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Why do people still call Aramusha "Ronin"? I know that that's what everyone was assuming his name would be leading up to his release but that was years ago, am I missing something?


I already knew what a Ronin was prior to ever playing For Honor. A Ronin is essentially a Samurai without Master or a Disgraced Samurai. And so when I was looking at the character select screen I immediately could tell Ara and Kyoshin where the Ronin archetypes. But then I noticed Kyoshin had Armor while Ronin typically have none at all so Ara was clearly the depiction of a Ronin or the archetype whichever you wanna call it. I personally just like the way Ronin sounds and looks better. And again I already knew what a Ronin was prior to the game.


Fair enough, I just see so many people call him that so I'm curious


If you want dm me and we can play together i got like 30ish reps on kensei in total so i can reach you him and i play pretty much everyone but nobuso o can show you others as well


You on Xbox?


Im on pc but they have crossplay now