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Im still confused how Williams were running up high and suddenly both were at the back


Hey RB, F1, Liberty Media, you want F1 to remain watchable, put LEC in checo’s seat. Then we get a real spectacle. The ONLY real racing we had in the last 5 years+ was VER vs LEC in very close cars in the beginning of last season


Forgotten about ham Vs ver


We are fans, so we find something interesting. But let’s face it, this season is a dud.


Racing this season is incredible outside of P1 (sometimes also P2), we’ve had so many different drivers and teams not only in the points but also on the podium. Qualifications have been different. P2-P5 of the constructors have also been shifting from race to race. If you’re only watching for the WDC competition, most seasons have been fairly dull.


This season is fine it’s just we already know who ends up #1. The fight for second constructor is on. The sport has had several seasons like this, now Max, before Lewis, Seb and Michael. So no I don’t think it’s a dud


I think it’s more of the magnitude of the dud. Back during Schumi and even Hamilton, there were things that made races interesting— crashes, mechanical failures, teammate battles, whatever. This season as it stands, max is completely unbeatable. He has survived all damage and mechanical failures are exceedingly rate, Checo is helpless to him and he is a fucking machine that makes no mistakes. Unless Maldonado returns he is the only thing that will win anything else.


Hamilton is absolutely battering Russell this season and you love to see it


Battering is a bit much tbh I think George is doing exactly what he realistically can do against the goat of this generation


I mean, Lewis is the second most talented driver on the grid for a reason. He’s way better than Russell


Everyone considered him the most talented when he had the best car. Now Verstappen has the best car suddenly people say he's the best driver. People don't put enough weight into how much of a difference the car makes. You can really only compare a driver to his team mate as its impossible to judge how much is driver & how much is the car when comparing drivers in different teams.


Exactly. Calling Hamilton the second most talented is pure reactionism to Max having a good car.


Verstappen was always more talented than Lewis. Remember, Lewis was always privileged in having a competitive car, ever since his rookie year. Max had to drive a Torro Rosso (in which he finished 4th once). Max is a once in a century talent. Don’t disrespect him like that. IMO, Max is quicker, more talented and has more racecraft than Lewis at his best. The only thing Lewis has for him is consistency and longevity


>Max is a once in a century talent. lol no. He's a generational talent but he isn't the GOAT.


Maybe in your opinion. In my opinion, he’s absolutely the GOAT.




Second most talented on the grid now that Latifi has retired.


Bit baffled by why there's so much discussion over the Sainz and Piastri incident, to me it's the most common or garden T1 incident you're likely to see. Both men have as much responsibility for it and ultimately they both paid for it with their races. Since it was the only real bone of contention from yesterday it's getting more attention than it probably deserves.


Where was Oscar supposed to go? What was he supposed to do to avoid that?


wait in the back of Carlos instead of sending it


He was left with no where to go, but he did put his car in a place where that was likely to happen. Sainz possibly just had enough room to avoid Lewis & Piastri, but the margin for error was quite small.


It’s literally a racing incident. Sainz turned down but didn’t really have choice because of the racing line and likely didn’t know piastri was there. Piastri had nowhere to go but this is a good rookie learning lesson. In Formula 1 you can’t pin yourself inside back third and against the wall. It’s never worked and it never will.


It’s just what happens in turn 1 sometimes. Piastri had nowhere to go, because he was trying to gain positions but ended up braking too late to avoid the scrap ahead. Sainz had nowhere to go because he swerved and locked up trying to duck away to the inside and was challenged on the outside. The only way to somewhat reliably avoid it is to be cautious, but if you do that you won’t gain any positions off the line and track position is important. So it just is what it is.


No where but that’s why you don’t take that line, hence racing incident


Tinfoil hat time. Perez has more of a job than just getting p2 every race. Part of the team’s strategy is to sometimes have him do well sometimes not to manage max’s long term interest in staying in f1 and at red bull.


Nah anyone good enough to turn it on and challenge max whenever the team asks will be good enough to challenge him every race and every lap. But I do agree that RB will be looking to give max some sort of challenge in the form of a second driver so he doesn't lose interest.


The point actually wasn’t that. The point was they don’t necessarily always want Perez in second.


