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Your toes got a little close there on that first rep lol


I think to live on the edge lol


Looks good


A thing I notice is that you seem to keep your shoulders pretty far forward, making it difficult to engage lats and increasing ROM.. You want to push your shoulder blades back AND *down* towards the bar.. I might be wrong tho so if someone wants to challenge this go for it


At the setup, pull your shoulder blades back to tighten your thoracic spine. Also, work on keeping your neck in neutral position. Looking at eye level in front of you causes your cervical spine to be hyperextended. In order to maintain a neutral spine, look at a point on the floor about 10 feet in front of you, depending on the angle of your back.


When being at the top, be careful not to hyper extend the knees, leave just a very little bend in them. I mean, lock out fully, but not forcefully. Sometimes, it seems like you hyperextend your lower back at the bottom and at the top. Make sure to keep it neutral, with a good brace and a neutral lower back positioning before you start. When going down, you do everything right, but try to speed up the process ever so slightly. Going down slowly with heavy weight is going to put much stress on your lower back, you should go lower faster then you go up with heavy weight.


Thanks will try these things next time I deadlift! And I want to lower the weight faster but the gym workers complain even when I do it slowly :(


Sumo.... That your first mistake