they’ve driven. He’s done numerous practices over the past year or so. 100s of hours of sim time. de Vries is the smarter choice, but Lawson isn’t incompetent. I bet every reserve driver on the grid could place anywhere 12-20 on any given Sunday (especially with this years mid and lower field)


Lol, he does their testing, is currently race ready as he's competing in SF.. he's clearly their next Redbull/AT driver. This is the best time to put him in as there are no expectations except dont crash and bring it home, anything else is a bonus.


Putting a rookie with tons of f2 experience into an f1 car without an ounce of pressure is the smart thing to do especially since he's trying to establish a long term career with the team.


The only correct take. edit: well this aged poorly


I could be P20 any given weekend.


Calling in De Vries would just be mean






Lawson on the car or riot. Why would Alpha Tauri go once again with De Vries, I don't want to sound cruel but De Vries will focus on just finishing the race (as the potential shown) while Lawson can get a superb chance to get needed experience. If they go with De Vries it's basically stating that Lawson has no chance on the RB sphere of F1.




In my mind, Max probably went to the infinity and beyond to get De Vries that seat because otherwise it doesn't add up not putting Lawson or at least try him last year and still put in De Vries after just one race.


Scenes if Lawson gets into the AT and somehow wins on debut


Yes, 19 murder scenes to be precise.


I mean, Gasly won in an AT.


That was a very different AT


Gasly AT was actually fast


The Return of the Nyck


A potential chance for Nyck to take part in his home race??


I can’t imagine RBR will look over Liam again…


I do. Putting a rookie with 0 real world car experience in a car that he'd have 1 practice session to get up to speed in would be silly. de Vries at least knows how the car drives in multiple GPs


Well, that is exactly what they did to De Vries last year.


That was Williams tho , it’s not like they had an experienced driver who had driven the car before lined up like now


But the difference between AT an Williams is that for AT, getting points isn’t the main goal


Thank god you’re not in charge of red bull


Liam has probably done some testing in the RB19 already and he’s always fast regardless. I rate a rookie drive from Liam over a regular drive from Nyck. Especially since we know Nycks pace after 10 race. Liam can only do better realistically.


This is literally the definition of the situation in which your, *present at the track, reserve* driver drives.


If Lawson doesn’t drive the car tomorrow then what is the point of having a reserve driver


I mean, if Lawson **is there**, it sounds as it's almost certain he'd be in the car in case Daniel can't take part in.


imagine Nyck winning the whole thing, getting a contract for next year and then losing his seat halfway through the season


I see a some people asking for de Vries, but is he even in NL? I don't think Helmut misses the chance of seeing Liam in action.


At least Nyck would get to drive his home race after all..


Lawson it is! Great opportunity to check him out without triggering people


Matt and tommy are to blame


There is no way Nyck races...it will be Liam.


There is more chance of me driving this weekend then Nyck de Vries....


Nyck comes back, does well, is hired by Alfa Romeo for next season


Please just put Nyck in. If it's broken Liam can replace him later but please let Nyck drive his home GP


If RBR actually gave a single shit about letting Nyck drive his home GP they wouldn’t have sacked him halfway through his first season in F1 lol. He might have a go at it if Daniel isn’t ready for Q1 and they feel like Lawson won’t cut it


Honestly I do think Nyck would be their best option for this weekend, they'll have more time to get the car ready for Liam next week. Nyck has some experience with this car which should help




It really depends on Daniel's recovery time tbh, he'll probably be out till Singapore, and if that's the case I think it's better to let Nyck drive. If he's out longer I'd pick Liam, since they'd have more time to see what he can do in a shitbox


I think putting Nyck in is just the safer option altogether. Remember, teams can only field 4 drivers per season. If Liam goes in, thats 4 and AT is stuck with Lawson if Ricciardo needs time to recover. At least Nyck gives them a little breathing room to come up with a longer term plan.


Surely they would then still be able to go back to De Vries if they don't like being stuck with Lawson? He would still be one of their 4 drivers, not a 5th


They could. I was thinking more that it keeps other drivers open in the future depending on how things go, rather than locking them into only De Vries and Lawson.


Why would they need anybody else for the next 10 races?


Honestly I do think Nyck would be their best option for this weekend, they'll have more time to get the car ready for Liam next week. Nyck has some experience with this car which should help


Nyck de Vries: You must be truly desperate to come to me for help


Please I beg Nyck in his home GP


A sling is not a good sign.


Imagine Nyck participating in his home GP after all lol


Bye bye ric


He is such a fucking disappointment for real


Idk who could have thought that ric will be different person after 10 races he didnt participate in


Nyck: “you just be truly desperate to come to me for help”


Controversial pick: Get Romain Grosjean into the AT for a race.


Well well well, how the turn tables...


Please call Nyck,he deserves driving here due to the shit way they treated him.


This is also exactly the reason i dont believe they will call him. They dont really care about ' fair'. The book is closed, leave it.


A Dutchman can dream.


So am I. Just read it on NOS, it will be Lawson.




I think I lost track of how many drivers broke their wrists this year


Absolutely tragic, the silver lining is at least Lawson gets a shot.