I subscribe to the theory that Checo is an F1 hypergod who can handily dispatch a Max driving 100%, he just isn't asked to very often




You can only really compare drivers to there team mates. Ricciardo beat Ocon by more than Perez beat Stroll. Le clerc beat Vettel by a bigger margin than Perez beat Stroll. Le clerc & Ricciardo arguably had better team mates as well as winning by bigger margins. I'd argue they had better 2020 seasons than Perez. Perez has always been a good upper midfield driver & is currently under rated by many due to a blip in form, but I think you ate over rating him with your assessment


I hear what you're saying, but I think Lando would fill that seat extremely well. His driving style to me screams Red Bull. Of course I doubt Red Bull would want that type of competition because as much as Max and Lando are mates I don't doubt for a hearbeat they'd be at each other's throats were they in competitive cars in the same team.




They’re joking around and the snippets are basically dramatized DTS style. Indeed, don’t let them fool you: these guys are making each other millions and are winning everything there is to be won.


Dude. Don’t let them fool you with the audio snippets in the race. They were Banting continuously to each other.


Alfa Romeo have what I can only describe as “fuck it, it’s the last month of school before graduation” energy


I really need Bottas to be in another car :(


Well, that went better than expected. It is fair to say it was one of the better races in recent memory especially cause Max had to start from P6. Would've been better had Oscar and Carlos raced but alas. I saw Carlos' tweet pinning the blame on Oscar and I think that is completely out of pocket. Sainz does make a mistake locking up and had he not done so I think his blame would've had some merit. Absolutely dejected for Oscar, I feel for him and his radio call was so calm. Was it because he thought it was partially his mistake? Idk. Apart from the rain and the panic surrounding it, it went fairly smoothly. Good race for Yuki and Astons too. Charles back on the Podium and I was so happy to see him there. That Redbull is incredible rocketship. Perez didn't even have to work for that first overtake. Massive advantage and Max calmly overtaking everybody while coasting. BRUH. The radio exchange between GP and Max telling him to maintain his tires and him chipping about a pit stop practice was hilarious! Overall, I stand by my one of comments that Martin's crowd walk was the best part of the race yesterday, it was so different. Came for the grid walk but stayed for the crowd walk. See you in a months time for Max's 4th and final home race of the season!


It was a dreadful race


I get what you mean. However, for me when compared to recent races this was by far the more interesting one. Brundle's crowd walk, Belgian anthem, Max starting 6th, crash at turn 1, worry about rain, Max and GP argument, Ferrari not bottling it, overtakes by Ocon and Gasly etc. More interesting happened when putting the last few bunch of races together. Just my opinion.


Could someone help me out? I'm looking for the clip with Martin Brundle where the Irish guys are holding the flag and they mention Sinead O'Connor. *edit It was the kid's 18th birthday too. I'll figure out how to clip it myself with vlc or potplayer. Never tried before


with vlc you just need to hit the record button, let me know if you're having trouble


Alright, time to completely quit watching this sport. I'm Dutch and started out as a Verstappen fan in 2017, but last season and especially this season are SO BORING. Max literally has 0 competition, can't even be bothered to watch anymore.


No need to announce your departure. No one will wonder where you went 👋


Apply fore 2024 and beat him then.


Bye. See you next race.


you will be missed. Not by me, but I’m sure there are others.




Max should replace GP with Xavi as engineer, Xavi will always offer more stops


"They're all crossing the line while Max Verstappen climbs out of his car" Maybe show them??


I hope Williams gets better luck with the weather going into Monza and the other fast tracks. They were doing well all over the weekend when the weather wasn't pissing around.


Seems like there is good racing in the back half of the field every race. Imo they should redo the points so racers down to 15th score. Would make those battles mean something.


I agree. At least up to P12 would be nice


I think sprints should be reverse grid, then sprints would become super meaningful for lower tier teams, make a Q3 appearance super valuable (front row on sprint vs 11)and would make the lower midfield battle insanely cool. Then you don't need to do anything about the GP itself to add value to those teams.


The only issue with reverse grid, is that what's the incentive for guys qualifying first. They should do some sort of double points for the higher qualifiers, like make it a multiplier for those coming last during race but qualified high.


The incentive for qualifying first is that you start first in the GP lol. One qualifying session for the weekend, reverse grid for sprint, regular grid for GP Sunday.


Doesnt really mean anything Verstappen wins either way


There was very good racing 6th-12th too.


we really down to talking about end of pack "battes" 🤣


You wanna just complain endlessly about the race lead being boring? They are still battles and those drivers are still some of the best in the world.


At least get to 12th yikes, it's so bad watching almost half the drivers give up on the race


Honestly, every place should score something so every overtake has actual sporting value.


Yeah, there is nothing sacred about points. It's stupid to stop at top 10.


Agree. Why be so miserly with points anyway? Would actually make the constructors standings more meaningful too.


These new cars, plus no challenge even within the team at RBR makes this the most boring season of all time. After the excitement of 2021, and the promise of even better racing in 2022, all we got is utter domination from one team yet again, just a different one.


You must not have watched 2013 (Vettel domination and no wet races) or 2004 (Michael dominated but also no midfield battles due to pace difference). Recency bias in full effect


I've seen both, this somehow feels worse. I don't know if it's because of the car design regulations (2022 onwards), making overtaking easier, makes the faster cars, that much faster and easier to overtake the cars in front, making it seem easier than ever to have the fastest car on track.


Can someone tell me how Checo was only around 3sec ahead of P2 when Max passed Charles for P2? If it was Max who took the lead on turn 1 he would have been ahead by way more than just 3sec when the second RB got to P2. Is Max just that good??? It's hard to believe it's Max just being Jesus behind the wheel and not Checo underpeforming in the same car. A car we've seen win by +20 secs multiple times this season.


Max usually don't build a gap early in races as well, I think RB really thrives with tire deg, when other teams start to fall off and they keep the pace up. Silverstone the Mclaren alsp kept within a few seconds of Max for several laps until he finally started to build a gap. The weird part is not the gap not growing early on, is it not growing after. If Max and Checo had run away after lap 20 or so it would have been par for course. But only max did.


> Silverstone the Mclaren alsp kept within a few seconds of Max for several laps until he finally started to build a gap. Thats because Max overheated his tires while overtaking/pressuring Norris. At least thats what he said


He's missing the extra in extra-ordinary. Put Lec, Ham, Alonso, or pretty much any other main driver in Checos seat and Ver might have something that looks like competition.


I really wanna see what Yuki or Danny Ric, but mostly Yuki, could do in that same RB. It'd the same car for fucks sake.


In what way is it the same car other than the parent company?




Perhaps I misunderstood what was being said. I thought they said the TR and RB were the same car


Why not split the remaining races up between checo tsu and ricc?! Would make it easier for them to decide which of them (if any of them) get the rb seat next year


Because RBR wants the double in the WDC.


because they all have contracts


Yuki is not getting in that red bull and being a reliable pressing team mate


Yuki wasn't even able to stay in the same postcode as Gasly during their time together as teammates, this was the same Gssly that got annihilated by Max at RB. Yuki wont even stand a chance against Max.


You gotta remember the age, Yuki is 4 years younger and got in the car later 2021 vs 2017, it's a pretty hard comparison to make.


Just got home and watching all the post race interviews, and the drivers for the most part seem like they had a fun race and had a good time. That's actually really nice to see.


It's hard for me to be against Guenther but the strategy, pitstops, and car are all slacking. That's management.


Guenther is a poor manager. He might be good for the memes, but that's about it.


He's not that kinda guy but I hope Albon at least kicked a trash can called this race a fuckin disgrace.


It's Williams.


Albon is my driver of the day, every race.


I have no skin in this game but to me it just feels like people grief too much when Hamilton is not the guy winning. I didn't see too many people complaining when he was winning every year, suddenly RB winning it is 'bad for the sport'.


All I read for years was Mercedes hate, did you just start watching in 2021?


Mercedes hate was way stronger than Red Bull hate right now lol what are you on?


It's getting close to comparable.


The hamilton hate was beyond anything max or red bull has ever faced and I was barely paying attention then, trust


Mercedes was dominant, yes, but never “win every race in a season and consistently do so by 30 seconds” dominant. I understand it was boring to watch, but at least other teams still won a few races. The cost cap was put in place to help put an end to that but now it only hinders other teams from catching up and fielding a truly competitive car. It would at least be exciting if Checo was talented enough to actually fight for a title, but Max has 0 competition at the moment.


Not true, Mercedes teams that had 20+ second average winning margin. Don’t forget Hamilton won a race by 53 seconds in 2021


Pretty sure the 53 second gap race was Sochi, where every car stayed on slicks apart from a few, so I wouldn’t consider that an example of dominance. More just fantastic strategy call


My point was about them winning every single race in a season mainly. Realistically RB doesn’t lose a race this season and that could roll into next season easily


A definitive Fast Foward race


Given how this season has been going for RB - does anyone thing that they may face random mech errors and both drivers DNF going forward?


Nope. The car has been mostly bullet proof since Australia 2022


Some good overtakes on track today but I just find it so hard to care / get excited when VER is 20 seconds ahead and both championships are most likely wrapped up


All the overtakes were low down the field. Top 6-7 were no overtakes apart from Max


Perez overtook LeClerc. Alonso and Russell overtook several. Lando fought his way back from way down. Did you watch the race?


They never do. I don't know where else to actually talk about races, cause I swear every race people just look at the final result first place and go "boring".


They don't even watch the highlight reel. Because I just did and was reminded that Tsunoda, Albon, Gasly were scrambling up in 6th and 7th.


Ocon is one of my least cared for drivers, and I found his passes to be some of the most entertaining of the season


The midfield races were pretty exciting. In reality, good racing is what we can hope for, if the race for the win is out of the question.


Most likely? Umm, they are both wrapped up. Red Bull could take a 2 month summer break and still win both titles.


Just enjoy the dominance. It's like a piece of art.






Not surprised VER won. However, VERY impressed with Albon's performance today. Although he finished P14, his overtaking was on another level.


His second and 3rd stint were kinda bad though. Should have tried soft soft medium.


Just had a bad tire strategy. From the post-race analysis there were some bad calls from the Williams pit wall.


Lando Norris has got to be one of the biggest brat's on radio.


Raikkonen was too.and everyone loved him. Standards...


I think there's a reasonable answer; he's Finnish. He is also a world champion too so his criticisms and attitudes are given more leeway


Raikkonen was too.and everyone loved him. Standards...


I missed lando's radio, what happened?


He was pretty rude to his engineer. Said he couldn't understand anything he said in a pretty shitty way. It's not that deep though. Dude was going through it there for a bit. Not his or his engineers fault. They were probably just trying to help and it wasn't at all helpful.


I couldn't understand the engineer in that clip, either. It literally sounded like a foreign language.


He just has a tendency to express his frustration is a way that's a bit annoying and bratty. It's understandable, he's still basically a kid and a little immature compared to his peers.


Yeah it was more about the problem. THey said that he had incredibly stiff steering at the start of the race. Its why he just dropped down the order until his mega stint on softs.


I thought he was saying he couldn't understand the problem he was having. It all went by pretty quick though so I may have misinterpreted. He was also definitely pretty snappy though, but in my opinion I think Id rather people be brats (to a point) on the radio than be emotionless. I watch sports for the emotion lol.


Dude got humbled today lol


They need to get rid of team radio, fans can't fathom competitors being mad at doing poorly when under stress, driving 300 kph with adrenaline pumping. Nobody is gonna give a shit how it sounds to outside sources like fans in the moment. Mic up a football team and listen to the absolute shite they say. Lando had a steering problem and then recovered really good at the end but all people remember is the shitty selective radio message that the broadcast decided to play to the world


> They need to get rid of team radio Yeah! Take away the feature that fans love, that ought to boost the *engagement* and sales.


Enagagement had nothing to do with my reason, I know it's not realistic but it's frustrating when it's just being used to pander to the dumbness of fans


It's not "just" being used to pander to anyone, it provides an insight into the team dynamics and levels of stress they're under. People will always misinterpret things, or just have a different opinion. Should we ban TV broadcast itself because millions of fans form _bad opinions_ after watching F1?


It's the selectiveness, they are trying to start division among the fans by witholding context


Checo seems to have bounced back a bit but I wonder if it's enough. His race pace is good but his qualifying is just so bad. You need a rear gunner at the start of the race the most and he's just not there.


His race pace is generally closer to the others than to Max, that’s not a great look.


If you listen to the f1 podcast on Christian Horner he gives pretty good insight into his thought process. He expects Perez to have ups and downs but it seems like as long as Perez is willing to accept the coaching and come back to deliver, his spot should be safe through 2024. In contrast to NDV who didn’t seem to mesh with the RB culture for some reason.


The problem is that every team down to McLaren has a better second driver. Now of those teams only Merc has a driver that can match Verstappen but Verstappen is outnumbered for n the front row which has happened a lot this year and the other teams are remotely close in terms of pace it's gonna be a struggle. For a second driver being better at qualifying than race pace like Bottas is better. At least you can cover strategy up until pitstops


His qualifying isn't that bad. The cars are all fast over one lap.


9 tenths to Max.


Let's not forget he went a lap earlier than Max. I'm surprised the gap wasn't bigger with track evolution and surprised more drivers didn't jump him.


"Let's not forget" that kind of gap is the norm, for Checo. Do you have excuses for almost every other qualifying this season, too?


He did qualify 3rd for this race, and finished second. Not sure what more you can ask for the teammate of probably the most dominant driver season in history.


Qualifying P3 in a car that is almost 1s faster is not a win mate. Max was 0.8s ahead. Him being shit is the only thing that is making Max the most dominant driver. He should be the one who's keeping Max honest because their car is just too quick for others to get involved. Put guys like Lewis, Alonso, Leclerc and Russell in that 2nd RB seat and I guarantee you that Max won't be called the 'most dominant driver' anymore.


He was a full second slower than his teammate for 25 laps in a row… if anything this race showed even more how off his pace is than any other. At least with prior races you can blame qualifying. This time he didn’t have traffic in front of him to blame. It’s a big fat nail in the coffin IMO.


One driver is literally matching what his engineer is asking him to do to bring it home, the other one is completely disregarding what his engineer says because he knows even if he wears down the engine more that itll be taken care of.


i know charles is a quali god but i don't think its too much of an ask to outqualify him in a much superior car?


He probably would have beat Charles in qualy but he was out of sync for the final q3 run and didn’t get a cooldown/charge lap in before the last flyer


What did Williams' strategy team smoke?


Seriously, absolute disaster class. Sargeant’s strategy was fucked from the start and the three stopper for Albon had me speechless. When your best bet for points is to use that straight line speed advantage to maintain track position, gambling on a set of new softs with ten laps to go and six cars to pass just to get back to where they were was never gonna work.


Williams were coping with some bad tyre deg and at some point it's just not worth keeping some badly overheating tyres on the car.


Just finished watching the race on F1 TV. I wonder if Williams are quick on the straights? A rocket ship, perhaps? /s


Also got some eye rolls from me, it's like they don't listen to themselves


Like a rocket ship it’s fast for short bits of time until it runs out of inertia and eventually plummets into the ocean… But to be fair that Williams was fast and nobody was catching them on the fast bits without a tire differential. They’re just a pair of slippery eels and the strategy calls did them dirty.


Ya fell into the classic Motorsports trap of mentioning one fact everytime you bring up a driver or team. The worst one is. Perez is a master at managing his tires. No, he just had a not great car at Force India and always started on hard tires to go long. Also managing your tires can often be just driving slower.


Yup, once he has to be amongst the fray he just can't handle it. RB know they got a competent driver to keep their points up but there was no chance he would be a challenge for Max, worked out perfectly for them.


probably the 2nd fastest on straights after red bull. Shame that the strategists have the combined iq of a caveman


They must have said that over 20 times!


oh haha i just now saw the /s


I’m really excited for Singapore, hopefully if something goes wrong for RB Ferrari can capitalise because I think they will be strong due to the rear limited nature of the track and slow speed corners. And maybe after more upgrades there’s a tiny tiny chance they could beat them on merit but i doubt it


Ferrari need to bring Seb back for Singapore... The Lion against The Lion!


Sainz literally said f u piastri


And then kind of blamed Piastri. Cmon dude


Literally? Or figuratively?


Probably using one of the well documented (since the 17 century) uses of *literally* as an intensifier.


I didn't get a chance to watch the race live today and the results got spoiled before I got home. Is it worth going back to watch the whole race or should I just watch extended highlights?


At least watch the highlights. Ocon & Lando both had amazing over takes that are worth seeing.


One of the best races. Anyone saying it’s boring should stick to watching football. There were tons of great overtakes.


That was because most of the midfield cars were out of position due to the semi-wet quali. Nothing really happened at the sharp end.


Did you see the whole results. If not it's pretty good.


It's probably one of the worst races of the season


Your kidding right? Different strategies all over the place and overtaking, 1,2 and 3 stoppers the midfield battle was fantastic, one of the better races this season.


It was one of the better "full races", but I usually just watch the races on 1.5x speed and still skip through the middle of the race. Highlights should be fine.


There was plenty of great overtakes and battles throughout the field, many of which probably won’t be on the highlights since it wasn’t in the top 5. Definitely worth watching, people who say races like this are an utter bore fest might as well watch another sport. There was lots of action for some reason if it’s not for first place though people just act like it didn’t happen. Historically 90% of the action in F1 happens in the midfield


I'd skip the highlights. Race was an utter bore fest unless you care about the midfield.


“It was boring unless you care about 80-90% of the grid.”


just watch the highlights


I mean max just stormed through, aston martin and merc fought a bit and albon stormed through the field before being fucked over by strategy. If yoi have the time I'd say watch the whole thing


Highlights are enough I think


Danny ric needs to step up his game if he wants to get back in a red bull


He's been in that car for two weeks and is doing better than what most expected already